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How to Create a Relationship with Anyone Anytime | Fitness Marketing

She Means Fitness Business

Release Date: 07/28/2020

 7 Revenue Streams for Menopause Fitness Coaches show art 7 Revenue Streams for Menopause Fitness Coaches

She Means Fitness Business

Diversify with 7 revenue streams for stability and growth in the fitness coaching industry, particularly for those focusing on midlife women. 1 Online Courses and Workshops  - Description: Creating and selling online courses that address specific aspects of fitness and wellness for midlife women, such as bone health, hormone balance, and managing menopause symptoms through exercise and nutrition. - Actionable Tip: Use platforms like Teachable or Thinkific to host your courses; start with a pilot course to gauge interest. One event or one series of events. Biggest mistake here is...

Former Journalist Tips to Create Content to Reach Over 50 Clients  show art Former Journalist Tips to Create Content to Reach Over 50 Clients

She Means Fitness Business

“I wasn’t marketed to anymore.”  My guest today points out a glaring still-existing dilemma in our fitness industry. Even in this age where menopause and longevity being buzzwords of the year, images and marketing terms are centered around young, youthfulness, and anti-aging. Images of young, fit individuals in bra tops still prevail. If you want to reach over 50 clients, you have to know what to say and what not to say. Jay Croft creates original content for trainers, gyms and studios. Everywhere you write, speak, or create video, you are a copywriter. I rounded up a professional...

How to Develop Relationships with Medical Professionals  show art How to Develop Relationships with Medical Professionals

She Means Fitness Business

Developing relationships with medical professionals was going to be easy once Exercise is Medicine™ was announced! Trainers and gyms thought it was going to be great. Imagine it raining clients told by their physicians to exercise and start working with a trainer.  No one came.  "Exercise is Medicine was established in 2007 by the American College of Sports Medicine to inform and educate physicians and other health care providers about exercise as well as bridge the widening gap between health care and health fitness."() It's Up To YOU.  You want an endorsement from a...

Creating Shared Experiences with Clients to Deepen Relationships and Loyalty  show art Creating Shared Experiences with Clients to Deepen Relationships and Loyalty

She Means Fitness Business

If you’re hoping to create a retreat or simply to deepen relationships and loyalty among your clients and members, (as we all should), then you’ll love this. From hosting retreats for more than a decade I learn something new every time. My retreats look very different from the first I hosted over a decade ago. And I’ve learned the most from my attendees after the retreat.  Having quiet time to journal on a trail and cooking together were two things suggested and requested.  Among the most fun activities we did during a recent 4 ½ day retreat was charades. We also held a team...

Longevity and Exercise How Can You Help Clients Live Longer? show art Longevity and Exercise How Can You Help Clients Live Longer?

She Means Fitness Business

What’s the connection between longevity and exercise? Are you helping clients optimize longevity? Do you know it’s like a trending topic and NYT bestselling titles all have something to say about youth, younger, living longer stronger and better.  You’ve got more time with clients than doctors with patients, and more opportunity to positively impact.  You also have more opportunity than ever to leverage what it is you do for your own business longevity.  So this very short episode with Chris Burres, host of an upcoming longevity summit will offer some quick insight from...

10 Top Podcast of 2023 | She Means Fitness Business  show art 10 Top Podcast of 2023 | She Means Fitness Business

She Means Fitness Business

Although the year is not quite complete and it’s true that sometimes the end of the year podcasts get the short sheet, I love compiling this episode for many reasons. First, it’s like conducting a poll on where you want and need the most help in your business…without conducting a poll.  Second, it’s a real eye opener to see whether hosting guesst or doing solo content where I’m sharing behind the scenes of building a business resonate most. This year, it’s been the business how-to sessions that mattered most to you.  A few stand-outs though that made it into this list...

How to Get Your First Midlife Coaching Client show art How to Get Your First Midlife Coaching Client

She Means Fitness Business

Ask. If you want to get your first midlife coaching client (or your hundredth) you’ll have to ask. As you listen, this is a day in the week that ends in “y.” If you didn’t ask someone to become a client and you want clients, are your actions congruent with what it is you say you want?  I could give you a whole lot of platitudes here. I could share content that suggests you define a niche and create an avatar. And there are plenty of episodes here about that, but this isn’t one. To get your first midlife coaching client isn’t hard given women tend to seek trainers and support...

5 Ways to Coach a Better Metabolism in Menopause show art 5 Ways to Coach a Better Metabolism in Menopause

She Means Fitness Business

In a recent episode I shared how to help clients with a flat belly. If you haven’t heard it, and this one appeals to you, you’ll want to listen. (stay with me! I’ll link to it in show notes)  Where metabolism is concerned there are two considerations:  During Exercise  Outside of Exercise  One is what happens 30-60 minutes a handful of times a week. The other is about what happens the other 23 or 23 and a half hours of the day.  Which would you want to boost?  The consideration you have to make is that often a tough exercise session will make people...

4 Cs to Grow Your Health Coaching Business This Year show art 4 Cs to Grow Your Health Coaching Business This Year

She Means Fitness Business

Welcome to She Means Fitness Business, the go-to podcast for female health and fitness professionals looking to supercharge their business growth this year. In this episode, we’re diving deep into the 4 Cs, a proven framework to help you take your health coaching business to new heights. Whether you’re just starting out or looking to grow and scale your business , these strategies are tailored to help you thrive.  Get ready to transform your health coaching business and achieve your goals! Get ready for a little tough love as you coach yourself answering these questions.  ...

Health Business Email Marketing Mistakes that are Killing Revenue  show art Health Business Email Marketing Mistakes that are Killing Revenue

She Means Fitness Business

If your health business email marketing is not up to date with current delivery parameters, in tune with your community and continually cleaned up, you need to brace yourself for 2024. In this episode I’m breaking down the most common misconceptions that result in mistakes. No matter whether you’re starting or you’ve got a list, you are primed to do better. Email marketing is a puzzle for all industries but the secrets are simple.  Serve your customer.  Offer more value than promotions  earn the right to put a promotion in front of them.  Your success in any...

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Can you create a quality relationship with your fitness customers? Or do you have to rely on selling to the already interested or people you know?

How old are your kids? What are they doing this summer?

How are things for you during this pandemic? What’s your work like?

These might be logical questions and yet, if you are talking to a parent you’ve not created a bond with them. You’ve just distracted them. If someone’s thoughts go to their livelihood, and concerns about future earning, you may have talked them out of something before you even begin.

Create a Relationship: Don’t Lose Them

Some of the most common questions asked in sales are about family. Are you married? Do you have kids? How old are they?

So, if someone has marital problems, or wonders where their kids are right now and what they’re doing right now – like most mother’s minds will go – you’ve essentially lost them. You think you’ve bonded, but you’ve given them a reason not to pay attention.

Meet Them Where They are

If a prospective client comes to you (by phone, Facetime, Skype) and is thinking about their job status, whether they’ll be working from home, in the office again soon, or they might have hours cut and she’s scared, she is going to have a hard time looking at training three times a week for a year to avoid osteoporosis.

If you’re talking to someone who is soaking wet and you start talking about the benefits of exercise, they clearly aren’t going to listen in that distracted state.

Right Place Right Time

Having the right conversation at the wrong time is going to alienate you from that prospect. It’s nice, it may be true that they’ll reduce their chance of heart disease but it’s not what is going to make someone train with you.

If you show them a bicep curl in the middle of a pandemic, is that going to help with their immune system, their stress level, their cravings for junk food feet away in the pantry?

Give them a Quick Win

To do that you have to really know what they want. What is urgent about it now? Why aren’t they already there? What do they believe about it?

Give them one thing. When you meet you might go deep into core exercise, a stretch for the lower back issues, but one thing. Go deep and solve that and suggest the easy maintenance. Don’t solve all their problems, solve the one that’s bleeding.

If you think if you give them that free session you’ll give them so much they won’t need you, it’s probably the way you’re setting up that session, creating expectations about that session, and conducting that session.

Someone with lower back pain doesn’t need a week’s worth of workouts, and a dozen exercises. They need an understanding of 5 things contributing to their back pain (so you open up needs to get more support from you), they need to understand the difference between immediate relief and long-term solutions.

Trainers are the Best Sales People

You can dig deep into that one thing. And leave them needing and wanting all that you have.

No one woke up in the morning wanting a better bicep curl. So be selective in the things you share in social media. Does your content peak curiosity in the clients you most want to work with? Maybe the answer to that is yes. Maybe you want and love working with women whose greatest urgency during this pandemic is their arms.

Know Who

Choose the person you want to work with, show something they care deeply about, so deeply that during a pandemic they are willing to spend time, money, and energy getting.

A facility is not a sales strategy. Relationships are. Days are coming I believe when the membership sales team is a thing of the past. Whether someone wants to join or they really want and need to train and have a place to do it, a trainer can sell transformation far better than a sales person.

You’re in a Moment of Opportunity if You Can Create a Relationship

You can workout at home and get as good or better results as you do in a gym. It’s just a playground. The emergence of studios and boutiques in recent years has proven that less equipment and higher quality movement is the answer.

You’re a trainer with the world open to you right now.

There are home gym equipment dealers right now overwhelmed with the amount of business they’ve been flooded with. Those people buying equipment, however, don’t know what to do with it.

There’s also a prediction for those people that can hang on through this that there will be a surge in fitness centers. There’s a chance that some are just waiting for the second stimulus check they think may be coming, and then they’ll cash in their chips. That will create opportunity for trainers who have a business mindset and understand profitability and scale.

The question is, what are you doing right now to learn it if you don’t know it?

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Medical Fitness in the Middle of a Pandemic

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