What has got 2 Per-Specht-ives Podcast host Joshua Specht “almost ready to swear”? It has to do with him and co-host David Specht talking about getting people to commit.
Ring in the New Year with the 2 Per-Specht-ives Podcast! You father and son hosts, David and Joshua Specht, talk about how to show up differently in 2022 versus 2021.
This week’s 2 Per-Specht-ives Podcast hosts, David and Joshua Specht, ask, “What the Health?” and tackle the vaccine issue.
This week’s 2 Per-Specht-ives Podcast sees father and son hosts, David and Joshua Specht, coaching you on how not to be paralyzed by making a decision.
Do you have a friend who is constantly consumed with drama and wants your advice but ignores it? Do you have an employee who asks 1 million questions about their job, but never has a solution?
This episode of the 2 Per-Specht-ives Podcast has father and son hosts, David and Joshua Specht, crossing the generational divide to discuss the importance of creating a positive work environment.
The 2 Per-Specht-ives Podcast talks about crawling down from the pedestal in this week’s episode. Your father and son hosts, David and Joshua Specht, give you tips on how to take your blinders off when it comes to admiring others.
Why do bad things happen to good people?
The times, they are a-changin’ in this week’s 2 Per-Specht-ives Podcast. Father and son duo David and Joshua Specht share their thoughts on how technology has changed the business world. While it evolves almost daily, they dive into how the COVID-19 pandemic accelerated the use of technology to conduct day-to-day business.
This week’s 2 Per-Specht-ives Podcast talks about frustration in growth and development. Father and son hosts David and Joshua Specht bring a generational perspective on the friction caused by making changes to improve your business or personal life, which generates frustration for you and/or the people around you. Your generational lesson: If you want to enact change on something you’re excited about or have strong opinions about, but it’s not being received, recognize it’s because the audience is
info_outlineThe 2 Per-Specht-ives Podcast echoes The Rock by telling everyone to “Know your role!” Hosts David and Joshua Specht break down how we all have various roles to play across our lives and the needs within the most important ones.
Your generational lesson: We all have a role to play, and those roles are varied across our lives. Even if you only have one role, you need to break it down as you transition from work to church to your private life.
Your Gen. X Advice: When you know what your role is every day, you’re not competing to compare with one another. Marriage is not a competition, your wife should be on your team.
Your Gen. Z Advice: If your current role isn’t moving that business forward, maybe it’s time to change the role or establish what your role can be.
The two most important areas to know your roles are work and marriage.
In business, no matter what business you’re in, you have to figure out what role you play. If your current role isn’t moving that business forward, maybe it’s time to change the role or establish what your role can be.
People are going to look to whoever is above them. So, leaders need to know what their role is and embrace it. As a leader, you have to work twice as hard to dispel the belief that the person in charge “doesn’t do anything”.
In relationships, communicate what you think your role is and don’t assume your partner knows what his/her role is coming into the relationship. And, roles change and evolve throughout marriage, which makes communication even more crucial.
When you know what your role is every day, you’re not competing to compare what you did. Marriage is not a competition, your wife should be a part of your team.
It’s a different world for couples today than it was for Generation X. Grace needs to be given for younger couples because their early years of parenting are not our early years of parenting. You can advise, but not direct.