Technology Category
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Sound like a tech pro, even if you’re not! Award-winning popular host Kim Komando is your secret weapon. Kim is in a class all her own. Her widely successful radio show is heard on over 500 stations in the United States and internationally in 175 different countries. Kim has millions of fans who love her down-to-earth, deeply relatable, and easy-to-understand way of talking about consumer tech. Every episode is loaded with the scoop about the latest gadgets, online security, social media trends, and digital privacy. Kim makes it all entertaining and fun. With a mix of important news, practical advice, and compelling conversations, you can make informed decisions and stay up-to-date with the latest trends in the tech world. In the Kim Komando Daily Tech Update Podcast, every episode is loaded with ways to better your tech life. New Kim Komando Daily Tech Update Podcast episodes drop every day, Monday through Sunday. If you want Kim’s daily longer podcasts, search for Kim Komando Today in your favorite podcast player. To learn more about Kim, the things she mentions, or submit a topic or question, drop by
The AI Australia Podcast is hosted by Natalie Rouse and Dr Kobi Leins and brought to you by Mantel Group. We report what’s going on in Artificial Intelligence in Australia today with a particular focus on practicing responsible AI, diversity and inclusion and AI at scale. What should we be aware of? And how could this affect society in Australia? Natalie is a champion of all things data committed to spreading better understanding of the impacts of AI within our communities. Dr Kobi Leins is a reformed lawyer who has always run alongside (and at times with) science and technology. We bring in leaders from across industry to get a sneak peak into what they’re working on and how they are handling any ethical considerations.
Holly Bray is a mum, Business Coach, and Productivity & Planning Expert helping value-led business owners like you create a profitable, sustainable business that allows you to live the life of your dreams. In this show, Holly tells you how to know what to focus on in your business to turn those ideas in your head into a reality, so you can have complete freedom over your time… without working 24/7. It's a mix of valuable online marketing advice, friendly chats, and a few personal updates too. Like what you hear? Subscribe to The Busy to Boss Podcast.
Let’s talk SPACE, and let’s keep it casual. Nothing too technical. Stories that inspire. As a former NASA Public Affairs Officer, let be serve as your guide. I’ll provide conversations that are both interesting and fun. Each weekly episode brings a new, fresh discussion on a variety of space topics & stories. The universe is pretty big, so there’s always something new to discover! Join me and find YOUR inner space geek on Casual Space!
UX writing. Content design. Call it whatever you want: words and content are more important to good design and technology than ever. The words, phrases, and sentences you see in a user interface don't just appear there. They are written. Carefully crafted. This podcast is about the people who write those words, who design experiences with words, and who combine the power of language and technology.
A podcast that interviews leaders from insuretech and insurance to get up-to-date ideas and perspectives on how technology is disrupting and transforming the industry. We bring stories, trends, and useful insights to our audience from carriers, insuretechs, service providers, and various industry groups. New episodes feature people who are on the forefront of inventing, using, developing, or transforming the insurance world through applied technology. FNO: InsureTech is created and produced by Alacrity Solutions.