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Regretfully Yours (Part 2)

Authentic Men's Group podcast

Release Date: 09/18/2023

Introducing The Shadow show art Introducing The Shadow

Authentic Men's Group podcast

The Shadow is all those parts of ourselves we’ve shoved into the dark because we were told they’re unacceptable. This is what we call repression – unconsciously hiding these aspects to fit in and feel loved. And no shame. This helped us survive as kids. But as adults, we take it a step further with suppression – consciously choosing to hide these parts, leading to inauthenticity. Resources we mentioned to start engaging in your own shadow work: Book: Podcast:  

Authentic Grief - Finding Meaning in Your After (Part 4) show art Authentic Grief - Finding Meaning in Your After (Part 4)

Authentic Men's Group podcast

Chapter #7   Suicide The word “”committed” is usually used in the context of crimes.  2016 suicide was ranked the 10thcause of death in the US. Pg 116 men die from suicide 4x more then women.  Pain is a natural reaction to death but suffering is what our mind does to us. 118 Death by suicide is not a selfish act or even a choice. It’s a sign of a mind that needs help. 114 The path to freedom from the suffering caused by our minds is through finding meaning. Pg 118 There are many paths to meaning, and if you search for them, you will eventually find them. 119 Give the...

Authentic Grief - Finding Meaning in Your After (Part 3) show art Authentic Grief - Finding Meaning in Your After (Part 3)

Authentic Men's Group podcast

Authentic Grief: Finding Meaning In Your After In this series of podcasts we want to address the topic of grief. Grief is something we all experience so we want to take an authentic look at this shared experience. David Kessler wrote a book as a 6th stage of grieving titled Finding Meaning: The Sixth Stage of Grief. We will be recording this podcast series as an overview to this book and be inviting you to a conversation about grief and how we can approach it through meaning.  What is Grief? Grief is the response to the loss of something deemed important or essential, particularly to the...

Authentic Grief - Finding Meaning in Your After (Part 2) show art Authentic Grief - Finding Meaning in Your After (Part 2)

Authentic Men's Group podcast

Authentic Grief: Finding Meaning In Your After In this series of podcasts we want to address the topic of grief. Grief is something we all experience so we want to take an authentic look at this shared experience. David Kessler wrote a book as a 6th stage of grieving titled Finding Meaning: The Sixth Stage of Grief. We will be recording this podcast series as an overview to this book and be inviting you to a conversation about grief and how we can approach it through meaning.  What is Grief? Grief is the response to the loss of something deemed important or essential, particularly to the...

Authentic Grief (Part 1) show art Authentic Grief (Part 1)

Authentic Men's Group podcast

Authentic Grief: Finding Meaning In Your After In this series of podcasts we want to address the topic of grief. Grief is something we all experience so we want to take an authentic look at this shared experience. David Kessler wrote a book as a 6th stage of grieving titled Finding Meaning: The Sixth Stage of Grief. We will be recording this podcast series as an overview to this book and be inviting you to a conversation about grief and how we can approach it through meaning.  What is Grief? Grief is the response to the loss of something deemed important or essential, particularly to the...

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Authentic Men's Group podcast

How effective are resolutions?  Do they work?

Authenticity In An Artificial World Part 2 show art Authenticity In An Artificial World Part 2

Authentic Men's Group podcast

In a culture of “artificial intelligence” and “virtual reality” it can be a challenge to be authentic. In this podcast we continue this conversation and give 4 key factors of how to start unlocking our authentic self.  Michael Kernis and Brian Goldman developed an  They came up with a technical description of authenticity as "the unimpeded operation of one's true or core self in one's daily enterprise." People who score high in authenticity are also more likely to respond to difficulties with effective coping strategies, rather than resorting to drugs, , or...

Authenticity in the Holidays show art Authenticity in the Holidays

Authentic Men's Group podcast

In this podcast we talk about what it is like to live authentically during the holidays. We reference the 8 qualities and how we personally will look to incorporate these into our holidway experience with friends and family. 8 Qualities of Authenticity:  Curiosity Calm Clarity Connectedness Confidence Courage Creativity Compassion  

Authenticity in an Artificial World show art Authenticity in an Artificial World

Authentic Men's Group podcast

In a culture of “artificial intelligence” and “virtual reality” it can be a challenge to be authentic. Authenticity means erasing the gap between what you firmly believe inside and what you reveal to the outside world. Adam Grant Living an authentic life with courage is meeting your fear, looking it in the eye, but diving in anyway because it is how you want to show up for yourself. Brene Brown The idea of authenticity is a powerful shaping force for individual identity, a functional state, a way of moving through the world. Authenticity is also a feeling, and research shows it feels...

Regretfully Yours (Part 2)  show art Regretfully Yours (Part 2)

Authentic Men's Group podcast

Regretfully Yours (Part 2)  The Four Categories of Regret from part 1 are: 1. Foundational Regrets - “If only I had more…” 2. Boldness Regrets - “If only took a risk …” 3. Moral Regret - “If I had that decision back I would have…” 4. Connection Regrets - “If I would have stayed connected to…”   How to Respond to Regret: 1. Be Aware of it (this is what the first podcast was dedicated to) Identify them in detail Explore why we have them. The keys to awareness 2. Express it - Do not deny regrets but express them with a select few trusted confidants....

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Regretfully Yours (Part 2) 

The Four Categories of Regret from part 1 are:

1. Foundational Regrets - “If only I had more…”

2. Boldness Regrets - “If only took a risk …”

3. Moral Regret - “If I had that decision back I would have…”

4. Connection Regrets - “If I would have stayed connected to…”


How to Respond to Regret:

1. Be Aware of it (this is what the first podcast was dedicated to)

  • Identify them in detail
  • Explore why we have them.
  • The keys to awareness

2. Express it - Do not deny regrets but express them with a select few trusted confidants.

Disclosing our regrets. Be vulnerable for it:

  • Releases some of the burden
  • Begins making sense of the process when we begin to articulate
  • Creates bonds to others who can relate and empathize. Eliminate isolation for regret grows in isolation.

3.  Embrace it - Make it matter because it does.

  • To flippantly let on it doesn’t mean anything is a sure way to have it hang around. 
  • We can’t transcend something we don’t embrace.

  • Feel the pain but don’t let it turn to shame, acknowledge the hurt but don't let it turn into guilt.
  • When we embrace it we can learn to embrace ourselves with self compassion, self- kindness and self-acceptance knowing that we are good men capable of doing things we may regret.

4. Transform it - renew it, reshape it, remold it, redo it, reconstruct it, rebuild it, recast it, reorder it, reframe it, reorganize it, restyle it.  Just ‘re’ it.

  • Turn a bad decision into good data.
  • Turn a bad decision of something we did into a healthy expression of who we really are.


The Benefits of Regret:

1. Sharpens our decision making skills for the future. “I won’t do that again”

2. Secures our performance on a range of tasks. The more we do the more we get to do but if we let our regrets of the past hold us back we won’t try things which by the way  is one of the four categories of regrets. Don’t measure our worth based on our performance but based on our character. As we often say in AMG. “You are a good man”

3.  Strengthens our sense of meaning and connectedness.  We realize that we all are strugglers. I am a fellow struggle with every other human struggler on the planet.  We are all just trying to find our way and sometimes that way is found through regret.

4. Shows us what we really want in that if we did the opposite of what we regret we would have a sense of fulfillment.  The camera negative


We encourage you to talk about your regrets openly and find the freedom of vulnerability and authenticity.