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Går du til mange møder, og forlader du dem fyldt med gejst og energi? Hvis ikke, så lyt med her i Mødegangen, hvor vi sammen går på opdagelse i mødeuniverset. Hvad enten du er mødeleder eller mødedeltager, så er der inspiration og refleksion at hente her. I Mødegangen møder du i hver episode et ledelsesteam og deres dilemmaer, når de uge efter uge holder møder. De står hver uge i situationer, som vi nok alle har mødt i større eller mindre grad på egne møder. Mødegangen udforsker nuancer, udfordringer, succeser og forståelser for tilgange og oplevelser med møder. Grundlæggende handler det om at forbedre og kvalificere møder. Uanset om du er i en privat virksomhed, på en offentlig arbejdsplads, i en frivillig organisation, en klub eller forening, så er podcasten noget for dig. For gode møder er det vigtigste ledelsesredskab til både handlekraft, samarbejde og arbejdstilfredshed. Wenche Strømsnes og Mette Ploug Meineche er begge erfarne ud i møders mange elementer og facetter. De har begge mange års praksiserfaring. Wenche med afsæt i topledelse og møder som motor i forretningens fremdrift. Mette med afsæt i samarbejde og med ekspertise i læringsprocesser og facilitering. De anvender i Mødegangen mange eksempler fra egen praksis, og det er med til at krydre og kræse for Mødegangens lyttere. Velkommen til.

Wolf Moves Only

Wolf Moves Only is a print on demand + Etsy podcast hosted by Brittany Lewis. Brittany is a top 1% Etsy seller who has sold over $600k in her shops and specializes in print on demand. She has been selling on Etsy since 2014 and helping other sellers build full time businesses just like hers since 2017. This podcast is about getting print on demand sellers the down and dirty information they need to ACTUALLY succeed in the P.O.D. space. Be A Wolf Biz is the consulting company Brittany created, and is a no-fluff zone with a dedication to providing only the highest value, non-diluted information to get you where you're dreaming of going. Wolf Moves Only!!

Borrow From the Best

If you are growing or sustaining a company, leading a team, or just trying to make it through the day - we've got you. We're highlighting the big (and small!) ideas, programs, and behaviors that work for others... hoping it can work for you, too! Join the movement as we #BorrowFromtheBest

inBetween Dollars

Here we will journey into someone's life and learn about how they got to where they are now. No journeys are alike and there are many ways to get where we want to. It doesn't always have to be the traditional way of college as we are led to believe. We’ll definitely hear stories like that but that’s just one of so many ways to progress in life. With inflation, economic change, job restructure, so many things changing, how do we even know what or where we’re going? I hope that you find these stories beneficial and use the information to assist you with your path. Visit http://inbetweendollars.wordpress.com to share your story!

Print on Demand for eCommerce

This podcast from Digital on Demand discusses print on demand products, including the availability of different types of products, materials, product testing, methods of printing on various substrates, and info on how digital print on demand printing can increase your sales by offering high-value, drop-shipped, popular products with exception quality.

SimonSaysSimplifySales - Micro Podcast

SimonSaysSimplifySales is your go to Micro-Podcast for sales inspiration. Learn from other sales people what hurdles they have faced in getting better leads, finding the right customer contact strategy or becoming better at closing the sales. We never know where inspiration will come from, but often the best ideas come from listening to others.

Disrupt The Everyday Podcast

Helping to navigate life while disrupting the status quo.

Zusammen mehr sein

Getreu der Mondphase Vollmond nutzen wir die aktive Energie, teilen die Freuden des Lebens und zelebrieren das „Zusammen mehr sein“.

Win with me

A podcast highlighting Winning mindset to reach your strategic visions, targets on the pathway.

Inside B2B Influence

Inside B2B Influence is a show that goes behind the scenes of B2B influencer marketing and showcases conversations with insiders from the world of B2B influencer marketing. We feature top influencer marketing practitioners at B2B brands to answer the most important questions about growing business influence across the customer lifecycle.

Revtribes Podcast

Melissa Hall and Jodi Evans help you to transform your team into group of leaders and visionaries. We I want to convert your team into a tribe! We have many topics around business and how to help you become a revolutionary tribe!

NavalX Connecx

Collaboration equals innovation and it allows us to know more than we are capable of knowing by ourselves. Agility is being flexible and adapting to complete the mission. Join Mohawk Matt as he sits down with people to discuss techniques, success, and fails stories, lessons learned, and more. As teammates, you may meet people who can assist you in your mission, or whom you can assist in theirs. As Industry Partners, you may learn different ways to engage with the Navy and Marine Corps. Everyone else can have fun with us and be apart of our journey as we find ways to collaborate, share knowledge, and provide agility.