The Future Of Work
Pasadena City College presents The Future Of Work. We are leading the conversation of how to begin closing the gap between what our students are learning and what the demands of the workforce will be once they enter. We’ll be talking to policy makers, business owners, educators and the students we are advocating for. We’ll explore topics like how education can partner with industry, how to be more equitable and how to attain one of our highest goals, more internships. This conversation impacts the future of all of us.
Transcript- Episode 137: Unapologetic Leadership: Driving Positive Change Through Diversity in Higher Education with Dr. Keith Curry, President of Compton College & CEO of the Compton Community College District Episode 137
Transcript- Episode 137: Unapologetic Leadership: Driving Positive Change Through Diversity in Higher Education with Dr. Keith Curry, President of Compton College & CEO of the Compton Community College District Episode 137
00:00:00 - Dr. Keith Curry How do we, as institutions, connect workforce development across all academic areas to ensure that all students are getting opportunities for employment, Ensure all students are getting opportunities for internships and apprenticeships? And what does that look like? How do we connect with businesses within our community so our students are able to work at those businesses within our community that's related to their field? Where our students are not making minimum wage, we're looking at our students making wages where they can say, you know what? I'm good. This is good for me. 00:00:32 - Christina Barsi The workforce landscape is rapidly changing, and educators and their institutions need to keep up. Preparing students before they enter the workforce to make our communities and businesses stronger is at the core of getting an education. But we need to understand how to change and adjust so that we can begin to project where things are headed before we even get there. So how do we begin to predict the future? 00:00:57 - Dr. Salvatrice Cummo Hi, I'm Salvatrice Cummo, Vice President of Economic and Workforce Development at Pasadena City College and host of this podcast. 00:01:06 - Christina Barsi And I'm Christina Barsi, producer and co host of this podcast. 00:01:09 - Dr. Salvatrice Cummo And we are starting the conversation about the future of work. We'll explore topics like how education can partner with industry, how to be more equitable, and how to attain one of our highest goals, more internships, and PCC students in the workforce. We at Pasadena City College want to lead the charge in closing the gap between what our students are learning and what the demands of the workforce will be once they enter. This is a conversation that impacts all of us. You, the employers, the policymakers, the educational institutions, and the community as a whole. 00:01:43 - Christina Barsi We believe change happens when we work together. And it all starts with having a conversation. I hi, I'm Christina Barsi. 00:01:51 - Dr. Salvatrice Cummo And I'm Salvatrice Cummo. And this is the future of work. Hi. Welcome back to the Future of Work podcast. I am your host, Dr. Salvatrice Cumo. Today, we're joined by a visionary leader in higher education whose work has redefined advocacy and support for underrepresented student populations. As president of Compton College and co-founder of Black Student Success Week, Dr. Keith Curry has driven systemic changes that benefit countless students. Dr. Curry has been at the forefront of educational reform, championing educational policies and initiatives that ensure all students, particularly those who are underrepresented, have equitable access to resources and opportunities. His contributions, including Spearheading Senate Bill 1348, which designates California Black serving institutions and establishing impactful programs like Black Student Success Week. Today, we'll explore his journey, the purpose behind his advocacy, and why this work is essential for the future of education and employment. Welcome, Dr. Curry. How are you? Welcome to the show. 00:03:04 - Dr. Keith Curry Thank you for having me. I think the show should be changed. The title should be called the Unapologetic Future of work with Dr. Curry. 00:03:11 - Dr. Salvatrice Cummo We should change the title up. That's right. 00:03:13 - Dr. Keith Curry Just for this episode. 00:03:15 - Dr. Salvatrice Cummo Dr. Curry, I want to just get right into your advocacy works. I think that that's where a lot of your influence and your experience comes into play. And I kind of want to step back just a little bit. Go back to when you were 19 at UC Santa Cruz, where you began developing programs for underrepresented students. I wanted to kind of pause there for a moment and think about or have you talk through what your experiences were and kind of what led you here, what led you to this point of advocating for underrepresented students. 00:03:45 - Dr. Keith Curry I say thank you for the opportunity to be here. And also for the first question for me, as I look back at When I was 19 years old at UC Santa Cruz, I think about my own experience dealing with housing, food insecurity, dealing with conversations or being involved in conversations regards to Black student enrollment. I think about being involved in conversations with individuals from other ethnic minority groups talking about their success or non-success at the University of California, Santa Cruz. And so as I reflect on my experience and those three examples I provided is I think about being a student and having to pay for housing and also to visit the cafeteria knowing that I didn't have enough money in my meal plan. I only had a certain number of meals, right? And so, I had to be very strategic about when I would eat at the cafeteria and when I would not eat at the cafeteria. Thinking about being in conversations in the Black Men's Alliance group, as you see Santa Cruz, talking about the decline in Black student enrollment, they continued in ongoing conversations, but there was really no action that played into that. And then think about my experience with other ethnic minority groups and look at the retention of individuals of color who stayed at UC Santa Cruz and then also who graduated from UC Santa Cruz. And so I look at those three areas and thinking about where I am now in my own professional career, where I'm very involved and engaged with Black students success and what we should be doing for Black students, really zoning in and really amplifying the work as leads to basic needs, and then also building bridges with other individuals who have similar interests as I do, but may not look like me and being open to having conversations with those individuals of how you can work together as a part of a partnership. So when I look at my experience at UC Santa Cruz as a 19-year-old, I look at advocacy as a way to. To really impact change. Change for me does not just happen with programs. It happens with changing policy but also advocating and telling your story about student success and about your own experience. And so I look at my experience at UC Santa Cruz has defined who I am as a leader because I was able at UC Santa Cruz to advocate for Black students and create a program called Destination Higher Education which. Which was for many African American students who graduated high school who showed an interest in going to UC Santa Cruz. And it was funded. That was my first grant that I wrote and that program still exists today. And then, I think about my experience work with other ethnic minority groups. We put a initiative on a ballot which was called Measure C to create a retention center at UC Santa Cruz. It lost. Right. But I learned a lot about elections. It's very important to read the fine print to understand what percentage you need to pass and election, but also knowing how to tell your story of why it's important to vote yes on something. And just give you a. Fast forward to this. In 2014 at Compton College, we had a ballot initiative for. It's called Measure C again for $100 million facilities bond for Compton College. That measure passed with 78.39%. But the measure C that I worked on in college did not pass because we did not understand the percentage. We thought if you get half, you get 51%, you win. But. But you actually needed two-thirds. So, we did not read the five print. But I learned a lot from that experience which has helped me in my professional career today, from working on basic needs, housing, food insecurity and my own experience dealing with that to my experience with Black students and really looking at how you increase the number of African American students at UC Santa Cruz to also working with, building coalition with other ethnic minority groups, with individuals who don't look like me, to be able to continue to push for initiative and programs to help students that are underserved. 00:07:34 - Dr. Salvatrice Cummo Thank you. And now fast forwarding to Senate Bill 1348. I'm privileged to be close to this work and close to your work specifically, but tell us a little bit about Senate Bill 1348 and the critical components of it when it comes to supporting the underserved student population. 00:07:53 - Dr. Keith Curry I wrote an article in December of 2022 regards to Black serving and serviceness and we could serve Black students and look at it differently. I talk often about how do you transform institutions to serve Black students? And so when I Look at this bill and I talk about this bill. It's about how do you transform your whole entire organization around a movement to really service Black students. And not looking at it from a 30 or 60 student program or 90 students, really looking at how do you serve all your Black students on your campus, but engaging everyone into this process. And so when I look at Senate Bill 1348, which is authored by Stephen Bradford, who is our local senator for the area that service Compton Community College District, it really looks at, you know, one, getting buy-in from your constituent groups on your campus about what is your strategic plan to service Black students? What does that look like over a five-year period, how do you engage your academic senate in this conversation regards to what's going to happen inside the classroom, but then also looking at the support services for students, but also knowing that the support services is not about pointing someone to another area on campus. It's about we all take ownership regards to what programs and services are being provided on our campus and ensuring that those Black students are being able to participate in those programs and services, but really being at the forefront of it and looking at serviceness. With this bill include legislation. It creates a committee through Sacramento State where colleges that can apply to to be a Black serving institution, you have to have 10% of your student population as Black students or 1500 students. It applies not only to community colleges, but also California state universities, University of California campuses, and also private institutions as well. Included in that you have to do an application to the committee which talks about your data. You have to share data regards to student success on your campus and looking at students completion over 150% over or 300% completion, what the data looks like, but also saying where are you going to go in the next five years to improve that for your student population? Looking at what professional development you provide with existing resources that support all students, but also support Black students and Black student success. And then really talking about what are you going to do differently on your campus. But taking ownership, that is not just one person's job. This is collective of the entire institution to transform the work that you're doing to improve student success. And that's documented in your strategic plan which is a part of your application. 00:10:24 - Dr. Salvatrice Cummo So speaking of the work of the collective and this is about institutional movement and it's. You're right, it doesn't lean on one person or one organization. What are you seeing as the ultimate goal? If you had just a magic wand, what would be the ultimate goal for Senate Bill 1348 as an accomplishment, the. 00:10:43 - Dr. Keith Curry Ultimate goal is to see more colleges and universities who are Black serving institutions where Black students feel welcome and valued and have a sense of belonging at these institutions. Even they might have interest, who might not look like them, who work at the institutions, but they feel valued, appreciated and a sense of belonging. They feel that people want to see them complete their degree or certificate and get a job with livable wages. They're able to participate in programs and services, but also linking those programs and services to jobs and really focusing in on the job component as we move forward, but really feeling that a part of the campus community, but also feeling that they got someone that got their back. Right? When I was in college, what I think about a lot is there's a professor, her name was Ann Lane. She was my American Studies, that was my major. And she did not look like me, right? White woman, upper middle 60s, over, I don't know, she would never tell me her age. But she allowed me to be Keith Curry in her classes. We were able to talk about issues as race to race. And I could use hip-hop music and have conversations. She made me feel like it was okay to use hip-hop lyrics as titles for articles, right? But she made me where I wanted to go to her class. I wanted to be involved in everything that Anne Lane did. And I took every single one of her classes. She was my advisor for my thesis, but I took every one of her classes, right? But then, I also had a counselor. Her name was Rosie Cabrera. She was my EOP counselor at UC Santa Cruz. Did not look like me, but whenever I went to her office, I need help. She was there for me. When I got in trouble. I'm not going to talk about what happened when I got in trouble. When I got in trouble my senior year, she stepped up for me and my friends to make sure we got out of trouble, right? But she made sure when I went in that office that I felt that motherly love and I was taken care of. So when you think about Black serving institutions, I think about that experience that I had at Santa Cruz, where it was a part of everyone's job that connected with Keith Curry, too. To make sure that Keith Curry was able to be successful. They showed me love. They also showed me how to do it the right way. They showed me how to look at policy. They made sure that I read. They made sure I worked on my writing. They made sure whatever deficiency I had, they were able to tell me in a nice way that was a deficiency. But they also was able to tell Me, you need to work on this, right? So, with Black serving institutions, it's looking at how you transform your institution to support our students. But also we change in a way. We provide serviceness to these students, basically showing them that, you know what, we're here for you, we love you, we want you to be successful. So we'll create a system, right? We'll create a system. It's not just about a program. It's about a system that's going to work regardless of who's in these positions, that's going to support Black students and Black student success. 00:13:27 - Dr. Salvatrice Cummo I love the way you said that we're supporting a system or creating a system to support our Black students and underrepresented students. And I feel like a lot of your initiatives leading up to Senate Bill 1348 really held space for that, a moment of learning and growth. And so I want to talk about the Black Student Success Week, that specific initiative, and how that space kind of provided that learning and growth for not only our students, but as educators and practitioners. What value do you believe that these more micro, smaller initiatives assist within leading towards, like, more impactful, systemic changes that you're creating right now? 00:14:08 - Dr. Keith Curry That's a tough question, right? And I'd be a little vulnerable here regards to why this is a tough question. Because for me now, in my professional career, I've been in higher ed since, you know, I count my undergraduate years, right? I've been in higher ed for over 25 years. 00:14:24 - Dr. Keith Curry And I'm always looking at ways to transform systems, really looking at policies, systems, and structures of how do you change that to support student success, but also knowing that there might be programs and initiatives that start the change before you're able to get to a policy initiative as well. And so when I look at the work that I've been doing with Black Student Success Week when Black Student Success Week was founded in 2020, it was supposed to be an advocacy day as it relates to Black students and walk in the halls in Sacramento. 00:14:57 - Dr. Keith Curry And I remember having the conversation at the Los Angeles Hyatt Hotel with some African American groups about this proposed event. And there were some individuals in the room who had no idea who I was, never knew the work that I've done in the past. And I laid out how this thing was going to happen. And they were asking a lot of follow up questions. 00:15:16 - Dr. Keith Curry And at that point I was like, hey, you might want to go read my resume. Like, I get things done, but I continue to ask those questions. And the reason why I bring this up Is because when we first started, we did not know what we were doing, right? We were just looking at how do we amplify the work that's being done for Black student success and build a coalition among several Black and African American groups throughout the California community college system to begin having these types of conversation. And then Covid hit and then the question was, what do we do? And I remember having a conversation with Dr. 00:15:48 - Dr. Keith Curry Ed Bush, who was involved with the men, and I said, you know, maybe we just go on Zoom. We do a podcast type style. I don't think I use podcasts. Nobody was doing podcasts at a time like this. But I said, maybe do a zoom meeting and do a workshop every day. And then the Mondays would kick off and every day have a different workshop. And that's what we did. 00:16:08 - Dr. Keith Curry So it started out as going to be a one day event just for advocacy. And then it became a teaching learning space for professional development for all types of educators, not just community college. K12, also higher ed folks. Just to talk about what we can do to support Black students and the next. No, we started doing a website, right? So then we had the website. Then we start doing gear and Black Student Success Week gear. Now we start to have regional leads who are working within each of the region and having campus contacts, right? So every year since 2020, we've been expanding on that movement. 00:16:42 - Dr. Keith Curry And then we added an advocacy day where we met with our elected officials. And we've been doing that every year, come up with a policy agenda. Then that led to different initiatives we got involved in, but then also led to Senate Bill 1348 because it was a part of the Black student success movement about how we can continue to transform our institutions to support Black students. 00:17:04 - Dr. Keith Curry And working with Black Student Success Week, that was our advocacy tool for Senate Bill 1348, where our people that have been involved in the movement since 2018, 2020, had an opportunity to do something that was transformative, right? They were able to be a part of creating a designation in California, but for Black serving institutions. But they were a part of it since 2020. So yeah, it started as a program, as a Nista through Black Student Success Week. But now our title for this next year is Rise Up, Level up the Rise of Black Serving institutions. Now we could talk about how Black serving institutions has rose up and how we can transform our institutions where we could be able to be Black serving. And even if you don't get that designation, you still could be able to be a Black serving institution by looking at how you service students on your campuses. 00:17:53 - Dr. Salvatrice Cummo You touched upon Level up as the upcoming initiative that's in the pipeline for you, and it has been instrumental in addressing the challenges faced by marginalized learners. Can you spend a little bit of time about how you think this initiative is transferable to other educational settings that aim...
Unapologetic Leadership: Driving Positive Change Through Diversity in Higher Education with Dr. Keith Curry, President of Compton College & CEO of the Compton Community College District Episode 137
Unapologetic Leadership: Driving Positive Change Through Diversity in Higher Education with Dr. Keith Curry, President of Compton College & CEO of the Compton Community College District Episode 137
What does it take to transform higher education and create lasting change for underrepresented students? Dr. Keith Curry, President of Compton College and CEO of the Compton Community College District, shares his passion for equity, detailing how initiatives like Black Student Success Week and Senate Bill 1348 are redefining what it means to support Black and underrepresented students across academic and workforce landscapes. With his signature “Unapologetic Leadership,” he challenges educators, policymakers, and community partners to rethink traditional approaches and build systems that not only promote academic achievement but also pave the way for livable, rewarding careers. You’ll learn: The importance of establishing a support system for Black and underrepresented students in higher education. How bipartisan initiatives like voter registration can help in driving positive change. Why it is crucial to establish partnerships between education and industry for providing equitable access to resources and opportunities for all students. The role of grant programs in supporting Black-serving institutions and enhancing student success. Key objectives of Senate Bill 1348 in transforming institutions to better serve Black students. About the Guest: Dr. Keith Curry is the President of Compton College and CEO of the Compton Community College District, overseeing all departments and serving as secretary for the Board of Trustees. Known for his energetic and innovative approach in higher education administration, he has led multiple ACCJC Visiting Teams as Accreditation Team Chair since 2017. In June 2020, he was invited by Governor Newsom’s Senior Policy Advisor for Higher Education to join the California Higher Education Recovery with Equity Task Force. A champion for equity, Dr. Curry co-founded and chairs Black Student Success Week, and he leads national panels and advisory committees focused on Black student enrollment. He also contributes to the California Alliance for Open Education Steering Committee and the USC Racial Equity in Guided Pathways Commission Taskforce. Since 2021, he has served as a Distinguished Research Fellow/Adjunct Faculty at CSU Los Angeles Charter College of Education. Dr. Curry earned his doctorate in educational leadership from UC Irvine and his bachelor’s degree in American studies from UC Santa Cruz. Engage with us: , & : @PasadenaCityCollegeEWD Join our newsletter for more on this topic: Visit: More from Dr. Keith Curry & Compton College Websites: LinkedIn: , : @IamKeithCurry Facebook: & : @compton_college Partner with us! Contact our host Salvatrice Cummo directly: [email protected] Want to be a guest on the show? Click to inquire about booking Find the transcript of this episode Please rate us and leave us your thoughts and comments on Apple Podcasts; we’d love to hear from you!
Transcript- Episode 136: Stay Ahead of the Game: Aligning Education with Industry Demands with Monique Reaves, Chief Revenue Officer of the Rose Bowl Stadium Episode 136
Transcript- Episode 136: Stay Ahead of the Game: Aligning Education with Industry Demands with Monique Reaves, Chief Revenue Officer of the Rose Bowl Stadium Episode 136
00:00:00 - Monique Reaves If there's something that schools can arm students a little bit better, I think just if we're going to speak to all populations, to all demographics, then we need to be able to teach students how to do that because they're the next ones up to take the torch and do these events. That I think would be really helpful. 00:00:19 - Christina Barsi The workforce landscape is rapidly changing, and educators and their institutions need to keep up. Preparing students before they enter the workforce to make our communities and businesses strong is at the core of getting an education. But we need to understand how to change and adjust so that we can begin to project where things are headed before we even get there. So how do we begin to predict the future? 00:00:44 - Dr. Salvatrice Cummo Hi, I'm Salvatrice Cummo, Vice President of Economic and Workforce Development at Pasadena City College and host of this podcast. 00:00:53 - Christina Barsi And I'm Christina Barsi, producer and co host of this podcast. 00:00:57 - Dr. Salvatrice Cummo And we are starting the conversation about the future of work. We'll explore topics like how education can partner with industry, how to be more equitable, and how to attain one of our highest goals, more internships and PCC students in the workforce. We at Pasadena City College want to lead the charge in closing the gap between what our students are learning and what the demands of the workforce will be once they enter. This is a conversation that impacts all of us. You, the employers, the policymakers, the educational institutions, and the community as a whole. 00:01:31 - Christina Barsi We believe change happens when we work together. And it all starts with having a conversation. I'm Christina Barsi. 00:01:38 - Dr. Salvatrice Cummo And I'm Salvatrice Cummo. And this is the Future of Work. Hi. Welcome back to the Future of Work podcast. I am your host, Dr. Salvatrice Cummo. Today, we have a very special guest, Monique Reeves, the Chief Revenue Officer of the iconic Rose Bowl Stadium. Monique is the first Latina to hold an executive position at the Rose Bowl Operating Company, which is significant in itself. Over the past decade, she's overseen some groundbreaking events, from Carol G's sold-out concert to record-breaking viewership numbers for the Rose Bowl game. But what truly sets Monique apart is her drive to make diversity and inclusion a key part of her leadership, creating opportunities not just for the venue but for the entire community. Today, we'll talk about how Monique and her team are preparing the Rose Bowl for world-class events like the 2028 Olympics and the FIFA World Cup. And we'll explore how those events will impact the future of sports, entertainment, and workforce development with that. Welcome. Monique, how are you? 00:02:47 - Monique Reaves Thank you. I'm very good, thank you. Nice to see you. 00:02:50 - Dr. Salvatrice Cummo Again, nice to see you again too. We had the pleasure of being on the panel over at the Future of Work Conference. And so I'm really happy to have like a one on one time with you. 00:02:58 - Monique Reaves Yes, it was a great conference. There was so much more to be said. So I'm glad we're doing a recap here. Good. 00:03:05 - Dr. Salvatrice Cummo Well, I'll tell you what, why don't we just get right into it. I know a little bit about your background, but for the listener, what led you to your current role as a Chief Revenue Officer and just a little bit about your journey and kind of what led you here to this point? 00:03:20 - Monique Reaves For starters, I don't that I can recall. I don't believe I've ever said no to an opportunity. When the door opens, the window opens, whatever that's sane may be. I've always went through it and tried it out for size. It just happened to be the right place, the right time in my college cycle for my internship to have it be with the Rose Bowl stadium. And just every door I opened was just so exciting and new, and I just kept pushing through. I never took no for an answer. I just kept asking more questions and kept pushing my way through. So, it led me to where I'm at today. I didn't have CRO in my sight line at the time when I was out my future dream board or vision board as I love to do once a year. But the right opening came across my desk, and my boss is now our CEO of the stadium. He was promoted to that role, and his opening came across, and I felt like I was the best candidate for the position. I had been through so many different roles, so many different departments, so many different journeys and operations and in sales. And so I just have always kept the be ready mentality at the forefront of my mind, and here I am. 00:04:32 - Dr. Salvatrice Cummo I love that. I love that as a community. We've been talking so much about the Olympics, the World cup and what does that mean for us and we touched upon it a little bit at the conference. But I wanted to spend a little bit of time kind of thinking about through your perspective, through your lens with these two major events coming and the Rose bowl being a historic venue. What does that mean to you personally to be at the helm of these events and what is your approach and then how are you preparing to leverage the opportunities both for the Rose bowl as well as the community? 00:05:11 - Monique Reaves Yes. So, just to clear up one item I forgot to mention, for the World Cup. So we are hosting the Club World cup with FIFA next year in 2025. That will come to us in June, towards the end of June. And that one is a first time tournament overseen by FIFA. They tried it a year prior, but they're making this one bigger and better. Bringing in six of the most prominent soccer club teams, football club teams, and including 32 teams in this round robin style tournament. But that aside, so the focus currently is on LA28. I will say to briefly address the World cup though in 2026. Even though we are not a selected venue, that doesn't mean that we have plenty of interests coming our way in the soccer world that may play out. I definitely foresee us having a role in the games that are to come. And also building a great relationship with FIFA for 2025 is a great lineup as well. So a little bit of addressing the World Cup. I'm sure we'll have plenty of opportunities along the way in 2026, especially knowing that we will be the host venue for soccer in the 2028 Olympics. There's a lot of inquiries out there for teams to come and try out the field just in a friendly, just to get ready for that Olympic round. But that aside, you asked about the opportunities that probably will face in the coming years for these events. Before I did the Future of Work conference, we were actually in the thick of meetings with LA28. We actually have them on site with us today. A week before I went into the Future of Work conference, one of the guests that was visiting with us was mentioning I shared with him my journey of going to be at the Future of Work conference and he was excited and wanted to pass along information. And the jobs aren't there yet, but we're going to need a lot of help and we'd love to tap into to the local colleges or local community and how do we get out there? Please help us navigate. If you have a way, send them to me. So definitely see a lot of opportunities playing out for us. It's not an uncommon conversation that's being had. And as I mentioned in the conference as well, there's just so many entities that staff are building that they will need to ramp up when there's one big event in town. The workforce is so stretched thin. So, ramping up all these entities with jobs is going to be quite a task, and we're all up for it. 00:07:30 - Dr. Salvatrice Cummo Absolutely. I think that, and you mentioned it, these events do bring on not just financial impacts but also boost the local economy in the way of creating jobs and local businesses. At the conference we talked A little bit about and not enough, and that's why I'm bringing it up here, is that we talked a little bit about how influential and vital your role is in pushing for more diversity in the workforce. Right. And so I want to spend some time talking about that because you shared some really great golden nuggets at the conference. And so I'd like to extract them and kind of build upon them here. But how do you see this increased representation, both in leadership and across the board, affecting the success of the stadium? And why is it important for others to really understand the value of diversity and leadership? 00:08:27 - Monique Reaves It's funny when I took my position, I didn't really see the part I brought to the table in diversity and inclusion. And really how that came about was I had a nice little influx of people in my LinkedIn reaching out to do conferences or speaking engagements. And there's been so many little moments along the way. Up until now, I'm two years into this role where it definitely made me look at my role a lot differently and want to find ways to open up more opportunities. You know, when PCC reached out to another one where it was, you know, said yes to help bridge that gap and be in this chair and let others see me for me being here. And I think that's step one of, as I mentioned, the conference. If they can see it, they can be it. So. But I also just find so much joy in seeing there's a lot of different business associations I want to speak to more on, like Latino Business Association over at. I'll give the University of Irvine a shout-out. They were the first one to ask me to be their keynote speaker, and I was just so honored. 00:09:29 - Dr. Salvatrice Cummo Oh, congratulations. 00:09:31 - Monique Reaves Thank you. So that was a while ago, but just moments like that of seeing just how much interest there is, it's just you don't see a target audience just showing so much continued interest into my field, because when I was going through school, I didn't really know about it. I didn't really see it. There really wasn't much to look up and say that I could do, that there's someone like me in that role, I could be there. I think it's just a natural gravitation to as many times as I can get out there and do these types of podcasts. That's kind of a big step for me on inclusion, diversity. I didn't really get to touch on it at the conference, but, yes, there are thousands of people that work here. However, we are city entities, so we range between 38 to 42 full time employees at one given time. So as far as me holding the door open to let someone else come through, it's not as easy as I say it. When there are thousands of job opportunities that link back to the Rose bowl, there's one or two hires a year, if that, and we'd like to not do as much turnover. So hopefully it's less than that in opportunity. But as much as I can hold the door open and help create new opportunities for the next generation, and if that not be with the Rose bowl and I can inspire them to go through the realm of security or any of logistics, parking, traffic, food and beverage, I will do that and continue to be that bridging gap. But I know you had a second part to this question as well, and I already forgot what that second piece was, but hopefully that answered a little bit on the diversity and inclusion piece. 00:10:57 - Dr. Salvatrice Cummo Yeah, my second piece of it is why you feel that it's important for others to understand the value of diversity and leadership. 00:11:05 - Monique Reaves I think we're in a unique spot in California specifically. We have a large, very diverse population. So I don't think you see that as strongly throughout the country and specifically in our region. We need people in this field, in any field. Right. That are relatable to the population at hand. And the more we can integrate that, the better we all get at our jobs. I couldn't do my job. I think it's, we're going to talk about it later, but I couldn't do my job without interpreters or someone to help communicate certain things to me to different audiences. And as we saw with Carol G. That was our first Latina concert, sold out two nights. And that's a whole demographic that we've never spoken to. So how can we not have a work population that reflects the population that's coming to our events? So that is the definite what we need to what we love focusing on and diversifying. And it's not just, that's just one demographic. Every. I think every. There's pockets of communities that we still haven't addressed but, you know, 102 years old. We're going to keep working at it and keep knocking them off one by one and making sure that we're addressing every culture and race that we possibly can because we're a proud, diverse community and we want to reflect that in our business. 00:12:16 - Dr. Salvatrice Cummo Excellent. And just kind of along the same line of conversations around diversity in the workplace. Equally as important is the alignment of programming as educational institutions as we prepare the incoming workforce and channels and Platforms like this, the Future of Work conference and the Pulse newsletter. Those all offer our students and our community to see what is possible, to hear what is possible. And so I really appreciate you talking about your experiences even coming into the roles bowl in this position and what it did for others and for yourself and opening up doors and holding the door for others. And I'll end what you just shared because what I'm hearing is you didn't know that that was going to come. It naturally came because you're seated at that seat and you're able to share and show what is possible and that we need to pay closer attention to the diversity in leadership. Specifically, in previous conversations you talked about the importance of bilingual and community centered hiring practices. I want to spend a little bit of time thinking about how can educational institutions better align their programs to prepare students for these roles in both leadership and event management. So tell me a little bit about how we could better align our programming. 00:13:52 - Monique Reaves Yes. Gosh, I feel like when I speak about anything college related, I feel like the dark ages because it was so long ago and I'm sure curriculum has changed and there probably are classes on exactly what I'm speaking on. But. 00:14:04 - Dr. Salvatrice Cummo But you know what Monique is like, we need to hear from you. So okay, we have to hear it. We have to hear it. We have to constantly be in this momentum of growth and constant improvement. If we don't keep going back to what is it that industry you yourself are facing in the workplace, we have to hear it. It doesn't suit us not to. So don't feel, you know, just go for it. It doesn't even matter when you went to college. 00:14:28 - Monique Reaves Okay, it might be repetitive but examples for me when I was in school, I didn't realize in the event management world I touched on a few of the areas when I. Sustainability wasn't really a thing back then, but that is a whole nother area. But the areas I wasn't aware of, I wish there were classes or focus on when it related to accessibility or ada. ADA compliance even like sign language has become such a huge thing. It slowly trickled in a little bit. In my beginning years here at the stadium we always had to have a sign language interpreter for our concerts. That's the first time I ever saw an interpreter. But it's definitely gained a lot more momentum. I think you see on social media there's been some really engaging sign interpreters that interpret a concert and that's looks like a lot of fun. But these are requirements in an event. I think when we think of an event, we just think of the basics of how you set it up, how it happens, and how you put it all away. And there's just so many other pieces in there that are so huge, and you have to do it by law. So if it's something by law and we're not even teaching that piece of it, then that goes a long way into inclusion for our events. I wish the workforce put a few classes into place that are definitely an ordinance or a law, because you step into that and that's. I think I'm more paranoid because I'm in a city spotlight. So you really have to be on your P's and Q's for public safety and for inclusion and ADA and all that stuff is at the forefront to make sure that you're checking all those boxes. But that's something that those are classes that aren't really taught in schools, and I don't think anyone's ever thought to teach them. But it plays such a huge role. It's so much bigger than those three components of an event. There's just so much more detail that goes into it. And I wish that we had a little bit more of those types of programs available to understand and. And to speak to different demographics, because you're just maybe classes for language, I think that's like a known thing. Like you have classes for that you can sign up and grow your skill set and speaking multiple languages to help with your future career event, whatever that may be. But that's kind of really it of how you can become stronger. Maybe there's certification for logistics or event planning, but I don't think we have any of those types of classes that address all of our ADA needs or any different types of compliances that we need in these events. And we're missing the mark on that one. It's definitely siloed, but it definitely speaks very. One of the things on these Olympic site visits or in conferences that I keep hearing is accessibility is a really huge thing for the Olympics. And we just haven't put eyes on it yet. And it's a law, which is strange that we haven't. So if there's something that schools can arm students a little bit better, I think just if we're going to speak to all populations, to all demographics, then we need to be able to teach students how to do that because they're the next ones up to take the torch and do these events. That I think would be really helpful. 00:17:15 - Dr. Salvatrice Cummo Monique, I was thinking that perhaps maybe we could spend just a Moment if you could share a time when you had to be creative in hosting an event at the stadium. 00:17:27 - Monique Reaves I do have a few examples. I'll probably lean on a fun one with a Coldplay. They are a very huge sustainability focused artist and group and they imposed a lot of different requirements for us to become more sustainable than we currently already are. We had to engage with a company called Turn cup and we had to pretty much flip all of our drinks into a recyclable cup and come in with recyclable trash cans and make sure that in the night all cups are picked up and placed into big recyclable containers. It was quite a feat for a sold out show, but we had to pivot with that one for them as well as another fun project we had to work with them on was they flipped all of our CD and pageantry that you see when you come into shows into tote bags. They recycled all the banners and fundraised with the tote bags from the banners. So that was a fun, unique, creative opportunity that we got to embark on together. 00:18:24 - Dr. Salvatrice Cummo Excellent. And what do you think those two creative opportunities or creative thinking that you had to do in hosting those events, what do you think the implications are for the industry as a whole? You know, where should we be focusing on as an industry as it relates to stadium and event management? 00:18:41 - Monique Reaves It's definitely not going away. Definitely see quite a few local stadiums and arenas that are flipping to these recyclable cups. It is pretty costly to keep up with the program and we haven't figured out a way to make that affordable for venue and consumer. But that...
