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EP43: Dinner Table Time and Connection with Crystal Hilsley

Clean Eating For Kids Podcast

Release Date: 06/15/2021

EP43: Dinner Table Time and Connection with Crystal Hilsley show art EP43: Dinner Table Time and Connection with Crystal Hilsley

Clean Eating For Kids Podcast

Dinner table time is so crucial in our busy world. In this new episode of the Clean Eating for Kids podcast, learn and utilize these practices to translate to mealtime that is most effective and backed by astounding results in the psychology community of practitioners.

EP42: Strengthen Your Family Bond with Crystal Hilsley show art EP42: Strengthen Your Family Bond with Crystal Hilsley

Clean Eating For Kids Podcast

As parents, our job is to set our children up for a lifetime of good health, a robust immune system, proper brain, and body development. We should not forget that it is also essential to strengthen our bond with our family to provide the ultimate need of our biology as humans to connect.

EP41: How to Reduce Sugar Demands From Your Family show art EP41: How to Reduce Sugar Demands From Your Family

Clean Eating For Kids Podcast

Do you use sugar as a reward in your home? Think for a minute about how your eating and feeding practice affects your children's health and behavior.

EP40: Sugar on Children's Health show art EP40: Sugar on Children's Health

Clean Eating For Kids Podcast

For the first time in history, U.S. children are not expected to live longer than their parents. Why? Cases of obesity, Type 2 Diabetes, and Heart Disease are going through the roof! One out of every three U.S. adults is obese, while one in five kids is obese.

EP39: Stress-Less For Kids with Dr. Brian Alman show art EP39: Stress-Less For Kids with Dr. Brian Alman

Clean Eating For Kids Podcast

In this special episode, we will learn from one of the world's leading authorities on mind-body healing, weight loss, and stress management – Dr. Brian Alman. He has coached and trained thousands of people and his simple and yet very effective techniques for self-care.

EP38: Stress, Sleep and Being Overweight show art EP38: Stress, Sleep and Being Overweight

Clean Eating For Kids Podcast

Does your child get enough sleep? Numerous studies have shown that sleep duration is related to overweight in children. In this episode, we're going to review stress, sleep, feeding patterns, and the importance of parenting to prevent obesity and poor health in growing children. Stay tuned!

EP37: The Role Stress Has On Your Child's Health show art EP37: The Role Stress Has On Your Child's Health

Clean Eating For Kids Podcast

Stress is a natural, mental and physical response to life experiences and situations. Stress can affect anyone, even children. We have to keep in mind our kids aren't going to exactly come right out and tell us that they're stressed. Some of the physical, emotional, and behavioral cues might not be that easy to decipher for parents. In this episode, we're going to review how to identify it, what it does, the role it has in your child's health, and most importantly, what to do about it.

EP36: The Roots of Your Gut Health Part 2 with Crystal Hilsley show art EP36: The Roots of Your Gut Health Part 2 with Crystal Hilsley

Clean Eating For Kids Podcast

Clean Eating for Kids Podcast empowers families to be aware of their nutritional needs and supports the whole family to transition simply and effectively. Together, let's strive for a healthy future.

EP35: The Roots of Your Gut Health with Crystal Hilsley  show art EP35: The Roots of Your Gut Health with Crystal Hilsley

Clean Eating For Kids Podcast

The state of a person's digestive system and total body health is one and interconnected. Recent research established that around 90 percent of all cells and genetic material in the human body is in our gut flora.

EP34: Recommendations for Carbohydrates show art EP34: Recommendations for Carbohydrates

Clean Eating For Kids Podcast

Clean Eating for Kids Podcast empowers families to be aware of their nutritional needs and supports the whole family to transition simply and effectively. Together, let's strive for a healthy future. In this episode, we discuss recommendations for carbohydrates that you and your kids need.

More Episodes

Dinner table time is so crucial in our busy world. How you interact with your kids shapes their behavior, self-esteem, intelligence, imagination, competence, and ultimately their character.

In this new episode of the Clean Eating for Kids podcast, learn and utilize these practices to translate to mealtime that is most effective and backed by astounding results in the psychology community of practitioners.

Learn these eight styles of communication with your child that will build their confidence and strengthen your bond during interactions.

✔️ Unlabeled Praise: This provides a positive but nonspecific evaluation attributes activity or behavior, or product of your child. It does not tell a specific behavior you like but does communicate approval. Use phrases like, "I love that." "Great, thank you very much." "Great idea." "Perfect."

✔️ Labeled Praise: A specific favorable judgment of an attribute product or behavior of a child. You're telling them precisely what you think is positive. "I like it that you've got broccoli on your plate." "You're doing a great job of using your fork." "I'm really proud of you for filling your plate with such wonderful colors."

✔️ Reflective statements: It has the same meaning as the child's verbalization. You are paraphrasing and elaborating, but you're not changing the meaning. You're simply repeating what your child says. "Mommy, there's an apple on my plate here." Your response? "There's an apple on your plate." "I dropped my spoon." Your response? "You dropped your spoon." "Oops, I did that wrong." "Oh, you think you did that wrong?" Those are all great examples of mirroring and reflecting and builds confidence and connection.

✔️ Behavioral description: they're non-evaluative declarative sentences or phrases. They describe the child's observable verbal or nonverbal behavior.

✔️ Neutral talk: It's composed of statements that introduce information about people, objects, events, or activities or indicate attention to the child but do not clearly describe or evaluate the child's current or immediately completed behavior.

✔️ Questions: Verbal inquiries of behavior. They request an answer but do not suggest behavior is to be performed by your child. Here's an example. "Now, what would you like to eat next?" "How many muffins do we have?" "Would I like to share this fruit salad with you?"

✔️ Indirect Command: The suggestion for behavior in question form or implied using the word "let's," such as "Let's see if we could get the napkins out for the dinner table."

✔️ Direct Command: Statements that contain direction for a behavior to be performed. Here's an example - "Please use the spoon to mix the ingredients in the bowl." "Please hand me the salt shaker."

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We created the HOW TO guide with tips and tricks to transition your family to eating clean, feeling more connected, and being active and fit. Each week you will receive access to modules with lessons that cover mindfulness practices, nutritional know-how, and psychological tips and tricks with a library of resources to create deeper connections while increasing immune strength and instilling a lifelong enjoyment of clean foods for your entire family! https://www.crystalclearkids.online/fsp