Kids & Family Category
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Mothers Stories of Challenge and Transformation in Motherhood. Pelvic Floor Exercises in line with the energy of the moon. A moment just for you, to find your motherhood community, a second to regroup. Join Pelvic Floor Physiotherapist and mum-of-three Caitlin Ford for weekly pelvic floor check-ins and stories from real mums about their experience of motherhood.
Alle børn på flugt har brug for en god modtagelse, når de kommer til Danmark. Her spiller lærere og pædagoger en helt central rolle for, at barnet kan få en god tilværelse oven på den voldsomme oplevelse, som det har haft ved at være på flugt. Lyt til denne podcast for at blive klogere på, hvordan man som fagperson kan være med til at give et barn på flugt en god hverdag i en dansk grundskole.
Hey kids, get ON our lawn! Dear old Dads is a podcast examining and deconstructing all things Dad. From parenting to patriarchy; manning the grill to manning up; Dear Old Dads asks – what even is a dad anyway? What does it mean to be a good man in today's world? What should it mean? Listen along as we definitely find the correct, concise answers to all these questions and more! Featuring Eli Bosnick, Thomas Smith, and Tom Curry!
The heart-focused podcast that helps Christian parents raise their kids with faith, character, and life skills. Short encouragements, tips, and prompts to help you in your everyday interactions with your kids - always keeping in mind that the heart is more important than the behaviour. Join me every week.
Welcome to the matters of maternity podcast. Since becoming a mother over three years ago, I have become fascinated with all things, motherhood and the amazing journey that we as moms go on as we navigate the early newborn days to toddler territory and everything that follows In this podcast, I sit down with fellow mothers to find out their memorable motherhood moments and hopefully pick up and share some words of wisdom along the way
Real talk, fresh parenting strategies, and inspiring stories from experts and everyday parents. Whether you’re looking to ditch perfection, navigate challenges, or feel empowered in your parenting journey, this podcast has you covered. Tune in for actionable advice, heartfelt conversations, and the support you need to thrive as a parent—your way.
“Hvem er ham YouTuberen, mine børnebørn taler om?” Og “hvad foregår der i Fortnite?” Bedsteforældre og forældre kan have svært at følge med i alle de nye trends og devices, børnene er optaget af og kan bruge timevis på. Det kommer denne podcast-serie at ændre på! Serien giver - på en sjov og uformel måde med Morten Resen som vært – et kig ind i børnenes digitale verden. En verden som er svær at få adgang til og forstå, når man ikke selv har dyrket de interesser, der fylder i børnenes verden. Hvorfor er TikTok fx så populært? Og hvad er ”streaks” og ”snaps”? Podcasten kan lyttes af bedsteforældre eller forældre alene, men kan også lyttes sammen med børnene. På den måde kan der sættes gang i snakken mellem generationerne om børnenes interesser. Produceret af GoLittle for Ældre Sagen.
Are you someone who loves to live life feeling fit, healthy, and happy? I’m Andrea Barkley, and this is The Andrea Barkley Show. I’m a fitness trainer, private cook, nutrition coach, mother, author of the recipe book Moan Out Loud Protein Shakes, world-traveler, and business-lover, but most importantly, I’m a lot like you - constantly raising questions, seeking answers, and going deeper when it comes to living and feeling a happy and healthy lifestyle. Together we will “feel our fittest” in all areas of life - business, travel, relationships, parenting, nutrition and so much more. Join me on this journey, I'll bring along the most dynamic personalities, lifestyle specialists, innovative thinkers, and fitness gurus; as each week we strive to feel our fittest and happiest together. Follow us now on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, or wherever you enjoy your shows.
This Christian podcast helps teenagers grow their relationship with Jesus. It can be difficult to be a Christian teenager in today’s world with so much darkness. Dr. RJ gives encouragement, and practical strategies to help teens overcome the common struggles Christians face daily.
Hey, I'm Shay and I believe we all are called to live an intentionally good life. It starts with getting clear on what you want and then getting aligned with your core values & life goals. Hello, Good Life is here to start the conversation around being real and honest with yourself. Also, we are going to dive into intentional living, productivity, abundance, family and so much more.
Det kan være svært som solomor, at sige højt, når det er hårdt at være alene om alt. At du savner nogen at sparre med og tale med om dit barn/dine børn og solomor livet, og dele dine følelser og måske dårlig samvittighed over, at dit barn ingen far har eller måske er skilsmissebarn. I denne podcast taler vi om lige netop det, og hvordan det er at være alene om alt og turde sige det højt. Vi taler om moderskabet, om børn og hvordan vi kan stå ved og i os selv alene om alt. Det hele med et spirituelt tvist. Elsine er selvvalgt solomor til to piger, og i denne podcast deler hun ud af sine solomor erfaringer og sammen med sine gæster taler hun om alle udfordringerne og alt det vi helst ikke siger højt.