Stay Ahead of the Game: Aligning Education with Industry Demands with Monique Reaves, Chief Revenue Officer of the Rose Bowl Stadium Episode 136
Stay Ahead of the Game: Aligning Education with Industry Demands with Monique Reaves, Chief Revenue Officer of the Rose Bowl Stadium Episode 136
What skills will students need to lead the charge for events like the LA28 Olympics and the FIFA World Cup? Monique Reaves, Chief Revenue Officer of the iconic Rose Bowl stadium and the first Latina in an executive role at the Rose Bowl Operating Company, discusses the importance of aligning educational programs with industry demands to prepare future leaders. She advocates for incorporating creativity, sustainability, and diversity into workforce development while emphasizing accessible, community-centered hiring practices. Through innovative collaborations, such as the Rose Bowl's partnership with AEG Golden Voice, Reaves illustrates how blending tradition with modern strategies can drive economic growth, elevate event management standards, and empower communities to meet the challenges of global events. You’ll learn: Why educators and institutions need to collaborate with industries for workforce needs. The role of workforce diversity in serving communities during significant events like the LA28 Olympics. What new requirements in event management educational programs should address. How the event management industry can balance tradition and innovation. Why it is crucial to emphasize diversity and inclusion in leadership roles for workforce development. About the Guest: Monique Reaves is the Chief Revenue Officer for the Rose Bowl Operating Company and is responsible for all concert and sporting event bookings. Leading the charge on revenue management and generation for Americas Stadium, she oversees and supports stadium sponsorship, premium seating, enterprise events, and tours sales departments. Most notably, she booked the Rose Bowl Stadium’s first sellout concert of two consecutive nights by a female artist of Latin-American descent, Karol G. She has been a part of the sports and entertainment industry since 2009, following a successful internship with America’s Stadium, where she has since received several national accolades for her risk-taking revenue ventures. Before joining the Rose Bowl Stadium full-time, Monique held positions with American Golf and Lucky Strike Entertainment. Monique graduated from Long Beach State and resides in Rancho Cucamonga, CA, with her family. Engage with us: , & : @PasadenaCityCollegeEWD Join our newsletter for more on this topic: Visit: More from Monique Reaves & the Rose Bowl Stadium Website: LinkedIn: & , , & : @RoseBowlStadium Partner with us! Contact our host Salvatrice Cummo directly: [email protected] Want to be a guest on the show? Click to inquire about booking Find the transcript of this episode Please rate us and leave us your thoughts and comments on Apple Podcasts; we’d love to hear from you!
Transcript- Episode 135: Building Tomorrow’s Leaders: Transforming Education for the Next Generation with Jasmine Star, CEO of Social Curator Episode 135
Transcript- Episode 135: Building Tomorrow’s Leaders: Transforming Education for the Next Generation with Jasmine Star, CEO of Social Curator Episode 135
00:00:00 - Jasmine Star Do you want to catch a big vision and do the impossible? It matters less that you got straight As. I want to have straight vision. How do we assess for that? And into the future? Embrace technology and embrace storytelling. Clap our children up for being creative. Strip off their socks and shoes. Your students out here, make them get uncomfortable and sit under a tree and do something different that will be more valuable for them in the workplace than any academic book that you can put it in front of them. 00:00:32 - Christina Barsi The workforce landscape is rapidly changing, and educators and their institutions need to keep up. Preparing students before they enter the workforce to make our communities and businesses stronger is at the core of getting an education. But we need to understand how to change and adjust so that we can begin to project where things are headed before we even get there. So how do we begin to predict the future? 00:00:57 - Dr. Salvatrice Cummo Hi, I'm Salvatrice Cummo, Vice President of Economic and Workforce Development at Pasadena City College and host of this podcast. 00:01:06 - Christina Barsi And I'm Christina Barsi, producer and co-host of this podcast. 00:01:10 - Dr. Salvatrice Cummo And we are starting the conversation about the future of work. We'll explore topics like how education can partner with industry, how to be more equitable, and how to attain one of our highest goals, more internships and PCC students in the workforce. We at Pasadena City College want to lead the charge in closing the gap between what our students are learning and what the demands of the workforce will be once they enter. This is a conversation that impacts all of us. You, the employers, the policymakers, the educational institutions, and the community as a whole. 00:01:43 - Christina Barsi We believe change happens when we work together. And it all starts with having a conversation. I'm Christina Barsi. 00:01:51 - Dr. Salvatrice Cummo And I'm Salvatrice Cummo. And this is the Future of Work. 00:01:57 - Jasmine Star Coming here, I was told that you are the visionaries and you are the architects, and you are the bridge builders of tomorrow. And I also have to tell you that Pasadena is the city for me, because my parents met and fell in love in East Los Angeles. Yes. And we found ourselves moving a little bit farther south. Baldwin Park. La Puente. Yes. La Puente. Ooh. And there in the glorious streets of La Puente, our family experienced a lot of beautiful things and sometimes not so beautiful things. 00:02:36 - Jasmine Star If you've grown up in those areas or areas of that nature, you will know that rich culture, people, community, dwell in that. But statistically, we are often overlooked. And so it's in those times and moments that my mother, my father, we would ride the bus. We didn't have a washer and a dryer in our home. So we would walk my mom and her five children to the laundromat, and she would make a game of things. 00:03:00 - Jasmine Star And on the time that our family car did decide to work, my dad worked at General Hospital in the shipping and receiving departments. And on the day that my mom would want to take her kids to go and do something, we would all wake up early in the morning, we would get in the car, we would drop my dad off at the shipping and receiving area, and then she would take us, not quite to Pasadena, because she was going to wow us. We were going to San Marino. Ooh, ooh, ooh. That's right. San Marino with the large, lush lawns. San Marino with the gates out front to keep everybody else behind and out. And there at Lacey park, we would enter in through these gates, and our car would rickety move right on up. And there we would park, and then we would strip off our shoes, our socks, and she would go to her five kids and say, run, explore, and do. And so it's at those moments that my mom would look at everything as an educational experience, which still to this day, I stand before you and I look at everything like an educational experience. And so there she would say, okay, guys, so we're going to do physical education PE in the park. So run. 00:04:09 - Jasmine Star We're going to do science. Let's collect some bugs. Go. And then she would say, we're going to do art. We're going to do the fine art things. And so there. My mom had this play school recording set with a tape player. It was white with bright red and blue buttons. And then she would say, okay, guys, get on the swings. And she would hold up this art piece. And then she would put on Mozart's Symphony number 19, or 41, if my memory serves me correct. 00:04:37 - Jasmine Star And we're sitting there, and she would say, get on the swing, Push your legs. And as the music is going, your feet go out in front of you. Your feet pull in underneath you, and you're pushing and you're pulling and you're pushing and you're pulling. So in this moment, if I might, can you indulge me and my mom, who's sitting in the second row, could you, for one instance, join me in Lacy Park? And I'm gonna ask you to do something a little bit weird, but trust the process, because this is what good homeschool kids do. We're a little bit weird, but you let us go with it. Okay? So just close your eyes. Just close your eyes for me. And push your feet out. And then Pull them back in and then push your feet out and pull them back in. 00:05:22 - Jasmine Star She sang a poem. As your feet are pushing out and pulling back in and pushing out and pulling back in. Swing, swing through the drowsy afternoon Swing, swing, swing Up I go to meet the moon Swing, swing, swing I can see as high I go far along the crimson sky I can see as I come down the tops of the houses in the town High and low, fast and slow Swing, swing, swing. 00:06:05 - Jasmine Star Welcome back. Did you enjoy Lacy Park? So did I. But maybe some of you educators, smart, brilliant people that you are, were wondering why was a 9 year old at Lacey park on a Tuesday afternoon? It wasn't just me, it was my twin sister, my younger sister Alexandria, my younger brother Sebastian, and our soon to be sister Zoe there at Lacey park because we grew up where we grew up. My father is an immigrant from Mexico, my mom is from Puerto Rico. And there the school options in La Puente were not the best of us. 00:06:36 - Jasmine Star And though my parents are not formally educated, they decided to do something counter opposite and counterculture and they said we're going to homeschool our children. And every single person in their life looked at them, including their parents, as you you. So how did we get from Lacey park to where we are today? My name is Jasmine Starr. I am CEO of Social Curator. I'm an advisor to companies, I'm a proud investor and I am a podcast host and I create content. And for all intents and purposes, I had to remind myself as I came here is I am not going to teach anybody anything. I have a tendency to get nervous because I stand on stages and I have this pressure deep honor of your time. I want to teach you and I want you to do something well. And I realize that you are far too smart for me. I am batting outside of my league. But may I make a reference? Could it quite possibly by the end of this moment, could I by any chance feel like Freeman last night? Anybody? That's right. 00:07:34 - Jasmine Star And for those of you who don't know, okay, by any chance, we together as this room, hit a grand slam and win the game at the last moment. Could we do that? I'm a first generation Latina and college student. My twin sister and I, we graduated high school and the idea of college was so foreign that we were swimming in fafsa, in Pell grants in applications and it was the blind leading the blind. 00:07:57 - Jasmine Star And somehow we made it to an end point. My sister and I both got accepted to Whittier College. We will always be born Brown bred and love LA County. And so for us, in the glorious state of California, we got to go to college. My father was a cook at Azusa Pacific University, and on weekends, he would take my sister and I, nine, 10 years old, and we would wipe down and clean down the tables in that college campus. And I thought to myself, could I ever be so lucky and go to college? That idea was so far from reality for me, and it felt like a wish. So the fact that my sister and I were able to go to college, we thought, the minute you get in, then you're going to be okay. And what I realized is that I. And we were alone. I did not know how to speak to my parents about college because they had no idea what this beautiful, foreign, amazing opportunity was. 00:08:49 - Jasmine Star And so I had no idea that you weren't supposed to study for a placement test in college. So I spent my summer diligently studying for the math placement because I wanted to shine. Why I actually did so well that I tested into a math class that I realized halfway through the semester, I have no idea what's going on. I kind of bypassed the foundational stuff to college level calculus. And I was like, ooh. And so I went to admissions, I went to the registrar's office, and I said, I think I'm going to fail this class. 00:09:19 - Jasmine Star And then she said, well, you can get a W. And I said, but what's a W? She's like, a W is a W. I was like, yes, a W is a W. And so I'm completely lost, because what is a W? And all I know is I really want to go on and I want to pursue my education, but is the W going to stop me from getting to where I want to go? And so in my just conversations with my family, I was like, I don't even know what a W is. And my dad. You want to know what I think a W means? Wonderful. They think you're wonderful. I was like, no, puppy. I think you're just missing the point here. I think this is going to ruin me. And at the end of the day, lo and behold, for anybody who doesn't know, your life does not begin or end with a W. 00:09:54 - Jasmine Star It just means you withdrew from a class. And lo and behold, not because I'm smart, not because I'm gifted, not because I'm brilliant, I ended up graduating summa cum laude because I believe that hard work gets you to wherever you want to go and nobody will stop you. So I just decided to say, I'm going to work on campus, I am going to work as a waitress five nights a week, and I'm going to get straight as. 00:10:17 - Jasmine Star And when I graduated college, I sat on stage, myself and nine other students representing those who graduated summa cum laude. I was one of two women, and I was the only person of color. And to be able to sit in those stadiums and watch my parents and my grandmother was one of the proudest moments of my life. So that I thought to myself, okay, so what does a good Latina do when she's sumo cum laude? You just keep on doing what you know. 00:10:43 - Jasmine Star You see, I wanted to move the family from the east side of LA to the west side. I wanted the zip codes and the cars and the people. I wanted the finances. So I thought to myself, can you get to UCLA on a full ride? And the answer was yes. So there I was, first generation Latina, first generation college student at UCLA Law School. And then I realized, I am so unhappy here. My mom, who was diagnosed with brain cancer my junior year of college, battled nine years. And it was at this time at UCLA where they had said, we've done enough. The brain surgeries, the chemotherapy, the infusions, we're done. And all I thought to myself was, I'm done. I'm not happy here. I don't know what I'm doing. My mom is 50 years old and I'm 25. And I thought to myself, if I have 25 years left in my life, I don't want to die a lawyer. 00:11:36 - Jasmine Star And I thought, what am I going to do? And so I get married so that my mom. Now I get married. The man who chose me, and I chose him, my high school sweetheart, the kindest, best, most generous man, said, let's get married finally. I had planned my life. Oh, Excel spreadsheets. Because this is what we do. And then I'm going to go to school, and then I'm going to graduate, and then we're going to get married. 00:11:58 - Jasmine Star And all I knew was like, can we get married now? And he says, yes, let's go. Let's get married. So we got married. Just our family's. A small, little, tiny wedding. And I get a letter because at the time when I decided I had enough, I quit law school. I walked into the dean's office and I said, I'm depressed and I think my mom is going to die. And I don't like where I'm at right now. And she said, you have three years to get your scholarship. Because I went on a full ride, scholarship to ucla. 00:12:26 - Jasmine Star I Said, okay, I'm going to come back. And when it came time for me to come back, my brand new husband had said, what do you want to do? I said, I want to become a photographer. And he's like, okay, you don't own a camera. I know, but you see, I think if I had a camera, I might be able to make a go of it. 00:12:44 - Jasmine Star If you just take a second right now and you think about this really stupid, idiotic, nonsensical thing that you want to do, anything at all. Can you just hold on to that right now because I will hold the space for you. And he told me what I want to tell you. I would rather see you fail at something you love than succeed at something you hate. Worst case scenario, give it a year and it doesn't work out, go back and get your scholarship. I said, okay. In that first year of business as a photographer, he's with a startup company. I'm working part time at my dad's church in Montebello, California. And I don't have an office. Like I have a fold out table in a storage room. But I'm just like, that's okay. Because I have this dream and one person believes in the dream. So Best Buy Christmas buys me a simple camera. And that year I said, I'm just going to make a bet and see if it works on me. So in my first year of business, I made $100,000. 00:13:40 - Jasmine Star Now that might not sound like a lot of money to many people, but to a girl whose family of seven, my dad did not make $100,000 in three years combined, the fact that I made $100,000 in 12 months, we took the whole family to Claim Jumper. Everybody is going to order whatever they want. And guess what? Nobody's ordering water. You want a Sprite? I got a Sprite. 00:14:05 - Jasmine Star You want a Coke? We got the Coke. We don't have to do that anymore. And to me, when somebody says, Jasmine, what was the first moment you felt like a success? Claim Jumper. Very few things can compare to Claim Jumper. And thank you, God. I have come a long way from that day, but that moment is still so sweet. And no, it wasn't. The 27 chocolate layered cake that we ordered at the end, it was just good. So what will you do with your one wild and amazing life? That is what brings us here to Pasadena City College. And so throughout the course of my career, I have realized that possibility is simply disguised as impossibility. What you think is impossible? I think it's possible because you would not have been given the idea, the hope or the dream if the capacity inside of you did not exist. You didn't wake up this morning and say, you want to know what I want to do? I want to be on the PGA Tour. 00:14:57 - Jasmine Star And you don't even know going to golf club, right? You didn't, but you woke up and you thought something. I want to be a restaurant owner. I want to be a videographer, I want to be a poet. You wouldn't have that dream if it wasn't inside of you. And everything is calling on you to go and create it. Because here's a crazy thing that happened. I became a photographer. And during that time, I didn't have any money for a website, so I just started creating content on a free blog. 00:15:21 - Jasmine Star I would write and then people would end up booking me. And other photographers were very interested in what I was doing. And so I had created an online following of people who were interested around this thing that I was doing. And guess what? I wasn't even good. I was mediocre at best. But I documented the journey. And then businesses said, hey, we like what you're doing with your marketing and branding. 00:15:41 - Jasmine Star Can you come and do some things for us and we'll pay you? And I said, okay, how much do you have? Like this much. Funny, that's how much I charge. Great. And then I started realizing, I started doing work for other businesses and their businesses were growing. I thought, okay, I'm trading hours for dollars. I said, you know, I'm gonna take a step back. Then they said to me, well, can you be a consultant? And I literally was like, googling, what's a consultant? Oh, great. 00:16:04 - Jasmine Star And they said, you will come in and you'll teach our teams and we'll go and do it. I was like, well, how much do you have? Funny, that's how much I charge too. So I started doing that and I realized that the more successful I became, I was still getting paid more, but trading hours for dollars. And I realized that I had less of a passion to build big companies. What I wanted to do was build the business owner. I wanted to build the business owner. So what I started to do was to create online courses. And lo and behold, in addition to getting a payment stream from photography, from consulting, from the resources that I had created for an online store for photographers, I created an online course. 00:16:39 - Jasmine Star And over the years, each progressive seven figure revenue stream continued to build. And after we had built courses, people said, well, we know what we need. We need consistency. So I decided, I'm going to create a membership. And after creating a membership, I started realizing that there was a friction point between our members and them getting their marketing resources out online. And I thought to myself, okay, the there's a way that we can figure this out. And I've never done this before, but I really think that we need to integrate with every social platform in order for marketing to be effective. Have I ever written a line of code? No. But when I said I wanted to become a photographer, I didn't own a camera. 00:17:12 - Jasmine Star Impossibility is possibility in disguise. Can we look past what we don't know? So I started hiring for a cto, a Chief Technology officer. And I had no idea what I was looking for, but I knew I needed a solution and I needed to surround myself with people who could get me to yes. 00:17:27 - Jasmine Star In 2021, my husband and my co founder we launched a SaaS platform software as a service that we now integrate with every social platform and we empower small business owners to market their business and build a brand. And along the way, I continued creating content which has empowered me to become an advisor, an investor, and a creator. So why am I here? Because I was asked to share a look into the future. And I will say that that was very intimidating because all I know is I look into the past. But I have been told, and this is what I hold to be true, I represent an underrepresented demographic. 00:18:05 - Jasmine Star I am Latina, I am female, I'm a first generation college student and I'm a first generation entrepreneur. Statistically, I have beat the odds by far. But I don't think I'm special. That's the crazy thing. So I just did a deep dive into my past to say, what can you do today so that I don't become an outlier, that we become the norm. So how are we going to do this today? Break it down in three simple pathways. I want to remind you of the past, I want to enlighten your present, and I want to prepare you for the future. From my humble, lonely opinion outside looking in, because I believe, and I've been...
Building Tomorrow’s Leaders: Transforming Education for the Next Generation with Jasmine Star, CEO of Social Curator Episode 135
Building Tomorrow’s Leaders: Transforming Education for the Next Generation with Jasmine Star, CEO of Social Curator Episode 135
What will it take to prepare today’s students for leadership in a workforce that’s evolving faster than ever before? Jasmine Star, CEO of Social Curator, challenges educators and leaders at the Pasadena City College Future of Work Conference to rethink traditional teaching methods and embrace a paradigm shift. She underlines the importance of equipping students with the skills, mindset, and adaptability needed to navigate rapid technological and cultural transformation. In a world where resilience, belief in one’s vision, and a willingness to embrace change are key, she highlights how the pursuit of success—and the sacrifices it demands—can inspire future generations to dream bigger and achieve more. You’ll learn: The key to preparing students isn’t academic achievement but teaching them how to adapt and lead with vision. What it means to empower students to borrow belief from those who guide them. Why embracing storytelling is essential for connecting across generations and building trust in the workplace. What role delayed gratification plays in shaping visionary leaders for the future. How teaching "how to human" skills revolutionizes workforce readiness. About the Guest: Jasmine Star, a world-class speaker, thought leader, podcast host, CEO, and entrepreneur, is dedicated to helping individuals reach their fullest potential. Beginning her entrepreneurial journey as an internationally recognized wedding photographer, she transitioned into a sought-after speaker and business strategist for creative entrepreneurs, spending nearly a decade empowering business owners worldwide to take risks and live boldly. She later founded Social Curator, a tech company offering a monthly subscription service that functions as a digital marketing agency, complete with an AI-powered social media manager providing customized marketing content. As a top podcast host and keynote speaker, Jasmine’s mission is to inspire professionals to transform how they approach their ambitions. Her approach focuses on helping individuals build the future they desire by recognizing and unlocking their own potential, no matter the obstacles in their path. Engage with us: , & : @PasadenaCityCollegeEWD Join our newsletter for more on this topic: Visit: More from Jasmine Star & Social Curator Website: Listen: LinkedIn: Instagram: Partner with us! Contact our host Salvatrice Cummo directly: [email protected] Want to be a guest on the show? Click to inquire about booking Find the transcript of this episode Please rate us and leave us your thoughts and comments on Apple Podcasts, we’d love to hear from you!
Transcript- Episode 134: Empowering Students for Competitive Industries: What You Missed at PCC’s 2024 Future of Work Conference Episode 134
Transcript- Episode 134: Empowering Students for Competitive Industries: What You Missed at PCC’s 2024 Future of Work Conference Episode 134
Pasadena City College (PCC) is enhancing its focus on aligning education with industry demands through partnerships, equity initiatives, and increased internship opportunities, particularly in the sports and entertainment sectors. Emphasizing sustainability and athlete mental health, these efforts aim to prepare students for emerging trends and address the challenges driven by the rapid growth of sports teams in Los Angeles. Educational programs are equipping students with specialized skills for non-traditional sports like surfing and cricket, while hundreds of internships are being developed to connect underrepresented populations with industry opportunities. In panel with Stephen Cheung, President & CEO of LAEDC and WTCLA, Liliana T. Pérez-Palacios, Senior Director of Cultural Affairs for the L.A. Chargers, Monique Reaves, Chief Revenue Officer of Rose Bowl Stadium, Matthew Cacciato, President and CEO of the LA Sports Council, and Dr. Salvatrice Cummo,Vice President of Economic and Workforce Development, you will discover insights into the evolving landscape of sports and entertainment industries in Los Angeles and the crucial skills needed to thrive in these competitive fields. You’ll learn: The importance of aligning education with industry demands. What skills are essential for success in the sports and entertainment industry. How career centers and professional development programs can benefit students. Why internships are crucial for career advancement in sports and entertainment. How education institutions can better prepare students for careers in sports entertainment. Engage with us: , & : @PasadenaCityCollegeEWD Join our newsletter for more on this topic: Visit: More from Stephen Cheung, President & CEO of LAEDC and WTCLA Website: LinkedIn: , , : @laedc More from Liliana T. Pérez-Palacios, Senior Director of Cultural Affairs for the L.A. Chargers Website: LinkedIn: , , , : @Chargers More from Monique Reaves, Chief Revenue Officer of Rose Bowl Stadium Website: LinkedIn: , , : @RoseBowlStadium More from Matthew Cacciato, President and CEO of the LA Sports Council LinkedIn: Website: , , : @lasportscouncil Partner with us! Contact our host Salvatrice Cummo directly: [email protected] Want to be a guest on the show? Click to inquire about booking Find the transcript of this episode Please rate us and leave us your thoughts and comments on Apple Podcasts, we’d love to hear from you!
Empowering Students for Competitive Industries: What You Missed at PCC’s 2024 Future of Work Conference Episode 134
Empowering Students for Competitive Industries: What You Missed at PCC’s 2024 Future of Work Conference Episode 134
Pasadena City College (PCC) is enhancing its focus on aligning education with industry demands through partnerships, equity initiatives, and increased internship opportunities, particularly in the sports and entertainment sectors. Emphasizing sustainability and athlete mental health, these efforts aim to prepare students for emerging trends and address the challenges driven by the rapid growth of sports teams in Los Angeles. Educational programs are equipping students with specialized skills for non-traditional sports like surfing and cricket, while hundreds of internships are being developed to connect underrepresented populations with industry opportunities. In panel with Stephen Cheung, President & CEO of LAEDC and WTCLA, Liliana T. Pérez-Palacios, Senior Director of Cultural Affairs for the L.A. Chargers, Monique Reaves, Chief Revenue Officer of Rose Bowl Stadium, Matthew Cacciato, President and CEO of the LA Sports Council, and Dr. Salvatrice Cummo,Vice President of Economic and Workforce Development, you will discover insights into the evolving landscape of sports and entertainment industries in Los Angeles and the crucial skills needed to thrive in these competitive fields. You’ll learn: The importance of aligning education with industry demands. What skills are essential for success in the sports and entertainment industry. How career centers and professional development programs can benefit students. Why internships are crucial for career advancement in sports and entertainment. How education institutions can better prepare students for careers in sports entertainment. Engage with us: , & : @PasadenaCityCollegeEWD Join our newsletter for more on this topic: Visit: More from Stephen Cheung, President & CEO of LAEDC and WTCLA Website: LinkedIn: , , : @laedc More from Liliana T. Pérez-Palacios, Senior Director of Cultural Affairs for the L.A. Chargers Website: LinkedIn: , , , : @Chargers More from Monique Reaves, Chief Revenue Officer of Rose Bowl Stadium Website: LinkedIn: , , : @RoseBowlStadium More from Matthew Cacciato, President and CEO of the LA Sports Council LinkedIn: Website: , , : @lasportscouncil Partner with us! Contact our host Salvatrice Cummo directly: [email protected] Want to be a guest on the show? Click to inquire about booking Find the transcript of this episode Please rate us and leave us your thoughts and comments on Apple Podcasts, we’d love to hear from you!
