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Health & Fitness Category

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Liebe kann alles - Der Beziehungspodcast mit Eva-Maria & Wolfram Zurhorst

In unserem „Liebe kann alles“ Podcast geben wir Ihnen Einblick in unsere gemeinsame Arbeit als Paarcoaches und in die Liebe kann alles Frauenwelt. Zeigen Ihnen in den wöchentlichen Episoden zum Anhören, wie wir in unseren Coachings mit tausenden von Menschen Lösungen für ihre Beziehungsprobleme gefunden haben, geben aber auch immer wieder Einblick in unseren eigenen Weg als Paar. Eva-Maria Zurhorst ermutigt Frauen, ihrem Herzen zu folgen und ihren Weg zu gehen und zeigt einen neuen Weg der Selbstermächtigung. Wolfram Zurhorst hilft Männern und Frauen - gerne auch mit einem Augenzwinkern - einen Zugang zu persönlicher Entwicklung auf moderne, alltagstaugliche Weise zu finden. Es gibt regelmäßig spannende, berührende und aufklärende Experteninterviews und es gibt authentische Coachingstipps und Antworten auf ihre Herzensfragen. Für uns ist unser “Liebe kann alles” Podcast quasi unser eigener kleiner Radiosender, den Sie sich hier, aber auch bei iTunes und Spotify anhören können – eine Plattform für neues Wissen und berührende Geschichten um Liebe, Partnerschaft, persönliche Weiterentwicklung und ein erfülltes Leben.

The Wellness School Podcast

The Wellness School is a Wisconsin state-approved, diploma-granting school that offers a Clinical Massage Therapy Program for students who want to obtain their Licensed Massage Therapist (LMT) credential. The Mission of The Wellness School is to empower individuals to thrive by providing transformational experiences and to elevate the Massage Therapy profession. The Wellness School does this by creating and delivering exceptional educational programs. Currently, the school awards Diplomas in Clinical Massage Therapy, and creates continuing education content in Advanced Massage Therapy techniques and the Wellness field. The Wellness School’s Clinical Massage Program provides results-oriented massage training that goes beyond core therapy principles into effective, thorough bodywork practices and techniques that can be used in a wide range of applications and facilities. Our students learn advanced therapeutic massage skills with a deep understanding of human anatomy and function, while learning key self-care methods that build sustainable, long-term habits that ensure longevity and vitality in body, mind, and spirit throughout their careers. Importantly, the students in our program rigorously explore the “why” of techniques, connecting the external methodologies with the deeper reasons and purposes of those modalities.

Naturally Recovered - Recovery Based Meditations with Ashlie

Join Transformation Coach and All Around Life-Hacker, Ashlie Pappas for daily short and easy, guided meditations to enrich and deepen your spiritual journey in recovery. These meditations are specifically tailored to help you deepen your connection with your higher power and strengthen your sobriety, lasting under 9 minutes. You will find peace of mind, less stress, and a new perspective – all in less time than it takes to brew your morning coffee! Just a heads up, these meditations include spiritual aspects but are not intended to be of the religious nature. And as with any meditation… use common sense. Meditation is not something to multi-task. Especially refrain from listening to this meditation podcast while driving or operating machinery. For more information, episode topic requests, or to find out more about Ashlie’s courses and other offerings, please visit: https://naturallyrecovered.com or https://naturallyashlie.com

Recovery Happy Hour

Recovery Happy Hour celebrates inspiring stories of recovery from alcohol addiction and gray area alcohol abuse. Hosted by Tricia Lewis, we look at life beyond the bottle and what's current in sober culture.

The Produce Moms Podcast

The Produce Moms® is a community of passionate fresh produce advocates with a mission to inspire everyone, especially children, to eat more fruits and vegetables. The Produce Moms Podcast is designed to educate consumers about fresh produce, introduce them to produce brands, engage the produce industry with consumers in inspiring conversations, and promotes public policy to protect and increase the availability of fresh produce at American schools. For more info, visit www.theproducemoms.com

The Fiercely Feminine Podcast

Carolyn Hickman is your Unconventional Mompreneur + wicked funny, "SAY-IT-HOW-IT-IS" bestie who really gets YOU. There will be no guarantee that you won't completely transform your life into the most FIERCE + WOKE version of YOU + be inspired to take back your FEMININE POWER and create the most High Vibe Version of YOU through mastering your WELLNESS, WISDOM + WEALTH. From "Stuck" to Unstoppable overnight, Carolyn is dedicated to sharing her story & showing fellow mamas and women how to uplevel their belief in themselves and breakthrough the bullsh*t that is holding them back from living their healthiest version of themselves. She gives valuable knowledge and tools to empower you to BREAK the generational cycles that no longer have to be your reality. Carolyn is all about living her OWN way, ditching society's expectations and throwing that damn rule book right out the window! Her genius is helping women overcome any fear and live a wealthy life in both their health and their business! This podcast is a MUST listen to for any woman, mom and mompreneur looking to RADICALLY TRANSFORM their life!

Money, I'm Home

Join us on an adventure from finance to fitness. Learn practical strategies and tips to take the reins of your finances and well-being through the experiences industry experts and special guests.

Bio 360 - Zurück ins Leben | Energie und Gesundheit
BIO 360

Bio 360 ist einer der erfolgreichsten, deutschsprachigen Podcasts zu den Themen Gesundheit, Ernährung, Fitness, Motivation, Paleo, Fokus, HIIT, intermittierendes Fasten, Stress, Schlaf, Low Carb, ketogene Ernährung, EMF, Atemtechniken, Superfoods, Nootropika, sowie alles rund um Biohacking und alternative Medizin. Du bekommst die besten Tipps von führenden Experten wie Rüdiger Dahlke, Joachim Mutter, Maximilian Gotzler, Jens Freese, Paul Seelhorst, Kyra Kauffmann, Akuma Saningong, Poli Moutevelidis, Jens Pohl, Heinz Reinwald, Hartmut Fischer, DIrk Schreckenbach, Ralf Bohlmann, Jörg Spitz, Roland Liebscher-Bracht, Mareike Awe, Bastienne Neumann, Fabian Foelsch, Joachim Wittfoth, Hartmut Fischer, Ilga Pohlmann, Michaela Döll, Nadja Polzin, Christian Dittrich-Opitz, Bernhard Liebl, Christian Wenzel, Marilena Berends, Dietrich Klinghardt, Karl Probst, Anita Idel, Kurt Tepperwein, Alexander Wunsch, Benjamin Weidig uvm... um nur einige meiner illustren Interviewgäste zu nennen.

Mahogany Momology

Mahogany Momology is an on-line dialog pertaining to the concerns and carefree parenting of black motherhood.

Yoga Teacher Resource Podcast

Information, support, and inspiration for yoga teachers. Topics include the business of yoga, teaching skills, philosophy, ethical and legal considerations, and more.


Fathers after 50 is a podcast which highlights ideas to help men over 50 (or just about anyone, really) improve their health, longevity, relationships, and reach personal and financial goals. Most shows feature experts in their field, while some episodes focus specifically on fathers who’ve had children after the age of 50. If you have kids in the house, and especially if you are over 50, you're sure to gain helpful insights by listening in.

We Are Gods

Welcome to the We Are Gods Podcast, where host Brix Glover helps high performers build amazing physiques and master their health. We dive into raw, unfiltered conversations about fitness, nutrition, mental toughness, and personal growth. This podcast is for those who are serious about sculpting bodies that command respect and mastering every aspect of their health. No excuses, no BS— just real talk for those ready to dominate their lives and elevate their physical game to the next level.