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Are you looking to Scale, Acquire or Exit a Business? If so, the M&A Unplugged Podcast was designed with you in mind. On each episode we will interview actual buyers, sellers and professional transaction advisors. They will share their experiences - the good and the not so good! We promise, in every episode, you will gain valuable insights and actionable takeaways to help you maximize the value of your own transactions. Mergers, Acquisitions, buying a business, selling a business, scaling a business and exiting a business all take time, preparation and the proper knowledge. M&A Unplugged promises to deliver relevant content for your business transaction and growth goals. Hosted by Domenic Rinaldi, the owner and managing partner of Sun Acquisitions - a Chicago based mergers and acquisitions firm. Having been involved in over 300 M&A transactions across a broad range of industries, Domenic asks the questions that unlock the secrets to creating value in transactions.
Du hast Lust auf eine echtes BestLife? Auf mehr Glück, Erfolg, Wohlstand, Erfüllung und Lebensfreude? In allen Lebensbereichen? Der Podcast der Primelife Academy – von und mit Volker Knehr - liefert dir Tipps, Strategien und Impulse, die dein Leben leichter und dich persönlich stärker machen. Wenn du dich für die „Kunst der Selbstbeeinflussung“ interessierst und wissen möchtest, wie du deine Self-Talks und damit dein Leben revolutionieren kannst, bis du hier goldrichtig. Primelife Academy und Volker Knehr zeigen Selbständigen, Dienstleistern, erfolgshungrigen und interessierten Menschen, wie sie durch die Veränderung ihres Self-Talks ihr Leben auf ein völlig neues Level bringen! Dieser Podcast mit Volker bietet dir wertvolles Wissen und zwar in einer Qualität, Intensität und Tiefe, das normalerweise nur gegen eine hohe Investition zu bekommen ist. Dabei werden alle Aspekte der Persönlichkeitsentwicklung abgedeckt wie Erfolg, Selbstvertrauen, Selbstdisziplin, Selbstbewusstsein, den Umgang mit Ängsten und Problemen und ebenso wie man Ziele setzt und erreicht. Du erhältst Expertenwissen einfach, verständlich und humorvoll erklärt und auf besondere Art und Weise verpackt!
I believe we are all longing for deeper connection with the people in our lives. We crave acknowledgment that what we do makes an impact. That who we are matters. And I’m tired of the superficial, shallow interactions that permeate most relationships. So, I am stepping off the well-beaten path to create the space to listen and explore. By “creating the space” I mean blocking out some uninterrupted time and choosing to be fully present with someone to engage in a meaningful conversation. Through Making Space for Conversations that Matter, I’ll intentionally engage in those conversations and I invite you to join me. Together, we’ll take the time to explore and discover the brilliance, creativity, and wisdom of my guests through real, honest, and heartfelt conversation about what matters most and how they’re pursuing purpose in their lives. If you’re longing for authenticity, deep meaning, significance, and powerful connection with others, this Podcast is for you!
El podcast se nutre de conversaciones entre las comunidades urbanas, rurales y de la diáspora, los talentos de la gente, sus experiencias y recomendaciones. El podcast está dirigido a una audiencia intergeneracional. Internados estudiantiles para alumnos de cuarto año de escuela superior y universitarios. ---- The podcast is fueled by conversations between urban and rural communities, by the gifts of people and their experiences, and by urban or rural residents who share their experiences and recommendations. This podcast is meant for an intergenerational audience. Internships for high school seniors and students at the university level.
Experts from the Bank for International Settlements (BIS) explain their work and discuss current issues for the global economy. As a hub for central banks and other financial regulatory and supervisory authorities, the BIS seeks to build a greater collective understanding of the world economy, foster international cooperation and support policy making.
The Impact Talks brings to you conversations with incredible individuals from all around the world that are shaping the impact ecosystem. In each episode you will hear inspirational stories and learnings from the sustainability space, aimed at enabling a better understanding of the impact ecosystem and the Sustainable Development Goals and how we can all contribute to changing the global narrative.
The Odyssey Podcast is an exploration into the life and journey's of leaders in the community who have an interesting story to share; everybody has a story, but there are some who have extraordinary and exceptional knowledge to share from their own experiences and disciplines. We interview a variety of individuals from different fields where we hear their triumphs, their struggles and their challenges, to see what we can learn from their journey. Hosted by Jeremy Mullally, filmmaker and founder of Ithaka Media, you’ll hear new guests every week who tell their stories and experiences. This show is for anybody interested in personal and professional development, business, entrepreneurship storytelling, filmmaking and much more.