TRANSCRIPT -Blending Community & Global Reach in the Modern Workforce With Julie Uhrman, Co-Founder & President, Angel City Episode 133
TRANSCRIPT -Blending Community & Global Reach in the Modern Workforce With Julie Uhrman, Co-Founder & President, Angel City Episode 133
00:00:00 - Julie Uhrman When you think about the future of work, how do I engage them? Whether it's membership or content, storytelling or experiences or travel, how do I make the Angel City fan that lives in England or Australia or Germany feel a part of us? We've sold merch in 50 different countries in all 50 states. How do I continue to engage that fan? 00:00:25 - Christina Barsi The workforce landscape is rapidly changing and Educators and their institutions need to keep up. Preparing students before they enter the workforce to make our communities and businesses stronger is at the core of getting an education. But we need to understand how to change and adjust so that we can begin to project where things are headed. Before we even get there. So how do we begin to predict the future? 00:00:41 - Dr. Salvatrice Cummo Hi, I'm Salvatrice Cummo, Vice President of Economic and Workforce Development at Pasadena City College and host of this podcast. 00:00:57 - Christina Barsi And I'm Christina Barsi, producer and cohost of this podcast. 00:00:58 - Dr. Salvatrice Cummo And we are starting the conversation about the future of work. We'll explore topics like how education can partner with industry, how to be more equitable, and how to attain one of our highest goals, more internships and PCC. Students in the workforce. We at Pasadena City College want to lead the charge in closing the gap between what our students are learning and what the demands of the workforce will be once they enter. This is a conversation that impacts all of us. You, the employers, the policymakers, the educational institutions, and the community as a whole. 00:01:32 - Christina Barsi We believe change happens when we work together. And it all starts with having a conversation. I'm Christina Barsi. 00:01:40 - Dr. Salvatrice Cummo And I'm Salvatrice Cummo. And this is the future of Work. Good morning, good morning and welcome to our sixth annual Future of Work. And waking up early to be here with us today. It's such an honor to not only have you here present with us and talking to our speakers and our wonderful lineup of speakers, but also, this future of work lands on the centennial celebration for this campus. So yes, you can say woohoo. 00:02:07 - Julie Uhrman That's good. 00:02:10 - Dr. Salvatrice Cummo My name is Dr. Salvatrice Cummo and I am the Vice President of Economic and Workforce Development here at Pasadena City College. And our Future Work conference is really a key signature event that we do every year. We're very excited about it and pleased about it because it really brings forward our connections to industry, what we and how we can be positioning ourselves, our institutions, our systems to better align with our partners that we'll see here today. It's my pleasure to introduce our first keynote speaker, Julie Uhrman, Co-Founder and President of Angels City FC. Julie is a trailblazer in the world of sports and entrepreneurship, creating one of the most inclusive, forward-thinking soccer clubs in the nation. Her work not only transformed women's sports but also redefined how teams can serve their communities. Please help me welcome Julie Uhrman. Well, we're going to have a delightful conversation, Julie. 00:03:17 - Julie Uhrman We are, we sure are. Thank you for having me. 00:03:19 - Dr. Salvatrice Cummo You bet, you bet. I want to just kind of dive right in. I mean, you are at the forefront of career opportunities within this industry, within this sector, and I want to spend some time around looking at the startup models within this space. What career opportunities are you seeing moving forward as we prepare our students and upskill the existing workforce in this arena? 00:03:43 - Julie Uhrman Well, that's a softball question to start with. Let me start by saying that I think sports has gone. Sports has had a significant transformation in the last 10 years. And if you think about what has fundamentally changed in sports, it's social media. It used to be the only way that you could connect with the team or connect with a player or learn about event was through broadcast media, right? So the games were broadcast on television. You'd have to listen to ESPN or read Sports Illustrated, the LA Times to understand what was going on. And your connection with those teams and with those players came through these large third party distributors of content, creators of content. With the advent of social media and the acceleration of participation of social media, you now can create a direct connection with your fan, with the athlete that you love and with the club that you love. You don't have to go through a Fox Sports or an ESPN or Sports Illustrated to create the connection. And the reason that that is so fundamental is it allows players to become brands, it allows players to talk directly to fans, it allows teams to talk directly to fans. And so when you think about the future of work and how the startup culture can play a meaningful role in sports, it's how do I identify who my fan is, how do I connect with my fan? What kind of stories do they want to hear? What type of events do they want to be a part of? How can they give back to their community, how can they give back to their club, how can they engage with their club? And so I think when you think about sports, it's not just about the 90 minute soccer game or the 3 hour football game or the 10 hour baseball game, right? It's really about how can I engage a fan and how can I transform them into being sort of an activist for the club. 00:05:34 - Dr. Salvatrice Cummo And I really appreciate you saying that because as we develop our programs and we think about Skills alignment and skill development. With the rise of what you just shared this, you know, with data analytics and really paying attention to how we engage with the fans and multiple different vehicles in which we do so, what would you say are some of the skills that we need to be paying attention to not only as educators, but also as young professionals kind of moving into this space? 00:06:03 - Julie Uhrman Right. So if we break it into three categories, how do you find the fan, how do you engage the fan, and how do you build the sport? If you talk about how do you find the fan? It's exactly what you said. It starts with data and analytics. How can we use the tools we have today to understand who our true fan is? Because then I can build a product that resonates with them. So they want to come to the game. Some people want to come to the games because they love football, they love watching soccer. Other people want to come for a sense of community, for a sense of belonging. Others want to come because it's fun and exciting. 00:06:33 - Julie Uhrman Others come because it's a FOMO experience. Right. But it better be for Angel City. Right? But the first question is, who is your fan and how do I connect with them? And that's really rethinking data and analytics. And when you think about data and analytics, it's almost two parts. One, we use data and analytics as relates to ticketing and ticket pricing. 00:06:52 - Julie Uhrman How do you think about dynamic pricing? It's not just $10 and you walk in the door. Right. I think that is an old model and it certainly does a disservice to women's sports, where, you know, I think women's sports used to be thought of this charity, and if we make it inexpensive, people are going to come. The flip side of that is if you make it inexpensive, you are now making a statement about the value of the product and the experience. Right? So if it's inexpensive, then you're saying, well, maybe the product isn't that good. Right. Or even think about it this way, if I charge 10 or $15 for a game and it's raining Los Angeles going to get in their car or there's traffic. No, because for $10, you might decide it's not worth it. But if I paid $50 or $150, it's a much different decision making process. 00:07:38 - Julie Uhrman So using data to understand ticket pricing for different areas within the stadium, for different experiences, and then also on that experience standpoint, how do you create a package for a different type of fan? If my fan is a family, what is the experience? And Price point for them. If my fan is a 21 year old millennial, I don't think they're millennials anymore. Gen Z, Gen X. I don't know what we've come to now, but what is that experience? Right. And so you can see how data not only has a quantitative role, but also plays a qualitative role as well. 00:08:10 - Julie Uhrman I think AI is really fascinating as far as how do you communicate to your fans. So one of the tools that I'm asking my team to use is as we think about our advertising and our email marketing, if you're a designer, those are really boring things to design. Designing an email is really not that interesting. Designing an ad isn't that interesting. So there are now tools where we can provide a dozen different assets, a dozen different messages and let AI put them together and then point them to the right audience once we understand who those audiences. 00:08:42 - Julie Uhrman So as you think about roles in the future of work and careers, data analytics, marketing, segmentation, messaging, pr, it's all really important. When we started Angel City, when you talked about, you know, thinking about it as a startup, who would you think? The first person I would hire is a coach, a general manager, head of sales. Right. The first person I hired was the head of pr. First person. Because everything is storytelling. Everything is storytelling. How do I get you to care about a brand new sports team? There are 11 professional sports teams in LA. There's you, USC, UCLA. How do I get you to care about a new team? Right. So what's going to cause you to connect with us? So I think the role of creating content, of storytelling through PR is really important. 00:09:30 - Julie Uhrman I think the other benefit that young adults have today is you are digital first. You have been telling stories already forever, the span of your life on social media. That is incredibly important to a sports team. How do I tell the story about our players, our community, our games, our fans, on TikTok, on Insta, on threads, on Twitter, on Facebook? Each one of those platforms is different. 00:09:55 - Julie Uhrman Each one of the audience members of those platforms are different. So how do I shape that narrative and how do I tell that story differently? And then the last thing is the game experience. So think about game day, think about the game day presentation from the moment I wake up to the moment I go to bed. How do I engage a fan in this? And that's the pre game events that we have with the fanfrest where we create an experience for everyone and actually partner with PCC as a number of your students are ambassadors for us on game day. So there's operational roles. We have PR coordinators. Right. How do we make sure that we're satisfying all of the media outlets and making sure they get the right stories? How do we give opportunity to women? This is a women's game. The PA should be a woman. You think that's obvious? I think we're the only team in the league that has a female PA reader. Right. 00:10:52 - Dr. Salvatrice Cummo Let's talk about that a little bit about career opportunities and storytelling. Angel City promotes gender equity, social impact. How are those two pillars of the organization shaping career opportunities for women and specifically within underserved communities. Right. That we shared. 00:11:09 - Julie Uhrman Absolutely. So I think what's important to note is Angel City was built with a bigger mission than just being a team in a city, which I think is how most teams think about themselves or more importantly, just winning championships. When my co founders, Natalie Portman, Karen Nortman and I sat down, we really talked about wanting to build a club that was representative of our community and gave back to our community because if we could lead with values and create an emotional connection with our fan base, they would be lifelong Angel City fans, regardless of how many rings that we won. And so the idea was very early on that we were going to use sport and entertainment to drive to equity. One of the things that was happening in 2019 when we were building Angel City was the MeToo movement. The time's up movement, talking about equal access and opportunity for women in sports. And with the MeToo movement in Hollywood, is giving women opportunities and access to not only have great roles to be directors and get paid accordingly. So we wanted to be able to use our platform to drive towards pay equity, gender equity, even visibility equity. And what that means is as we built our club, it wasn't just about what are the roles that we need to service the football club, but what are the roles we need to service our community. And so we developed its social impact model that stood for equity essentials in education, giving back to the community, young girls, non binary individuals, underrepresented communities that can have equal access and opportunity to sport, to nutrition, to education, to financial services, information, and to be able to use our platform to service them. So we created the first of its kind Angel City sponsorship model where 10% of our sponsorship dollars goes back into the community. To date, we've put $3.5 million to work, and as Jen Gardner said, we have another 3.5 million committed due to the length of our sponsorship deals. As we think about putting that to work, we created an internship program for BIPOC high school students so they can get opportunities to not only have the opportunity to look at a sports team, but also to be able to build their resume. We've had 27 kids come through our program that have gone on to UC Santa Barbara and UCLA and Princeton. We've also partnered with an organization in LA called Los Photos, which is giving young Latinos and Latinas opportunities to utilize their craft of photography and content storytelling and give them the opportunity to capture our games and then be able to share their content not only with Angel City, but with media partners. And so we are really intentional about how we work with our community, focusing on initially women and young girls and non binary youth. 00:13:43 - Dr. Salvatrice Cummo Are there specific examples of that? I mean, you shared some, right? In general, in a nutshell. But are there specific examples of local community development as it relates to gender equity and social impact? 00:13:54 - Julie Uhrman Gender equity? One of my favorite stories is one of our sponsors from our first two years was crypto. And there was a lot of concern around crypto because of the impact on the community and how it's really only for a certain segment of people that really understand it. And so there was a question about why Angel City was partnering with them. But what we learned was that when new financial instruments are brought to market, women are typically left behind. So when you think about cryptocurrencies and new financial instruments and mechanisms, men are early adopters and women are late to the party. So the time women get to the party like that opportunity potentially for the big upside or to be a first mover, they've missed. 00:14:36 - Dr. Salvatrice Cummo Why do you think that is, though? I mean, in your humble opinion, why do you think that is? 00:14:39 - Julie Uhrman Because they are not being educated because they are not in the room. Right. And so we decided with that partnership with to address financial literacy and to help women be first movers. So we created a program that educated women. You know, on the one hand, we partner with the Downtown Women's center, which are women that are getting back into the workforce, that have been homeless and families. We've taught them about checking accounts and savings accounts and savings. So like the fundamentals. But then we also created a program to educate about all these sort of new financial instruments. And so it's sort of incredible to have this platform where we address equity essentials in education, where we can look at the marketplace and say, how can we help? How can we Make a difference. How can we get women on an equal footing with men? Because again, the goal of Angel City is to drive to Equity County. We've partnered with Ifund Women, which supports minority and women entrepreneurs. It not only gives funding, but education and resource and tools. We've launched a program called the Player 22 Fund, which allows former women's football players of any level, of any team, not just Angel City, to be able to get access to money through a grant program so they can have monies not only to support their educational endeavors. Maybe they want to be a coach or they want to get a license or they want to become a broadcaster, or maybe they have an entrepreneurial business that they want support in. So that's sort of another example. But we have about 15 different partners in LA that we work with and every time we bring on a new sponsor, we sit down with them and determine where our values align, where we can have that positive impact in the community. And then we develop a program around them. 00:16:13 - Dr. Salvatrice Cummo Excellent. And Angel City has built, has done so well in building a global brand. 00:16:18 - Julie Uhrman It's not just local, we're not the Yankees, but we're working on it. 00:16:22 - Dr. Salvatrice Cummo It's a global brand that has a very high emphasis on local impact. Yes, those dualities kind of offer some great opportunities and some challenges. Can you talk a little bit about what have you seen as positive impacts on that duality in our workforce? 00:16:38 - Julie Uhrman When Angel City came to market, we made a lot of bold statements. We were female founded, majority female owned and majority female run, and we still are today. We talked about having a positive impact in the community while we won on the pitch, we talked about driving towards equity, which we know is a many year endeavor, but you have to take steps going forward. And we talked about being a global brand. And the reason for the global brand aspect was if you think about who has the most influence in the world, right. Who has the most ability to create impact, they're global brands. It's the Nikes, it's the Netflixes, it's the Apples. Right. Of the world, it's the Googles of the world. If you are a global brand, everybody is paying attention to what you say and what you do now, what you deal with that is different for everybody. So we felt like if the most ambitious goal there is is to use sport and entertainment to drive to equity, we wanted to have the best chance of being successful. So if we were a global brand, we would get the most attention and awareness on what we cared about. And then the goal was to convert you into a fan that drives revenue, that ultimately drives impact. So if we're a global brand and we can drive the most revenue, we can pay the players the most, and then we can have the most impact in our community. And I think leading as a global brand has helped because I don't think there's any way we would have been able to put $3.5 million to work, generate over $30 million in revenue, $13 million in sponsorship revenue. That doesn't happen if you have parties that are interested that not only are local, but national and global. We have sponsors like Gatorade, Johnnie Walker Heineken, Chevy Doordash, Sprouts, Birdies. They're really a combination of local and global because they know that because Angel City has this global presence and reach, you know, their...
Blending Community & Global Reach in the Modern Workforce With Julie Uhrman, Co-Founder & President, Angel City Episode 133
Blending Community & Global Reach in the Modern Workforce With Julie Uhrman, Co-Founder & President, Angel City Episode 133
How can today’s workforce be prepared to connect with a global audience while still nurturing real, local community ties? At Pasadena City College’s Future of Work Conference, Dr. Salvatrice Cummo’s conversation with Julie Uhrman, co-founder of Angel City FC, offers a fresh perspective on addressing this challenge. Angel City isn’t just changing the game for women’s sports; it’s showing how a team can create a global impact while staying true to its community-focused values. Julie’s take on this evolving landscape demonstrates the shift in what’s needed from professionals—storytelling skills, fostering genuine connections, and leading with equity. For students and future professionals, the path forward is clear: the future of work means blending local roots with a global vision and preparing for careers that are as inclusive and connected as the world they aim to serve. You’ll learn: How fostering local community ties can prepare the workforce for global engagement. Why inclusive leadership is a competitive advantage for building lasting audience connections. Real-world examples show how to balance local impact with global ambition. Which essential skills training programs we should focus on for global career readiness. Why values-driven organizations are key for future workforce development. About the Guest: Julie Uhrman is an American soccer executive and entrepreneur who is president of Angel City FC, a National Women's Soccer League team based in Los Angeles, California, that Uhrman also co-founded. She was previously an executive at Playboy Enterprises, Lionsgate Entertainment, IGN, and Vivendi Entertainment, and founded the former video game console company Ouya. Engage with us: , & : @PasadenaCityCollegeEWD Join our newsletter for more on this topic: Visit: More from Julie Uhrman and Angel City FC: LinkedIn: Website: , , & : @weareangelcity LinkedIn: Partner with us! Contact our host Salvatrice Cummo directly: [email protected] Want to be a guest on the show? Click to inquire about booking Find the transcript of this episode Please rate us and leave us your thoughts and comments on Apple Podcasts, we’d love to hear from you!
Transcript- Episode 132: Tackling Systemic Racism in Education Head-On With Alysia Bell, President of UNITE-LA Episode 132
Transcript- Episode 132: Tackling Systemic Racism in Education Head-On With Alysia Bell, President of UNITE-LA Episode 132
00:00:00 - Alysia Bell If you are a business and employer listening and you want to support the young people in our community, opportunities to engage can really range to meet you where you're at. They can be designing industry focused work based learning models. It can be advocating for equitable education and workforce development outcomes. It could be just leveraging your experience, providing expert insights to help companies reimagine their strategies for attracting and retaining local talent. 00:00:32 - Christina Barsi The workforce landscape is rapidly changing and educators and their institutions need to keep up. Preparing students before they enter the workforce to make our communities and businesses stronger is at the core of getting an education. But we need to understand how to change and adjust so that we can begin to project where things are headed before we even get there. So how do we begin to predict the future? 00:00:57 - Dr. Salvatrice Cummo Hi, I'm Salvatrice Cummo, Vice President of Economic and Workforce Development at Pasadena City College and host of this podcast. 00:01:05 - Christina Barsi And I'm Christina Barsi, producer and co-host of this podcast. 00:01:09 - Dr. Salvatrice Cummo And we are starting the conversation about the future of work. We'll explore topics like how education can partner with industry, how to be more equitable, and how to attain one of our highest goals, more internships and PCC Students in the workforce. We at Pasadena City College want to lead the charge in closing the gap between what our students are learning and what the demands of the workforce will be once they enter. This is a conversation that impacts all of us, you, the employers, the policymakers, the educational institutions and the community as a whole. 00:01:43 - Christina Barsi We believe change happens when we work together, and it all starts with having a conversation. I'm Christina Barsi. 00:01:51 - Dr. Salvatrice Cummo And I'm Salvatrice Cummo. And this is the Future of Work. Hi, welcome back to the Future of Work podcast. I am your host, Dr. Salvatrice Cummo. We are joined by Alysia Bell, who has served as President of UNITE LA for the past two years. Though she's been with the organization for over 13, her extensive career spans K through 12 districts, higher education institutions, economic development and workforce advocacy. With her unique perspective, she's helped bridge gaps between these sectors, working to ensure equitable economic mobility and educational access for all. Today, we'll dive deep into the critical in between spaces of education and workforce development, helping individuals navigate transitions such as moving from high school to college and into meaningful careers. Alysia, hi, how are you? 00:02:50 - Alysia Bell I'm well. Thank you so much for having me. Salvatrice. 00:02:53 - Dr. Salvatrice Cummo Pleasure is all mine. Thank you so much. Let's kick off the conversation if you don't mind talking about your journey and what led you to UNITE LA with your extensive background, I would be happy to. 00:03:07 - Alysia Bell And you know, before I start, I just want to express appreciation for the incredible partnership of Pasadena City College as well as the LA Regional Collaborative of Community Colleges. Our team at UNITE LA is really grateful to collaborate with you all. So I would say over the course of my career, I've had the pleasure of working both in the education space at LA Unified School District in their personnel selection branch, and in post secondary education. I served as an adjunct professor of Industrial Organizational Psychology at Pepperdine University and then also in business, in economic development specifically, and more broadly as an executive for multiple chambers of commerce. And so I really credit the arc of this experience for sparking my interest in the work that I do today with UNITEd la. So, for example, when I worked in economic development, in my experience meeting with site selectors and corporate executives when businesses were considering relocating or expanding, one of their first questions was always related to education, both for their own children who, you know, their families would be relocating with them, but also, of course, for the workforce pipeline. When I worked at my first Chamber of Commerce nearly two decades ago, I staffed that Chamber's Education and Workforce Development Committee. And I just fell in love with the intermediary work, those in-between spaces that you referenced, and I know we'll talk more about today. I would say that before I worked for UNITE LA, I had long admired the impact they had through their intermediary work. And I actually pursued UNITE LA for two years until they hired me. So, through attending various meetings and events, I had the pleasure of getting to know UNITE LA's founder, David Rattray, as well as our late sister, Dr. Alma Salazar, two incredible leaders in this work and wonderful mentors. And you know, to me and to so many in our community, I really pitched to them how my career to date had intersected with K12 higher ed in business and how I believe that would position me well to work with them at Unitala. So I joke that eventually I wore them, and they offered me a job. And that was back in 2011. So now, as you mentioned, 13 years with UNITE LA. About to start my 14th year with the organization. And I just feel so lucky to collaborate with so many partners across LA and beyond. UNITE LA's name, despite LA being in the name we started focused on LA City. We work regionally, and we actually work statewide and nationally as well, but entirely focused on equitable economic mobility through education and workforce development. And I just, I feel like I grow more passionate about the work each day, really inspired by our team. We're almost 50-strong. We should end the year with about 50 team members. We have extensive tenure on staff, so our leadership team, the average tenure is over 11 years. So, a really deep commitment. And then of course, our incredible board. We have about two dozen board members, currently chaired by LACCD Chancellor Rodriguez, and Dr. McKeeshan is a new member of our board. So just thrilled and inspired by partners, by our board, and by our staff. 00:06:23 - Dr. Salvatrice Cummo Excellent. Well, we certainly had the pleasure of working with you and your team for many, many years, even prior to us building the Los Angeles Regional Consortium. I personally know your work and the work of your team very intimately. And so I'm really excited about unpacking this conversation a little bit because there's so much that UNITE LA has been able to do for us as a single institution and now as an institution hosting the Los Angeles Regional Consortium. And so we definitely thank you. But I want to unpack the in between space that we keep talking about and what that looks like. Can you share a little bit about through your lens and the lens of your team, how you bridge those gaps of those in between spaces between education and workforce? 00:07:10 - Alysia Bell My pleasure. This is the daily conversation. So I think of these critical in between spaces, which are of course foundational to the role of intermediary organizations such as UNITE LA. I think of them in a number of ways. So number one, cradle through career. Right? So along that full spectrum of early education, K12, post secondary education, and workforce development, both as it relates to the rising workforce as well as upskilling and reskilling opportunities for the incumbent workforce. 00:07:43 - Alysia Bell So that's the first in-between spaces, cradle through career, the navigation between the different institutions and systems. Number two, through systems, policy, and programs. So, UNITE LA likes to describe itself as working in three domains: systems policy, advocacy, and programs. We say that we're a systems change organization that's enabled by the policy advocacy work that we do and informed by the programmatic work that we do. 00:08:12 - Alysia Bell For example, oftentimes when we implement a program, honestly, I'd love to sit here and tell you that it goes 100% perfectly with no roadblocks, but we do run into challenges sometimes and honestly, we learn from that and that tends to give us an idea for a desired policy change or a needed budget investment at the state level. And so our programmatic team will take those lessons learned and then tag our policy team. So our policy team advocates. We do advocacy regionally, statewide and federally, but predominantly at the state level. Our team will advocate for policy changes, for budget investments once those are passed or Those investments are made then kind of tagged to our systems team. 00:08:57 - Alysia Bell Our systems Change team helps to implement those and really has built trust up over the last quarter century, working in collaboration with partners across the region and helps to convene those trust tables where we can implement and make those systems changes and support our partners where needed. So our team refers to this interconnectedness of systems change and policy and programs as the multiplier effect. 00:09:25 - Alysia Bell So that's our lingo that you would hear in all of our internal meetings is how are we multiplying the effect of policy programs in systems systems? And then I would just say number three, how I think about these kind of in between spaces is partnerships. So those in between spaces with partners, this is really UNITE LA's DNA. Taking just a moment to look backwards. UNITE LA was founded as an intermediary in 1998 by the City of Los Angeles, Louisiana Unified School District and LA Community College District. And these partners had envisioned a world where every young person would enjoy education and training opportunities leading to fulfilling high mobility careers of their choosing. So since then, and honestly, in partnership with you and with numerous partners throughout LA and beyond, UNITEd LA's impact has really resonated. So some of our systems work, we've collectively with partners, advanced a lot of shared goals. Through the LA Compact, which is now 16-years-old, we've advanced a number of Career Pathways programs in growing sectors such as healthcare and in tech. 00:10:32 - Alysia Bell We've served over 300,000 youth through our Cash for College programming. And the Cash for College attendees have been associated with nearly a billion dollars of state financial aid. And then that third domain, in partnership with many in la, we've advocated for a lot of key policy priorities. So everything from the California Dream act to the Career Pathways Trust Fund and from expanding paid family leave to CAL Grant modernization. So exploring those in between spaces with part partners and how we expand on that, moving to the future, we have expanded the partnerships in our systems change work through countywide partners. 00:11:14 - Alysia Bell So we're the proud convener of the LA Regional K16 Collaborative in partnership with you all. And then we've also really deepened diverse business engagement in our cradle through career policy agenda. We now have partnerships with over 30 business organizations throughout LA and throughout the state to really bring that diverse business voice to a lot of these issues. We're building pathways now not only in healthcare and in tech, but also really focused on an inclusive clean tech workforce in Los Angeles. 00:11:45 - Alysia Bell And this is really at the height of the clean energy transformation. And then finally we're advancing Numerous strategic partnerships. Again, back to that being UNITE LA's DNA. Everything we do is in partnership with others and some of these strategic partnerships support digital equity, early care and education, and of course broadly equitable economic mobility. So just really the moral of UNITE LA story is that, you know, those in between spaces, everything we've been able to accomplish has been done collaboratively. And so really looking forward to continued and expanded partnerships. Moving forward. 00:12:20 - Dr. Salvatrice Cummo Thank you. Sounds like to me there's several layers to those in between spaces, but one particularly is that transition from high school to college and or college to the workforce. Can we spend a little bit of time on some of the challenges you see in that transition and then just maybe share how the team has developed strategies in addressing those challenges for that transition period? 00:12:45 - Alysia Bell Yeah, thank you for that question. That actually allows me to share one of the three major growth areas for UNITE LA that's been identified in our recent strategic plan, which is really the evolution of our systems change work to grow and expand at the regional level. So again, as the proud convener of this K16 regional collaborative, our systems team collaborates with dozens of partners countywide to co create and grow streamline pathways for students from historically marginalized communities in key sectors. So in healthcare, computing and engineering. And speaking of the transition, as you asked about, you know, between high school and college and or from college to the workforce. So the K16 collaborative's regional goals are to increase college enrollment and persistence, to eliminate racial and gender enrollment disparities in these targeted pathways and then also to increase the percentage of students of color who are employed in their field of study. And the regional objectives are centered on those in between spaces that we talked about. So those include those transition points. So between high school and community college, expanding and enhancing dual enrollment offerings to really support Those transitions from K12 into post secondary education. The second objective is around enhancing transfer pathways. So really supporting those transitions if you are at a two year college and want to transfer to a four year institution. And then the third objective is yet another transition point from education into the workforce. So that's around expanding work based learning opportunities to really support those transitions into the workforce. And I'll just say a little something about the inclusive nature of those strategies. The LA Regional K16 collaborative leverages recommendations from California's Recover with Equity plan which came out a few years ago, I want to say in 2021. And these inclusive strategies are specifically aiming to retain students through inclusive supports. Number two is to provide high tech, high touch advising. Number three is to support college prep and early credit. And then number four, important to everyone, improving college affordability. And then I will just say that all of these objectives, these strategies, the expected impact includes, among other things, greater connectivity between these segments and systems of education and then also greater alignment of pathways to specified career fields. Again really focusing on those career opportunities that are high mobility in growing sectors. So as you may have seen UNITE LA evolve over the last two or three years, definitely our systems change team has grown to support this work and really navigate those in between spaces alongside partners. 00:15:41 - Dr. Salvatrice Cummo Would you say there's a specific mindset in approaching this work and if so, what would it be and how does it really shape how you lead, how programs are developed, the collaboration, the partnership, everything in between. So just kind of want to spend a little bit of time on your mindset specifically and engaging in this work because it's heavy and it's fluid and there's a ton of moving parts. 00:16:08 - Alysia Bell Yeah, I mean, I want to give so much credit to UNITE LA's founding CEO, who retired two years ago, David Rattray. He was a master at encouraging all of us to frame challenges as opportunities and always encouraged us to rewrite our narratives using asset-based language. 00:16:34 - Alysia Bell And we have found that that really puts us in a good frame of mind to be solutions oriented as we are working in community and with partners to address barriers. So let me give a specific example to demonstrate that. Let's talk internships for example. So some data. We see data that shows how internships can positively impact individual outcomes in the labor market following graduation. A recent report from Strada Education foundation shows that college students who complete a paid internship during undergrad have higher paying jobs after graduation, even when you account for differences in pay based on whether it be field of study, gender, race, ethnicity. 00:17:22 - Alysia Bell And so while many students recognize the benefits of internships, a challenge is that about 70% of first year students plan to complete an internship during college and less than half of students actually find and complete an internship and less than a quarter secure a paid internship. And so it's a challenge, right? But it presents UNITE LA with an opportunity to reframe it as an opportunity to collaborate with numerous systems, partners, institutions and community members to really address these barriers to these high mobility careers. 00:17:58 - Alysia Bell So as an intermediary, UNITE LA has the pleasure of facilitating connections between employers and post secondary institutions and other training programs to provide work based learning opportunities to our local talent here in la. I'm happy to share a couple of examples of employers in the high growth sectors of healthcare, tech and cleantech who are really successfully engaging. So in the tech sector, Snap offers an academy. Accenture has a summer internship and apprenticeship program in healthcare, Cedars Sinai offers an internship program in cleantech. One of our partners, Veolia, they have hired two community college interns for an internship that honestly was originally designed specifically for four year students. And again, a challenge as an opportunity. Right. So in our role as an intermediary, UNITE LA advocated for the company to consider scholars from our LA regional Cleantech Career Academy. 00:18:55 - Alysia Bell They did. Our candidates applied and interviewed and were hired in 2023. And the two who were hired, they both remain employed a year after their 2023 summer internship placement. And one was advanced to an engineering intern. And they both work part time while continuing their education. Another example, West Basin, they hired one of our cleantech Academy graduates, another community college student for a very competitive nine month internship program. 00:19:23 - Alysia Bell And so these are just a couple of the many, many employers who are so engaged and wonderful. But you know, we also try to track with trends and so what are some of those best practices or promising practices that we see with those employers? And I would say a few of the things we notice that they have in common. They have leadership that's really committed to investing resources. They have dedicated staff to engage with community partners in the recruitment of talent. They have specific programming that's funded and facilitated by their organization to cultivate local talent pipelines that meet their workforce needs. They have dedicated staff to support program implementation, a community benefits plan aligned with leadership's vision and commitment to hiring local talent, including community college students. And then I would just say a focused talent development plan that includes a focus on hiring local talent. And we see these employers supporting community career and job...
Tackling Systemic Racism in Education Head-On With Alysia Bell, President of UNITE-LA Episode 132
Tackling Systemic Racism in Education Head-On With Alysia Bell, President of UNITE-LA Episode 132
Connecting education and industry is vital for preparing students for real-world careers. Organizations such as UNITE LA bridge school-to-career pathways, focusing on equitable transitions for marginalized communities. Central to this is a strong commitment to equity and anti-racism, integrating these values into daily practices. Alysia Bell, President of UNITE LA, champions these efforts by promoting programs to combat racism, creating internal workgroups for race equity, and emphasizing collaboration, strong frameworks, and quality work-based learning. Technology and healthcare businesses are key partners with UNITE LA, contributing to industry-focused learning models that prepare students for high-demand careers. By working together toward inclusivity, we can build a more just society where everyone has the opportunity to thrive and pursue fulfilling, successful careers. You’ll learn: How businesses can collaborate with institutions to tailor a curriculum that meets both student interests and industry needs. What strategies ensure seamless transitions from high school to college and into the workforce. How organizations can combat systemic racism. What approaches can be used to design industry-focused, work-based learning models that prepare students for high-quality careers. About the Guest: Alysia Bell serves as President of UNITE-LA, joining the organization in 2011. In her years with the organization, she has led national work in partnership with the Association of Chamber of Commerce Executives (ACCE). This partnership has raised more than $13 million, which resulted in sub-granting more than $700 thousand to chambers across the country. This led to promising practices in higher education attainment and graduated nearly 200 business organization leaders from the Fellowship for Education Attainment. Together, UNITE-LA and ACCE designed and engaged more than 600 chamber professionals in the Education and Talent Development Division, which UNITE-LA and ACCE co-launched in 2011. Engage with us: , & : @PasadenaCityCollegeEWD Join our newsletter for more on this topic: Visit: More from Alysia Bell and UNITE LA: LinkedIn: Website: & : @letsunitela LinkedIn: Facebook: Partner with us! Contact our host Salvatrice Cummo directly: [email protected] Want to be a guest on the show? Click to inquire about booking Find the transcript of this episode Please rate us and leave us your thoughts and comments on Apple Podcasts, we’d love to hear from you!
Transcript- Episode 131: The Winning Edge: Multidisciplinary Skills for Tomorrow’s Workforce With Matthew Cacciato, President & CEO, Los Angeles Sports Council Episode 131
Transcript- Episode 131: The Winning Edge: Multidisciplinary Skills for Tomorrow’s Workforce With Matthew Cacciato, President & CEO, Los Angeles Sports Council Episode 131
00:00:00 - Matt Cacciato One of the things I think that's important to understand is that you know, there are people that are studying subjects in their school curriculum, in their degree programs that may not seem attached to the sports ecosystem, but there really isn't any specialization that you could think of that isn't a part of that. Already. 00:00:23 - Christina Barsi The workforce landscape is rapidly changing and educators and their institutions need to keep up. Preparing students before they enter the workforce. To make our communities and businesses stronger is at the core of getting an education. But we need to understand how to change and adjust so that we can begin to project where things are headed before we even get there. So how do we begin to predict the future? 00:00:48 - Dr. Salvatrice Cummo Hi, I'm Salvatrice Cummo, Vice President of Economic and Workforce Development at Pasadena City College and host of this podcast. 00:00:57 - Christina Barsi And I'm Christina Barsi, producer and cohost of this podcast. 00:01:01 - Dr. Salvatrice Cummo And we are starting the conversation about the future of work. We'll explore topics like how education can partner with industry, how to be more equitable, and how to attain one of our highest goals, more internships and PCC students in the workforce, we at Pasadena City College want to lead the charge in closing the gap between what our students are learning and what the demands of the workforce will be once they enter. This is a conversation that impacts all of us. You, the employers, the policymakers, the educational institutions, and the community as a whole. 00:01:34 - Christina Barsi We believe change happens when we work together, and it all starts with having a conversation. I'm Christina Barsi. 00:01:42 - Dr. Salvatrice Cummo And I'm Salvatrice Cummo. And this is the Future of Work. Hi, welcome back to the Future of Work podcast. I am your host, Dr. Salvatrice Cummo. Today we are excited to be joined by Matthew Cacciato. Matthew is the president and CEO of the LA Sports Council, a key figure in uniting the sports and business communities in Southern California. He's had an impressive career spanning over three decades, with leadership roles in sports television at ESPN and Fox cable networks, as well as in academia shaping the next generation of sports leaders at Ohio University. He's also a panelist at our upcoming Future of Work conference at Pasadena City College. In today's discussion, we'll dive into the role of the sports industry in preparing the workforce for the future, with special attention to how Los Angeles role as host for the upcoming global sporting events like the 2028 Summer Olympics and the FIFA World cup, and how those two events will impact local industries, talent development and educational partnerships. This conversation will give you a sneak peek into the insights Matthew will share at our future work conference. Remember you can buy your tickets to see him and other experts in person. Check out the link in the show notes Matthew welcome to the Future of Work podcast. 00:03:09 - Matt Cacciato Pleasure to be here, Salvatrice, and thanks very much for the invitation. 00:03:13 - Dr. Salvatrice Cummo Great. I like to start these conversations about what led you here. So if we could spend a little bit of time sharing with our listener what led you to your career within your career of sports and entertainment and how you got to be president and CEO? 00:03:28 - Matt Cacciato Yeah, absolutely. And it's always a great question and it's fun to answer it as well. I grew up very active, youngster and really just was in a neighborhood setting where my friend group were all fairly athletic. And, you know, we tried everything, whether it was, you know, on the field or out in the street or in a pool or on ice. I grew up in the northeast, so sports was a big part of my upbringing. And, you know, as I kind of matured through the various educational levels, I started to focus, you know, a little bit more on competitive sports. And through high school, you know, I played football, American football, I wrestled and I played lacrosse, which was new to a lot of public schools in the seventies and eighties, but I fell in love with it the minute I saw it. And so sports was really always a driver for me and kept me focused on school because I wanted to certainly go to college and I wanted to compete in collegiate athletics. So upon graduation, I started to realize that the industry was changing and that there was going to be sports positions, jobs, roles, careers in the industry as it grew. And I started to focus on that early and often. And, you know, it's hard to believe all these years later we're going to sit here and kind of talk about that as our subject matter. 00:04:48 - Dr. Salvatrice Cummo Exactly. I too, thinking about my own career and academic journey. Sports was really not something that we looked at as a professional career outside of actually doing the sports. So thank you for sharing that journey. As I mentioned earlier in our introduction, we have two very large global events coming to LA, and I wanted to get your thoughts about what are some of the challenges that you think our sports industry is going to face as it aligns the needs of the sports industry and workforce development, and how do you think we should meet those demands. 00:05:22 - Matt Cacciato I would say there's been such an evolution of how we educate our college students at every level about the opportunities in sports. I was talking with some folks earlier today about my previous professional stop at Ohio University running the Master of Sports Administration program there. That was one of the very first programs, actually the first program and it was really the idea of Walter O'Malley, who brought the Dodgers to Los Angeles. And I. Over the decades, the number of schools that have either added curriculum or certificates or degree programs has increased. Now there's probably 3500 plus colleges that have some form of sports business, sports planning, athletic administration in their curriculum offerings. So I think it's important for people to realize that there are a lot of young, developing professionals that have had this in their sights for a while. That and the fact that Los Angeles, the greater Los Angeles area, is incredibly well equipped from a facility standpoint, from seasoned professionals that are here to really fuel and to make sure that they can staff up for these great challenges. And really you're talking about FIFA, International World Cup soccer in 2026, and then 2028. Obviously, with the Olympics, large-scale events, none really bigger than those that will really test the readiness, workforce readiness that we have. So I feel like we're in better shape, certainly than they would have been in 1984. The last time the Olympics came through here, the World Cup, FIFA World Cup, was here in 1994, and again used a lot of different venues. So I feel that LA has the benefit of just being one of the more progressive and workforce-ready ecosystems when it comes to global sport. 00:07:12 - Dr. Salvatrice Cummo Well, speaking of workforce-ready ecosystems, there's lots of conversations about the impact of these global events and what they'll do, particularly to job creation and economic growth. Wanted to spend a little bit of time talking about how the LA Sports Council is looking to ensure or make known that these benefits are going to be felt across LA. 00:07:35 - Matt Cacciato Yeah, well, the Los Angeles Sports Council is a collection of three different nonprofit sports entities. The original of the three is the Southern California Committee for the Olympic Games. It's not a title we use anymore, it's more of our legacy. But the reality is it was born out of the need to try and save what was the 1940 Olympics. Unfortunately, that was interrupted by the World war. The International Olympic Committee realized it was going to be tough for those games to actually be held, and they tried to come back to Los Angeles, who had hosted the 1932 Olympics, to see if they would have certainly try and save the games from 1940. So it's a chartered business in the state of California's Secretary of State Business Library and still in good standing today. And they were a bidding committee. They were here to really drive the economic workup that's required to put a well-planned bid in place for the US and ultimately the International Olympic Committee to evaluate. A lot of times those bids aren't successful just based on the spacing that the Olympic Committee likes to keep in place. But eventually they were successful and they secured the 1984 Olympics. A lot of our emeritus or our alumni board members were actually part of the LA 84 operating group that brought the Olympics here. Out of the success of 1984, they started the next of the nonprofit entities, which was the Los Angeles Sports Council, and that was actually chartered as a 501c6, which is a little bit different in that we're a sports business trade association. So they had the foresight, you know, in the late 1980s to see that, you know, the evolution was underway and there was going to be a greater level of sophistication when it came to sports. So that was really a collection and remains a collection of relatable businesses to this day. Some of the professional teams, the collegiate athletic departments, as well as their general administration, are part of our organization. A lot of the main businesses that our community is fortunate to have, whether they be banks, law firms, accounting firms, a lot of event companies, are part of our board. And it's really about looking forward, trying to see what Los Angeles can attract in terms of events to support both, you know, amateur community as well as professional sport. And we've been fortunate that, again, we've been able to just develop our expertise. Overdose. Four plus decades. So again, nonprofit entities really brought together to better serve the community and ultimately the global sports community. 00:10:14 - Dr. Salvatrice Cummo Thank you. I also want to kind of just maybe touch upon one of the council's initiatives, correct me if I'm wrong, called the Ready set gold. 00:10:22 - Matt Cacciato It is correct and ready set gold is our primary community outreach program, and it was designed as part of a bid that the Los Angeles Sports Council put together for the 2012 Summer Games. Again, 2012. It doesn't sound particularly close to 1984, but the reality is the IOC does move the Olympic Games around the world with the focus on developing sport in some underdeveloped countries. But we put a bid forward and letting say gold was one of the legacy programs that they had designed for that bid. LA didn't win 2012, London did. But out of the 2012 effort, I. It was decided that the program was strong enough foundationally as a concept to launch. So we really started offering that to public schools, generally title I schools. So schools that have less resources available to them and no cost to the schools that participate. Generally elementary grades and middle school grades, are the target here. We do some high school programs, and then as important, is really employing Olympic alumni, athletes, former Olympians themselves, to execute and deliver the program inside the school. So, unique in that it's no cost to the public school districts, and we offer stipends to our Olympic athletes to go and execute the program and build relationships and help the students understand the importance of physical, emotional, and social well being. 00:11:52 - Dr. Salvatrice Cummo And in the context of these two global events coming to LA, how are you envisioning this program growing, or impacting the workforce in LA? 00:12:01 - Matt Cacciato I would say that, you know, we continue to grow. Ready, set, gold. We're pushing out into some school districts that have previously not been affiliated with us, and again, just spreading the story that is kind of the Olympic spirit. The Olympics are just a global phenomenon, and it has the ability to really unite people and to, I would say, bridge certain differences that various cultures, you know, and races and ethnicities have and bring about a spirit of collaborative competition. Yes, everybody wants to win for themselves, for their teammates, for their country, certainly. But at the end of the day, it's a massive undertaking, and I think that's a lot of the message that our athletes deliver, how they were moved. You know, personally, I would say as much, if not more so, than athletically in their experiences. And it's just not the Olympic Games. It's what happens, you know, in between, you know, the winter and the summer Games, the four years of trials and world championships, and, you know, internal and external, you know, competitions to hone their skills and ultimately decide, you know, in as fair and democratic a manner as possible, who's gonna represent the country in particular sports. So, again, that's been what has been most inspirational for me is just listening to the athletes, no matter their age. And we have athletes who are as young as 18/19 years old, and we've had athletes that are in their seventies, and they all share an unbelievable connection in that they represented their countries. And it's not just the USA. Since Los Angeles is so diverse, we welcomed athletes from other countries that competed for their flags and are glad to have them part of our outreach program. 00:13:49 - Dr. Salvatrice Cummo Thank you so much. And just switching gears just a little bit selfishly, I want to talk a little bit about the future of work conference, and you've generously agreed to being one of our panelists, and thank you so much from the bottom of my heart. Thank you for being a panelist. 00:14:02 - Matt Cacciato Absolutely. 00:14:03 - Dr. Salvatrice Cummo The intention behind the future work conference is always to showcase the gap between industry and academia, and how do we better align, and what are those skill gaps? What are the growth occupations through your perspective? Right. And what you're seeing now in preparations for these global events and just in general, what should be our area of focus for colleges and universities as we prepare these students for the future of work. 00:14:31 - Matt Cacciato I think the most important aspect of staffing a global sporting event doesn't have to be a global sporting event. I mean, there's national championships, so it doesn't have to be FIFA World Cup or the Olympics. It could be any one of a number of large-scale events that have significant number of athletes. Keep in mind, the athletes are supported by, you know, equally as large, if not larger workforces, whether it's athletic trainers, whether it's the coaches themselves. Digital aspect of sport now, artificial intelligence, you know, the science. So one of the things I think that's important to understand is that you know, there are people that are studying subjects in their school curriculum, in their degree programs that may not seem attached to the sports ecosystem, but there really isn't any specialization that you could think of that isn't a part of that already. I was at a conference here that was held by a philanthropic outreach and venture capital group last week called plug and play. And it was astonishing, the breadth of specializations and talent and brainpower in the room. You know, one of the panels just talked about cybersecurity and some stunning facts and figures about the number of attempts to try and interrupt the Paris Olympics, unfortunately. But, you know, that requires, you know, some of the smartest people that we have. A lot of our society now is driven by what happens in orbit, the satellite traffic that really is this information super highway for how we exchange these pictures that we see, the video, the voices, the data that drives the competition, the metrics that people are trying to achieve. So again, bioscientists, aerospace engineers, programmers, coders, graphic designers, and trying to build brands so people can better attach to some of the serious aspects of holding large-scale events, that trying to retain and recruit new talent to ensure the safest possible games, whether it's within the lines of play or just for the fans and how they move around. So it is a massive ecosystem, and there really isn't, there's nothing you can point to. There's no profession or specialization you can point to. And they said, yeah, they'll never work in sports. There's just no place for this skill set in sports. It just doesn't exist anymore. So we need everybody from all walks of life to bring their unique talents to making the games as best as possible. And that goes for division three or a junior college or a community college sporting event. You know, they require attention and care and careful planning that at times, you know, replicates what's going to happen on the global level. So that's one of the big misconceptions, that it's a very closed loop with a limited number of opportunities. And if you're one of the academics that study international sport, you would be aware and have the wherewithal to communicate this on a regular basis to your students so they understand if it's something that they aspire to, there's a place for them. 00:17:38 - Dr. Salvatrice Cummo Thank you for saying that. I mean, you touched upon a little bit the technological advances that the sports industry is currently facing. How do you see that evolving, you think, specifically within the next decade? And then what do you feel are some roles and skills are going to be critical for us in this profession or those incoming talent? 00:18:03 - Matt Cacciato Well, if you look at the highest level of competition, I would say the training and the technology that's involved in the science of training athletes, whether it's the ability to instantly edit and label certain movements that athletes make or don't make, staying healthy, the recovery is just such a big part of it now, strength training. And I less so with traditional weightlifting and more with sophisticated scientific motion experts. And so I would say that that is happening at every level. Our younger athletes are exposed to more technology. It can correct the path of someone early on that just might need some technical assistance to improving the biggest and fastest athletes already. At times, it levels the playing field. So, again, I just feel that on the Olympic side, it really continues to increase performance and in turn, the enjoyment, I think that the viewers and the audiences love to see and witness. But on the paralympic side, it's even more astonishing. And the fact that there's tools now for athletes with various challenges to be able to overcome those technology can help those who may have hearing problems or certainly sight problems. We know the accomplishments that some blind athletes and deaf athletes have overcome, not to mention those with physical challenges themselves. So I think it's growing the Paralympic space at a faster pace than it would be the Olympic space. And really, that's how this should be referred to disabled athletes is a term that we really try to avoid because we've grown beyond that. I think the academics have done a great job of presenting a kinder, gentler environment for those that are more challenged to learn, grow, compete, and ultimately, you know, to win within the athletic space. So it runs from A to Z. It runs from our youngest athletes, you know, to our oldest athletes, k through gray, as a lot of educators like to say. And that's certainly true. And again, it grows the ecosystem,...
The Winning Edge: Multidisciplinary Skills for Tomorrow’s Workforce With Matthew Cacciato, President & CEO, Los Angeles Sports Council Episode 131
The Winning Edge: Multidisciplinary Skills for Tomorrow’s Workforce With Matthew Cacciato, President & CEO, Los Angeles Sports Council Episode 131
The sports industry plays a pivotal role in shaping the future workforce, offering a range of opportunities for individuals with diverse skills. Matt Cacciato, President and CEO of the LA Sports Council, works to bridge the gap between sports and business in Southern California. With over 3,500 colleges featuring sports business curricula, there’s a growing emphasis on multidisciplinary education to meet industry demands, particularly in cities like Los Angeles, which is preparing to host major global events like the FIFA World Cup and the Olympics. By fostering partnerships with educational institutions and community stakeholders, Matthew aims to cultivate an inclusive and dynamic workforce, essential for the continued success and innovation within the sports ecosystem. Don't miss the upcoming Future of Work Conference at Pasadena City College, where Matt will be a panelist. Join us on October 29 to explore how we can prepare our workforce for emerging industries and take advantage of global opportunities. Register today to secure your spot and be part of shaping LA's future! You’ll learn: The role of the sports industry in preparing the future workforce. How Ready Set Gold promotes well-being in schools. How technological advancements enhance fan experiences and athlete training in the sports industry. Why partnerships with community stakeholders and educational institutions are crucial for developing talent in the sports industry. About the Guest: Before joining LA Sports Council, Matthew Cacciato served as the Executive Director for Ohio University College of Business’ AECOM Center for Sports Administration, and their renowned Master of Sports Administration graduate program. He also held the titles of Executive in Residence and Assistant Professor of Instruction. Prior to joining Ohio University, he spent 23 years in the cable sports television industry as a distribution executive for ESPN, Fox Cable Networks and the Yankees Entertainment & Sports Programming Network (YES Network). Engage with us: , & : @PasadenaCityCollegeEWD Join our newsletter for more on this topic: Visit: More from Matthew Cacciato and LA Sports Council: LinkedIn: Website: , , , : @lasportscouncil YouTube: Partner with us! Contact our host Salvatrice Cummo directly: [email protected] Want to be a guest on the show? Click to inquire about booking Find the transcript of this episode Please rate us and leave us your thoughts and comments on Apple Podcasts, we’d love to hear from you!
Transcript- Episode 130: Building LA’s Future: Small Businesses, Global Events, & Workforce Evolution with Stephen Cheung, CEO & President of LAEDC & President of WTCLA Episode 130
Transcript- Episode 130: Building LA’s Future: Small Businesses, Global Events, & Workforce Evolution with Stephen Cheung, CEO & President of LAEDC & President of WTCLA Episode 130
00:00:00 - Stephen Cheung We have to be a lot more careful and specific about how we train the next generation of workers. That's why we need to start aligning with the growth sectors, with the sectors that are going to produce the best jobs, the best paying jobs, the best career opportunities, so that we can have transformation throughout this entire region, so that you can have economic wealth and economic mobility for our communities, especially those that have been often left behind. 00:00:28 - Christina Barsi The workforce landscape is rapidly changing and educators and their institutions need to keep up. Preparing students before they enter the workforce to make our communities and businesses stronger is at the core of getting an education. But we need to understand how to change and adjust so that we can begin to project where things are headed before we even get there. So how do we begin to predict the future? 00:00:53 - Salvatrice Cummo Hi, I'm Salvatrice Cummo, Vice President of Economic and Workforce Development at Pasadena City College and host of this podcast. 00:01:02 - Christina Barsi And I'm Christina Barsi, producer and co-host of this podcast. 00:01:06 - Salvatrice Cummo And we are starting the conversation about the future of work. We'll explore topics like how education can partner with industry, how to be more equitable, and how to attain one of our highest goals, more internships and PCC students in the workforce. We at Pasadena City College want to lead the charge in closing the gap between what our students are learning and what the demands of the workforce will be once they enter. This is a conversation that impacts all of us, you, the employers, the policymakers, the educational institutions, and the community as a whole. 00:01:39 - Christina Barsi We believe change happens when we work together, and it all starts with having a conversation. I'm Christina Barsi. 00:01:47 - Salvatrice Cummo And I'm Salvatrice Cummo and this is the Future of Work 00:01:50 - Salvatrice Cummo Hi, welcome back to the Future of Work podcast. I am your host, Dr. Salvatrice Cummo. Today we are thrilled to have a returning guest who's been instrumental in shaping Los Angeles economic and global trade landscape. Stephen is also moderating a key session at our up-and-coming Future Work conference, where he'll discuss these themes in depth. He is the president of both the Los Angeles County Economic Development Corporation, also known as LAEDC, and the World Trade Center Los Angeles. He has been at the forefront of economic development in Los Angeles, working to attract international investments and position LA as a major global trade hub. Under his leadership, the World Trade Center of Los Angeles is helping shape the future of the region, especially as LA prepares for major upcoming events like the 2028 Olympics. He also plays a key role in workforce development initiatives, ensuring that local businesses and educational institutions are aligned with industry needs. Today, we're going to dive deeper into what this means for LA's future, exploring how infrastructure, workforce development, and local business opportunities will evolve in the upcoming years. Stephen, welcome back to the podcast. 00:03:14 - Stephen Cheung Thanks so much for having me back. 00:03:16 - Salvatrice Cummo You're very welcome. It's always a pleasure to have you on the podcast, as well as doing all this tremendous work across LA. So thank you so much. I recognize the value of your time, and so thank you very much. 00:03:28 - Stephen Cheung Thank you. 00:03:29 - Salvatrice Cummo How about we just jump right into the Future of Work Conference, because that, for me, is in the near future, and I want to make sure we get to that because you play a very important role in this conference. We know that this year is kind of really focused on the sports and entertainment theme, preparing our future of work individuals. From your perspective, what do you feel are the key industries that students and local businesses should focus on for preparing this in this evolving job market? 00:03:59 - Stephen Cheung Well, the amazing thing about Los Angeles is that we have so many different industries that are already available. And as you mentioned, the world and Los Angeles continue to evolve. There are new opportunities are available. So some key industries include. We've been working on some of these industries with you and with PCC already, the bioscience industry, the life science industry, space commercialization, space exploration. There are the sports and entertainment, digital media, entertainment. These are growing sectors that continue to dominate the region, but they're also locally serving industries that's been growing significantly. Based on our projection, for example, the healthcare industry will continue to grow. Government and education institutions will also play a significant role in our industry. And of course, our small businesses here, 94% of all LA county companies have less than 20 employees. That's really the backbone of our diverse economy, and that's why small businesses continue to be a major, major sector that we need to pay attention to. 00:04:59 - Salvatrice Cummo Thank you. I often wonder. We're preparing ourselves for LA 28, right? The Olympics and other major events that are coming to Los Angeles. You've shared with us a little bit about industries in which our workforce should be paying attention as it relates to job growth. Perhaps maybe career changes. But I want to kind of spend a little bit of time talking about how our small business community, particularly 94% of them with 20 employees or less, how they can position themselves to really benefit from what we will be seeing soon with these global events coming to LA. 00:05:34 - Stephen Cheung There are a lot of factors that are involved when these international global events are happening throughout the region. One of the reasons is because we have this amazing infrastructure that's already tied into our region, not only when it comes to the major stadiums, but also the hotels and transportation that allows them to very quickly fly in and out of Los Angeles. With that said, when these visitors are coming, they're going to be dependent on the hospitality services that are located here. This is where the small businesses can really benefit. There are going to be a lot of spending power with the visitors are coming through, but many times they're just going to be very much concentrated in the location that they're located at. Is there a way for the small businesses to start working more closely with their regional partners so that they are more visible on the LA stage? So when folks are actually seeking for different experiences, for example, more and more so we're hearing that a lot of the visitors going to the Paris Olympic Games wanted to experience different parts of Paris, exploring different cultures, different types of activities. Besides the sports, if we're able to feature the 88 different cities and over 100 and incorporated regions of Los Angeles, we have some of the largest diasporas outside of any nations here. Between all the amazing restaurants and cultural destinations that are throughout the entire region, turning them into their own destination in itself, this is really going to help the small companies be able to secure some of these spending and the dollars that will be spent by these visitors. So that's just one example of many, many things that these small businesses could do and should be doing. 00:07:10 - Salvatrice Cummo I mean, it'd be a bad idea for us to share those potential ideas and thoughts with our small business community at some point, and perhaps maybe not on this episode, but I think it's really kind of incumbent upon us as practitioners and leaders in this space to share what is possible with our small business community. And I'm just thinking about, you know, those are very short-term wins, if you want to call them, for our small business community. I wonder a little bit about kind of long-term legacy with having such a major event like the Olympics here. How do we grow a long-term legacy? How are you envisioning that for LA, specifically within sports entertainment? 00:07:47 - Stephen Cheung We've been hoping to be able to turn some of these major opportunities into a full industry. A lot of times when you're talking about either the Olympic Games or the FIFA World Cup, it's once in a long time, I was going to say once in a lifetime. But here in Los Angeles, we actually are blessed. So we have multiple opportunities. But when they leave, it's going to be maybe years, if not decades before they come back. But in between those major events, and while we're waiting for the next event to happen, don't forget, we have eleven professional sports teams that are already here having events on a regular basis almost every single week. Those are major events in itself. If you tie all of them together, that's one single industry. So when it comes to the legacy that I would like to see our small business community be able to take advantage of, is that if they are able to be grouped together and be provided with enough resources and enough training so that they can become vendors and contractors, so they can procure for these business opportunities. When major sporting events or major teams are selling their jerseys and their caps, can it not be manufactured by a local Los Angeles company? We have a huge garment sector here. When they are doing event activation, can we not have marketing and event production team here in various regions of Los Angeles do those activations? So that's the legacy that will be left behind. Because if those companies are able to succeed, secure contracts and procurement opportunities with some of these major venues, major events, or major sporting clubs and teams. This is a stamp of approval around the world. If you are a vendor to the Dodgers, to the Lakers, to the Clippers, to Super Bowl, to FIFA World Cup, to the Olympic Games, you now have a global reputation that you can now export your products. This is the second step of the legacy. Most of the consumers, when I say most, I mean about 95% or more of the consumers around the world live outside of the United States. So this is actually a much, much bigger market. Given that Los Angeles already so globally connected with the part of Los Angeles, part of Long Beach, Lax, and our trade and logistics sector, it becomes easy for them to actually export their products and services internationally as well. That would be additionally another legacy that I would like to see our small businesses be able to take advantage of. 00:10:11 - Salvatrice Cummo And would you agree that our consumers are really hyper-aware of that? They're hyper-aware of where their goods are coming from, and not necessarily the branding behind it, but who they've served and the impact they're making in their local communities, would you say? 00:10:24 - Stephen Cheung I would say so. I think more and more so with new generations of consumers. They're very, very conscious and they do their homework in terms of whether the products are made or sustainable, whether it's going to be negatively impacting a certain community. So because of the standards and the regulations that we have here in Los Angeles, sometimes people use that against us. But I think we should turn it into a positive and say that by supporting our local businesses, you're supporting the communities here in Los Angeles. I knew that previously that there were efforts to create a maidenhouse Los Angeles branding logo to unite the manufacturers are here. I don't think that has continued as robustly as it should. And that would be great if we can use the major events that are coming through as a way for us to unite so that becomes a branding mechanism. We've seen how great that the I love New York logo has been for New York. That's right. How about we basically do something similar for LA, utilizing these major events as a way to launch our products. 00:11:27 - Salvatrice Cummo I agree. I agree 100%. I'm even thinking about that as a potential strategy for sustainable growth. Just in the specific industry that you spoke of and underscoring your vision for this long term legacy, were there other strategies that you were kind of toeing around with in your mind about how we establish? And when I say we, I mean this is not a you problem, right? Like, this is not a you thing to fix, Steven. This is really an us thing, right. And everyone who really works and leads in this space, how do we, what strategies are you seeing as? Look, Savatrise. We really need to focus on this to really sustain this growth that we are going to see from these major events coming to LA. 00:12:09 - Stephen Cheung A few things. One, there was a time when we didn't have these major events. There was a time when we didn't have NFL teams in Los Angeles. It's not that long ago, and sometimes we forget. And so in order for us to have these competitive factors in place, we have to be competitive ourselves. So we can't take it for granted that these teams and these events would just come to us. Which means that we have to make sure that we're always innovating when it comes to technology, making sure that we're able to be sustainable and meet the global standards so that we can compete for these contracts. But the other thing, as we're talking about, the legacy, as we're talking about, what do we need to do now is we really need to unite ourselves as a region many times. Because we have 80 different cities, 100 incorporated regions, it's very easy for us to compete with each other. And a lot of folks around the world, they might not even know that Antelope Valley belongs to LA County. It's a part of our ecosystem. So how do we make sure that we're able to unite all these regions together as one brand, as one region? Make it easy for them to do business with us so they don't have to look anywhere else, because they really don't have to. But because we're so spread out, it becomes very challenging for them to enter this market. A lot of times when I talk to international companies, I have to give them a new perspective. I let them know that this region, LA County, is about 10 million people. Our GDP is well over $800 billion, making us the world's 21st-largest economy in the world if we're a country. So you would never go to a market this size with a city approach. You really need to have a country approach. When you have a country approach, you have multiple states, multiple provinces, multiple cities. You have to target, and that's what they have to do. But not a lot of businesses have the resources to be able to enter a country approach. That's why we have to do our homework. And I love what you said, Salvatrice. It's nesting. We need to do a much better job to make sure that we're not competing against each other. We're actually branding ourselves as one region. And so when a company comes over here, they want to open up operation or they want to do a major game. They know that from food and beverage to tourism, to production of garments, to marketing services, to whatever they need, it's all on one single location that they can reach. But that will take investment from our side to actually link all these resources into one single location for them to access. That's, I would say, one of the priorities that I would like to. To identify for LADC and would love to be able to work with our partners across the region to make sure that we turn it into a reality. 00:14:36 - Salvatrice Cummo Absolutely. Yeah. Count us in. Because, I mean, you and I both know regional work is very difficult. It's not as easy as we think it is. You know, in theory, we align our respective objectives, leveraging shared assets and talent for greater impacts. Yes, in theory, it sounds wonderful, but in practice, it's very, very difficult. And it does require all of us to understand that it takes a united front, and we certainly have to kind of let go of some things. So, all that to say, we are your partners at LAEDC, and we. For LADC, I should say. So please do count us in those. In those conversations. Speaking of conversations, like, you know, you mentioned a little bit about speaking to these international companies and attracting new companies here. I have to believe that infrastructure becomes a topic of conversation. Right. Using your words, we're approaching them through a country mindset, not a city mindset. What have you seen as projects that are being developed or in progress to not only build an infrastructure that's critical for us to receiving this influx, coming to us for the Olympics, but also for long-term growth and gain? What are some projects that you're seeing as relates to, to critical infrastructure? 00:15:54 - Stephen Cheung Well, I think the most visible one would be the investments that we've made for our transportation sector, with Metro really taking the lead, getting support from various federal and state sources in order for us to move forward with our transportation project. We know that traffic has always been an issue for LA, but we didn't wait around for support from the federal or state government. LA County actually passed Measure R and Measure M years ago in order for us to generate the tax revenue, in order for us to support the growth of these major projects. And many of them are underway and will be completed before the Olympic Games. One of those major projects is connection with LaX. And Lax in itself has put in over $14 billion, if I think all together it's tens of billions of dollars that they're putting in in order for us to modernize the airport. And so when that happens, this is going to be a major legacy project, an infrastructure project that will transform La altogether. Don't forget, for many, many years we have a rail system that stops probably a mile and a mile and a half away from the terminal of LAX, which doesn't make it easy for that connection. And that's why we see the congestion at LAX, which a lot of travelers, they do talk about and they are not happy with. But with this transformation, it allows us to change that and now make it easy for travelers to come in and out of LAX and then get connected not only with Santa Monica and with Sofi Stadium and with downtown but now with a new rail line going to UCLA that will be hosting and housing the Olympic village, this is also going to be. We're anticipating that the Westwood station is going to be one of the busiest stations after it opens in the metro system. So all of this is actually going to be great news for LA, the long-term transformation. What we need to do is also make sure that we change our human behavior. We're not a region that has adopted public transportation as a system that we can use regularly because our reliance on vehicles, but we are seeing that with generational changes. Gen Z, Gen Alpha, a lot of them are really gearing towards moving away from purchasing cars or using single-passenger vehicles. So that's a really, really good sign. What we're hoping to do is utilize major events like the FIFA World Cup and LA 28 as a way to showcase that you can actually take proper transportation. And hopefully, that's a lasting behavior change for the entire region. Because if we can get, you know, an increase in ridership for 20, 30% of our population that will significantly impact our traffic conditions as well. So those are just the highlights, right? The infrastructure projects that are going to be really driving this region is really going to be focused on the transportation side visibly. But there are things that people are not looking...
Building LA’s Future: Small Businesses, Global Events, & Workforce Evolution with Stephen Cheung, CEO & President of LAEDC & President of WTCLA Episode 130
Building LA’s Future: Small Businesses, Global Events, & Workforce Evolution with Stephen Cheung, CEO & President of LAEDC & President of WTCLA Episode 130
Los Angeles thrives on unity, innovation, and collaboration for economic growth. In this episode, we explore the intersection of major global events and local economic growth with returning guest Stephen Cheung, President of the Los Angeles County Economic Development Corporation (LAEDC), and the World Trade Center Los Angeles (WTCLA). As LA prepares for the 2028 Olympics and other major events, Stephen shares his insights on how these opportunities can shape the region's workforce, infrastructure, and business landscape for years to come. Stephen highlights the need to align education with growth sectors like bioscience, space exploration, and sports/entertainment. He also discusses key infrastructure projects, technology’s role in the future economy, and the importance of regional unity for economic competitiveness. Don't miss the upcoming Future of Work Conference at Pasadena City College, where Stephen will be moderating. Join us on October 29 to explore how we can prepare our workforce for emerging industries and take advantage of global opportunities. Register today to secure your spot and be part of shaping LA's future! You’ll learn: What key growth sectors will shape LA’s future economy. How small businesses can leverage global events like the Olympics for long-term success. The critical role of infrastructure in supporting both immediate and long-term growth. How technology and innovation will drive the next wave of job creation in Los Angeles. About the Guest: Stephen Cheung is the President and CEO of the Los Angeles County Economic Development Corporation (LAEDC) and the World Trade Center Los Angeles (WTCLA). He leads LAEDC’s efforts in areas such as business assistance, workforce development, international trade, and public policy, aiming to advance growth and prosperity across the region. In 2023, Cheung became CEO after serving as COO and Executive VP. He continues as President of WTCLA, a role he’s held since 2014. Previously, he served under Mayors Eric Garcetti and Antonio Villaraigosa, managing international trade and foreign affairs, including major trade missions and clean technology initiatives. He also directed international trade for the Port of Los Angeles. Cheung sits on several advisory boards, including UCLA’s Luskin School, Coro Southern California, and the LA County Workforce Development Board. Engage with us: , & : @PasadenaCityCollegeEWD Join our newsletter for more on this topic: Visit: More from Stephen Cheung and LAEDC: Website: LinkedIn: & , , : @laedc Partner with us! Contact our host Salvatrice Cummo directly: [email protected] Want to be a guest on the show? Click to inquire about booking Find the transcript of this episode Please rate us and leave us your thoughts and comments on Apple Podcasts, we’d love to hear from you!
Transcript- Episode 129: Why Strategic Storytelling Is the New Corporate Currency with Aleya Harris, Speaker, Strategic Storytelling Consultant, Bestselling Author Episode 129
Transcript- Episode 129: Why Strategic Storytelling Is the New Corporate Currency with Aleya Harris, Speaker, Strategic Storytelling Consultant, Bestselling Author Episode 129
00:00:00 - Aleya Harris If a story is told and no one hears it, does the story really matter? You have to be a storyteller and a story listener at the same time to create a good culture and that truly is a good leader. I'm creating an environment for you to tell your story and you know that I actually care about the beginning, the middle, and the end of it. 00:00:26 - Christina Barsi The workforce landscape is rapidly changing. And educators and their institutions need to keep up. Preparing students before they enter the workforce to make our communities and businesses stronger is at the core of getting an education. But we need to understand how to change and adjust so that we can begin to project where things are headed before we even get there. So how do we begin to predict the future? 00:00:51 - Salvatrice Cummo Hi, I'm Salvatrice Cummo, Vice President of Economic and Workforce Development at Pasadena City College and host of this podcast. 00:01:00 - Christina Barsi And I'm Christina Barsi, producer and co-host of this podcast. 00:01:04 - Salvatrice Cummo And we are starting the conversation about the future of work. We'll explore topics like how education can partner with industry, how to be more equitable, and how to attain one of our highest goals, more internships and PCC. Students in the workforce we at Pasadena City College want to lead the charge in closing the gap between what our students are learning and what the demands of the workforce will be once they enter. This is a conversation that impacts all of us. You, the employers, the policymakers, the educational institutions, and the community as a whole. 00:01:38 - Christina Barsi We believe change happens when we work together, and it all starts with having a conversation. I'm Christina Barsi. 00:01:45 - Salvatrice Cummo And I'm Salvatrice Cummo, and this is the Future of Work. Hi, welcome back to the Future of Work podcast. I am your host, Dr. Salvatrice Cummo. Joining us today is a leading expert in strategic storytelling and a powerhouse in the business consultancy world, Aleya Harris. Aleya is the founder and CEO of the Evolution Collective, Incorporated, and the mastermind behind Spark the Stage, a program designed to elevate professional speaking through authentic storytelling. With a background as a marketing executive and an ex-Google vendor partner, Aleya has garnered accolades, including being named speaker of the year twice. She's captivated audiences with over 100 presentations and webinars, and her expertise has been featured on more than 125 podcasts. Aleya is also set to release her highly anticipated book, Spark the Stage, which promises to change the way we think about storytelling in a public setting. Today, we'll explore how authentic storytelling is reshaping the workplace culture. Aleya will share how strategic storytelling can drive inclusivity, transform organizational dynamics, and set brands apart in today's competitive market. Aleya. Hi. How are you? 00:03:06 - Aleya Harris Hello. I am good. How are you, my friend? 00:03:09 - Salvatrice Cummo Very good. Very good. It's so wonderful to have you on the show. And thank you for just saying yes. 00:03:15 - Aleya Harris Of course, to you, there was no other option. I had to say yes. 00:03:20 - Salvatrice Cummo Thank you. I really appreciate that. Well, I'll tell you what. I have to get started with a background question. Like, I know a little bit about your background, right? But our listener may not. So I'm gonna pose to you a question about your career. Right. Like, you've worked with Stevie Wonders as a private chef. 00:03:38 - Aleya Harris Yes. 00:03:39 - Salvatrice Cummo To becoming a thought leader in storytelling. Right. Talk about a diverse career background. 00:03:45 - Aleya Harris What do you mean? Those are totally related. 00:03:48 - Salvatrice Cummo Totally related. Absolutely. Share with us. How did your experiences kind of lead to this intersection of storytelling and workplace culture? How did you get there? 00:03:58 - Aleya Harris So it was through not knowing myself and finding little nuggets along the way that I ended up where I am now. So, I started off in the fashion industry, the cosmetic industry. Hated it. Hated it. I was like, so let me get this straight. We make jeans that cost us dollar 20 to make, and we sell them for dollar 400, and they make your butt look flat. It was not for me. It was not for me. So, I was trying to. And I cried every day because the whole thing was just not for me. And then I got laid off. Luckily, didn't feel luckily at the time, but luckily I got laid off, and I ended up going to culinary school because I couldn't get a job doing anything else. I don't know why I was unhireable. And Uber was not around back then. So I was in culinary school for two years, and then I got some of the best, worst advice I'd ever gotten. Kind of got my cockles up. Chef instructor said, "well, you're gonna have to work ten years for $10 an hour before you're ever gonna make anything of yourself." And I said, excuse you. Wow. You clearly have never met me. Hi, my name is Aleya Harris, and I've never made $10 an hour, even in my first internship. So why the heck would I go to school and start now? So it was that that drove me to being the best. I graduated with 4.0 on the dean's list and president's list. And while I was in school, I said, how am I going to make it so I don't make $10 an hour? And so I started my own business. And that was my first foray into entrepreneurship. I started a private catering and chef business. And then, like any respectable person in Los Angeles, I got an agent. I got a chef agent. Yes. Everyone has agents, including chefs. 00:05:36 - Salvatrice Cummo You guys even know that that exists? 00:05:38 - Aleya Harris It's a thing. It's like, you know, for your household staff, you can go through an agency. You have your driver, your butler, your nanny. Everyone can have an agent should you decide to have one. 00:05:49 - Salvatrice Cummo Okay? 00:05:50 - Aleya Harris Find your niche. Find your agent. I found my agent. They were great, btw. They placed me some short term gigs, some long term gigs, and then they placed me among other people, like, with Stevie Wonder. And I ended up kind of doing my own business, but really focusing on being his private chef. And I traveled all around the world, and I thought I had found it because I definitely was not making $10 an hour. So, check. Mission accomplished. 00:06:17 - Salvatrice Cummo Yeah. 00:06:18 - Aleya Harris But after a while, I think I have delusions of grandeur, Salvatrice, because I was there with one of the biggest legends in music, and I was like, yeah, well, he's a legend, but I'm not. And the longer that I'm here, the more he will be a legend and the more I will not. And I said, how do I do what is burning in me? To be known, to be helpful, to be seen. How do I tap into that? But it still didn't feel quite right, that whole narrative. Oh, I just wanted people to know my name. For what? Like who? I'm not that important. Like, just to know the name Aleya Harris. What does that mean? And that actually gave me a clue when one day I was still working for Stevie, but I was also moonlighting with this other dude, like, this millionaire bazillionaire dude. He was, like, in his thirties. He had a house. I got lost in one time. I had to call the maid because I had no idea where I was. It had bowling alleys and movie theaters and wings. I mean, huge house. And I'm there, and one day, this dude comes home and I'm in the kitchen, and he brings me a jar of Prego. Like, Prego, like. 00:07:27 - Salvatrice Cummo Like the sauce, like sauce, okay. 00:07:29 - Aleya Harris Which I was, like, keeping it together, and I had my, like, public face on with that plastered smile, like, how can I help you? I'm behind my smile. I'm like, am I about to get fired? And you're about to do it in the most horrible way by telling me, like, this jar of Prego was better than your food. No, none of that was happening. He'd had a really rough day, and he comes from money, European money. And so his mom and him had grown up with chefs their whole lives. But when he was having a bad day, his mom would cook for him herself as a way to say, "I love you." And the only thing she knew how to cook was canned pasta sauce and noodles. 00:08:06 - Salvatrice Cummo Wow. 00:08:07 - Aleya Harris And so he brought me this pasta sauce, and he said, can you make this for me? I've had a really hard day, and I'm thinking to myself, this is the most expensive Prego pasta you are ever gonna have. But I did, and it was in that moment, and there were several moments with Stevie as well, where I was just like, wait a minute. My purpose here is not to be in someone's shadow. My purpose here is to love people into the highest versions of themselves, to allow them to connect with the place and the part of them that they don't get to show because they feel vulnerable, they feel trapped, they feel scared, they feel lonely. Rich people. Celebrities are some of the loneliest people I've ever met, right? And it's sad, but they're there. And through food, I had a medium to love them. That's why it was like. Like water for chocolate. It was like, let me love you through this food. So I had that whole I love you piece. I want to love you into the biggest version of yourself. And then I also had the but I want to be known, and everybody needs to hear from Aleya Harris. I didn't know how to rectify that, so I ended up working after Stevie, actually, after a couple other clients working at Google as a vendor partner in the marketing team, I was a regional marketing manager with my region being the United States, and I was like, I really love this. I'm loving people through food, through better behaviors. I'm able to help them understand, and I get to tell stories. I'm not cooking, so how do I translate that same feeling I'm able to give through the actual food well, but I could tell the story about the food and how it got there and how it can impact their lives. And that's how I started my storytelling journey. And the pieces started to come together, and I rose through the ranks of my parent company and became the head of marketing for North America and hated it again. I wasn't telling stories. I was surrounded by a bunch of bald white men in IBM suits who didn't know what the hell to do with me. They didn't know what to do. And I was like, I don't know what to do with me either. Within this, luckily, I got laid off, so God is just like, "I got you, girl." 00:10:06 - Salvatrice Cummo The universe has you covered universe had me covered. 00:10:09 - Aleya Harris So then I started my business, which had a different name, but I was doing the same thing, and I started putting those pieces together. And I said, well, if I have this knowledge of storytelling and marketing, my goal is to love people into the highest versions of themselves. And I have a really good knack of doing that. Well, all I really need to do, then, is to tell people how to tell stories and to tell really good ones so that they believe that their story is worth telling. And that's what I do now. I do that with individuals. I teach them how to be on stages and how to speak. I do that with companies. I had a brokerage company that was going up for sale, and they were valued at 2 million. And I got into their story, pulled out their differentiation points, gave them the tools to tell that story, and then their end valuation was 51 million. They closed in June. Stories, I realized, are a way of showcasing the part of you that most people look for externally. They're looking for what makes them unique, what kind of thing they can do, the gimmick, the cool thing that already exists inside of you. You just need to showcase it. And the best way that I've learned how to do that, since I can't cook for the whole world, my kitchen's just not that big, is to tell stories. 00:11:26 - Salvatrice Cummo Speaking of which, like, you really highlight the storytelling piece as part of workplace culture. But, by the way, wow, amazing story. Like, I learned a few things that I didn't know. 00:11:40 - Aleya Harris I'm so glad. See, I'm multifaceted. There's depth. Depth over here. 00:11:46 - Salvatrice Cummo 100%. 100%. The storytelling piece is what I'm really fascinated about and how you really emphasize storytelling and workplace culture going hand in hand and why that's important. So, can we talk a little bit about why storytelling and workplace culture really creates a supportive work environment? And why do you think it's so important for business leaders today to hone in on what their story is? 00:12:14 - Aleya Harris Okay, so let's break this down to, like, what we're actually doing, because business people are really good at all of the acronyms, right? ROI, KPI, DEI. Right? We're, like, gonna acronym it out to make ourselves feel important. And the thing that I've realized over my whole career. 00:12:32 - Salvatrice Cummo I'm gonna use that. I'm gonna use that. We're gonna acronym this out. 00:12:35 - Aleya Harris We're in an acronym. We're gonna use that phrase. It's just. It's never that serious. So we think, oh, workplace culture, that's such a big concept. Let's break it down. You got human beings. Human beings, in order to survive in the culture that we are in, have to go to somewhere or exchange their value, their expertise for money. That's what we do. And when you get a whole bunch of those people together, you have a workplace culture is happening whether you like it or not. It's a shared value system, shared beliefs, thought patterns, and behaviors. That's what makes up culture. So you got a whole bunch of people that have their own individual stories that are running twenty-four-seven. And that is creating your workplace culture. The human beings and the collection of their individual stories. So, instead of thinking about this workplace culture as those values on the wall, like integrity with the lion and resilience. 00:13:35 - Salvatrice Cummo And all of that stuff, with that tone as well. 00:13:38 - Aleya Harris That tone, it is not any of that. It is the storybook of each individual human stories. So it's up to you then, as a workplace culture builder, to find the golden thread between the stories. Because humans come as humans every single day of their work life. They cannot leave themselves behind. It used to be that in workplace cultures and very corporate environments, we tried. We tried our darndest. We did. We were gonna be as fake as possible. I'm not gonna let you. 00:14:15 - Salvatrice Cummo But it worked! 00:14:16 - Aleya Harris It worked right until people were dying inside and they realized what was it all for. I would much rather have a little bit of a mess that we have right now because human beings are messy. And as culture builders, we have to understand that not every story has a happy ending. And there are lots of stories with ogres and dragons and people who get limbs cut off and sickness and magic potions that put you to sleep for long periods. Our stories are filled with the real-world examples of those things. When you're looking to build culture, you're looking for the commonality between experience that everyone can relate to. Everyone can relate to stories of overcoming. So then what have they overcome? How can they tell their story within the cultural landscape of your company? And how do you paint the overall story of your workplace as well? We had bad Q4 figures, right? But we're going to overcome that as the heroes of this story. And what qualities of overcoming that you experience in your own life can we use in our group and collective corporate story? How do you highlight those element so that people can relate, so that they are bought in, so that the hero of your story is not just a logo brand name, but is actually all of the human beings at work underneath that company buying into that story, finding those human threads is your job as a culture builder. And you're a culture builder if you're an HR, okay, check. Be a culture builder. If you're a leader. You're a culture builder if you are an individual contributor. And the stories that you're telling and sharing are contributing to that storybook, and you got to live in the storybook. So you probably should make it a good story, because otherwise you're kind of, like, stuck under the bridge with the ogre, and nobody wants that. 00:16:11 - Salvatrice Cummo No one wants that. No. No. It's not a fun place to be. 00:16:14 - Aleya Harris No, it smells. 00:16:21 - Salvatrice Cummo Is there. Might there be an example that you can share with us if you're at liberty to share an example of that cultural storytelling and the impact it made to the organization? 00:16:32 - Aleya Harris So one example that I can share is, like, when the behaviors have gone wrong, so name is redacted for the personal benefit of the company. Right. So they had a problem with their founder and the legacy of the founder being almost bigger than the founder themselves, and then creating behaviors where they were then kind of incapacitated to moving towards a new way of doing things because, oh, well, if we move and if we change these behaviors, then we're not being true to our roots. But the problem was that the environment around them is changing. They're an older company, and they needed to be able to change the narrative and take the founder out of the seat of the hero and put that founder in the seat of the guide so that the hero, the people that were currently leading and being in the company could go on their own journey or the next stage of a journey. In every story, there's many, many characters, right? But for now, we're going to focus on the hero and the guide. The hero is the one who gets to go on the journey. They're the ones who experience the transformation. They're the ones who get to follow the plan of the guide, the sage that leads them to success and away from failure by putting this person that had already gone on their journey and keeping them in the hero seat, what it was like would be like the knight in shining armor coming back from all of these quests and then, like, having drunken ragers all day, every day for years, never wanting to let go of the glory days and never actually moving on. So then the kingdom falls into ruin because then the knight doesn't do what he was supposed to do. It's gotten. And then the rest of the people who could have risen up and taken control of the kingdom, they don't have the space to do that because that's not how we do things here. So, for this particular company, the first thing that we had to do was articulate what the roles were that everyone was playing and realize the value that each one had, articulate the behaviors that happened in those roles and needed to happen within those roles in order for everyone to be successful. And then how are we going to measure, then, how those roles were successful? How do we know whether we truly were going towards success and happily ever after or going towards failure? And we're stuck with the ogre under the bridge, and that is not, again, where we want to be. So we went through those three stages, and then we also started doing some work within the individual stories of the company and the individual humans. Again, workplace cultures about the individual humans, these are some of the questions we ask. What have you lived through that you think is important? What are the struggles that you've gone through, and how do they make you who you are? How do...
Why Strategic Storytelling Is the New Corporate Currency with Aleya Harris, Speaker, Strategic Storytelling Consultant, Bestselling Author Episode 129
Why Strategic Storytelling Is the New Corporate Currency with Aleya Harris, Speaker, Strategic Storytelling Consultant, Bestselling Author Episode 129
In today's fast-paced and competitive business landscape, organizations strive to stand out and retain top talent. One powerful way to achieve this is through storytelling. By crafting narratives that resonate with employees, leaders can foster a sense of belonging, purpose, and motivation within their teams. Aleya Harris, founder and CEO of The Evolution Collective Inc. and creator of Spark the Stage™, is a renowned expert in strategic storytelling. Advocating for radical authenticity, Aleya believes storytelling can revitalize workplace culture and drive innovation. Her book, "Spark the Stage," aims to revolutionize public speaking by showcasing the essential role of storytelling in promoting inclusivity and deeper connections, even in remote work environments. You’ll learn: The significance of storytelling in leadership. How radical authenticity in storytelling can benefit workplace dynamics. Why understanding individual struggles is important in leadership. How workplace culture is shaped by collective stories. About the Guest: is the spark for your spark™. A trailblazer in purpose-driven story crafting, she is a marketing executive and ex-Google Vendor Partner who brings her dynamic experience to her role as the CEO of Aleya is an international award-winning speaker, the founder and lead trainer of , and the host of the award-winning . She is also the bestselling author of Spark the Stage: Master the Art of Professional Speaking and Authentic Storytelling to Captivate, Inspire, and Transform Your Audience. Her unique approach as a Strategic Storytelling Consultant has revolutionized the way businesses communicate, transforming workplace cultures and market positioning. With her dynamic energy and proven methodologies, Aleya guides clients to unlock their potential, articulate their radically authentic stories, and achieve unparalleled success. Engage with us: , & : @PasadenaCityCollegeEWD Join our newsletter for more on this topic: Visit: More from Aleya Harris: Website: Read Aleya’s Book: Email: & : @aleyaharris TikTok: Partner with us! Contact our host Salvatrice Cummo directly: [email protected] Want to be a guest on the show? Click to inquire about booking Find the transcript of this episode Please rate us and leave us your thoughts and comments on Apple Podcasts, we’d love to hear from you!
Transcript- Episode 128: Redefining Higher Education: Making Knowledge Accessible to Everyone with Shai Reshef, President of University of the People Episode 128
Transcript- Episode 128: Redefining Higher Education: Making Knowledge Accessible to Everyone with Shai Reshef, President of University of the People Episode 128
00:00:00 - President Shai Reshef We will have a better world if we will have educated world. And I think that any single person who go and get higher education not only improves their lives, they improve their lives, their family lives, their community lives, and in extension, their country and the world. 00:00:23 - Christina Barsi The workforce landscape is rapidly changing and educators and their institutions need to keep up. Preparing students before they enter the workforce. To make our communities and businesses stronger is at the core of getting an education. But we need to understand how to change and adjust so that we can begin to project where things are headed before we even get there. So how do we begin to predict the future? 00:00:48 - Salvatrice Cummo Hi, I'm Salvatrice Cummo, Vice President of Economic and Workforce Development at Pasadena City College and host of this podcast. 00:00:57 - Christina Barsi And I'm Christina Barsi, producer and co-host of this podcast. 00:01:01 - Salvatrice Cummo And we are starting the conversation about the future of work. We'll explore topics like how education can partner with industry, how to be more equitable, and how to attain one of our highest goals, more internships and PCC students in the workforce. We at Pasadena City College want to lead the charge in closing the gap between what our students are learning and what the demands of the workforce will be once they entertained. This is a conversation that impacts all of us. You, the employers, the policymakers, the educational institutions, and the community as a whole. 00:01:34 - Christina Barsi We believe change happens when we work together, and it all starts with having a conversation. I'm Christina Barci. 00:01:42 - Salvatrice Cummo And I'm Salvatrice Cummo. And this is the Future Of Work. Hi, welcome back to the Future of Work podcast. I am your host, Doctor Salvatrice Cummo. Today we're joined by Shai Reshef, a visionary in the world of education and the founder of University of the People, which stands as the world's first nonprofit, tuition-free, accredited online university. Shai is an American entrepreneur whose career has spanned both the for-profit and nonprofit sectors of education. He founded the University of the People in 2009, and under his leadership, it has grown to serve over 137,000 thousand students globally, providing accessible higher education to individuals from all walks of life, particularly those in underserved and marginalized communities. Shai's innovative model has earned him numerous accolades, including the prestigious Eden Prize of Educational Development in 2023. Today, we'll explore how the university addresses the unique needs of adult learners and marginalized communities, and also discuss the broader implications of democratizing higher education through technology. Shai, it's an honor to have you here. Good morning. How are you? 00:03:02 - President Shai Reshef It's an honor to be here. Thank you for inviting me. I'm great. 00:03:06 - Salvatrice Cummo Thank you. Well, that's an excellent start. I had taken a moment to learn so much about you and your background and specifically around all your experiences kind of leading up to this point. And so if you don't mind, I think it'd be really great if we kick off the podcast for you to share with us. What led you to develop and create University of the People? What were your experiences that led the influence of this design? 00:03:35 - President Shai Reshef So I was involved in for profit education for over 20 years, every kind of educational services. And among other things, I started the first online university in Europe through partnership with the British University of Liverpool, where we delivered their online degrees. For me, it was a great revelation. It's the first time where I realized that through online learning, we can educate people from all over the world, make them get this great European education while staying at home and keeping their jobs. At the same time, I also felt that while it was a great opportunity, most people could not afford it because it was too expensive. I ended up selling that for-profit university, and I came here to New York just to realize that I want to continue and I want to do more. But I also felt that I don't want to do the same. I want to give back. It's my turn now to give back. But it was clear to me that I want to make it in a way that will have an impact on the world. And having impact on the world is obviously through education, because when you think about it, when you educate one person, you can change your life. When you educate many, you can change the world. So I looked around, and they realized that everything that made this European university so expensive is available for free. Open source technology, open educational resources, content that professors produce and put online for the rest of the world to use for free. And the new phenomena were professors came online and helped students for free with their homework. And I said to myself, open source technology, open educational resources, and free professors, that's actually university. All I had to do is to put it together. So I did, and I created University of the People, which, as you said, the first nonprofit, tuition free online university. 00:05:43 - Salvatrice Cummo And if I'm correct, the mission of the university is really centered around accessibility, as you mentioned, right? I mean, you mentioned it just slightly, but knowing that the accessibility is a massive component to the outcomes or to the experience of the student, how does the university also ensure that its programs are relevant? Because, you know, there's lots of, I'm sure that you've heard a lot of noise around, yes, it's accessible, but are we really developing these programs to position these students for success. And so how do we ensure, how are you ensuring those two things align? 00:06:22 - President Shai Reshef So you're right, it's a good question. Because the students who come to us, coming from all walks of life, we have survivors of the genocide in Rwanda, the earthquake in Haiti, and we have refugees, we have Afghan women, we have in the US, homeless, undocuments, etcetera. These people come to us in order to have a better future. While we want their experience to be beyond that and to make them well-rounded individuals, their goal is to have a better future. As such, we decided that we only going to offer the degrees that are likely to help them find a job. Business Administration, Computer Science, and Health Science, Associate and Bachelor degree, as well as Master in education, Master in information technology, and a Master in Business Administration, MBA, the degrees that are most in demand worldwide. When we do that, we make sure that not only the degrees are relevant, but also what we teach them toward a degree is very relevant for the job market. We are accredited, which is important to ensure our students that there is a stamp of quality over our degrees. Our advisory boards of the different programs coming from the best universities and industries, and also we make sure to help our students find a job when they graduate. 00:07:52 - Salvatrice Cummo When you say you help students find jobs after their completion, what does that look like? How does that happen? Is it with, in our traditional model of education, we call it a Career Center. What does it look like for the University of the People? 00:08:07 - President Shai Reshef So we are not traditional, but we still call it Career Service Center. Let me start by saying that a lot of students work while studying. So finding a job is not the issue, but actually finding a better job and helping get promoted while they study with us. We teach them, like other universities, how to write your resume, how to open a LinkedIn page, how to search for a job, how to be ready for an interview. So we teach them all this. In addition, we are able to offer virtual internship to every single one of our students. So we sign an agreement that enables us to offer a virtual internship to every one of our 137,000 students, including refugee and refugee camp, including women who are studying while hiding in Afghanistan. They get virtual internship of a seven and a half month while they doing it. They study and get credit for the internship when they are done. About 25% of them get job opportunities from the workplace, from the place they did the internship, and others go to the job market with actual job experience. I think that just talking about our graduate work in Google and Amazon and Wells Fargo and IBM and World Bank. We have quite successful graduates who do quite well in their life after graduation. We are very proud of them and we feel that it is our role. As I said, studying with us is part of the way toward their future and we need to help them in their future as well. So job placement is very important for us. 00:10:03 - Salvatrice Cummo Yes. I want to circle back just a little bit on the alignment of the programs and how you're ensuring that those programs are relevant. I know this information. I think our listener needs to know. The information is it really has a lot to do with the instructors. Can you talk a little bit about how the instructors are curated and their expertise? Because that lends itself to the relevancy of those programs and placement, everything that you just shared? 00:10:28 - President Shai Reshef Sure. So first of all, in terms of the courses are all created centrally, so we ensure that every course is being written and usually the dean decides who is going to write the course and we have instructors, instructional designers that work with them. Every course goes through peer review and we make sure that the content is very relevant for the job market. Then the instructors who teach for us are coming from all kind of universities, but all of them, in order to teach with us, need to go through screening and through training to make sure that they know the content, to make sure that they know how to use our platform. When they start teaching, they have a mentor spending the first term with them verifying that they know what they're doing. In every single term there is evaluation. There are evaluators, which are also senior faculty that are actually watching every class to make sure that our instructors are up to our standards, so we make sure that the quality is there. If the instructor is not doing as well, well as they should, we simply ask them to leave. So we ensure that the quality is there. It's extremely important for us. 00:11:49 - Salvatrice Cummo Right. And I imagine that yourself and the team and others are seeing unique needs for these adult learners. You know, outside of the work life balance and their careers. Some of them might be in existing careers, others might be transitioning to other careers. What have been other, you think, unique challenges for these adult learners? And how is the university kind of catering to those needs as they come? 00:12:17 - President Shai Reshef There are a lot of challenges to deal with. First of all, the majority of our students are working adults. And as working adults, many of them have families and many of them work. Now, how do you fit studying within your life? For that reason, we decided that all of our courses will be divided by weeks, and every week will start on Thursday and on Wednesday, which makes the weekend in the middle of the week. For those who want to study only in the weekend, or those who do not want to study to study in the weekend, because in order to study with us, they need to spend 20 to 30, 30 hours per course per week. That's a lot of time. When you think about it, it's three, 4 hours over the week. So we made it asynchronous to make sure that they can study anytime, anywhere. There is no live lectures. Maybe the professor decides to offer a live chat, but it's never mandatory. So they can study anytime, anywhere. And we are flexible. That's why we have a lot of single moms who raise their kids. The stay-home moms, either single or stay-home mom, or both, who actually during, I don't know, when the kid goes to sleep, that's the time to study. And they study in the evening. They can study in the morning whenever they choose in other places. And that's mainly for our students who are outside, outside of the US. Many of them are coming from developing countries where they don't have broadband. As such, a video is not mandatory with us. You can study, you can have text only for anything you study. Moreover, you don't need broadband. You can use only text. You can download anytime you are near Wi Fi. Study later on at home with any device. So it's any device, anytime. We made higher education accessible and affordable with the right quality. 00:14:24 - Salvatrice Cummo Speaking of tuition free model, that is absolutely no easy task and endeavor. You and I both know the trials and tribulations of running a university, the business side of a university or institution. What were some of the challenges you faced in developing this tuition free model? 00:14:44 - President Shai Reshef I'll go back to when I announced the university and I was talking about knowing that there is open source technology, open educational resources and volunteers. And I decided to put it together and create a tuition for university. And I announced it because I ran a university before I knew how to run a university. What I didn't know, and that was the big question mark, was I knew that I want volunteers, but how many of them will actually come was a big question. I can tell you that the day after I announced the university, actually in Munich, the New York Times wrote a page about it the following day. I already had hundreds of emails by professors who said, wow, this is a great idea. We want to help. So these amazing people built the university. We have by now over 40,000 volunteers. So I'm a volunteer, the deans are volunteers, the professors are coming to us as volunteers. So the university is based on volunteers, even though many of them are being compensated somehow or somewhat. Not somehow. So this was one question that I didn't know the answer, whether it will be, it will be sustainable. And it is. I think that the major challenge that we had from day one was how to spread the word. And by the way, we are tuition-free, but we are not free. We should talk about it so people would not think that it's totally free. We expect our students to pay $140 per each end-of-course exam, which turn out to be 5600 for a full BA. But it is a fraction of any American university. 00:16:31 - Salvatrice Cummo Correct. 00:16:32 - President Shai Reshef Which means that we don't have budget for advertisement. And how would people hear about us? I mentioned the New York Times writing a page about us. Well, if you are a Syrian refugee or a refugee in Sudan, you tend to skip the New York Times once in a while. So how would you find out about University of the People? Spreading the word is a big issue. UNESCO stated that there are 100 million people who need our services around the world. How do you let them know that there is an opportunity for them? So that has been a big challenge from day one. The challenge that comes with that is that when they come to us, many of them said, we don't even have this $140. Now, we feel that higher education should be a basic right for all and not a privilege for a few. So if you don't have the money, we need to help you. So we trying to have enough scholarships to let all of them in. We do not have enough scholarships. I'll give you maybe an example of Afghanistan. Following the Taliban taking over of Afghanistan, we announced that we're giving 1000 Afghan women scholarship in days with thousands of Afghan women applying. So we said, okay, let's double the number and then we triple it. So we have 3000 Afghan women now studying with us in their home, by the way, behind closed doors with a scholarship. But we have over 20,000 Afghan women who apply to study with us. We can't accommodate all of them. So that's a challenge because it's kind of, it's our mission to help them. We cannot, we cannot help all of that. Besides that, you know, it's like every business, you know, you have a budget and you have revenues and you have costs and you need to manage the growth because we are growing and you have technology that you need to support. So, yeah, yeah. 00:18:34 - Salvatrice Cummo And so what was the win? Or maybe it was several different wins that helped the university grow to 137,000. Knowing that there's, you know, there's challenges on publications and pr and marketing, there's no budget for that, you know. So what were one of the ways or a way that you felt could spread the word outside of, you know, publication? Are there partners perhaps? Or how do you spread the word to start with? 00:19:04 - President Shai Reshef Well, when we started the university in 2009 with quite a lot of publications, it drove students, even though it was so unique that a lot of people said, what's going on? What is it? In 2014, when we received our accreditation, it was a sign, you know, it was a stamp of quality. We got a lot of publicity. At the same year I gave a TED talk and with all this we start accelerated growth. So if from 2009 when we started, until 2004 when we received the accreditation, with 500 students, from 2014, now we're in 24, from 500 students to 137. Amazing exponential growth. 00:19:50 - Salvatrice Cummo Absolutely. 00:19:51 - President Shai Reshef I think that COVID also helped because when we started in the first few years, a lot of people look at us as, oh, you're on the margin, you're not the real thing. You know, the real thing is the traditional university online is not the real thing. Covid came and all universities closed their doors and look at us because we were the only one who knew how to continue the services uninterrupted. So a lot of students came and the perception of online. Today, every university in the US has at least the program or at least a few courses that are online and we know probably as good or even better than other universities how to make it a great experience. 00:20:38 - Salvatrice Cummo So, yeah, that's right. You know, just kind of circling back just a little bit on the workforce and programming side. One of the things that came to mind to me was how is the university positioning themselves for the evolving needs of the workforce is continuous. It changes daily. How is the university positioning itself to meet those demands? And what advice would you give educational institutions like ours who are trying to innovate in that space of meeting the demands of the workforce? I want to spend some time there a little bit. 00:21:15 - President Shai Reshef I talked about designing the courses, but it's beyond every program in our case have advisory board that is pretty much half and half. Half are academics, people who come from great universities, the other half coming from the workforce. And between them they decide of what we need to study next, teach next or what the students need to study. But it goes beyond that. We start offering recently certificates, both certificates from within our program. Take this number of courses and study and you get a certificate. But also we are planning on developing certificates that will be standalone certificates. The beauty of certificates from my perspective is twofold. You take a certificate, take five, six courses, you get the certificates and you can go right to work. At the same time you got credit. So you can choose, you can continue to earn a degree, you...
Redefining Higher Education: Making Knowledge Accessible to Everyone with Shai Reshef, President of University of the People Episode 128
Redefining Higher Education: Making Knowledge Accessible to Everyone with Shai Reshef, President of University of the People Episode 128
Higher education is a gateway to a brighter future, offering individuals the opportunity to expand their knowledge, skills, and career prospects. However, access to higher education has often been limited by factors such as cost, location, and time constraints. Shai Reshef, President of University of the People, believes education is a right, not a privilege. By removing financial and geographic barriers, the university offers accessible education to students from all backgrounds. Recognizing the unique challenges adult learners face, like balancing work and family, it provides flexible, self-paced online programs. Whether advancing careers or fulfilling lifelong dreams, University of the People ensures higher education is affordable and essential in today’s evolving world. Join us as we discuss why making higher education accessible to everyone is crucial for individual growth and global progress. You’ll learn: How making higher education accessible and affordable unlocks opportunities for learners from all backgrounds to thrive. Ways offering asynchronous courses and flexible learning options empowers adult learners to balance education with their busy lives. How designing courses around industry demands and evolving workforce trends equips students with the skills they need to succeed. How integrating AI and cutting-edge technology into education prepares students to navigate and excel in the future of work. About the Guest: President Shai Reshef is the founder of the University of the People, the first nonprofit, tuition-free, accredited online university. With over 20 years in for-profit education, he saw online learning's potential to make higher education accessible globally. Believing education is a right, not a privilege, he's focused on helping underserved communities. Under his leadership, the university has served over 137,000 students worldwide, earning him awards like the 2023 Eden Prize. Reshef's mission is to democratize education and foster a better, more peaceful world. Engage with us: , & : @PasadenaCityCollegeEWD Join our newsletter for more on this topic: Visit: More from President Shai Reshef: LinkedIn: TED Talk: More from University of the People: Website: LinkedIn: , , : @UoPeople , : @uopeople.official Partner with us! Contact our host Salvatrice Cummo directly: [email protected] Want to be a guest on the show? Click to inquire about booking Find the transcript of this episode Please rate us and leave us your thoughts and comments on Apple Podcasts, we’d love to hear from you!
Transcript- Episode 127: Unlocking Community Power: How Women’s Business Centers Create Thriving Entrepreneurs with Nancy Swift, Executive Director at JEDI & CA WBC Network Chair Episode 127
Transcript- Episode 127: Unlocking Community Power: How Women’s Business Centers Create Thriving Entrepreneurs with Nancy Swift, Executive Director at JEDI & CA WBC Network Chair Episode 127
00:00:00 - Nancy Swift Women in business, they face barriers. I actually believe it's a crisis of confidence, if you will, which affects how you price your goods. How much do you think that it's really important in how we deliver our services at JEDI and the women's business center that we take into account that women hate to talk about themselves. So if we get them to talk about their service or their product, it changes things. And then that changes their own goals around what's possible. 00:00:33 - Christina Barsi The workforce landscape is rapidly changing, and educators and their institutions need to keep up. Preparing students before they enter the workforce. To make our communities and businesses stronger is at the core of getting an education. But we need to understand how to change and adjust so that we can begin to project where things are headed before we even get there. So how do we begin to predict the future? 00:00:57 - Salvatrice Cummo Hi, I'm Salvatrice Cummo, vice president of economic and workforce development at Pasadena City College and host of this podcast. 00:01:06 - Christina Barsi And I'm Christina Barsi, producer and co host of this podcast. 00:01:10 - Salvatrice Cummo And we are starting the conversation about the Future of Work. We'll explore topics like how education can partner with industry, how to be more equitable, and how to attain one of our highest goals, more internships and PCC. Students in the workforce. We at Pasadena City College want to lead the charge in closing the gap between what our students are learning and what the demands of the workforce will be once they enter. This is a conversation that impacts all of us. You, the employers, the policymakers, the educational institutions, and the community as a whole. 00:01:44 - Christina Barsi We believe change happens when we work together, and it all starts with having a conversation. I'm Christina Barsi. 00:01:51 - Salvatrice Cummo And I'm Salvatrice Cummo. And this is the Future of Work. Hi, welcome back to the Future of Work podcast. I am your host, Doctor Salvatrice Cummo. Joining us today is Nancy Swift, the executive director and one of the founders of the Jefferson Economic Development Institute, also known as JEDI. Nancy also chairs the California Women's Business Center Network, where she leads efforts to build capacity for women's business centers across the state, including the new one here at Pasadena City College. Her commitment to developing prosperity for all and her hands-on approach to community-driven economic development make her an invaluable leader in this field. We're excited to have Nancy on the show today and talk about the unique challenges faced by underserved entrepreneurs and the innovative solutions that can drive meaningful change in our communities. So let's get to it. We're excited to have you here. Nancy, how are you? 00:02:53 - Nancy Swift I'm okay. Salvatrice, thank you so much for elevating the voices of this work, this field, and women who are trying to help other women rise above. It's great. 00:03:04 - Salvatrice Cummo My pleasure. So, full disclosure, you know, you have accomplished, I mean, I know this. Our listener might not know this, but you have accomplished so much with JEDI and the Women's business center, and you have been instrumental across the state. And I think it might help the listener maybe understand a little more and unpack, really kind of what led you here? What was the spark that led you to dedicate your career to supporting the underserved entrepreneurs and really fostering this community driven economic development? 00:03:37 - Nancy Swift Well, thanks for the question. And it is true, you know, as we all consider our own position in our careers and in our leadership, that it is about those sparks and when we can connect to things that seem to matter a lot to us, that we follow. And I think that's some of the grit that I've held onto as we've persevered. What for me now is about a 35 year career. And most of my career, economic justice for women has always been important to me. And what's been of interest and my early days, it was certainly from an international perspective, economics. 00:04:19 - Nancy Swift When I took macroeconomics, I almost failed. When I took microeconomics, I started to understand when people connect to the economy, they find opportunity. And I just saw everywhere around me examples of when you were giving a woman that opportunity, the compound impact that that had when somebody got a new opportunity and what she did with that for her family, for her children, for the community. And so that's really where my interest has always been. What I studied since I was a little girl. And when I have been traveling to other countries to learn about other people, that was of interest to me. 00:05:01 - Nancy Swift But I had some influential mentors in my career, so way back when, and one of them is in the news today. So I think this is kind of interesting. But when I first got started, the world was on fire because this man had started a rural bank for women, and they were the owners of the bank, and it's called the Grameen Bank, and his name is Dr. Mohammed Yunus. And I got a chance to meet him, and he's an example of somebody who did the same thing. I mean, I think he was in Cambridge. He went to the London School of Economics, and he was studying economics, and he went home to start this bank for women. And when women got loans in a peer lending format, they then grew their businesses. They had more money to spend on their children. 00:05:49 - Nancy Swift In particular, their daughters going to school and changing the roof on their house so that when the monsoon season came, their house wasn't demolished. And it was just the purest form of community economic development, if you will. And it was from the ground up. And he's gone on to have lots of other things that he's promoted around social enterprise. And the reason he's in the news right now is that bank, which is 90% owned by low income rural people in Bangladesh and 10% by the government of Bangladesh. 00:06:22 - Nancy Swift He was falsely imprisoned by the president that was recently ousted by students, and he was asked to come back and be the interim president. And I just think that's such a power. In the meantime, from when he started Grameen until now, he got the Nobel Peace Prize, and he got it because he was creating economic and social development from the ground up with this Grameen bank. 00:06:45 - Nancy Swift And so he's always been a mentor to me about how important it is to look at not only just increasing business activity or increasing income to a household, but what are all the ripple effects of that? And how does that build powerful leaders in the future? So that's one of my early experiences about why I got in this field. I just wanted to mention one other one, too, because they're both international. And then why I came here then sort of what influenced me since I've been here in rural California, I was a volunteer professional with a program called Voca. 00:07:22 - Nancy Swift Volunteer Overseas Cooperative Assistance is the name. I actually don't think these exchanges exist anymore. But I went on behalf of the us government to Kazakhstan, and I got to work with a group of about 50 women. And they were five years post-breakup of the USSR, so five years post-communism. Many of their husbands had died in the wars that they were fighting, so they were widowed. 00:07:49 - Nancy Swift And here they were having to fend for themselves. And they were using this peer lending model. And it was the greatest experience in democracy with a little d, because we had to figure out how we're going to talk, who's going to get a loan, what are going to be the terms, and who's going to agree to this? But most importantly, it was what business are you going to run? Because they weren't used to thinking that this was an opportunity. 00:08:15 - Nancy Swift They were used to being given an instruction and following through on it or being. Giving food. So all of them wanted to be tomato resellers. And I said, well, what else do you all need? Oh, we need shoes and we need tailors and we need. I said, well, do any of you have those talents, somebody do something else, because then you can build a whole community and a whole marketplace, and you won't have to compete only on price if all of you are selling tomatoes. So that is just a silly example, but I saw how powerful it was in just the short time I was there, which was a month, how they started to go, oh, yeah, I can do this, and I want more. And I want to also be able to help my community. So those examples have been really powerful in shaping by commitment. 00:09:06 - Nancy Swift When I landed in rural California, it was in fact, to study the Grameen bank being applied in the fifth largest economy in the world, which. So that was just fascinating to me, how different those experiences could be. But so now I have seen the power of a business as the means or as a tool for women and men in disenfranchised communities. So whether you've been systematically left out of something or you just haven't had the opportunities that others have had, business people say, and it's partly true, that business is the great equalizer, but in order to have a successful business, you still need access to capital and real and good information, and that is not equal. 00:09:53 - Nancy Swift So it's really important that we get our kind of messaging and our kind of services out to people who maybe don't have other people in their family who have done this before, or they don't have other mentors around them, or they. They're not hooked into a system. We've seen time and time again that there's information out there, but people don't even know it's there, so to speak. So that over time, it's become important for anybody who's got some kind of big barrier that they're facing, that we're helping them because they've chosen to grow a business for whatever reason. Maybe it's to support their family, maybe it's because they're entrepreneurial and it's the greatest thing, and they don't want to work for anybody else. Or maybe it's because they have a product and they're going to build jobs for people. All these kinds of businesses matter to people. So one of our principles here at JEDI is that we serve people and their businesses. 00:10:59 - Salvatrice Cummo Yeah, I really appreciate that. And I know you said, oh, that was a silly example, and I understand what you're saying by that. But, Nancy, that's not silly at all. That's a beautiful example. And an impactful example. I mean, that is an example of how dedicating oneself to educating communities so that the community has a stronger trajectory forward to be successful, that is impactful. Yes. It's only a month, but gosh, it's like you've influenced an entire community. And that community continues to evolve and to grow and to establish itself and just have growth and prosperity. And so I wanted to share my thoughts around that. That I think that that is incredible. I think that is the most beautiful thing I've heard all day. And I'm so glad that you shared it with me. We don't really categorize community driven economic development. We don't really say that. We don't really talk about it in that way. We either just say workforce development or economic development. And we know that the community needs to drive this work. Right. Okay. But it also community driven economic development, when we categorize or phrase it in those terms, helps us to focus on maybe larger socioeconomic issues. Right. Similarly to what you touched upon a little bit, might there be other areas, other issues where a community driven economic development framework, I'm going to call it, that helps really address these larger socio economics economic issues? 00:12:34 - Nancy Swift Well, absolutely. Let me add to what you're saying because I too use the phrase community economic development. I've been talking about bottom up. That's always been when things made sense to me when I was one on one with an individual seeing the impact of something or watching them express their need and knowing that, one, we could help them with that. And two, what they then will do in their community is so powerful. It's more powerful than raising the GDP. It is way more powerful. So I just went looking for some definitions and I like this one because it sort of resonates also with the concept of b corporation. It's like, what is our actual bottom lines here? So I get, we work in the field of economic development and business development. We track things like business starts and jobs and created and financing acquired and things like that. But we are also track at jedi things like how many people have gone on and joined associations or run for office or how many people did this business help them rise out of poverty for what else did this business afford for them in their family? And what is the role of this business in their family. But I love this definition of community economic development because I think it speaks to exactly what you're talking about. That community economic developers focus on creating inclusive local economies. So that's hooking people up, developing nourishing livelihood opportunities, love that word nourishing, building on local resources and capacities, increasing community control and ownership. It's so critical that local control is present and wealth is being built locally and individually, enhancing the health of the environment and encouraging community resilience. If that's what community economic development is, then we integrate those into an approach, and then we see the multiple bottom lines that come out of that. Environmental sustainability, economic vitality and mobility, social equity and cultural appropriateness. We need all those things. We need to harness and piggyback every strategy so that our communities are stronger and building. 00:14:56 - Salvatrice Cummo That's absolutely right, Nancy. And earlier you mentioned that there's inequities within access to capital, which is a significant barrier for women entrepreneurs in underserved communities. From your experience, what might other barriers be that we need to pay high attention, focus to? 00:15:14 - Nancy Swift Time and time again, we see that access to good information and capital is not equitable across different ethnic groups based on geography, based on where you went to school, based on who you know, kinds of things. So also women in business, they face barriers. I actually believe it's a crisis of confidence, if you will, which affects how you price your goods. How much do you think that it's really important in how we deliver our services at JEDI and the women's business center that we take into account that women hate to talk about themselves. So if we get them to talk about their service or their product, it changes things. And then that changes their own goals around what's possible with this business. And I think oftentimes women think too small. And why would we do that if we hold up half the sky, so to speak, if half of us on the planet are women, we need all of our great thinking, some other things that are the certainly barriers to women in business. Small businesses, underserved women are mentors. I mentioned it before, if you don't have friends who do what you're doing, or you don't have a family experience of being an entrepreneur, or you don't have people around you who believe that that's a legitimate way to be taking care of yourself and spending your time, well, then you need to find some. We see that people don't have the networks, so that becomes then a service that some of us start providing that leads to also a network of professionals, because you need trusted professionals for sure, as you're growing. And the other thing that is very significant, and I will say that when you start to look at any one of those barriers with lenses, like what gender you are, whether you're a person of color or nothing or what your zip code is, that does change and generally makes the barrier harder. We have a lot of data around that. The other one, too, that is infused in all the work that women's business centers do is acknowledging the reality that women are managing a lot of things in their life. They are managing themselves. They are managing their families, whether that's children, whether that's elders in their family. They are managing their business. If you're starting a business and you got to get all that energy going towards your business, it's a distraction to have all these other things. The other thing, like related to workforce is that our workforce training and our education system, and then we move into, I guess I'm going to call it traditional or old school way. I believe things are changing a lot right now is that you go into a career. Well, the way businesses are set up, those career timelines do not fit a woman who's also managing a home and raising a family. So we just have to do a better job at that. So it is a barrier, though, because women think about other people. They think about their family almost first, and it's their, if you think about it, the reason that they're doing their business. I mean, I always come from the vantage point of business development or self employment. It's also true, though, in their careers, they're thinking about what they can do. But how does it fit with these other kinds of goals? When the pandemic hit, for example, 25 million women left the workforce and they haven't all come back and they can't because they can't get the childcare they need, and they can't because they're taking care of elders and something about the schedule doesn't work, and now they've taken time off and they're coming back in. So that point is a reason why a lot of women are choosing to start businesses instead. 00:19:06 - Salvatrice Cummo There's something to be said about, I mean, you mentioned the pandemic and 25 million. 25 million women left the workforce. And I don't know what the stat is. I'm not sure if you have it, the statistics of how many reentered. I do know that it's not 25 million, that's for sure. Like, not all of them reentered. But at least when I think about just the overall makeup or design of occupations specifically, I mean, lots of companies, and I'm kind of going on a tangent, so forgive me. 00:19:37 - Nancy Swift I'll go there with you. 00:19:39 - Salvatrice Cummo Oh, great. Many organizations downsized during the pandemic, and a lot of these occupations are now obsolete and they do not exist in these organizations. So you have that variable then. The second variable is that we as a system don't do a great job at the data around of these 25 million women that lost their jobs during the pandemic, how many of those went into self employment and are building their own businesses? We as a system don't track entrepreneurs well anyways, so it's kind of two massive variables. The variable of the organizations are not building talent capacity as they did pre pandemic. And then the second variable is our system is not designed to track entrepreneurs. We do a terrible job at it. I mean, Edd will tell you it's very difficult to track where the entrepreneurs are. What are they doing anyway, so massive tangent, sorry, but it really underscores the need for business technical assistance for women. I want to shift gears just a little bit. You know, you've had some experiences in addressing challenges within rural areas. Right. And I want to talk about that a little bit. You know, what were some of the unique challenges that you saw in some of these rural...
Unlocking Community Power: How Women’s Business Centers Create Thriving Entrepreneurs with Nancy Swift, Executive Director at JEDI & CA WBC Network Chair Episode 127
Unlocking Community Power: How Women’s Business Centers Create Thriving Entrepreneurs with Nancy Swift, Executive Director at JEDI & CA WBC Network Chair Episode 127
How do we dismantle the entrenched systemic barriers that hold back so many in the business world? The answer lies in access to capital, information, and networking. Nancy Swift, Executive Director at JEDI, points out that women, in particular, encounter systemic challenges, like unequal access to funding and exclusion from critical networks, making it harder to succeed in business. This is where Women's Business Centers and support systems step in, offering tailored programs that provide essential resources, guidance, and training. These initiatives empower women entrepreneurs, giving them the tools they need to overcome challenges and thrive in the business world. You’ll learn: How Women's Business Centers help support emerging entrepreneurs. Why collaboration among support systems is important for enhancing services. How women entrepreneurs found innovative solutions in the wake of pandemic challenges. About the Guest: Nancy Swift has dedicated her 35-year career to championing economic justice for women, emphasizing the profound impact that economic opportunities for women have on families and communities at large. As the Executive Director and a Founding member of the Jefferson Economic Development Institute (JEDI), she spearheads initiatives to support female entrepreneurs. Engage with us: , & : @PasadenaCityCollegeEWD Join our newsletter for more on this topic: Visit: More from Nancy Swift: LinkedIn: Email: [email protected] Phone: 530-926-670 extension 102 More from JEDI & CWBC: Partner with us! Contact our host Salvatrice Cummo directly: [email protected] Want to be a guest on the show? Click to inquire about booking Find the transcript of this episode Please rate us and leave us your thoughts and comments on Apple Podcasts, we’d love to hear from you!
Transcript- Episode 126: The Future is Working: Addressing The Skills Gap in an Evolving Workforce with Shelley Hoss, Chief Executive Officer at Orange County Community Foundation Episode 126
Transcript- Episode 126: The Future is Working: Addressing The Skills Gap in an Evolving Workforce with Shelley Hoss, Chief Executive Officer at Orange County Community Foundation Episode 126
00:00:00 - Shelley Hoss California is a beautiful place to be because we have such an incredible network of, especially public universities, from the community colleges to the state to the UC's, that are just these laboratories for innovation and critical thinking that are both vocational as well as academic. And I think it's a really exciting time to be here. 00:00:35 - Christina Barsi The workforce landscape is rapidly changing and educators and their institutions need to keep up. Preparing students before they enter the workforce to make our communities and businesses stronger is at the core of getting an education. But we need to understand how to change and adjust so that we can begin to project where things are headed before we even get there. So how do we begin to predict the future? 00:01:00 - Salvatrice Cummo Hi, I'm Salvatrice Cummo, Vice President of Economic and Workforce Development at Pasadena City college and host of this podcast. 00:01:08 - Christina Barsi And I'm Christina Barsi, producer and co-host of this podcast. 00:01:12 - Salvatrice Cummo And we are starting the conversation about the future of work. We'll explore topics like how education can partner with industry, how to be more equitable, and how to attain one of our highest goals, more internships and PCC. Students in the workforce we at Pasadena City College want to lead the charge in closing the gap between what our students are learning and what the demands of the workforce will be once they enter. This is a conversation that impacts all of us, you, the employers, the policymakers, the educational institutions, and the community as a whole. 00:01:46 - Christina Barsi We believe change happens when we work together, and it all starts with having a conversation. I'm Christina Barsi. 00:01:54 - Salvatrice Cummo And I'm Salvatrice Cummo. And this is the Future of Work. Hi, welcome back to the Future of Work podcast. I am your host, Dr. Salvatrice Cummo. Today we have an extraordinary guest with us. Since May of 2000, Shelley Hoss has been at the helm of the Orange County Community Foundation, one of the nation's largest and fastest-growing community foundations. Shelley's work with OCCF includes a broad range of initiatives, from supporting veterans and military families transitioning to civilian life, to spearheading efforts in building a resilient Orange County workforce. A notable initiative launched under her guidance is the Workforce Development Initiative, which aims to equip young adults with the skills and credentials needed for high-quality jobs aligned with the needs of local employers. We're very excited to delve into Shelly's expertise in workforce development and explore how OCCF's initiatives are really shaping the future of work and the innovative partnerships with local colleges and businesses. Welcome, Shelley. How are you? We're thrilled to have you here today. 00:03:05 - Shelley Hoss Well, thanks so much, Salvatrice. It's a pleasure to be with you, focusing on a really important topic that we care a lot about here in Orange County. 00:03:13 - Salvatrice Cummo I think both of our respective counties are just right at the center core of these conversations, and that's really the only way that we'll get to any kind of results and impact is if we just continue to talk about it. 00:03:26 - Shelley Hoss Absolutely. We're in thriving economies here in Southern California, and we want everyone to be able to participate in shared prosperity and economic vitality of our regions, and that builds stronger communities. So what is not to love about all of that? 00:03:41 - Salvatrice Cummo That's right. Very, very true. And I think the appropriate question right now, Shelley, if I can be brutally honest, is like just so that our listener understands and has a better idea of the Orange County Community foundation of what is OCCF, what is your role there? Share a little bit more about that. 00:04:00 - Shelley Hoss Sure, I'd be happy to. And some of your listeners may be familiar with our cousin, the California Community Foundation. We actually sort of emerged from their early work here in Orange County. And then our founder, Judy Swain, established the Orange County Community Foundation in 1989, being inspired by the work she had seen in LA. And community foundations have the great honor of being a partner for philanthropists in their community, individual donors, families, multi-generations of community members that want to prioritize giving back and then bridging to our local nonprofit sector and engaging in partnerships and collaborations to solve local needs, as well as to partner with our donors whose interests may expand beyond their local community to interests across the country or around the world. And we get to be their partner in giving, helping to amplify the impact of their philanthropy and build, we say, momentum for good. 00:05:06 - Salvatrice Cummo Thank you. As we talk about workforce development, I think you and I will both agree that workforce development is very fluid. It looks different depending on the organization that you're speaking to. Also the organizations that are really putting behind some of the initiatives around workforce development. It really depends on our assets, the talent, the resources, all those variables. And I'm really curious about your workforce initiatives there at OCCF. And really how did it all get started? How did it come to life? And if you could tell us a little bit about not only how it started, but also how has it evolved over the years, either pros or cons, but how has it evolved over the years? And where would you like to see it in the future. 00:05:53 - Shelley Hoss The inception of our workforce initiative that is now called the Future is Working, which is a very close cousin to your podcast title and was a great story, actually. That is a perfect case in point about what community foundations do. We had this amazing, unexpected occurrence in 2016 with someone who had passed away and had left a large estate gift to OCCF to carry out his philanthropic wishes, and one portion of that was to create an endowment. The only instructions that we were given in that case was that the annual payout should support educational institutions. 00:06:37 - Shelley Hoss So no direction as to topic or issue, area or spectrum of the whether it's from pre-K to college. So it was this blank canvas for us to really ponder what would be the highest and best use of those resources and educational institutions in Orange County. I should clarify. So we spent the first couple of years looking across the spectrum of educational needs and happened upon in 2018 2019, really startling statistics from one of our local partners who was doing some research about workforce development needs in Orange County. 00:07:18 - Shelley Hoss And it was the fact that we had more than 17,000 unfilled middle skills jobs in Orange County. Middle skills meaning at least high school with some additional training, perhaps some community college with apprenticeship or internship or specialized certification, but not requiring a four-year university degree. And we were both seeing the data and hearing the stories of local employers really desperate to be hiring for these positions in these growth industries and unable to find local talent, having to go beyond Orange County and being able to pair that with the data we had on those un or underemployed, sometimes in the philanthropy field, they're called opportunity youth, 18 to 25 or beyond, who are disconnected from school and from work. 00:08:09 - Shelley Hoss And we looked at this sort of mirroring data of this ready workforce who needed to have employment that could sustain themselves and their families to live here in Orange County with basic needs met and an opportunity to thrive with these employers that had these jobs to give and couldn't find people qualified. That was the spark where we realized, wow, this endowment for educational institutions could allow us to partner with our beloved community college network that we knew had this filling this gap as part of their mission, and allowed us to start a conversation about what was missing from their side of the equation. 00:08:51 - Shelley Hoss What did they feel could be limiting their potential for helping to address this gap, this gap between the open jobs and the prepared workforce? And we heard a lot about the difficulty partnering with employers, getting employers engaged so that folks in their programs how to place a next ready step to go. And we heard about some of their concerns about some of their curriculum maybe not being as aligned with the new and emerging jobs, and also the need for soft skills that they could provide some of the educational foundation through their programs. But there was so much more needed for folks who maybe hadn't been in a professional environment before, needed those soft skills, those interviewing skills, and the sort of bedrock of success for advancement in career. 00:09:42 - Shelley Hoss And so this idea emerged through these conversations that we could perhaps be the instigator for a collaborative approach that would be anchored by our community college partners and involve then collaborations with local nonprofits working in the workforce development space and employers in these high growth industries. So we targeted three of the highest growth industries that we saw in this data report, which was advanced manufacturing. So that need the CAD cAm, the computer assisted design, mechanics, healthcare, and it all thriving industry sectors within Orange county. And we felt we could perhaps step into a sweet spot where community colleges already had programs that could be adapted or built upon. 00:10:33 - Shelley Hoss And then in some cases, a new industry emerged that we did not previously imagine. And I'll give you one example, which is a program we funded at Fullerton College to certify drone pilots. Talk about industries that I could not have imagined ten years ago would be a growth industry. And another fascinating fact for everyone's next cocktail party. Southern California Edison now monitors its grid using drone pilots. Much more so than Edison employees driving around, monitoring the electrical grid in trucks and sort of at the street level. 00:11:10 - Shelley Hoss What a game changer environmentally, and what a game changer in terms of career opportunity. But the barriers are many for being able to ultimately get employment because you need to have an FAA license as a drone pilot. You need 600 hours of flight training that's been certified, and you have to have your own drone, which costs thousands of dollars. But it's just been so thrilling to watch the success of this program in carving out a microlending. So our funding helped create a partnership that involved the employer, Southern California Edison, Fullerton College, various nonprofits, and there was a microloan program so that as the pilots, after they completed their Fullerton College sort of baseline training, could begin flying with apprenticeship program through Edison that were paid, that allowed them to pay off their loan for their drone, and they exit the program in between twelve and 18 months, fully certified as a drone pilot with their own commercial drone. 00:12:15 - Shelley Hoss These are not the drones that people fly at the beach. These are large commercial drones. It's been a game changer. And the best part is they took a sort of seed funding grant from us that I think the first grant we made was $50,000, so not a burning amount. But they leveraged an $800,000 grant from the state because of that seed funding. That's just one micro example of stepping into a growth industry. And you know that these young pilots that are now getting these jobs, you know that they're influencing their brothers and sisters and cousins and friends and neighbors by showcasing this opportunity to leverage a community college program into a living wage, entry level career. 00:13:00 - Salvatrice Cummo I love it. That's like, the best example. 00:13:03 - Shelley Hoss I think I hit a few of the stepping stones along the way of your question. There might have been some parts I missed. 00:13:09 - Salvatrice Cummo No, it was absolutely fabulous. The thought for me was the middle skills occupational gap that you recognized based on the data and then the three sectors, and there was an emerging sector that kind of popped up out of nowhere that ended up being very successful in many different fronts, as you just shared. You know, for us, there's always an accountability piece or a relevant piece. When I say us, I mean community colleges. So as a foundation, as a partner to the community colleges, and thank you, by the way, thank you for including community colleges as a thought partner and as a implementator for these occupations that are very much needed and the partnerships with Edison, I mean, gosh, you couldn't have asked for a better synergy of work. How does the foundation ensure, hold accountable. I'm not sure what word to use that community college stay responsive and adaptable to these emerging markets. 00:14:09 - Shelley Hoss We learned so much in our early conversations with our community college partners, and for these large systems that are statewide, what we found in the leaning into the creativity and the flexibility was so encouraging. I feel that what has helped ensure the accountability has been approaching this work as full partners. So I will say that one of the original proposals, it wasn't a bad proposal, and it certainly wasn't surprising. But the initial proposals from the community college partners were, hey, why don't we use this funding to fund a position within the college that would be focusing on this topic? And while we appreciated the need, we felt that we might be more successful by having a more fluid partnership and that we could continue working together and having them be the anchor, but really fully engaging other nonprofit partners and employers through perhaps a more sort of balanced partnership versus having it embedded. And I don't know what the outcomes would have been in the other model. But what I do know is that there has been a lot of shared ownership in the model that we have used, where I believe we have absolutely showcased the strength and the relevance of our community colleges. I feel great about the fact that we've been able to put them center stage in the success, success of this program, which in many ways, because we launched fully in 2019 just before the pandemic. Of course, there was a slower roll, for obvious reasons, during the couple of years that was most impacted by the pandemic now going full strength, and we're several million, two and a half, almost two and a half million dollars into the initiative now, 23 grants, 14 different collaboratives. So we're really in the thick of the work now. And I really believe that approaching this as an ongoing, real time evolving partnership model has really been superb for holding accountability for all the partners, including for OCCF, to make sure that we are leaning into where the greatest opportunity is to meet these needs and being informed by all the partners, being informed equally by our college partners as well as our employers and our nonprofits that are dealing with many of our program participants sort of in their daily lives. 00:16:45 - Salvatrice Cummo Right. Thank you. You hit on something that touched home for me, and that is the breadth of workforce development and all of its complexities, because there's so many areas of focus. Right? I mean, OCCF chose to focus on middle skills occupations because the data shared that there's a massive gap. At the time, you said 17,000 jobs that were available. Right? Were there other directions that OCCF considered, perhaps before choosing the path of solving the middle skills gap occupation? 00:17:24 - Shelley Hoss I will answer that in being stewards of this endowment that was meant for educational institutions. So that I think it's helpful to understand that we came at this solution from that frame of being a steward of a donor's intention. And we, in the first couple of years after receipt of the gift, we did some local partnerships about children younger. We looked at some preschool programs and supported some of those head start type of preschool programs. We did a partnership about helping make sure kids are ready to read by third grade. That's such a crucial foundation. And we ultimately, I think, came to the conclusion that this was such a behemoth, broad based educational needs, that we would be best served to pick a focus area where we really felt we could move the needle and the filter we use when we're making those sorts of decisions. Are, is this an identified need that solves a crucial problem or issue or gap in our local community? Obviously, workforce, that was an easy. Yes. Based on the data, do we believe that there will be philanthropic interest, perhaps beyond what we're bringing to the table, so that we might inspire others to focus on this issue in their own philanthropy. We certainly saw that potential within our, we have 650 funds that we stored nearly $700 million in. Charitable assets are granting, on average, about $100 million a year. So we have a large circle of influence, and we felt that by taking some advantage of this opportunity and paving the way, perhaps we could inspire others. And then thirdly, we look at are there ready partners, people who are experts? So you were very kind in your introduction. I personally would shrug off any sense that I, or even we as an organization, have particular expertise in this subject area, but we do have expertise in assembling highly effective collaborative efforts and marshaling both relationships, resources, knowledge toward an effective end. So I feel that was the expertise that we brought was more around the process and leveraging our network of relationships and the trust that the foundation is held in by our many partners in the nonprofit community and donors. And so when we were coming at this responsibility as stewards of this endowment and needing to find a space within education and saw this data, it was, honestly, it was like a big bang moment. It wasn't. Let's think of 100 different ways we could do this or 100 different ways to do workforce. We had sort of a program model in mind already because, frankly, of the requirements of this endowment. So we thought, well, educational institutions, we know that community college colleges are right in this intersection of need. So we know thats going to be our anchor partner. And we built out from there, which tends to be our process for building community initiatives that you mentioned, our veterans work. Weve done work around immigration and embracing and integrating our immigrant communities for their extraordinary contributions to the economy and civic and cultural life of Orange county. We did a project in Anaheim at the request of Disneyland, the Angels, and the Ducks, who needed some help making wise charitable investments to help older youth. That was one of the first places we got exposure to these disconnected youth. And we saw that many of the problems being experienced were because there were high high school dropout rates, low college attendance rates, and really high unemployment in this age range. And of course, that's going to lead to outcomes that are not healthy for anyone, the individuals, or the community. So I would say we do have a very embedded practice here of trying to integrate all of the knowledge that we acquire through the different aspects of our...
The Future is Working: Addressing The Skills Gap in an Evolving Workforce with Shelley Hoss, Chief Executive Officer at Orange County Community Foundation Episode 126
The Future is Working: Addressing The Skills Gap in an Evolving Workforce with Shelley Hoss, Chief Executive Officer at Orange County Community Foundation Episode 126
Workforce development initiatives are crucial in preparing individuals for the ever-evolving job market. As industries change and technology advances, both employees and employers need to adapt to these shifts. But where does one start? How can new workers ensure that they’re equipped to thrive in the future workforce? Since May 2000, Shelley Hoss has led the Orange County Community Foundation, focusing on workforce development. The foundation launched the Workforce Development Initiative to equip young adults with skills and credentials for in-demand jobs. Partnering with community colleges, Shelley is dedicated to bridging the skills gap, ensuring that Orange County's workforce remains competitive and future-ready. Listen in to learn how collaboration between nonprofits, employers, and community colleges is shaping the future of work. Engage with us: , & : @PasadenaCityCollegeEWD Join our newsletter for more on this topic: Visit: More from Shelley Hoss: LinkedIn: More from Orange County Community Foundation: Website: LinkedIn: , , and : @OCCommunityFdn The Future is Working - OC Workforce Development Initiative: More from Invest in Women Initiative: Visit Partner with us! Contact our host Salvatrice Cummo directly: [email protected] Want to be a guest on the show? Click to inquire about booking Find the transcript of this episode
Transcript- Episode 125: Women’s Business Centers: The Silent Giants of Entrepreneurial Advocacy with Claudia Viek, Founder & Catalyst of the Invest in Women Entrepreneurship Initiative Episode 125
Transcript- Episode 125: Women’s Business Centers: The Silent Giants of Entrepreneurial Advocacy with Claudia Viek, Founder & Catalyst of the Invest in Women Entrepreneurship Initiative Episode 125
00:00:00 - Claudia Viek Think about self employment as being part of your career path and how do you bring your skills into the marketplace and that sometimes you need some coaching for that. You need to find a coach or an advisor. Again, looking around you, maybe somebody who isn't in your immediate family or church, but whose ideas and intelligence you respect and experience. You respect. 00:00:28 - Christina Barsi The workforce landscape is rapidly changing. Educators and their institutions need to keep up. Preparing students before they enter the workforce. To make our communities and businesses stronger is at the core of getting an education. But we need to understand how to change and adjust so that we can begin to project where things are headed before we even get there. So how do we begin to predict the future? 00:00:53 - Salvatrice Cummo Hi, I'm Salvatrice Cummo, vice president of economic and workforce development at Pasadena City College and host of this podcast. 00:01:01 - Christina Barsi And I'm Christina Barsi, producer, co host. 00:01:04 - Salvatrice Cummo Of this podcast and we are starting the conversation about the future of work. We'll explore topics like how education can partner with industry, how to be more equitable, and how to attain one of our highest goals, more internships and PCC. Students in the workforce we at Pasadena City College want to lead the charge in closing the gap between what our students are learning and what the demands of the workforce will be once they entertained. This is a conversation that impacts all of us. You, the employers, the policymakers, the educational institutions, and the community as a whole. 00:01:39 - Christina Barsi We believe change happens when we work together, and it all starts with having a conversation. I'm Christina Barci. 00:01:47 - Salvatrice Cummo And I'm Salvatrice Cummo and this is the future of work. 00:01:52 - Salvatrice Cummo Hi, welcome back to the Future of Work podcast. I am your host, Doctor Salvatrice Kumo. Today we're in for a real treat. Our guest has truly shaped the landscape of entrepreneurship and small business development. Joining us is the incredible Claudia Wieck, who has been instrumental in helping start the women's business center at Pasadena City College. Claudia founded the Renaissance Entrepreneurship center in San Francisco where she has spent 14 years building one of the first programs of its kind in the country. She has also led Cameo, the statewide network of micro business development programs and lenders, and started the investment in Women Entrepreneurs Initiative. We are absolutely thrilled to have Claudia with us today to discuss the crucial theme of entrepreneurial training and support for self employed individuals. With her extensive background and hands on approach, she is the perfect person to share insights on how we can create effective entrepreneurial training programs and how community support systems can drive the success of small businesses. Welcome to the show Claudia. Such an honor to have you here. 00:03:06 - Claudia Viek Thank you, Salvatrice. I feel the same way. I feel that we are really addressing very key issues for the community college, and it's in the future of work, really. So thank you for this opportunity. 00:03:18 - Salvatrice Cummo You're very, very welcome. I usually just dive right in. So if it's okay, let's get the show on the road here. You have been a pioneer in entrepreneurial training since the 1980s, and what I'd like to ask you is what initially inspired you to focus on this area and what has kept you passionate over the years? Not to mention, I'd love for you to share how you helped start the women's business center at PCC. 00:03:48 - Claudia Viek Well, Savatrice, that was you, really. And you were very entrepreneurial in identifying resource people who could advise you on your application and the strategies. And it was delightful having you approach me in that respect, because I actually am the state advocate for the California Women's Business Center Network, which now, thanks to your college, just recently getting an award from SBA, we now number 21 women's business centers in California, more than twice as many as any other state, which I think is absolutely appropriate. 00:04:25 - Salvatrice Cummo Yes, that's something to celebrate, for sure. 00:04:28 - Claudia Viek Yep. Women power. So really, my role was to help build a strong network of women's business centers and to support the field. Personally, I want to see it turned into a movement, and I think we're on the way. I want to create excitement about the economic impacts of women entrepreneurs and how this is important to our communities. That's what keeps me passionate about targeting women. My history has been, of course, with men and women entrepreneurs in socially and economically diverse settings. I think it's very important to bring the marketplace of all of our cultures together. And that's been something that's motivated me as well. I just feel so strongly that entrepreneurship is not only a critical success factor for California's economy, but also for the economy of the country. 00:05:23 - Salvatrice Cummo I couldn't agree with you more. And to see this work being amplified, and we use the word initiative very loosely, but maybe the most appropriate word is focus. So to have the focus directed around women entrepreneurs and small business assistants. And we saw a lot of growth in our entrepreneurial ecosystem post-COVID and during COVID actually right during that time and now post, and we're technically still in the recovery phase. We still continue to grow, which really underscores what you just said a moment ago about we have double the amount of women's business centers than any other state. And so I'm really thankful that you mentioned that. And also honored to be working alongside with you in this focus. Which leads me to ask you, we've emphasized, and you've emphasized how important hands-on and practical entrepreneurial training programs are, both here just now and then, of course, on our own one-on-one discussions, could you share with our audience what you believe are the key components of an effective entrepreneurial training program, especially for our community colleges here in California? 00:06:41 - Claudia Viek Yes, I'm happy to do that, and I have shared that with the sector navigators in the past. So I'm happy to repeat because I think it's just as relevant today as it was when we started Renaissance back in the late eighties. First of all, the business skills need to be taught by successful practitioners. Practical, hands on training is just essential. These practitioners are able to give real world examples and tell stories from their own experiences. And I'll give you an example from my own history. Cece Phillips was a real mentor to me, as it turned out. But she was a graduate of Renaissance. She was a successful black entrepreneur. She started an indoor plants company. She had eight employees. She had big corporate contracts from supplier diversity contracts. So she was a marketing expert. She was really experienced in the trenches when she taught marketing to our entrepreneur training program, our business planning class. She taught from the standpoint, not theoretical, but really practical experience. She's just one example of the amazing instructors I've worked with in the past, not just at Renaissance, but at other women's business centers too. But I think that that's one of the critical success factors for any entrepreneurship program that serves the community, as I know the community colleges wish to do and do is to have this type of practical training or practitioners. The other aspects are the availability of peer support to create ongoing support mechanisms that are beyond just the classroom or take the classroom to another level to encourage that, support it, facilitate it, fund it. Not to say, oh, nice, get together kids after work sometime, but you can virtually now do breakout rooms with people that are really, they're pretty good. I mean, I think it's still questionable, virtual versus in person. And I think it depends on what community you're part of and where you live. Rural can be very different from urban. Another technique that we taught too was to build a personal board of directors for yourself. Those are things that you don't normally get out of just a classroom based training, but it really is something that addresses the holistic needs of an entrepreneur. So again, practical training, peer support, facilitated peer support and also techniques such as building a personal board of advisors. 00:09:23 - Salvatrice Cummo And sometimes when I hear you say the words, personal board of advisors. Would you agree that that could also look like just your network, just a body of network around you and it's not necessarily tied to. Sometimes when we hear board of directors, we tie it to a classification, a business classification, and you're saying that's not the case. Like, regardless of your business classification, regardless of the industry in which you're building your business, you should always, always have, like the support network around you as an advisory group. 00:09:56 - Claudia Viek Right. And also. But be mindful of who you invite, people who are going to give you honest feedback, people who supplement your skills, who aren't just the same as you, but they actually are accountants or they're marketing experts, or they know something about the industry that you don't know. Sometimes you can make them lunch once a quarter or meet with them individually, but there's ways that we have taught people how to do that and encourage them to do that. People also like to help others, and I found successful entrepreneurs like to help others coming after them. And usually we'll have people who will be very open and warm to that idea. That's one technique. And certainly there are many, many resources in the community. 00:10:44 - Salvatrice Cummo Sure. And our center, all centers, women business centers, in my humble opinion, act as that personal advisory board. Right. It's a built in advisory board who could then share their own respective networks. 00:11:00 - Claudia Viek Right. 00:11:00 - Salvatrice Cummo That's really the beauty. That's the beauty of our centers, is to have that network of support. 00:11:06 - Claudia Viek Yes. Again, that's what I call a critical success factor. It's built into, baked into the model and is different from other business assistance programs. And I think if the community college is serious about really supporting sustainability and economic impact, because you have to justify where you're doing it, having a form of support and network support, and to maintain that, I think that's very essential component. 00:11:34 - Salvatrice Cummo And also, too, I'm just thinking out loud with the segments or subjects to enhance our entrepreneurial training programs here within our community college system. I view, personally, I view women's business centers as a complementary added expertise, aligning with curriculum and aligning with the course. 00:11:56 - Claudia Viek That's glad to hear that you have. 00:11:58 - Salvatrice Cummo A built in network of experts alongside you that you can work with while training and teaching our students. 00:12:07 - Claudia Viek Yes, that's so special and important to recognize and remember, too, women's business centers do serve men and welcome men. So that we have like 25% to 30% in some cases, depending on where you're located, have men attending because they need that holistic approach as well. 00:12:25 - Salvatrice Cummo Right. We mentioned communities. Right. So let's segue into that area. When we think about local communities and support systems, we know that they have incredible impact. Our local communities have incredible impact and influence over women entrepreneurs. Perhaps you can spend some time giving us some examples of how community support has directly contributed to success stories of entrepreneurs that you personally have worked with. 00:12:51 - Claudia Viek Well, I'm going to talk about one in particular that's had actually a national impact. It's not a specific entrepreneur, but women's business centers have been helping childcare businesses start up and grow. I'm talking not so much just the center based care, but the family day care, often immigrant women helping other women in their communities to enter the workforce by providing licensed childcare. And we found that women's business centers were really key to helping people start up to seeing this service as a business, understanding cash flow, all of those key elements, and then also helping them get access to small grants. And that happened more during the pandemic, but it's still happening in certain counties, enlightened counties today. And we would love to see the state involved in that again through their workforce. The labor, state labor agency had funded some of that. Last year, eight women's business centers helped 3400 new slots of childcare get started in California. 00:13:56 - Salvatrice Cummo Amazing. 00:13:57 - Claudia Viek That's really amazing. And we were asked to submit our data to the Biden administration and then they just recently put out a request for proposals for child care grants nationally. And I feel very proud of our women's business centers in California that helped make that case for the role of women's business centers and business assistants in something so vital to our workforce and to the health of children. Good licensed childcare. So that's one example. And that takes a village too, of different groups that are supportive of childcare working with women's business centers. So it wasn't just them by themselves. Nonprofit lenders, they're called cdfIs. Community development financial institutions are also part of the support system. They're more flexible in their underwriting criteria. When they look at newer businesses that may not have perfect credit, for example, they're more flexible in that. And they also provide some advice to the loan applicant that come to them. So they're important and growing sector. When I was at Renaissance, we created a marketplace and directory of entrepreneurs that's going, wow, stronger than ever. There's even more activity to promote the business to business and also measure the dollars that are generated from creating this marketplace. Renaissance also has a women focused marketplace and gets folks together every couple of months. They have maybe 30 to 40 women show up every month, every other month, and have an event facilitated event to again cultivate that network of support and the business to business that always comes out of it. Women's business centers also focus on setting up online sales. For example, setting up an Etsy shop, working with Shopify. Those are some of the what I call support systems in your community that is very important, an organization that will help you do that. Just another example of a business that did benefit in this way from this community. This village of support is a company called Mama's Medicinals, and they're up in Ukiah. They're both a small shop selling body products, body care products, and a very wonderful solve. They got advice from the women's business center in Mendocino. They got their first loan. Now they have both their shop in Ukiah and a large online sales. 00:16:32 - Salvatrice Cummo Excellent. 00:16:33 - Claudia Viek I think getting close to a million in sales. So they're very small. So that's not untypical, but it takes time. You have to work with an organization over time, not just a semester. So that's part of the challenge for community colleges to look at how they can design a program that supersedes the semester system. 00:16:54 - Salvatrice Cummo Love that. And I think that's where the complementary services of the women's business centers and the expertise that live there is beneficial for all. You know, entrepreneurship, we know, lives across multiple disciplines. It doesn't live just in the discipline of business administration or some community colleges have in a precise entrepreneurial program or specific entrepreneurial program, but entrepreneurship lives everywhere. So I love the idea of that service or that partnership, that power partnership across all disciplines. You mentioned the word challenge. You and I both know and have been very well close to the trials and tribulations of integrating entrepreneurial training programs, whether it's in our local communities or in an institution like ours at a community college. And typically, those challenges are, you know, funding. Right. Or the overall awareness that this is a focus in which our communities and our colleges could be amplifying. So through your lens, Claudia, what do you think? Are some specific legislative changes or support mechanisms. Right. That we think could help overcome the funding and awareness issues that we face? 00:18:13 - Claudia Viek Well, first we have to have the political will. Internally, there's got to be a belief that self employment is, in fact, the labor market trend, and that most workers are going to be employed. Certainly they'll be employed in a w, two regular job, but many, many will be self employed from time to time, whether they're a contractor, a carpenter or contractor, whether they're a hairdresser whether they're a gardener or a horticulturalist, even childcare, they get their credential through the community college. My son did that, actually. And then they'll work for a childcare program, and then they'll realize they can actually do better by opening up their own maybe home based program and be able to grow from there. That's what I mean by recognition of the economic realities and the fact that this is what increases household income, of research that shows that having a micro entrepreneur in the household actually increases household wealth. I think, to be very specific, I thought about what you asked, and I think some policies for the community college, California community colleges, would be to maybe set up a special fund for non credentialed instructors so that we could have that practical, hands on training. We need to celebrate the economic impacts of our graduates and follow them over time through the peer support. You know, whatever it takes, we have to create incentives for this more grassroots, community based approach. It's not a university approach. It's really different. And community colleges are really in some ways the best positioned to embrace this. But it means moving outside of some of the boxes that have been created. I don't know how flexible those boxes could be. And that's why I think political will is so important. 00:20:14 - Salvatrice Cummo You know, data gathering is our bread and butter, right? Both in your world and in my world. And that's how we measure success. You know, and I think that a lot of what you mentioned, that political will is essential, and then the conduit, right, or the driver or the amplifier, whatever, whatever term we want to use, is that data to demonstrate that the need is there, the desire is there, and the will is there. So when we talk about metrics a little bit and data gathering, and that's typically how we validate the need for funding and or awareness. Could you elaborate a little bit about how metrics are collected and why they are crucial for demonstrating impact of these programs, such as the programs held within the women's business center? 00:21:04 - Claudia Viek Well, first of all, for people like you and me who are...
Women’s Business Centers: The Silent Giants of Entrepreneurial Advocacy with Claudia Viek, Founder & Catalyst of the Invest in Women Entrepreneurship Initiative Episode 125
Women’s Business Centers: The Silent Giants of Entrepreneurial Advocacy with Claudia Viek, Founder & Catalyst of the Invest in Women Entrepreneurship Initiative Episode 125
Women’s Business Centers are a hidden gem for aspiring entrepreneurs, offering invaluable support in the complex world of starting and growing a business. These centers, often overlooked, provide essential support for women looking to start and grow their own businesses. Claudia Viek, a trailblazer in the field and the Founder and Catalyst of the Invest in Women Entrepreneurship Initiative has long championed the importance of these centers. She underscores the vital role of access to capital—whether through loans, grants, or investors—in enabling women to launch and expand their ventures. As these centers continue to support and uplift women, they remain unsung heroes in the entrepreneurial landscape, quietly driving change and fostering success one business at a time. Engage with us: , & : @PasadenaCityCollegeEWD Join our newsletter for more on this topic: Visit: More from Claudia Viek: LinkedIn: More from Invest in Women Initiative: Visit Partner with us! Contact our host Salvatrice Cummo directly: [email protected] Want to be a guest on the show? Click to inquire about booking Find the transcript of this episode
Transcript- Episode 124: The Need for Reform: Breaking Down the School-to-Prison Pipeline with Quan Huynh, Executive Director at Southern California at Defy Ventures Episode 124
Transcript- Episode 124: The Need for Reform: Breaking Down the School-to-Prison Pipeline with Quan Huynh, Executive Director at Southern California at Defy Ventures Episode 124
00:00:00 - Quan Huynh Usually my pitch to an employer is like, look, I'm not here asking you to give a job to anybody. What I'm here asking you to do is do your round of interviews. Settle on the best possible candidate. If this candidate happens to have a background, one, either be willing to look past the criminal conviction, or two, be willing to bring them in and have a conversation with them and ask them about their prison journey. Ask them about their process of transformation. Ask them about their perspective. 00:00:31 - Christina Barsi The workforce landscape is rapidly changing, and educators and their institutions need to keep up. Preparing students before they enter the workforce to make our communities and businesses stronger is at the core of getting an education. But we need to understand how to change and adjust so that we can begin to project where things are headed before we even get there. So how do we begin to predict the future? 00:00:55 - Salvatrice Cummo Hi, I'm Salvatrice Cummo, vice president of economic and workforce development at Pasadena City College and host of this podcast. 00:01:04 - Christina Barsi And I'm Christina Barsi, producer and co host of this podcast. 00:01:08 - Salvatrice Cummo And we are starting the conversation about the Future of Work. We'll explore topics like how education can partner with industry, how to be more equitable, and how to attain one of our highest goals, more internships and PCC. Students in the workforce. We at Pasadena City College want to lead the charge in closing the gap between what our students are learning and what the demands of the workforce will be once they enter. This is a conversation that impacts all of us. You, the employers, the policymakers, the educational institutions, and the community as a whole. 00:01:42 - Christina Barsi We believe change happens when we work together, and it all starts with having a conversation. I'm Christina Barsi. 00:01:49 - Salvatrice Cummo And I'm Salvatrice Cummo. And this is the future of work. Hi, welcome back to the Future of Work podcast. I am your host, Doctor Salvatrice Cummo. Today we're diving into a critical and often overlooked issue, the school to prison pipeline and its profound impact on students. We've touched on this topic in a previous episode, but today we have a special guest who brings a unique and deeply personal perspective into the conversation. Our guest, Quan Hyun, has been described as a mighty warrior and a mountain of goodness. He is the best selling author of Sparrow in the Razor, Finding freedom from within while serving a life sentence. After spending 22 years in and out of correctional institutions, Quan was paroled from a life sentence in 2015. He quickly turned his life around, founding his first company, Jade Janitors, Inc. Just six months later, he now serves as the executive director of Defy Ventures in Southern California. Together, we'll explore his journey, his work with Defy Ventures, and his insights on the school to prison pipeline. We'll discuss how educational institutions, particularly community colleges, can play a pivotal role in interrupting this cycle and creating pathways for incarcerated individuals to reintegrate into society productively. I'm super psyched to have this conversation. Quan, how are you? Good morning. 00:03:21 - Quan Huynh Good morning, Salvatrice. Thank you for having me. 00:03:23 - Salvatrice Cummo You know, I always like to start off the conversation about one's journey, and so if it's okay with you, let's just get this started, and if you can share with us briefly your journey and what led you to where you are today. 00:03:37 - Quan Huynh Sure. My journey. Okay. Well, I think as you referenced, I, formerly incarcerated, served about 22 years of my life in correctional institutions throughout California. I had a life sentence. I paroled in 2015 after the California parole board found that I was no longer a danger to what they felt, a danger to society. I can't remember the exact terminology they used, but it took me quite a while for the light to come on. And that's kind of what my book entails, is my journey for transformation and mindfulness and being able to realize that I can make an impact in the world. 00:04:16 - Quan Huynh Briefly touching on it, I think it took about the 12th year of my life sentence when several things had happened, like a family member had passed away. I saw the picture of my niece for the first time as my brother's daughter, and it just took me back to childhood because she looked exactly like my little brother as a little kid. 00:04:34 - Quan Huynh And it just took me back to childhood. How did my life end up like this? Am I supposed to die in here? One thing that did keep me busy in my prison helped me escape a lot were books, and I'm a huge bookworm, so I have this habit where I read a book. I get fascinated. If I really like it, then I go into the back, I read the acknowledgments, I see who influenced them, and I go down these rabbit trails and get into other books. And I've always been interested in entrepreneurship, so I can't remember what happened, but I was reading some books, which then led me down other rabbit trails. And right around that time, I became fascinated with books on the saints, in particular, stories about saints that had failed in some way in their life and then had gone on to create these amazing orders and began to, like, have this huge movement. And I just became fascinated with them, which then led to books on mindfulness, spirituality, and I would have to say it became like this perfect storm in my head, and there was one day on the prison yard. 00:05:34 - Quan Huynh I remember it was early in the morning, and I asked myself, like, why do I have to view prison as punishment? Why can't I view this place as a place that I can remake myself even if I'm supposed to die in here? I think it was because there were stories about monks that I read that went into these monasteries, and then all these people just removed themselves. And I go, why do I have to view prison that way? I've just removed myself, and I could remake myself. 00:06:00 - Quan Huynh And of course, you know, the answer comes back from the universe like you can. And I remember that moment very well. The sun was coming up over the hills. I could feel its warmth in the individual blades of grass. I could see the drops of dew. And up above me in the razor wire, I heard a sparrow chirping. And I tell everyone, like, you know, sparrows have probably been chirping my whole prison term. But that day, I heard it. And I would say that day is where my process of transformation began, where then I viewed, suddenly, I looked like, wait, these are just other men along on their journey. 00:06:36 - Quan Huynh And I saw, like, each of us, some of them much further along than me, but some of them perhaps not even awakened. And I think the first thing I did was I realized, you know what? I'd like to check in to see with the therapist, because my father had died when I was a 13 year old boy, and I had never processed his death. And I realized, I think it's time for me to speak about my father and explore the trauma that that caused when he died from passing away from leukemia. So, yeah, 25 years after my father died is when I began the process of grieving his death. And then being the consummate bookworm, I became fascinated with, like, the grief and loss process, Elisabeth Kübler-Ross and all her writings and teachings. And then I realized, wait, there's, around me, there's all these men that are also suffering and unable to grieve, whether that's losing family members that have passed away or unable to grieve because their partners have left them, or even something seemingly innocuous as being transferred from one prison to another. 00:07:40 - Quan Huynh But then they've lost friendships they've had for years or maybe decades and not able to process that. So I saw this huge need for men that needed healing. So I put together a syllabus, and I submitted it to the prison psychologist, and we were able to launch the prison's first ever grief and loss group. 00:07:57 - Quan Huynh And it was inside that group that I first saw the opportunity for healing. And I saw firsthand, wait, I can help and make an impact. And that's where I suddenly felt alive. Then suddenly being the book where I started looking into books on group psychodynamics and how to facilitate groups and childhood development, and how does that contribute to someone's journey and life experience? And it just became all these things in my head where suddenly, here I am in some forgotten corner of the world, some discarded corner of the world that nobody knows about, nobody cares about. And I felt, I'm alive, and I'm facilitating groups and being involved with groups, and I'm making an impact regardless of just some forgotten corner of the world. And I felt alive in there. That is where I began. This is my true freedom. And that's I would have to describe for the next few years. I felt absolutely free, even though I was incarcerated with a life sentence. 00:08:49 - Salvatrice Cummo Thank you for sharing that story and trusting us to share that story with us. I'm curious as to when that came over you and you changed your framework on where you were. You said I shouldn't look at it as a punishment, but rather a way to work on myself, an opportunity. Opportunity, that's right. So from there, you spent the rest of the time. I'm going to use the word rebuilding. Is that fair to say? 00:09:15 - Quan Huynh Rebuilding? Finding. Yeah. Discovering, even just finding my true self. 00:09:20 - Salvatrice Cummo When you got to the point of, I'm now out in the world, where did the journey go from there? What led you to your venture and where you are today? 00:09:31 - Quan Huynh Well, I paroled in 2015. I was involved with this program inside called Defy Ventures. It's a career readiness, personal development entrepreneurship training program. This is before I became the executive director. I was involved as a graduate of the program, and they instill in this the entrepreneurial mindset. So six months after I had paroled, I saw an opportunity to create a janitorial cleaning company. I worked in the prison hospital, so I was part of a team where that's what we did. We did the blood borne pathogens. We did stripping the floors, cleaning the floor. So that experience gave me a good eye for detail, and so I knew how to run a team. And when I came home, I was working with my brother's real estate company under his license, because, you know, as someone that's formerly incarcerated, I couldn't get the licensing from the state of California. 00:10:25 - Quan Huynh So I worked on his license, but I saw the building that where his office was, they didn't have a good janitorial cleaning company. And I found out that the building owner was looking for your company. So I remember that the Defy Ventures, they teach us, like, you introduce yourself, say, I'm the founder and CEO of, you know, your company. 00:10:41 - Quan Huynh And I didn't have a company, but I made a building owner, was looking for a cleaning company. So I remember I got on to Godaddy and I was like, what? I'm going to name my company? And I looked up, I want it to be something sounding, like, valuable or like. So I like platinum janitors, gold janitors. All those domains were taken. And then I go, what about Jade janitors? Like Asians, we love the Jade stone to play on the jade and janitors. And I, oh, Jade Janitors is open. $9.99. So I purchased the domain, and then I emailed the building owner, and I told him, like, my name is Quan Huynh. I'm the founder and CEO of Jade Janitors. I had no company, no employees. I was like, I used to run a team at a hospital up in northern California, which is also true. 00:11:28 - Quan Huynh I hear you're looking for cleaning services. How can we partner with you? And then he's like, send me your business license and certificate. And so, okay, what is this? So I had to ask a family member who had a business, and it's like, oh, you have to go to the county courthouse. I went to the county court warehouse that day, did my DBA. Then at the time, it was in the city of Fountain Valley. I got the business license. And I remember the clerk at the city of Fountain Valley laughed at me because I said, the name is Jade Janitors, and said, how many employees do you have? And I go, oh, it's just me. 00:11:59 - Quan Huynh He's like, how's your name janitors when it's just you? And I said, because I'm going to hire people and there's going to be more than one person. So then it was that same day I sent the business license certificate to the building owner, and he asked, can you give me a copy of your insurance? And I'm like, what is this? So I had to get on Google, what is janitorial insurance? And I remember they said, you have to buy this policy. 00:12:24 - Quan Huynh I think it was like $400 and I have to sign it and $80 a month. So I was like, okay, this is my first big gamble. It's a few hundred to get the license. Should I do this? And I go, you know what? I'm going to do it. I don't have a company. I don't have employee. I don't even have a contract. But I'm going to buy the insurance for the company. 00:12:39 - Quan Huynh I bought the insurance. I sent it to him, and he asked me, can you give me a quote? And I, okay. I told myself, okay, well, it would probably take me about 3 hours to clean this. So I'll pay somebody 4 hours to clean this. This is what I will pay that person. These are the margins I want. And I sent the quote. Like, as I look back now, my quote was way too low, but I sent it. And then he says, can you guys start this Friday? And that's how I started my Jade Janitors company. I put somebody in, and it's still running to this day. We have six employees. Four of them are also formerly incarcerated. And I found one. My best workers by far. Those are my best workers. So that's how I started my company. And then I remember Defy Ventures expanded out here to Southern California in 2017. So it's about a year and a half after I had been home. 00:13:28 - Quan Huynh I was working in real estate. We had also helped launch my family's restaurant from, like, a concept to, like, daily operation. So I was there and then. But when I found out Defy Ventures was coming down here to Southern California, and they were looking for a program manager, I said, you know what? I want to go back to how I felt in prison. The feeling of fulfillment and having a purpose. And so I left real estate and my family's restaurant to interview for that program manager position. At that time, like, people didn't agree, like, why would you take a pay cut, essentially, to go do this? But that was the best decision of my life at that moment by far. So I started as the program manager for our post release program to help men and women coming home. So that was really cool to be able to tell people, welcome home, welcome home. And where do you want to go? What do you want to build or what type of work you're looking for? And I got to build that. 00:14:22 - Quan Huynh So over the years, my roles and responsibilities have just grown. And a couple years ago, I stepped into the role of Executive Director. So now I get to oversee our entire chapter here in Southern California, which now is the largest chapter nationally. So it's pretty cool. I still pinch myself when I wake up. I go, Quan. This is what I get to do for a living, right? Go back into prison and tell people I believe in them, and I get to tell people, "Welcome home." And then we get to advocate for my brothers and sisters that are still incarcerated and pave a way for them out here to try to make their journey easier. 00:14:56 - Salvatrice Cummo That's beautiful. It sounds like it's aligning with your core, rather than, I mean, those adventures. The journey of entrepreneurship, of course, has its highs and lows, and it's very lonely. Obviously, it was very productive and lucrative and successful, but maybe it wasn't really kind of tying back to your core. As you were mentioning earlier about your journey of rebuild. It sounds like to me, with your role now with defy Ventures, you're aligning both, and it feels probably a little more solid, right? I mean, solid. I'm not talking about instability, but just solid in. It just feels good. It feels really good. And thank you. Thank you for sharing. I think we talk a lot about school to prison pipeline, and I want to kind of, like, shift into that topic a little more, because at previous episodes, we barely scratched the surface, Quan, like, right before we logged on here in this recording, I was sharing a little bit with you about what we stumbled across. And for me, this interview is impactful because it's not just research, but rather your perspective, which is invaluable. You can't put a price tag on this kind of thought and perspective. And so I'm really curious about, through your lens, as we think about this unspoken, I have to say, school to prison pipeline and raising awareness around it, how do you think it impacts the student? Not only the student journey, but society as a whole? 00:16:37 - Quan Huynh Yeah, I remember my first arrest. I was still in high school, and then I came home, and I didn't have a high school diploma, and I was now trying to enter community college, and they asked me, where's your high school diploma? I felt very ashamed. There was a big stigma about being formally incarcerated. I didn't have a place to talk about it. Fortunately, I... the counselor I told at the time made me feel heard. Like, she was like, okay, it's okay. You know, let's just take these assessment tests. And my assessment tests, like, put me right into, you know, English 101. And I didn't have to take any remedial classes, but I think had that counselor not make me feel heard, I would have just like, okay, community colleges don't want me. So I think for the student as a whole, there's this shame and this stigma about somebody being incarcerated, even in school. I shared with you earlier as part of this group called Project Rebound. They were formed to specifically bring together higher education students at a school that are formally incarcerated. So they have a place to process and to share space and to just realize, oh, there's 30 of us here yet. I thought I was the only one that was formally incarcerated. So I remember that. And I think if, if we're asking about, like, how does that affect society as a whole, I think the question has to be like, just fundamentally, number one, do you believe in second chances or third chances or fourth chances? And then, number two, if someone has served their time, are we willing to accept them back to society? I think fundamentally everyone says, oh, yes, I do. But what are the barriers that we put up, whether that's for employment, whether that's for housing, fair chance lending, all of these things that we continue to put up for once somebody has done their time and or somebody that's been vindicated, what do we do to support them as a member of our community? If we look at it that way, those will be the two questions I would throw back on what people say about, yes, this school to prison pipeline. 00:18:39 - Salvatrice Cummo Well, let's talk about that a little bit. So you said there's some significant barriers to this reentry, right. Like reentry into society. And there's critical issues that you see here and battle every day. Right? Like you're addressing these things every day. Let's spend some time with that quan, and let's talk about, I mean, you mentioned a few, right? You...
The Need for Reform: Breaking Down the School-to-Prison Pipeline with Quan Huynh, Executive Director at Southern California at Defy Ventures Episode 124
The Need for Reform: Breaking Down the School-to-Prison Pipeline with Quan Huynh, Executive Director at Southern California at Defy Ventures Episode 124
The school-to-prison pipeline is a complex and damaging system that disproportionately affects marginalized communities, particularly people of color. This pipeline refers to the policies and practices that push students out of school and into the criminal justice system, creating long-term impacts on individuals and communities. Quan Huynh, Executive Director of Southern California at Defy Ventures, exemplifies the power of second chances. While in prison, he discovered his entrepreneurial spirit and started Jade Janitors after his release from a 22-year prison sentence in 2015. Formerly incarcerated individuals face overwhelming challenges in education, employment, and housing, making fair chance hiring practices essential for their reintegration into society. By giving second chances, companies can help break the cycle of recidivism and create paths to stability and success. Engage with us: , & : @PasadenaCityCollegeEWD Join our newsletter for more on this topic: Visit: More from Quan Huynh: Visit , , , & : @quanxhuynh More from Defy Ventures: Visit LinkedIn: Instagram: & : @DefyVentures Partner with us! Contact our host Salvatrice Cummo directly: [email protected] Want to be a guest on the show? Click to inquire about booking Find the transcript of this episode
Transcript- Episode 123: How Women Entrepreneurs Can Overcome Societal Barriers with PCC Women's Business Center Interim Director, Lizzy Okoro Episode 123
Transcript- Episode 123: How Women Entrepreneurs Can Overcome Societal Barriers with PCC Women's Business Center Interim Director, Lizzy Okoro Episode 123
00:00:00 - Lizzy Okoro I think what's special and unique about the Women's Business Centers is it really does address the difference, the unique differences and challenges that women entrepreneurs face. 00:00:09 - Salvatrice Cummo Right. 00:00:09 - Lizzy Okoro So when we talk about those challenges, what does that look like? It looks like 42% of all new businesses in the United States being, you know, led and started by women. It looks like they're being a $1.7 trillion funding gap with women owned small businesses versus men owned small businesses. 00:00:33 - Christina Barsi The workforce landscape is rapidly changing, and educators and their institutions need to keep up. Preparing students before they enter the workforce. To make our communities and businesses stronger is at the core of getting an education. But we need to understand how to change and adjust so that we can begin to project where things are headed before we even get there. So how do we begin to predict the future? 00:00:58 - Salvatrice Cummo Hi, I'm Salvatrice Cummo, Vice President of Economic and Workforce Development at Pasadena City College and host of this podcast. 00:01:06 - Christina Barsi And I'm Christina Barsi, producer and co host of this podcast. 00:01:10 - Salvatrice Cummo And we are starting the conversation about the Future Of Work. We'll explore topics like how education can partner with industry, how to be more equitable, and how to attain one of our highest goals, more internships and PCC students in the workforce. We at Pasadena City College want to lead the charge in closing the gap between what our students are learning and what the demands of the workforce will be once they enter. This is a conversation that impacts all of us. You, the employers, the policymakers, the educational institutions, and the community as a whole. 00:01:44 - Christina Barsi We believe change happens when we work together, and it all starts with having a conversation. I'm Christina Barsi. 00:01:52 - Salvatrice Cummo And I'm Salvatrice Cummo. And this is the Future Of Work. Hi, welcome back to the Future Of Work podcast. I am your host, Salvatrice Cummo. As you may or may not heard, we are preparing for our grand opening of the Women's Business Center here at PCC Pasadena City College. And if you haven't listened to our previous episode yet, you can learn a lot more about the Women's Business Center and how we were able to lead this initiative in the episode right before this one. Number 122, to be specific. But having said that, today I have the pleasure of chatting with our newly appointed interim director of the Women's Business Center, Miss Lizzy Okoro. Lizzy Okoro is an LA-based entrepreneur, consultant, and speaker. She founded and bootstrapped Bunch magazine in 2011 and now leads the Power of Play Children's Museum. Lizzy has over a decade of experience in media, consulting, and public speaking and working specifically with brands like Nike and Adidas. Today, we'll be exploring the barriers that women entrepreneurs face, how the Women's Business Center is addressing these challenges, and how the community can further support these initiatives. I am thrilled to have this conversation. So let's get started. Lizzy, hello. 00:03:13 - Lizzy Okoro Hi. Thank you for having me. I'm so excited to be here. 00:03:17 - Salvatrice Cummo We're excited. We're thankful that you said yes to leading. 00:03:20 - Lizzy Okoro Pleasure and honor is all mine. Yes. 00:03:23 - Salvatrice Cummo Yes. It's a big undertaking to start and establish a Women's Business Center, and any center for that matter. And Pasadena City College is really thrilled to have you on board and thrilled to be able to provide these services to our community and our entrepreneurs on campus and our surrounding areas. So thank you. So, you know, one of the biggest questions that I'd love to ask any entrepreneur is really how it all started. So if you can share what led you to pursue entrepreneurship, that would be wonderful. I'm always super curious about that. 00:04:00 - Lizzy Okoro Yeah, absolutely. I'm preparing for this. I was thinking about what really started off this entire journey. And truthfully, my dad is an entrepreneur. He's an immigrant from Nigeria. He came over here and many immigrants started his own business because that was really the best path forward. My mom, she worked a traditional job that she honestly hated, and, you know, it was just something that didn't really fill her cup. And so I think in my young mind, from a very early age, I kind of got the messaging that living this life of entrepreneurship meant freedom and flexibility and that it was the way to go. And so I always knew that was the path that I was going to take. That being said, it was a very windy road. I was full of ideas and ambition, but not necessarily execution. And so it did take me a while to really identify what that thing was. But while graduate school in New York, I will take a quick step back before I even get into that. I think that because I knew that I was going to be on this entrepreneurial journey from a very young age, I saw the world as problems that I could solve, right? So it's like, oh, that's an opportunity. That's a money making opportunity. Or I could do this type of business. So I felt all over the place. But it really came together in 2011, as you said, when I was living in New York City, and I was just really inspired by all of the creative entrepreneurs that I was seeing. It wasn't just dancers. It was people who owned dance companies. It wasn't just someone who's cooking for fun it was people who were creating these hospitality groups with beautiful restaurants. And I really wanted to bridge that gap between what people thought of their creative passions versus how they actually make money with it. And so I started a magazine called Bunch magazine, which you just referenced, and I was able to grow it into a full fledged media company. And I just felt like it really, really touched on all the things I really love and enjoy, which is learning about entrepreneurship, talking about entrepreneurship, learning from other people, like what businesses they're creating, and some of the hardships that they endure and how they problem solve those hardships. And so, like I said, it's just an honor and a dream come true for me to then be able to bring that experience full circle and come to PCC and actually spearhead this initiative with the Women's Business Center to be able to talk to women who are growing, you know, these amazing businesses and really impacting our economy. So I'm just really honored and really excited because it's something that I really. 00:06:39 - Salvatrice Cummo Love and enjoy that's super, super exciting. I mean, every time I'm around you, I get excited, even just speaking through the camera. It's like you just have this energy and enthusiasm and passion around supporting women entrepreneurs. And it's evident in the way you show up, and it's evident in your words, I can't. I mean, I have a big smile on my face for a reason, because. Because I genuinely feel your energy is authentic and your passion is true. You know, thinking about the Women's Business Center, I think it might be helpful to really share. Yes. You know, this is a full circle. You said full circle is a dream come true for me. How are you envisioning now that you've had your own experiences as an entrepreneur? You've had experiences as well, in support services, or maybe even a lack thereof. Right. Like, noticing some gaps. You know, what are you really kind of envisioning and supporting aspiring entrepreneurs, women entrepreneurs and existing? 00:07:37 - Lizzy Okoro That's a great question, and I think, to answer it, I would start with explaining why Women's Business Centers even exist. Right. Obviously, there's lots of different resources that people could go to in order to help their business. But I think what's special and unique about the Women's Business Centers is it really does address the difference, the unique differences and challenges that women entrepreneurs face. Right. So when we talk about those challenges, what does that look like? It looks like 42% of all new businesses in the United States being, you know, led and started by women. It looks like there being a $1.7 trillion funding gap with women owned small businesses versus men owned small businesses. Right. We're talking about the fact that women are 20 times more likely to be denied for a traditional business loan than their male counterparts. And we're talking about VC funding and unlocking that money. Women entrepreneurs are only accounting for something like less than 7% of VC funding. And when you're talking about black and brown women in particular, that number is even more abysmal. So just even from like, the unlocking and accessing the money part, in order to be able to be successful in business, which is something you need, there's this deficit. And then on the other hand, there are some really awesome industries that are being led by women entrepreneurs, like in the childcare space, like in the health and wellness and beauty space. And we want to be able to come in and say like, hey, you're doing an awesome job, let's keep that up. Right? Or on the flip side, there are a lot of industries that a lot of women are not, maybe not aware of or not thinking about getting into, like construction or government contracts. And we'd love to be able to help identify those gaps for those women entrepreneurs and say, hey, if you're interested in this, let's help you learn about it. And so that's really why Women's Business Centers exist. And of course, you can go into and explore and access, like I said, so many different resources that are wonderful. But what if you had a space that was dedicated to understanding your unique challenges and tailoring an experience around what those challenges are and getting you to success? And that's really why the Women's Business Centers exist. And that is what I definitely want. That's my vision for us, right. Is to really make sure that we understand our gal, you know, our person who's coming through the doors and making sure that if she says she wants to be, or they want to be the next Uber, the next Lyft, the next billion dollar company unicorn, that we can help them get there, or down to like, you know, just saying, hey, I want to own the coffee shop down the street, and I just want to understand what my options are, and I need support with that. We're here, we're here, and we get you. So, yeah, I love that. 00:10:31 - Salvatrice Cummo That's a beautiful vision. 00:10:32 - Lizzy Okoro Thank you. 00:10:33 - Salvatrice Cummo That vision is spectacular for the Women's Business Center. And I really look forward to kind of seeing that come to fruition and being a support mechanism to that. And our PCC communities specifically being a support mechanism to your vision. You know, you mentioned the gaps, right? The gaps in accessing funding, accessing resources. I wonder if I kind of wanted to pick your brain a little bit about that. Do you think it's a combination of access, mindset, and just overall offerings? Why do you feel we have these disparities in accessing capital, accessing resources? Why do you feel we have these disparities? Is it leaning more towards they're just not available to women entrepreneurs, specifically women entrepreneurs of color? Or are we saying that it's a combination of that and mindset or us or something else? I wanted to kind of pick your brain about that. 00:11:27 - Lizzy Okoro Yeah, that's a great question. And I mean, it's so varied. Right. I feel like a lot of people have different answers for it, and I think they're usually all right. They're all the right answer. Because it's not just one thing that is plaguing women entrepreneurs as they're seeking funding. Sometimes it is a mindset thing. Sometimes it's. And when I say mindset, I mean sometimes we don't know how big something could get. We don't really know the opportunity that's out there. You can't be what you can't see. So if you don't have other, you don't see other women entrepreneurs out there raising funds or, you know, things like that, or your own professional network, you don't see those women building big businesses. You may not even understand what the opportunities are. It's also very overwhelming when you don't have mentors or a network, and these networks are tight. Right. It's definitely still a little bit of the old boys club. I know we're changing that, but it's still slow to change and it really is who you know. So if there's not a lot of resource sharing, there's not a lot of friendship happening or professional networking happening across genders, then it can be really hard for women to access those things when they are ready to go out there. I have seen it, too. Where, because we don't know how big something an opportunity can be, or we don't know how to speak the language of venture capitalists or angel investors, we tend to shrink ourselves as well. And that comes from, again, it's not just like, oh, I decide I'm going to play it small because that feels good, to play it small. It just comes from a lot of different things. So I think it's a lack of awareness. I think it's a lack of access. I do think that it, it's primarily those two things that are happening with women entrepreneurs. And so again, that's definitely one of my goals is just to bring awareness and say, like, if you want this to be big, don't be afraid to say that you want it to be big. And let's get you the resources that you need to build this to be as big as you want. 00:13:29 - Salvatrice Cummo So, and it sounds like to me you're also saying, look, Salvatrice, we need to also help foster the mindset of empowerment that we as entrepreneurs, specifically women entrepreneurs, we should have access, we should have the resources available, readily available to us and that we still have a long way to go culturally, I think, within the entrepreneurial space and women. And to your point, you know, venture capitalism and all that good stuff, right? Like there's so many things and so we have a long way to go. But I feel like what you're sharing is this central theme, empowerment and paying it forward, right? Like doing what we're doing here today and sharing and discussing not only the possibilities but perhaps maybe the barriers as well and how do we address them. And so with that thought of empowerment in the empowerment mindset, I'm kind of curious to hear from you about what you think or what strategies or initiatives that you have found really effective in empowering entrepreneurs and more specifically women entrepreneurs. 00:14:37 - Lizzy Okoro Yeah, one is for a little bit more context as well, prior to coming into this role and having my own business as well, I did some advising for the SBDC for years. So in terms of my counseling and advisor style, I would always assign homework. And the homework that I would always give was always a mix of, you know, strategies and tools to get organized, but also to really work on that mindset. So I would send podcast episodes, I would share YouTube links. I would recommend reading just so that, you know, entrepreneurs of all various backgrounds, typically a lot of black and brown, a lot of low income, just to say like, hey, you know, here's a north star for you. Here's an example of someone in your industry that built a really, really big business. So again, not everyone wants to or can build a billion dollar business. That's not always the goal. But if you want this to be something that retires you or something that you work on for the next ten years, 20 years, whatever your goals are, you're going to have to make sure that your mindset is strong, that your confidence is strong, that, you know, the lay of the land and how to speak the language so that you build up that confidence. It can't just always be, hey, execute on the business because it's an emotional journey, as we all know. So we have to address that, the mindset first, for sure. 00:16:05 - Salvatrice Cummo I love that you said you assign homework. We're saying that, you know, it just to explain the interactions and what you said. I literally wrote it down and I'm going to circle back to it because it speaks to what you were just sharing about with empowerment. You can't be what you don't see. I wrote that down and I'm going to put it on my wall somewhere, but it's true. So the homework you were assigning is that you were trying to. My perspective when I'm listening to you is that you're saying, look, I am showing you what is possible so that you could build your own dream about and your own identities and your own pathway about how you would like to see yourself through this entrepreneurial journey, supported by advisors and entrepreneurs like yourself who have walked many, many trails of the entrepreneurial journey and have seen the good, the bad, the ugly, empowering, all that good stuff. So I love that. I love that theme. Right? That one quote, it's embedded in everything that you are envisioning and everything that you actually do, not just as now a leader in this space, but also as a day-to-day entrepreneur who is mentoring other entrepreneurs. So I love that. That felt so good to me right now when you shared that. 00:17:25 - Lizzy Okoro I didn't come up with that quote. I wish I could remember who, who said it, but it was like, it just resonates. And that's also always been my style, too. Like, as soon as I would have, you know, a crazy idea for something, I would go and immediately readdezenhe it and try to figure out, like, who's in the space? Who are the competitors, who's killing it? Is this something that people want? And I think that I have noticed a lot of times with some small business owners or just entrepreneurs in general, they're afraid to see what else is out there because they don't want copy or feel like they're stealing someone's idea or feel bad if their business isn't as big as what exists in the world. And I always say, no, it's just an opportunity for you to see how big something could be for you to dream big and for you to understand that you're on the right path. Like, think of it that way. So, yeah, just to elaborate a little. 00:18:19 - Salvatrice Cummo Bit more on that, I like that. Thank you for sharing that, because I'm hopeful. I mean, everyone who's listening right now, our listener is going to be able to take that and apply it to their own journey, whether they're in a specific professional career track or they're on this entrepreneurial track. But that is the most solid piece of advice, not just for existing professionals and aspiring entrepreneurs, but also to our students, our students who are listening. It's okay, all that, what you just said, it's okay to do that. And in fact, it's really the formula. It's really the formula to either the professional journey or entrepreneurial journey. I'm thankful that you shared that and elaborated on it. I want to shift gears just a little bit and talk about some of our realities. And that realities is we're still seeing the effects of this post pandemic. And you and I both saw that during the pandemic is really kind of what piqued a lot of startups, and it was kind of a good ugly. I don't even know how to explain it. You know, it was a terrible moment in time in our history that allowed for some opportunities to foster and grow, and that being the entrepreneurial ecosystem really took off during that time. And so this concept of work has evolved because of it. And so I'm curious about how do you see these changes really impacting women entrepreneurs and what can be done to adapt these...
How Women Entrepreneurs Can Overcome Societal Barriers with PCC Women's Business Center Interim Director, Lizzy Okoro Episode 123
How Women Entrepreneurs Can Overcome Societal Barriers with PCC Women's Business Center Interim Director, Lizzy Okoro Episode 123
Despite leading 42% of new businesses in the U.S., women are 20 times more likely to be denied traditional business loans than men, with an even larger gap for women of color. Success for women entrepreneurs hinges on a supportive ecosystem, which Women's Business Centers foster by addressing funding disparities and resource limitations. Inspired by her immigrant father's entrepreneurial spirit, Lizzy Okoro, the Interim Director of Pasadena City College’s Women’s Business Center, leverages her media, consulting, and public speaking experience to help women overcome these barriers. She emphasizes the importance of fostering empowering mindsets, increasing awareness, and providing tailored support and mentorship. Supporting women entrepreneurs not only launches new businesses but also transforms work cultures, creating safer and healthier environments that align with younger generations' desire for authenticity. Engage with us: , & : @PasadenaCityCollegeEWD Join our newsletter for more on this topic: Visit: More from Lizzy Okoro: Visit Email: LinkedIn: Instagram: Facebook: Twitter: Partner with us! Contact our host Salvatrice Cummo directly: [email protected] Want to be a guest on the show? Click to inquire about booking Find the transcript to this episode