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O Educando Seu Bolso é um portal criado por profissionais do mercado financeiro justamente para quem não é do mercado. Nosso objetivo é facilitar o relacionamento do cidadão comum com seu dinheiro, de forma rápida e objetiva e, principalmente, em linguagem acessível. Chega de financês, chega de textos longos e abstratos, vamos nos arriscar aqui sempre pra te dizer o que você deve fazer e como, baseado naquilo que nós mesmos fazemos ou faríamos. Finanças pessoais é um tema importantíssimo para dezenas de milhões de brasileiros e ao mesmo tempo não é simples. Buscaremos sempre traduzir para o brasileiro comum as práticas e novidades do sistema financeiro de uma maneira que você pode usar para melhorar a sua situação financeira. Finalmente, afirmo nossa independência. Não somos pautados por nenhuma instituição financeira, não estamos aqui para te vender nenhum produto ou serviço financeiro. Nosso principal objetivo é te ajudar a não fazer bobagens com o seu suado dinheirinho. É um prazer contar com você como leitor e ouvinte, e esperamos que goste. Mas, se não gostar, escreva pra nós criticando que a gente dá um jeito. Forte abraço, Frederico Torres
FIRST RESPONDERS WEALTH NETWORK REAL ESTATE INVESTING... Founder and Host, Dave Knight is a full time Police Officer who outside the workplace has been able to grow a multi-million dollar rental income portfolio. First Responders Wealth Network Real Estate Investing Podcast was created to help ALL First Responders become educated and exposed to the possibilities of real estate investing, the strategies used to grow your wealth, and to stop relying on your paycheque and pensions alone. Top millionaire investors, industry leading professionals, and success stories from other First Responder investors throughout Canada and United States are showcased weekly to share their journey and lessons learned. Dave’s mission is to help educate, inspire to take action, create a network, and change ALL first responders mindset on how they approach their financial future or retirement. #911WealthNetwork
What does it take to have an entrepreneur’s mindset? Join Dana James-Mwangi and Williams Brack as they uncover the stories, successes, and challenges of female founders and entrepreneurs of color. Grindset is recorded in Memphis, Tenn., presented by Epicenter, and powered by Kudzukian.
An exploration of the intersection of artificial intelligence, analytics in the world of precision medicine. An ongoing dialog that focuses on the execution of meaningful strategies and best practices, whereby artificial intelligence is leveraged to augment scientific and clinical research to help identify the right treatments for the right patients at the right time. By Cengiz Satir
The Food Meets Climate Podcast features conversations with startup founders leading the way to a climate-friendly food system. From breakthrough new technology to new lower-emission foods and approaches, we're going deep into the minds of innovators and their startups who are changing our food future for the better. Episode notes can be found at: Want to be interviewed on this show? Email [email protected]
Real, useful information for everyday people that can be translated into daily life and thought. Each week we cover a different aspect of financial planning, retirement options, and current economic conditions in common sense language that everyone can understand. We will bring on Special Guests to help us explain what is it we see happening out in the real world and provide ideas for the “Average Joe” to take home and put to use.
Helping traditionally-minded sales and marketing pros become relevant by demystifying trending digital approaches. Why? To build stronger customer relationships. We also help curious, non-technical people talk the talk in B2B information tech and software. Hosted by Aaron Abodeely, a curious tech marketer and sales leader, who had a breakthrough when he learned about how tracking pixels, marketing automation, and simple video communications actually augment human interaction with potential customers and users, not detract from it.
Thrive is the podcast for content creators, bloggers, and influencers to learn tips, tricks, and behind the scenes info from industry experts who are paving the way. Thrive Founder and CEO Bree Pair interviews entrepreneurs, bloggers, and content creators to get strategic info on how to build a successful business. To stay in touch with all things Thrive head to our website ThriveTogether.Blog and follow us on Instagram @ThriveTogetherBlog.
Are you tired of presentations that are only half relevant to your business? Many speakers are not practitioners of their material, simply teachers—not so with The Fire Time Podcast. This podcast is for the hearth industry and by the hearth industry. Host Tim Reed has over a decade of experience in the hearth industry, making conversations with guests relevant and extremely practical. In Season One, Tim speaks with twelve hearth industry leaders and provides content relevant to any position, whether on the retail or manufacturing side. Hearth companies everywhere are lost because the landscape of business has changed dramatically in the last ten years. They are trying hard, but they just don’t know what to do. The Fire Time Podcast equips hearth companies to win by sharing ideas and innovation from the best minds in our industry. This podcast will give you the tools to move the needle in your company and win in the changing landscape. This podcast is the first of its kind—specific to the business that you work in every day and simple enough to teach you what’s needed to succeed. Do not miss out on The Fire Time Podcast, available for Apple and Droid devices or at The simple and repeatable steps provided will empower you to grow the bottom line of your company and inspire the team that you lead. ABOUT: Tim Reed is the Retail Sales Leader at Fireside Home Solutions in the Pacific Northwest where he helps his team members make it so stupidly easy to buy from them that there is no excuse not to. Starting as individual salesperson in an empty warehouse, he has grown Fireside’s Retail division by millions (after cutting his marketing budget by 90%). Tim has been invited all over the country to teach companies how to market effectively to their customers and sell more than ever before. His YouTube videos, sales blog, and “Fire Time Podcast” have become a resource for the industry and are actively helping thousands of people rethink their paradigms so that they can grow their businesses in the changing landscape. Tim learned “just enough to be dangerous” about sales, marketing, web development, and leadership from years of playing guitar in a failing punk band—which he swears has uniquely qualified him for his job today. Now considered one of the most innovative minds and compelling communicators in the industry, Tim uses his platform to serve others, helping them create clear messages that are wildly compelling to their audiences. Tim lives in Portland, Oregon with his wife, Jessica, two children, Olivia and Luke, and his 90 pound Golden Retriever, Walter. He still plays guitar in a failing punk band. CONTACT: [email protected] |
Der besteht aus den Formaten #Insider, #News und #Interview. Im Insider-Podcast kommentieren OMR-Podcast-Legende Sven Schmidt und ds-Chefredakteur Alexander Hüsing offen, schonungslos und ungefiltert die wichtigsten Startup- und Digital-News aus Deutschland. Zudem liefert der Podcast, der Woche für Woche Szenegespräch in der Startup-Welt ist, exklusive Nachrichten und Insider-Infos, die man sonst nirgendwo bekommt. Der News Podcast liefert einen Überblick über das aktuelle Geschehen in der deutschen Startup-Szene. Im Interview-Podcast holen wir Gründer, VCs und Szenekenner vors Mikrofon. Alle Folgen und Hintergründe zu den einzelnen Ausgaben auch unter:
Bartosz jako adwokat pomaga kreatywnym rozwiązać problemy prawne z jakimi borykają się ich agencje marketingowe. Nauczysz się tutaj jak unikać błędów popełnianych w Twojej branży – tych najczęstszych i… tych najbardziej kosztowych. Usłyszysz o tym jak umowy mogą chronić efekty Twojej pracy i jak zadbać o to, żeby zawsze działały na Twoją korzyść. Wreszcie dowiesz się też jak porozumieć się z trudnym klientem, TYM który spędza Ci sen z powiek, a gdy wszystko inne zawiedzie – jak skutecznie dochodzić swoich praw przed sądem