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Carl-Gould-#70secondCEO When Calling you is Urgent

Carl Gould #70secondCEO

Release Date: 12/30/2024

Carl-Gould-70secondCEO-Managing the Lines Pt 2 show art Carl-Gould-70secondCEO-Managing the Lines Pt 2

Carl Gould #70secondCEO

Managing the Lines Pt 2 Hi everyone, Carl Gould here with your #70secondCEO. Just a little over a one minute investment every day for a lifetime of results. We're going to put Sean on the line right there.  You hit it. Anywhere else, we got it. The problem is it creates two more lines. Mike's going to figure that out pretty quickly. He's going to put the ball right there. The ball goes through. So we say, oh, I got an idea. Rebecca, go here on that line right there. Richard, you got that one when you're done spelling your name. You can get on that one. But then it creates two more...

Carl-Gould-#70secondCEO-Managing the Lines show art Carl-Gould-#70secondCEO-Managing the Lines

Carl Gould #70secondCEO

Managing the Lines Hi everyone, Carl Gould here with your #70secondCEO. Just a little over a one minute investment every day for a lifetime of results.  He said, listen, think of your company like a tennis match. All right, I'm on one side, I'm hitting the ball over to Mike, Mike's hitting it back, all right. Mike's start getting really good, he's hitting it from one side of the court to the other side and I'm running back and forth like a crazy man trying to cover the court. And I said, wow, Mike is hitting the ball. So this is Mike over here, all right. He's hitting the ball, he's...

Carl-Gould-#70secondCEO-100 Responsibility for the Outcome show art Carl-Gould-#70secondCEO-100 Responsibility for the Outcome

Carl Gould #70secondCEO

 100% Responsibility for the Outcome Hi everyone, Carl Gould here with your #70secondCEO. Just a little over a one minute investment every day for a lifetime of results. So if you're working on something as a team, whether you're the leader, you're the manager, whatever, doesn't matter. Take 100% responsibility for the outcome, which means if Nicole and I are working on something and Nicole has her tasks and I have mine, I'm going to take 100% responsibility for hers, she'll do the same for me, and what that is, that will give enough overlap that makes sure we're going to get this job...

Carl-Gould-#70secondCEO-Shed 20% of Your Job Description Each Year show art Carl-Gould-#70secondCEO-Shed 20% of Your Job Description Each Year

Carl Gould #70secondCEO

Shed 20% of Your Job Description Each Year Hi everyone, Carl Gould here with your #70secondCEO. Just a little over a one minute investment every day for a lifetime of results.  You should be thinking in your job to shed 20% of your job description every year. So by the time this group is here, you're already at the next step, whatever that is in the business, propelling the business forward.  There's always this thinking that, oh, you're not gonna need me, where am I gonna go? I'm gonna work my way out of a job. That like never happens, you know?  It does happen if you try to...

Carl-Gould-#70secondCEO-Training a New Manager show art Carl-Gould-#70secondCEO-Training a New Manager

Carl Gould #70secondCEO

Training a New Manager Hi everyone, Carl Gould here with your #70secondCEO. Just a little over a one minute investment every day for a lifetime of results. It's the hardest thing for you all that you're going to have to do is actually watch somebody do something in the beginning, at least, worse than you think you do. So when you start to manage somebody, you're doing the work right now. You're the producer. You're doing the work. Things are rising. Things are going good. Now, we train somebody. What happens? That, for a small period of time. But then, ideally, it goes up from there. So...

Carl-Gould-#70secondCEO-Are You Ready to Let The Systems Work show art Carl-Gould-#70secondCEO-Are You Ready to Let The Systems Work

Carl Gould #70secondCEO

Hi everyone, Carl Gould here with your #70secondCEO. Just a little over a one minute investment every day for a lifetime of results. That's a system when you have an activity or a group of activities that you can remove yourself from. Now, you remember way back when we're talking about the discovery process, and we said, Every job has a personality. Every industry has a personality. Well, in your business, each job is going to start to assume its own personality. Systems, by their very nature, are predictable, they're consistent, they're reliable, they're scheduled, and they're very...

Carl-Gould-#70secondCEO-Is Business Ownership Lonely and Stressful show art Carl-Gould-#70secondCEO-Is Business Ownership Lonely and Stressful

Carl Gould #70secondCEO

 Is Business Ownership Lonely and Stressful? Do you wish it were more enjoyable?  Hi everyone, Carl Gould here with your #70secondCEO. Just a little over a one minute investment every day for a lifetime of results. And that's what we're after. It has been said that being a business owner is the toughest and loneliest position in business. Wouldn't you agree? You don't make it tough and lonely, is you're flying by the seat of your pants in the middle of the night with no gauges and no plan and what will make it easier and simpler and more enjoyable? If you simply plan things out in...

Carl-Could-#70secondCEO-Understand The How What and Why of Your Business show art Carl-Could-#70secondCEO-Understand The How What and Why of Your Business

Carl Gould #70secondCEO

Understand the “how, what and why” of your business Hi everyone, Carl Gould here with your #70secondCEO. Just a little over a one minute investment every day for a lifetime of results. In the Business Discovery Process, there are three areas of discovery. There are your behaviors, which we call the DISC, how you do what you do. There are the values, which are the why, the motivators, the priorities and there are the attributes, meaning what you will do, you need to discover your strengths and your blind spots in these three areas, and then align them with the mission, vision, values and...

Carl-Gould-#70secondCEO-Doing The Rights Task Starts With Knowing Yourself. show art Carl-Gould-#70secondCEO-Doing The Rights Task Starts With Knowing Yourself.

Carl Gould #70secondCEO

Doing The Rights Task, Starts With Knowing Yourself. Hi everyone, Carl Gould here with your #70secondCEO. Just a little over a one minute investment every day for a lifetime of results. To summarize where we’ve been in the business discovery process, you must know yourself, you're the owner, you're leading this, you need to know yourself, then you need to know what's right for your business. Now that you know yourself, and you know what's right for your business, you can then bring in the people that are right for that business. Put the right people in the right jobs, doing the right tasks....

Carl-Gould-#70secondCEO-Before you can have alignment you need assessment. show art Carl-Gould-#70secondCEO-Before you can have alignment you need assessment.

Carl Gould #70secondCEO

Before you can have alignment, you need assessment. Hi everyone, Carl Gould here with your #70secondCEO. Just a little over a one minute investment every day for a lifetime of results. And you'll notice as we delve deeper in stage one about what is required, and what are the power tools at each stage where your focus should be, you'll notice that assessments play a role very early on because you need to develop your identity you need to understand where you're at at any given time and you need to know what you bring to the table. So you will assess not only you but everyone else in the...

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