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Welcome to TecTalk. The podcast for teachers using iPad in the classroom. This series will cover everything from accessibility to creating rich and dynamic resources for your learners. No matter the skill level, TecTalk is the perfect companion to your authority iPad.

Justice & Power

Justice & Power podcast is hosted by civil rights attorney, activist, author, and executive director of Wayfinder Foundation, Nekima Levy Armstrong. This podcast is a must-listen for anyone seeking to find solutions to tough topics and propel change. Tune in as Nekima has stimulating conversations with scholars, activists, and community leaders that address issues that affect Black and Brown America. Listeners will be left inspired by the collective knowledge shared in each podcast episode and feel motivated to challenge change in their communities and across America. Don't miss out on this sonic journey filled with impacting and inspiring conversations about justice and power. For more information, please visit: https://www.nekimalevyarmstrong.com/

The Savings Advocate

The Savings Advocate is a podcast by America Saves, a national nonprofit with the mission of building financial confidence and increasing positive savings behaviors for all Americans, especially the most financially vulnerable. The hosts for this podcast are Amanda Woods, strategic partnership manager at America Saves, and Kia McAllister-Young, director of the organization. This podcast is for anyone working or volunteering in the personal finance space and is truly serious about making a more significant impact through their work, especially when it comes to individuals becoming more financially confident. Our motto is Greater Service, Greater Impact. We hope you adopt this creed as well. Learn more about America Saves at https://americasaves.org/.

Leading the Way in Child Care: Insights from ECE Innovators by Inspire Care 360

Join us for two uniquely different Podcast series on the Inspire Care 360 channel - Leading the Way in Child Care: ECE CEO Biography: Sage Wisdom for Childcare Leaders Join Tony D’Agostino in our exclusive premium podcast, featuring unparalleled interviews with top ECE Chief Officers and Leaders. Discover unique success stories of their ascension, do’s and don’ts, and invaluable insights. Learn what uniquely propelled these leaders to the pinnacle of childcare, Montessori, and early learning programs. Elevate your career with our monthly episodes! Care for the Childcare Owners Join the Inspire Care 360 team for engaging interviews, guest presentations, and panel discussions in our Pop-Up Executive Webinar series. Explore key childcare business topics like leadership, recruitment, and performance management. Get valuable tips and strategies to help your childcare business thrive. Download our channel now! Inspire Care 360 is your childcare business partner. We help independently owned early learning childcare schools become more efficient and profitable. Schedule a tour with our team to learn more about IC360 Membership: https://bit.ly/3NYsR6T What do you get as an Inspire Care 360 Member? Click below to learn more: https://bit.ly/3FeU8fF Want to join our mailing list? Email us at [email protected] Follow along for updates: Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/InspireCare360 Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/inspirecare360 LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/inspirecare-360 https://linktr.ee/InspireCare360

AP History Help

The premier podcast for all students taking (or thinking about taking) AP History classes in high school. From skills to content to tips and pointers, Wendy will not only help you get through AP US History, AP World History, and AP European History, but she'll coach you to success on the AP exam. AP® is a trademark registered by the College Board, which is not affiliated with, and does not endorse this podcast.

Кислородные подкасты
Кислородные подкасты

Подкасты медиаплатформы kislorod.io - это свежие, неизбитые разговоры собеседников, посвященные современному активизму и активисту в нем. В новом сезоне кислородных подкастов "На краю" говорим о том, как происходящие в России и мире события влияют на активизм, личные жизни активистов и их психологические состояния. Сезон 5. "Что да как?" Новый сезон подкастов об экономике и страстях человеческих. Говорим о стоимости и ценности жизни; о человеческом капитале как о движущем факторе экономике; о том, в каких случаях люди готовы жертвовать своими здоровьем или жизнью ради денег; почему нас цепляют истории про детей, которым нужна помощь, чтобы выжить, и почему люди остаются равнодушными, если эти истории не рассказаны, а дана лишь сухая статистика. Сезон 4. "На краю" Совместный выпуск образовательной медиаплатформы kislorod.io и активисток Психонаправления Феминистского Антивоенного Сопротивления про влияние войны и связанных с ней переживаний, сильных эмоций и чувств на психологические состояния и восприятие активистов, активисток и людей, не связанных с активизмом. Сезон 3. "Унесенные активизмом" Чем опасен активизм, кто страдает синдромом самозванца, кому точно не стоит идти в волонтеры и как не разрушить себя и свою семью, преодолевая череду неудач в некоммерческом секторе? Говорим с активисткой из медиа "Получится" и экзистенциальным психологом Евгенией Осиповой. Сезон 2. "Полная посадка" В этом сезоне говорим об изменениях в законодательстве, проблемах правозащиты, социальных и экологических вопросах, комплексной безопасности, а также о переживании депрессивных состояний на фоне происходящих социально-экономических изменений. Сезон 1. "Кислородные подкасты". В "Кислородных подкастах" говорим об основных инструментах активиста и устройстве некоммерческой организации. Как взаимодействовать с волонтерами, чтобы они оставались в вашей организации надолго? Для каких проектов можно использовать краудфандинг? Какой самый страшный сон фандрайзера? Как подать заявку на грант и организовать достойный тим-билдинг? Эти вопросы остаются актуальными по сей день, несмотря на меняющиеся обстоятельства. Будем рады вопросам и предложениям – пишите нам на емейл [email protected]

Rybin Reads Theory

Angry Education Workers is a political art collective seeking to arm education workers with the knowledge and mindsets they need to build collective power and counter the global assault on public education. This podcast is hosted by a member of the collective who is recording important and practical works of theory that are unlikely to have an audio-book made out of them anytime soon. https://linktr.ee/angryedworkers

Forever Curious: An Osher Lifelong Learning Institute Podcast

Does learning just stop when you hit 22 or 25? Of course not! So why should it stop at 50 or 70 or ever? The Osher Lifelong Learning Institute at the University of Washington is for people who are truly lifelong learners. For those who are forever curious about the world around us, past, present, and future. This podcast, Forever Curious, will be full of discussions with experts, free lectures, conversations with OLLI-UW members and more. We hope you'll join us here, as we listen to lectures and go deep with our experts about academic areas of interest such as literature, science, ethics, and history. Learn for the joy of learning.

Coffee and Coin Podcast

Ready to take charge of your financial future? Coffee & Coin is your go-to resource for financial education and honest money conversations that women don’t get anywhere else. Allegra Moet Brantly is the Founder & CEO of Factora, a company on a mission to lead 1 million women to $1 million in net worth. Her specialty? Breaking down complex personal finance and investing topics into easy-to-understand, actionable strategies. Tune in to learn how to put your money to work and reach financial freedom well before you’re 65. Plus, get inspired by other women’s investing journeys and money wins. Want to learn more about Factora? www.factorawealth.com

Borderlands of Theological Education

Traditional patterns of educating and training clergy face not only crises of increasing cost and declining enrollment, but also a crisis of identity, since at present it is the academy, not the church, that shapes formation for ministry. This series outlines a new vision, not the current reformist path, as the only future for theological education beyond this impasse.

Happiness and Success after Illinois Tech

Wondering what's possible after attending Illinois Tech? Check out these inspiring conversations with alumni who've created happy, successful careers and are eager to share their stories about how they navigated college and their careers. You'll hear useful tips and advice from a wide-array of people who are living proof that anything truly is possible, especially when you attend Illinois Tech.

Building Brand You

Welcome to Building Brand You, the podcast that helps you accelerate your success by unlocking your greatest asset – you.