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Business Category

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Company Culture With Daren Martin, PhD.

Culture is KING. The kind of culture you have in a company will drive behavior, engagement, and profitability. Dr. Daren Martin The Culture Architect is a WSJ & USA Today Best Selling author of multiple books including the bestselling A Company of Owners. He is an in-demand keynote speaker for his work providing actionable steps to creating high-performing company cultures. Daren and Elise bring insightful, entertaining, and thought-provoking perspectives on companies, leadership, management, achieving top performance, and life.

Organizational Transformation Kung Fu

OT Kung Fu: Organizational Transformation Kung Fu – Learning for agile leaders. A discussion about Business Tools and Practice from seasoned executive coaches for business leaders, senior managers. For a company’s, leaders and managers to thrive they must become masters of transformation and agile learners; they must commit the energy and time to be better. This podcast, discusses the current critical skills and practices for organizational leaders and managers to become more effective in their roles. In each episode two seasoned executive coaches discuss specific ideas and actions leaders and managers can take and practice to create positive impacts within their organizations.

The Cannonball Mindset

The Cannonball Mindset: How Today’s Leaders Achieve More is a podcast dedicated to helping today’s sales leaders and tomorrow’s business experts stay on the cutting edge of their industry by cultivating a growth mindset. Disruptors, innovators, and ground-breakers are all welcome. Whether you’re looking to stay up to date on emerging trends in corporate training, learn from experts about new techniques in personal branding and sales technology, or simply get the right tools for personal and professional growth, this is the podcast for you. Each episode features topics like: revenue growth, leadership, sales acceleration, growth mindset, personal branding, referral business, social media awareness, brand awareness, customer service training, corporate training, company culture, and more.

UNTERNEHMERWERK: Das Upgrade auf das nächste Level - mit Helmut Beck

Das UNTERNEHMERWERK von Helmut Beck ist ein Podcast für Unternehmer, Selbständige und alle, die sich auf diesen Weg zu mehr Fokus begeben wollen. Wenn Dich Themen wie Erfolg, Motivation, Struktur, Systeme und Tools in der Unternehmensführung interessieren, bist Du hier richtig. Profitiere aus den Erfahrungen erfolgreicher Unternehmer, die wir aus über 1000 Geschäftsmodellen gebündelt haben und weitergeben. Du möchtest mit Deinem Unternehmen auf das nächste Level? Hier erfährst Du, wie Dein Upgrade möglich ist. www.unternehmer-werk.de [email protected]

The InDependent Spouse Podcast

Empowering Military Spouses: The InDependent Spouse Podcast Looking for inspiration and support as a military spouse? The InDependent Spouse podcast is your one-stop shop for stories, tips, and a thriving community! Host Jess Sands chats with incredible military spouses achieving amazing things, alongside building the Milspo® Community. This network of over 1,400 spouses, partners, and "other halves" is dedicated to helping military families build epic businesses that thrive, not just survive modern military life. Ready to take action? • Join the Milspo® Community: Connect with like-minded individuals and find support for your entrepreneurial journey. https://www.facebook.com/groups/MILSPO • Get Inspired by Jess' Book: Read "Building Business Beyond the Magnolia Box: Inspiration for entrepreneurs living in a modern military world." https://amzn.eu/d/bt1odyI • Level Up with Milspo Membership: Join the Inner Circle, the premier business incubator for military spouses. (link: https://milspo.co.uk/milspo-inner-circle-waiting-list/) Milspo®: Supporting Military Families Milspo® is a network built by military spouses, for military spouses. We understand the unique challenges faced by those living a military life. Our resources and programmes are designed to empower spouses to thrive, both personally and professionally. Military Spouse Podcast, Military Spouse Business, Military Family Support, Milspo Community, Military Spouse Entrepreneurship, The InDependent Spouse Supporting the Milspo Network CIC The Milspo Network CIC is a volunteer-run social enterprise dedicated to supporting the entrepreneurial endeavours of the entire UK military spouse community. We rely on the goodwill of our members and volunteers to continue our mission. Looking to make a difference? • Spread the Word: Share the Milspo Network with other military spouses! • Support Us: We are seeking sponsorship or financial help to ensure we can continue providing resources and support in 2024 and beyond https://milspo.co.uk/milspomovement/ Together, we can create a rising tide that lifts all boats in the military spouse community!

The Self Storage Show with Jim Ross

Welcome to "The Self Storage Show," your ultimate resource for everything related to the self storage industry. Hosted by industry expert Jim Ross from 3 Mile Storage Management, this podcast delves into the latest trends, tips, and strategies to help self storage owners and managers optimize their operations and grow their businesses. Each episode features insightful interviews with leading industry professionals, practical advice on marketing, operations, and customer service, as well as innovative solutions to common challenges faced by self-storage facilities. From maximizing occupancy rates to enhancing security measures, "The Self Storage Show" covers it all. Whether you're a seasoned veteran or new to the self storage industry, tune in to "The Self Storage Show" to stay informed and inspired. Join us every week for engaging discussions and actionable insights that will help you take your self storage business to the next level.

Playing At Business - toy & game business podcast with Steve Reece

Podcast about the toy & games business, hosted by leading toy business expert Steve Reece of www.KidsBrandInsight.com. Steve takes a look at different trends in the toy & game biz, and speaks to interesting people from across the business. © 2018 RG Marketing Ltd. All rights reserved.

