99Kitab | ٩٩كتاب
This is the last in our series of Top 10 books for entrepreneurs, and for Daoud Kakish, this is the one that’s been the most impactful. is #1 on our list. For Daoud, he found this book before he started his own business and thinks every entrepreneur should consider this a must-read. The ”E” in E-Myth stands for Entrepreneur and in spite of the stories we hear about business owners who make it big (Uber, Facebook etc) most don’t make it. In fact, Gerber shares some alarming statistics (from the US) in his book: · 40%...
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لماذا لا تنجح معظم الشركات الصغيرة وماذا تفعل حيال ذلك هذا هو الأخير في سلسلتنا من أفضل 10 كتب لرواد الأعمال ، وبالنسبة لداود قاقيش ، هذا هو الكتاب الأكثر تأثيرا. هو #1 في قائمتنا. بالنسبة لداود، وجد هذا الكتاب قبل أن يبدأ عمله الخاص ويعتقد أن كل رائد أعمال يجب أن يعتبره أمرا لا بد من قراءته. يشير الحرف "E" في E-Myth إلى...
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Do you have a simple operating system to run your small or midsize business? You should and you can get some very practical advice about an EOS – Entrepreneurial Operating System from the book If you are anything like other entrepreneurs and business owners, you probably worry about 100 different things in your business. In Wickman’s book, he shares 6 things that will help you create an EOS so you can stop worrying about all the little details. These things are probably most applicable for companies with between 3 and 100 employees but if you’re larger or...
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هل لديك نظام تشغيل بسيط لإدارة أعمالك الصغيرة أو متوسطة الحجم؟ يمكنك الحصول على بعض النصائح العملية للغاية حول EOS - نظام التشغيل الريادي من كتاب إذا كنت مثل رواد الأعمال وأصحاب الأعمال الآخرين ، فمن المحتمل أنك تقلق بشأن 100 شيء مختلف في عملك. في كتاب ويكمان، يشارك 6 أشياء ستساعدك على إنشاء EOS حتى تتمكن من التوقف عن القلق...
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is on our Top 10 business books list for good reason. A lot of entrepreneurs struggle with profitability even though it’s an essential part of running a business. In this book, Michalowicz shares how you can transform your business from a cash-eating monster to a money-making machine. Daoud Kakish found this book at the exact right time. His business was struggling with profitability, and he assumed the answer was to just sell more. After hearing Michalowicz speak at an event, he immediately bought his book and read it over a single weekend. What he...
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مدرج في قائمة أفضل 10 كتب أعمال لسبب وجيه. يكافح الكثير من رواد الأعمال مع الربحية على الرغم من أنها جزء أساسي من إدارة الأعمال التجارية. في هذا الكتاب ، يشارك ميخالوفيتش كيف يمكنك تحويل عملك من وحش يأكل النقود إلى آلة لكسب المال. وجد داود قاقيش هذا الكتاب في الوقت المناسب بالضبط. كان عمله يكافح مع الربحية ، وافترض...
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Our Key Takeaways from “They Ask You Answer” by Marcus Sheridan This book makes our Top 10 list because the concepts and ideas have the potential to help someone grow their business significantly. That’s not an exaggeration or a claim we take lightly. The book also shows us how the lead generating impact of marketing can be more effective than hiring a salesperson or multiple salespeople. Many businesses’ sales processes aren’t consistent with the way people buy. It often ends up with you chasing your customers while they’re running away. What if you...
info_outline99Kitab | ٩٩كتاب
الأفكار الكبيرة من " يسألون ، أنت تجيب. " بقلم ماركوس شيريدان هذا الكتاب موجود في قائمة أفضل 10 لدينا لأن المفاهيم والأفكار لديها القدرة على مساعدة شخص ما على تنمية أعماله بشكل كبير. هذه ليست مبالغة أو ادعاء نستخف به. يوضح لنا الكتاب أيضا كيف يمكن أن يكون تأثير التسويق في توليد العملاء المحتملين أكثر فعالية من توظيف مندوب...
info_outline99Kitab | ٩٩كتاب
Are You Chasing the Sunset? On our Top 10 list of books for entrepreneurs is . In this podcast and this blog, Daoud Kakish shares how this book was transformative for him and really helped change his thinking. If you have experienced a deep sense of frustration as a business owner, this podcast, and this book are for you. Below are the book highlights that we talk about in this podcast. But we encourage you to add this book to your must-read list so it can help transform your thinking too. Daoud Kakish’s Story: A frustrated entrepreneur when everything was going great...
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على قائمة أفضل 10 كتب لرواد الأعمال . في هذا البودكاست وهذه المدونة ، يشارك داود قاقيش كيف كان هذا الكتاب تحويليا بالنسبة له وساعد حقا في تغيير تفكيره. إذا كنت قد عانيت من شعور عميق بالإحباط كصاحب عمل ، فهذا البودكاست وهذا الكتاب يناسبك. فيما يلي الأفكار الكبيرة للكتاب التي نتحدث عنها في هذا البودكاست. لكننا نشجعك...
info_outlineWhy We Started 99Kitab
Like many businesses, 99Kitab started from a place of passion. CEO Daoud Kakish loves books; but not just any books. He loves books written by entrepreneurs and business owners. His love of books didn’t start until he was a business owner and was looking for best practices and insights into how to grow his business. But when he looked for books written by business owners in the MENA region, he couldn’t find any. There are biographies and books written by academics in the region, but there is a huge gap in the market for books that share the success stories of MENA entrepreneurs. And that market gap was what sparked the idea of 99Kitab.
99Kitab – The Podcast
Books are the most condensed form of knowledge. Steven Kotler talks about how an author shares about 10 years of their experience in a book and on average a reader needs 5 hours to read it. So, that means, for every hour of reading, you’re getting 2 years of experience from that author. Time well spent!
The 99Kitab Podcast will share insights from a new book, written by an entrepreneur, each week. It’s not a summary of the book, it’s the highlights and key takeaways that you can apply directly to your business. The goal of the podcast is to encourage you to read the book yourself if it inspires you, but also, Daoud wants to highlight some actionable things he identified when he read the book. It’s more than just a book report, it’s Daoud’s insights from the book based on his experience as an entrepreneur and his interpretation of what the author is sharing.
We hope you join the podcast each week for some tips and insights into how to solve problems in your business and move forward with growth.
99Kitab – The Business
Are you a MENA business owner? If you are, you have a story to share. And there are millions of others out there in the region who just might be inspired enough by your story to start their own business.
Leaders are readers. Bill Gates, Oprah, Mark Cuban and many others are notorious readers and highly successful. But someone had to write the books they read. Some other business owner shared their insights that helped some of the most successful entrepreneurs of our time become who they are today.
The MENA region is full of businesses – small and large – who are successful. Some we hear about on the news and others are small giants who are quietly growing their business and having an impact on their community. The next great entrepreneur wants to hear the stories and insights of other entrepreneurs from the same part of the world as them. And that story can come from you.
There are not enough books written by MENA business owners. 99Kitab wants to change that. If you’re ready to tell your story, 99Kitab will help you do that in as little as 99 minutes. Not only will you be able to write your book and inspire other entrepreneurs, but a book is also a great way to grow your business and your personal brand.
We hope you join us each week for our podcast and when you’re ready to share your story with the world vist us at: