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Education Category

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Lyden Af Et Bedre Liv

Velkommen til et livsfilosofisk samtalemagasin, hvor jeg, Mannah, taler med forfattere, undervisere, healere og tankeledere om livsmestring. At mestre sit liv har mange facetter til sig, og derfor spænder emnerne vidt og bredt. Det er på den måde en podcast, du kan stemple ind og ud af, alt efter hvilke emner der fanger din interesse. Men jeg elske at have dig med på hvert et skridt af vejen. Mit håb er at samtalerne vil inspirere dig til at finde den vej, kun du kan gå. Mit overordnede ønske er at fremme viden og visdom, der åbner for højere bevidsthed og indsigtsrige perspektiver på eksistensen og os selv — på en så laid back måde som muligt. Astrologi er blevet en slags livline for mig til at forstå, hvad der foregår under overfladen, så også det kan blive set, hørt og elsket. Spørg mig om Terapeutisk Astrologi hvis du vil høre mig tale meget længe - men i den her podcast er det de mange forskellige stemmer, jeg er optaget af. Jeg elsker at interviewe mennesker med noget vigtigt på hjertet! Indimellem stempler jeg ind med et astrologisk filter på temaerne. Det er dit liv, vi taler om! - Derfor er det jo sjovere, når du er med. Kærligst Mannah, Terapeutisk Astrolog og Interviewer Kontakt mig her: [email protected] Web: https://www.mannahguldager.com/ YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/missmannah Engelsk Podcast: https://therapeuticastrology.pairsite.com/

Money with Mak and G

Welcome to the finance podcast for adults and kids. Mak and G are 11-year old twins and they’re going to teach you, and your kids, all about money. Each bite-sized ‘minisode’ tackles a financial topic like Piggy Bank Origins, The Value of Money (and how to conserve), What’s An Allowance, and more. Because they’re short, you can listen in the car on the way to soccer practice, dance, gymnastics or even school. Mak and G talk to the kids and ‘Dad’ chimes in with his 2 cents at the end so both parents and kids can put what they learned into practice. It’s fun financial education for everyone.

Miracles Are My Normal with Colleen Low

Success leaves clues. Join us as we discover how others have achieved epic lives. Colleen Low interviews individuals who live brave lives and overcome what may seem like insurmountable obstacles. Mindset is everything. We will discuss how to overcome limiting beliefs, find joy in your journey, live in appreciation, uncover the tools to help you live your best life by doing what you love now. Implement the "Be, Do, Achieve" mantra into your everyday life, live in appreciation, and make a difference. Colleen also discusses her younger son's cancer journey, her older son's addiction journey, and how she dealt with the overwhelming challenges in her life. I don't know what your "my kid has Cancer" moments will be in your life. Still, I know that someday you may face a crisis of your faith, or maybe you feel like your life didn't turn out as you had planned- I will share how I remain optimistic, well, most of the time, and how you can find joy and recognize the miracles that surround you every day. We hope you will continue to come back as we bring you more content to uplift and inspire you in your quest for success and living life by design.

Parenting for the Future

Parenting for the Future helps parents understand - the phenomena that will shape the world in which their children will come of age and the science and strategies for raising their children to find their own voices so that they can thrive and shape that world in their unique way.

Marketing Revolution

The Marketing Revolution Podcast is more than just a Podcast; it’s a different way of thinking. It’s a movement of ingenuity; a paradigm shift from the outdated conventional way of marketing your company. If you are reading this, chances are you’re a business owner who is tired of the same old same old, and ready to separate yourself from the crowd! You’re not a follower; you’re leader! You Are Not A Sheep, You Are A Lion! You see the drones doing the same old thing and expecting different results. It’s time for them to get out of the way, ‘cause you’re about to rise to the top! Does this sound like you? That’s what I thought. Well, guess what? You have found Your Tribe! The Marketing Revolution Movement is for people who are ready to join a culture of Innovation & forward thinking! My only warning to you is this: Prepare for a complete 180 from the Traditional Approach to Life and Business. Welcome To The Lions Den, Welcome To The Marketing Revolution Podcast!

This Girl Loves Sleep

Welcome to the This Girl Loves Sleep podcast, the show that will help your entire family bring back bedtime. Each episode, sleep expert Alanna McGinn discusses your burning sleep questions and provides you with tangible sleep tips for babies to adults and provides tricks to help you create your own sleep plan for your family. Stay tuned for regular episodes also covering parenting topics Alanna wants to talk about featuring professional experts, colleagues, and friends.

Police K9 Radio

Police K9 Radio is hosted by Gregg Tawney and Rich Hartman. Gregg has 22 years of law enforcement experience, 15 of which were as a K9 handler. Gregg is also the owner of D-Tac K9 and is the trainer for 21 law enforcement agencies.  Rich has 15 years of K9 handling experience and is a trainer for D-Tac K9. Together they will be interviewing some of the top trainers and experts in the police K9 community and will be sharing their insight and experiences with you.

The Raiam Show

A ideia do podcast Mundo Raiam é entrevistar pessoas que literalmente tocaram o fo**-se para as expectativas da sociedade, e se deram bem, justamente por serem diferentes, e entender o porque elas são tão boas no que fazem.

Michelle Seidler - Purely Prophetic TV

Michelle Seidler, is the founder of "Ancient Paths International" a prophetic equipping ministry founded over 10 years ago, author of the book "Psychic to Prophet", and founder of Purely Prophetic TV. Michelle also travels nationally and internationally with a passion for bringing people into BEHOLDING Jesus. The resounding cry of God's heart is to be known and we were created to see and know Him. Michelle's unique yet biblical perspective on the prophetic wonderfully succeeds in demystifying what the prophetic is and leads many into living a lifestyle of encountering Jesus and walking in greater knowledge of who Jesus is.

Justice In America

Justice in America, hosted by Josie Duffy Rice and Clint Smith, is a podcast for everyone interested in criminal justice reform— from those new to the system to experts who want to know more. Each episode we cover a new criminal justice issue. We explain how it works and look at its impact on people, particularly poor people and people of color. We’ll also interview activists, practitioners, experts, journalists, organizers, and others, to learn. By the end of the episode, you’ll walk away with a better understanding of what drives mass incarceration and what can fix it.

That Dog Training Show

How to train and bond with your dog.

The Scoliosis Warrior Podcast

Welcome to the Scoliosis Warrior Podcast. We discuss insights, information and practical tips to help you along your Scoliosis journey