Firetalk - DER Podcast für erfolgreiche Unternehmer

Der Firetalk mit Paul Misar ist DER Podcast für ambitionierte Unternehmer und diejenigen, die ein erfolgreiches Business aufbauen und es von Anfang an richtig machen wollen. Für eine neue Generation von Unternehmern, die AN ihrer Firma arbeiten statt bis zum Burnout in der Firma. Für Unternehmer, die SMART statt HART agieren. Der PodCast vermittelt Dir das notwenige Knowhow zu Leadership, Branding, Digitalisierung, Systematisierung, Lebensmission, Finanzierung, Skalierung und last but not least das richtige Mindset und Lifedesign als Entrepreneur. Gewürzt mit inspirierenden Interviews und Q&A Sessions mit außergewöhnlichen Unternehmern und Visionären, die ihre Erfolgsgeheimnisse, aber auch Niederlagen mit Dir teilen. Entrepreneurship wird leider nicht an unseren Schulen gelernt. Spar Dir unnötige Fehler und Lehrgeld und lass Dich vom Serienunternehmer Paul Misar und seinem Firetalk Podcast zu einem besseren und erfolgreicheren Unternehmer ausbilden und das ganz nebenbei, während Du Auto fährst, beim Joggen oder im Zug. Viele Storys sind inspiriert von Persönlichkeiten wie Sir Richard Branson, T. Harv Eker, Tony Robbins, John Lee Dumas, Tobias Beck, Tim Ferris, Pat Flynn. Besonders spannend für alle Unternehmer, Unternehmensgründer, Führungskräfte, digitale Normaden, Freberufler und Angestellte, die sich selbstständig machen wollen.

CSCMPodcast: Supply Chain Conversation - CSCMP

CSCMPodcast: Supply Chain Conversation is the official podcast of the Council of Supply Chain Management Professionals or CSCMP. CSCMP leads the supply chain profession by connecting, developing, and educating the world's Supply Chain Management Professionals throughout their careers. Learn more at CSCMP.org. Each episode of CSCMPodcast: Supply Chain Conversation, will feature discussions with leading supply chain professionals that dive into the latest news and industry trends across all aspects of supply chain. Conversations are led by guest hosts from the CSCMP Organization.

Status AUSGEBUCHT! Mit EXPERT BRANDING zum begehrten Experten

Ob ambitionierter Unternehmer, echter Geheim-Tipp, Undercover-Held & Champion, Consultant oder Dienstleister – hier startet Deine Reise zum begehrten Experten*In mit dem Status-Ziel: AUSGEBUCHT! Dein Guide auf dieser Reise: Bestsellerautorin, Marketing-Expertin & internationale Business-Mentorin Martina Fuchs. Sie ist seit über 25 Jahren in der Welt der Medien und des Marketings zuhause und mit der von ihr entwickelten „EXPERT-BRANDING-MATRIX™“ hat sie im Personal Branding neue Maßstäbe gesetzt. Ihr Buch „Digital Expert Branding“ ist nicht nur ein gefeierter Bestseller, sondern wurde auch vom Handelsblatt als eines der besten Wirtschaftsbücher von Frauen ausgezeichnet. In ihrem Podcast gibt sie Dir erfolgserprobte Strategien, Tipps und Cases aus der Praxis an die Hand, mit denen Du Dich sofort erfolgreich als Experte positionieren, Deinen Expertenstatus kontinuierlich auf- und ausbauen und Dein Expertenwissen hochprofitabel vermarkten kannst. Dazu lädt sie auch regelmäßig Experten aus ihrem Netzwerk ein, um Dich mit dem besten Knowhow zu versorgen. Bist Du bereit für Deinen Sprung in die Expertenliga? Für mehr Kunden, Sichtbarkeit, Einfluss und Erfolg? Wenn ja, dann mach jetzt Schluss mit Deinem „Undercover-Status“! Alles was Du dafür tun musst: Podcast abonnieren & jeden Donnerstag von neuen hochkarätigen Business-Impulsen profitieren.

Awaken The Mind - The NLP & Hypnosis Guide

You’re listening to Awaken the mind - the NLP and Hypnosis guide. A podcast that inspires the curious to the professional, to discover meaningful content and pursue their passions. My name is David Youhas and I’m a master NLP and Time Line Therapy® practitioner and Hypnotist, best known for loosing over 100 pounds and running 6 marathons in 2 years. And I’m sitting down with hypnotists and NLP practitioners and coaches, to talk about their process, the lessons they’ve learned and how to make an impact in the lives of others.

Learning Uncut

Learning Uncut is about real conversations around real learning solutions and real experiences with real advice from real people. We’re all about keeping it “real.” Here’s an overview of our approach: Strategy and tactics. We want to unpack the strategy and how-to’s of creating great learning solutions, frameworks and teams. CONVERSATIONS, NOT SCRIPTED DISCUSSION Our podcasts are professional but not so edited and polished that they lose their authenticity. We want our audience to hear real people having real conversations and sharing real examples and advice. PROGRESSIVE We want to showcase the “unsung L&D heroes” out there doing great work, being brave and trying new things. PRACTICAL We invite our guests to share tips and strategies to help listeners take their solutions to the next level. We aim to provide actionable takeaways for our listeners through show notes, links and downloads wherever possible.