What has got 2 Per-Specht-ives Podcast host Joshua Specht “almost ready to swear”? It has to do with him and co-host David Specht talking about getting people to commit.
Ring in the New Year with the 2 Per-Specht-ives Podcast! You father and son hosts, David and Joshua Specht, talk about how to show up differently in 2022 versus 2021.
This week’s 2 Per-Specht-ives Podcast hosts, David and Joshua Specht, ask, “What the Health?” and tackle the vaccine issue.
This week’s 2 Per-Specht-ives Podcast sees father and son hosts, David and Joshua Specht, coaching you on how not to be paralyzed by making a decision.
Do you have a friend who is constantly consumed with drama and wants your advice but ignores it? Do you have an employee who asks 1 million questions about their job, but never has a solution?
This episode of the 2 Per-Specht-ives Podcast has father and son hosts, David and Joshua Specht, crossing the generational divide to discuss the importance of creating a positive work environment.
The 2 Per-Specht-ives Podcast talks about crawling down from the pedestal in this week’s episode. Your father and son hosts, David and Joshua Specht, give you tips on how to take your blinders off when it comes to admiring others.
Why do bad things happen to good people?
The times, they are a-changin’ in this week’s 2 Per-Specht-ives Podcast. Father and son duo David and Joshua Specht share their thoughts on how technology has changed the business world. While it evolves almost daily, they dive into how the COVID-19 pandemic accelerated the use of technology to conduct day-to-day business.
This week’s 2 Per-Specht-ives Podcast talks about frustration in growth and development. Father and son hosts David and Joshua Specht bring a generational perspective on the friction caused by making changes to improve your business or personal life, which generates frustration for you and/or the people around you. Your generational lesson: If you want to enact change on something you’re excited about or have strong opinions about, but it’s not being received, recognize it’s because the audience is
info_outlineDo you have a friend who is constantly consumed with drama and wants your advice but ignores it? Do you have an employee who asks 1 million questions about their job, but never has a solution?
Then you, my friend, have an Ask Hole.
In this week’s 2 Per-Specht-ives Podcast, David and Joshua Specht apply their generational knowledge to help you deal with Ask Hole friends and coworkers.
Your generational lesson: It’s okay to ask questions, but Ask Holes who constantly ask and don’t heed advice require straight forwardness on your answer, limited access to you and your bandwidth, training and assessment, and possibly even termination.
Your Gen. X Advice: You can’t have Ask Holes that require micromanaging in your business because then you will never scale beyond your current situation.
Your Gen. Z Advice: To help the Ask Hole who constantly asks questions for every minor detail, you have to put it back on them and ask, “What would you do?”
Trying to legitimately help an Ask Hole and having your advice ignored, or even seeing them do the exact opposite, is infuriating. Here are steps to avoid the frustration that comes with Ask Holes:
- Shut it down — If the Ask Hole doesn't take your advice, you have to shut them down. You gave your best input and if they don’t acknowledge it, then you have to save your mental brain power.
- Be straightforward without being rude — If the Ask Hole won’t heed your advice, you have to tell them not to waste your time by repeatedly asking the same question and not accepting your answer.
- Are they really an Ask Hole? — Every business has some specific things to it that requires knowledge, so it takes seven interactions to assess whether they really don’t know or are an Ask Hole.
- Train your people — Tell the Ask Hole you don’t need questions, you need solutions. You’re not asking them to have all the answers, but they need to exhaust all other options and be open to your solution before asking.
- Are you an Ask Hole? — If you’re the Ask Hole, you need to step back, take the time to think things through, and trust yourself to have the confidence to solve problems. It’s okay to ask questions, but at some point you need to start building your own knowledge and creating your own solutions.