Health & Fitness Category
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The Healthy Christian Women podcast exists to support, encourage and empower Christian women to live their best and healthiest life -- in mind, body and spirit. Our true health is not defined by a dress size or a number on the scale. God's beautiful design for our lives encompasses our whole being. Join Doctor of Physical Therapy, Motivational Speaker and Health and Life Coach, Dr. Melody, as she speaks God's Word of truth over your life and imparts practical and actionable wisdom for healthy living. A healthy body, healthy mind, and healthy spirit lead to bigger impact for God's glory.
Hello health coaches! I'm here each week, candidly answering your questions based on my 14+ years of experience in the field. Topics include getting started as a coach, finding clients, earning income and building confidence. Join our free community and get YOUR questions answered at
Your Bariatric Journey is a podcast about weight loss surgery, hosted by a patient. Season one of Your Bariatric Journey is about “beginnings.” We want to focus on new patients, new questions, and introductions to weight loss surgery procedures. Our podcast will be interview-based focusing on a variety of both bariatric surgery professionals and patients. While the information on this podcast is not a substitute for medical advice, you can be armed with new research and knowledge when you discuss this procedure with your doctor. This podcast wouldn't be possible without our sponsor,
Our culture, society and loved ones have a strong impact on our food choices and how we feel about ourselves inside and out. Paige Penick, a registered dietitian nutritionist and certified personal trainer gets real about topics centered around nutrition, health, wellness, and life.
This is a podcast about living your best life and shifting towards it every day. From health and money, through to entrepreneurship, creativity, sex, mindset and more, these no-holds-barred insights will help you seriously move the needle in your day to day, and expand outside your comfort zone. Because the truth is, change isn’t just *possible*... it’s much closer than you think. Join Nick Broadhurst — recording artist, entrepreneur and life-long learner — for radically honest conversations about the stuff that matters most.
Rewild Wellness is your wild medicine for the modern world, a podcast for the beautiful dreamer, wellness warrior, and sweet soul who simply wants to feel at home in their body - to be healthy . . . body, mind + spirit. Medical anthropologist, yogi, and lifelong learner, host Lea Pickard brings together the science and soul behind finally reclaiming your health + well-being. Modern life has left us feeling overwhelmed, tired, and disconnected from ourselves, the moment, and one another. But we’re meant to have boundless energy, endless passion, deep presence, and meaningful connection. So it’s time for a paradigm shift: Let’s return to your wild wisdom, peel away the layers of dis-ease, and find all the health and resilience you need already within you. If you’ve ever felt broken, crazy, or wondered ‘why is this happening to me?’...this is for you. Because you are whole, and you are not alone. Time to walk the divine path back to your true nature, back to your wildly vibrant health. This is your birthright. Let’s rewild!
#inspireforlove - Dein Podcast für WohnGefühl UND LebensGlück: für erfolgreiche Menschen, die sich manchmal "selbst im Wege stehen” ;-) Sei es bei der Karriere oder in der Liebe. 2023 verstärkt mit Impulsen aus der WohnPsychologie. Mit Tipps, Geschichten aus dem wahren Leben und Experteninterviews bringst Du Deine PS auf die Straße... was immer das für jeden hier bedeuten mag. Diplom-Psychologin Christine Backhaus ist Performance- und Beziehungscoach für Vielbeschäftigte und Unternehmer und der "weibliche Bond" unter den Psychologen (Smiley) . Ihr Lieblings-Motto ist: " ZUM GLÜCKLICHSEIN GEHÖRT AUCH MUT."
Mach es einfach - Jetzt! Der Podcast für mehr Lebensfreude Mein Podcast richtet sich an dich, wenn du dich auf den Weg machen möchtest. Auf deinen Weg zu dir selbst hin zu deinen ganz persönlichen Vorstellungen, Wünschen und Träumen. Mit mir gemeinsam gehst du auf die Reise zu dir selbst. Du erhältst Klarheit und entdeckst neue Freiheiten für dein neues erfüllteres Leben. Es beginnt bei dir. Wenn du bereit bist, zu lernen und mutig Neues auszuprobieren, wächst du auch. Ich schenke dir Inspirationen, damit du für dich herausfinden kannst, um was es dir im Leben wirklich geht und mit welcher Energie du dein Ziel verfolgen willst. Ich bin deine Lebensmutmacherin, die dich dabei begleitet, dir selbst zu vertrauen und deinen eigenen Weg zu gehen.
The Better Human Project is a podcast with a purpose. More than just a weekly audio show, the BHP is about building a community and giving back. It’s about being better as individuals, and doing better as communities. Every week, we’ll bring you amazing stories from the artists, scientists, researchers, entrepreneurs, adventurers, athletes, celebrities, musicians, and doctors who are inspiring others, changing the world and shaping our future. Each episode will be packed with actionable tools that we can implement in all aspects of our lives to become better humans - health, fitness, business, family, relationships, and more. In our effort to give back, we’ll partner each month with one researcher, charity, doctor, author, veteran, or immigrant to share their story and support their cause by donating 50% of all Patreon funds to their cause. Be Better and Do Better. More than tagline, it’s a movement. Welcome to our special community of humans on a never ending quest to learn, grow, experience and make a difference.