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Nos nossos episódios, estaremos trazendo informações relevantes de como VOCÊ pode ser mais produtivo, como podemos ser mais eficientes, agregar mais valor ao seu dia-a-dia, ter uma vida mais completa, fazer mais e no final das contas, ser melhor como um todo. Assim, você vai aproveitar a vida com o que realmente importa. Esse é um dos grandes motivos da existência deste show, ajudar você a ser mais rico de tempo e juntos, aprendermos a como evoluir mais e melhor. Os episódios possuem diferentes formatos como entrevistas, diálogos, discussões, episódios solo e também em formato de série. Você poderá encontrar os episódios em junto com as notas e recursos fornecidos em cada um dos episódios. Todas as semanas, estaremos esperando sua audiência, sua participação, comentários e sugestões para criarmos um episódio novo e cada vez melhor. Contamos com você!
BRINGE DEINE KANZLEI NACH VORNE! In diesem Unternehmerpodcast für Rechtsanwälte und Rechtsanwältinnen gibt das Powerpaar Clemens und Alexandra Pichler ihre praxiserprobten Strategien und Tipps weiter, wie du deine Kanzlei noch erfolgreicher machst. Gemeinsam haben sie ihre eigene Kanzlei von 0 auf mehr als 1,7 Mio Umsatz aufgebaut, am Weg dabei renommierte Arbeitgeberauszeichnungen erhalten und kennen somit die Probleme, Sorgen und Ängste von Kanzleiinhabern und Gründern genau. Mit ihrem eigens entwickelten digitalen Unternehmertraining "BOOTCAMP FÜR RECHTSANWÄLTE" haben sie mittlerweile bereits unzähligen Rechtsanwält:innen geholfen, ihre Kanzlei erfolgreicher zu machen. Die vielen Statements der Teilnehmer sprechen für sich. Ende März erscheint ihr Ratgeber "100 Hacks für deine unverschämt erfolgreiche Anwaltskanzlei". Mehr Infos unter:
Established in 2014 with its early roots in digital media, Producer Jaime has grown Flint Stone Media into an award-winning and highly resourceful podcast production house and consultancy firm based in south Florida. Whether elevating your current brand or sparking a new endeavor, our acumen for professional content creation can propel your podcast and image to new heights! Listen in to highlights from our portfolio of clients and episodes. Then, connect with us at: ===========LEARN MORE BELOW=========== Let us help you build your brand through the power of podcasting. I’m Producer Jaime–Founder of Flint Stone Media, which has been my podcast production house and consultancy firm since 2014. Not only do I have a highly-talented team, but I am also an award-winning host and producer myself. So, what does that mean for YOU? I’ve walked through the fire of figuring out podcasting success, so you don’t have to. Since 2014, we have been building a HIGHLY curated and successful system that delivers a turnkey podcasting experience for YOU that not only allows you to focus on your content, but also will help you reach your strategic goals. Some examples, you say? ● Horse Radio Network ● Know Your Aura ● Connecticut School of Broadcasting ● Podfest Multimedia Expo ● Preston Bailey and The Wedding Biz Network ● Place of Hope ● Owwll App ● Power Moms Network And, many more!! And, we recently marked the 300Kth download milestone for Straight Up Chicago Investor! So, whether you have a show IDEA or you already have a show, and you’re just not satisfied, let our team at Flint Stone Media use our years of podcasting expertise to get you, your brand, and your business closer to YOUR goals through the power of podcasting. Sign up TODAY at
In a world consumed with fads and fame, where everyone expects success in two-minutes flat, Jess Weiner goes behind the scenes with today's thinkers, movers, and shapers of culture to talk about their journey to self-discovery.
Leadership Coaching mit Maren Lehky begleitet Sie durch Ihre Herausforderungen als Führungskraft mit konkreten Strategien und pragmatischen Werkzeugen als Coaching to go. Lebendig, praxisnah und für Ihren Erfolg, Ihre Karriere und Ihre eigene Energie, so dass Sie neben dem Business auch noch Kraft haben, Ihr Leben zu leben. Auf Basis ihrer breiten Erfahrung als erfolgreiche, langjährige Top Managerin, Buchautorin, Dozentin, Kolumnistin, Unternehmerin und Key Note Speaker ist Maren Lehky seit 2002 erfolgreich in Hamburg als Business Coach tätig. Führung, Kommunikation, Change Management, aber auch die Work-Life-Balance und Selbstreflexion von Führungskräften sind dabei die Themen. Die Klienten kommen aus allen Branchen und Unternehmensgrößen: vom Start up bis zum DAX Konzern, vom Abteilungsleiter bis zum Vorstandsmitglied, vom Chefarzt bis zum Ressortleiter ist alles dabei. So profitieren Sie von Einblicken in jahrzehntelange best practice. Involvierte Kreative: Cover: Stephan Licht, Foto: Burgis Wehry, Musik: Denys Rybkin.
*TOP 1% GLOBAL PODCAST* Hi friend, it’s Erin Diehl. I’m meeting you here to help you see yourself so that you can truly see those around you. Empathy = unlocked. Join me every Wednesday as I speak with personal and professional development gurus about the things that make this life pesky and beautiful. And with an improv-infused twist–thanks to my 13+ years of improv experience–this show will give you tangible techniques for transforming yourself through play to, above all, remember that no one is you and THAT is your superpower. Oversharing and knee-slappers guaranteed. Welcome to the improve it! podcast. Learn how to transform your team using improv: Connect with us: [email protected]
A podcast for women’s voices and perspectives in today’s digital world. What does it mean to be a woman in the world of digital business? Of course, anyone who identifies as a woman will have their own answer to this question based on their unique background and experiences. At ISG, we are committed to investigating and understanding how women leaders are navigating the digital landscape globally. We love to learn from the smart women leading our industry. ISG’s Digital Dish is a monthly podcast that makes space for smart women’s voices and experiences in technology today. We're all about organic conversations, genuine experiences and combatting inequity with authenticity. Our discussions pair real life with real business experience because we know that work-life and life-life are constantly merging in compelling new ways. Hosts Jeanne Cuff, Missy Lawrence and Lois Coatney bring you thought-provoking stories from their conversations with digital professionals and entrepreneurs of all walks of life. Sharing WFH hacks, innovation, “dark night of the soul” moments and successes, our guests get real about what it means to be a woman in digital. Join us on a fresh journey as we examine and debate the latest news and issues in the technology space with the women that are creating the way forward.
The Smith Sense Podcast gives listeners insider access into the real-life struggles, ideas, and strategies of successful entrepreneurs and business leaders. Whether you’re building a business, a team, or a way of life... Smith Sense includes you in the real-life conversations that the leadership and self-help books and blogs never address. This is the story of what really works, told from the trenches from actual business leaders struggling with your same challenges every day.