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The Compassionate Inquiry® Origin Story with Sat Dharam Kaur

The Gifts of Trauma

Release Date: 08/22/2024

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The Gifts of Trauma

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Hosted by Rosemary Davies-Janes, Kevin Young & J'aime Rothbard Produced by J’aime Rothbard In 2009, a 504 page book became the catalyst for an extraordinary partnership. Its words not only validated years of experience, but resonated deeply with Sat Dharam. As she read, a powerful intuitive message emerged, urging her to reach out and connect with the author, Gabor Maté. Despite her initial doubts and hesitation, she followed through and an email was sent—a small act that changed everything. The author’s response? "I have a good feeling about this." These five simple words initiated...

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Hosted by Rosemary Davies-Janes, Kevin Young & J'aime Rothbard

Produced by J’aime Rothbard

In 2009, a 504 page book became the catalyst for an extraordinary partnership. Its words not only validated years of experience, but resonated deeply with Sat Dharam. As she read, a powerful intuitive message emerged, urging her to reach out and connect with the author, Gabor Maté. Despite her initial doubts and hesitation, she followed through and an email was sent—a small act that changed everything.

The author’s response? "I have a good feeling about this." These five simple words initiated a collaboration that has since touched countless lives. Their partnership, forged in mutual respect and shared purpose, created something truly remarkable. With each workshop, each recording, each mile traveled, the seeds of a new healing paradigm were nurtured and grew. Even when others questioned Sat Dharam’s seemingly endless effort, she held an unwavering belief in the importance of this work. 

As she shares the origin of Compassionate Inquiry®, an approach that is transforming lives and reshaping our understanding of both trauma and healing, Sat Dharam’s story reminds us that great movements often start small—with a book, an email, a workshop. But when fueled by passion, purpose, and the courage to follow the bidding of something greater than ourselves, they can grow into forces that truly change the world.

In this conversation, Sat Dharam also shares her:
• Pride in the growing Compassionate Inquiry® community
• Perspective on the importance of integrating body awareness in healing
• Reflections on the roles of spirituality, presence and mindfulness in her work
• Future vision for Compassionate Inquiry®
• Views on shared community experiences, interconnectedness and collective healing

Sat Dharam’s words offer a testament to the power of possibility, the strength found in relationships, and the profound impact of honoring our inner voice. She inspires us all to trust in something greater than ourselves, for in doing so, we too may co-create something beautiful, something transformative—something that the world desperately needs.

About Sat Dharam Kaur, ND
Compassionate Inquiry® Co-Director, CEO and Facilitator

Sat Dharam Kaur has been a practicing naturopathic doctor since 1989, with a focus on women’s health, cancer and mind-body approaches to healing. 

Since 2012, she has been studying, hosting, working and teaching with Dr. Gabor Maté. She structured his work in a format that could be taught to others, the Compassionate Inquiry® Professional Online Training. Since 2019, much of her naturopathic practice has included Compassionate Inquiry®. 

Sat Dharam’s educational background includes a
BA with majors in psychology & English literature,
and a BSc in biology from the University of Guelph.
She completed postgraduate studies in naturopathic medicine at the Canadian College of Naturopathic Medicine in Toronto and taught stress management
and women’s health at that institution for 10 years. 

The author of three books* on women’s health, Sat Dharam has also presented at numerous conferences.

An expert instructor in Kundalini Yoga, which she has practiced and taught for over 45 years, she has also developed yoga-based curricula in addiction recovery, trauma, and breast health and trains teachers globally in those specialties. 

Sat Dharam and her husband live in an off-grid home on 105 acres of beautiful land where she takes care of fruit trees and a large garden. She enjoys hiking, cycling, and communing with plants. She has three adult children and two grandchildren.



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*The Complete Natural Medicine Guide to Women's Health
*A Call to Women: The Healthy Breast Program & Workbook:
      A Naturopathic Guide to Preventing Breast Cancer
*The Complete Natural Medicine Guide to Breast Cancer
 In the Realm of Hungry Ghosts
 When the Body Says No