Health & Fitness Category
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Klara Fuchs ist Mentaltrainerin & Sportwissenschafterin. Bei Foxi Mind geht es um den intelligenten Erfolg, Erfolg, der sich für dich gut anfühlt und zu deinen Werten passt. Trainiere deine innere Stärke, erlerne Selbstliebe, Gelassenheit und Selbstvertrauen. Hier findest du nützliche Schritte für mehr Selbstbewusstsein, mehr Energie, bessere Gewohnheiten und ein bewusstes Leben. Bringe dein inneres Leuchten zum Strahlen! :)
All Things Sport's founder Alex Preece sits down with some of the most interesting people in the sports and fitness space to hear about their journeys. From Founders to world-class athletes to industry leaders, Alex explores the stories behind the individuals and their take on the modern world of sports.
Better Business and Marriage Podcast is created for entrepreneurs who are married to their business partners. The project began in 2018 and began as a show built around interviews with successful couples who have achieved success in their marriages and businesses. We hoped to crack the secret sauce of how to be successful in marriage and business at the same time!! Now we are back with our own experiences that we have lived as we have built our marriage, our businesses and our lives!! Make sure you are listening to the latest episodes, but please go back and listen to our early episodes to hear some of the changes!
Erfolgreich glücklich SEIN ist Dein Podcast, der Dich mit viel Herz und jeder Menge frischer Ideen, neuer Sichtweisen und Möglichkeiten inspirieren möchte. Komme in jedem Bereich Deines Lebens immer mehr bei Dir und in Deinem ganzen Strahlen an. Berufung, Beziehungen, Lebensfreude: Wir sind hier für Dich und Dein ganzes Sein. Wir arbeiten schon seit vielen Jahren mit Größen wie Gedankentanken, Robert Betz, Dr. Joe Dispenza und Byron Katie zusammen. Aus vollstem Herzen gehen wir mit Dir gemeinsam und jeder Menge Leichtigkeit und Humor auf deine einzigartige Reise in Dein ganzes Glück, in Deinen Erfolg und zu Deinem inneren Kind. Als Inspirations-Coaches, authentisches Liebes- und Arbeitspaar, Autoren und Unternehmer, sind wir mit all unserer Begeisterung für Dich da. Unsere Community steht Dir offen, um Dich auf Deinem Weg zu begleiten. Wir freuen uns auf Dich.
Looking to stay ahead in the booming elder care industry? Join Senior Care Conversations with Bluebird Homecare as we bring you news, insights, and stories about meeting the challenges of aging in America. Stuart Brunson, Bluebird Homecare Chairman & CEO, speaks with industry leaders and caregivers to highlight opportunities and challenges in providing healthy, independent home living for seniors across the country.
Authentic conversations about Tourette Syndrome, produced by an insider who isn't interested in the ol' one-dimensional take on what it's like to have TS. On each episode, host Ben Brown talks with a fellow Touretter about his or her history, tics, social interactions and daily management of Tourette's -- whether by masking it, owning it, medicating it, or something altogether different. It's engaging, funny, heavy, real. Get ready to meet people who blow away the standard portrayal.
Strange Daze is a bi-weekly podcast from the creators of Straight Talk MD, hosted by anesthesiologist Frank Sweeny. Each episode fuses narrative storytelling with science as our host examines a real case of a surgery or a procedure that went terribly wrong and dissects out why. Even the best doctors practicing at the best medical institutions make mistakes, and sometimes those mistakes have serious consequences. And sometimes, even when you do everything right, things can still go terribly wrong. The most cynical surgeons depict anesthesiology as 99% boredom and 1% sheer terror. Strange Daze is about the 1%.
Hosted by Erik Qualman, each week we find the world's top thought leaders and hand select their top 7 Super Tips to unleash your inner superpower. 5x Best Selling Author and Motivational Speaker Erik Qualman has performed in over 55 countries and reached over 50 million people. His Socialnomics work has been on 60 Minutes to the Wall Street Journal and used by the National Guard to NASA. His book Digital Leader propelled him to be voted the 2nd Most Likeable Author in the World behind Harry Potter's J.K. Rowling. Learn more at: Have Erik speak at your conference: [email protected]
Le podcast de Imagin' Arts. Réflexions sur le karaté, les arts martiaux, des interviews avec des experts et sensei. Présenté par Lionel Froidure 6e dan de Karate Shotokan, 6e dan Arnis Kali Doblete Rapilon et professeur diplômé d'état DEJEPS, ancien membre de l'équipe de France FFKDA combat, ancien entraîneur de ligue Midi-Pyrénées combat et Jutsu. Créateur et présentateur de la série de documentaire vu à la TV : En Terre Martiale. N’hésitez pas à poser votre question à Lionel en lui envoyant un e-mail via la page contact de son site et souscrivez à la newsletter pour être informé des derniers articles et vidéos sur