99Kitab | ٩٩كتاب
This is the last in our series of Top 10 books for entrepreneurs, and for Daoud Kakish, this is the one that’s been the most impactful. is #1 on our list. For Daoud, he found this book before he started his own business and thinks every entrepreneur should consider this a must-read. The ”E” in E-Myth stands for Entrepreneur and in spite of the stories we hear about business owners who make it big (Uber, Facebook etc) most don’t make it. In fact, Gerber shares some alarming statistics (from the US) in his book: · 40%...
info_outline99Kitab | ٩٩كتاب
لماذا لا تنجح معظم الشركات الصغيرة وماذا تفعل حيال ذلك هذا هو الأخير في سلسلتنا من أفضل 10 كتب لرواد الأعمال ، وبالنسبة لداود قاقيش ، هذا هو الكتاب الأكثر تأثيرا. هو #1 في قائمتنا. بالنسبة لداود، وجد هذا الكتاب قبل أن يبدأ عمله الخاص ويعتقد أن كل رائد أعمال يجب أن يعتبره أمرا لا بد من قراءته. يشير الحرف "E" في E-Myth إلى...
info_outline99Kitab | ٩٩كتاب
Do you have a simple operating system to run your small or midsize business? You should and you can get some very practical advice about an EOS – Entrepreneurial Operating System from the book If you are anything like other entrepreneurs and business owners, you probably worry about 100 different things in your business. In Wickman’s book, he shares 6 things that will help you create an EOS so you can stop worrying about all the little details. These things are probably most applicable for companies with between 3 and 100 employees but if you’re larger or...
info_outline99Kitab | ٩٩كتاب
هل لديك نظام تشغيل بسيط لإدارة أعمالك الصغيرة أو متوسطة الحجم؟ يمكنك الحصول على بعض النصائح العملية للغاية حول EOS - نظام التشغيل الريادي من كتاب إذا كنت مثل رواد الأعمال وأصحاب الأعمال الآخرين ، فمن المحتمل أنك تقلق بشأن 100 شيء مختلف في عملك. في كتاب ويكمان، يشارك 6 أشياء ستساعدك على إنشاء EOS حتى تتمكن من التوقف عن القلق...
info_outline99Kitab | ٩٩كتاب
is on our Top 10 business books list for good reason. A lot of entrepreneurs struggle with profitability even though it’s an essential part of running a business. In this book, Michalowicz shares how you can transform your business from a cash-eating monster to a money-making machine. Daoud Kakish found this book at the exact right time. His business was struggling with profitability, and he assumed the answer was to just sell more. After hearing Michalowicz speak at an event, he immediately bought his book and read it over a single weekend. What he...
info_outline99Kitab | ٩٩كتاب
مدرج في قائمة أفضل 10 كتب أعمال لسبب وجيه. يكافح الكثير من رواد الأعمال مع الربحية على الرغم من أنها جزء أساسي من إدارة الأعمال التجارية. في هذا الكتاب ، يشارك ميخالوفيتش كيف يمكنك تحويل عملك من وحش يأكل النقود إلى آلة لكسب المال. وجد داود قاقيش هذا الكتاب في الوقت المناسب بالضبط. كان عمله يكافح مع الربحية ، وافترض...
info_outline99Kitab | ٩٩كتاب
Our Key Takeaways from “They Ask You Answer” by Marcus Sheridan This book makes our Top 10 list because the concepts and ideas have the potential to help someone grow their business significantly. That’s not an exaggeration or a claim we take lightly. The book also shows us how the lead generating impact of marketing can be more effective than hiring a salesperson or multiple salespeople. Many businesses’ sales processes aren’t consistent with the way people buy. It often ends up with you chasing your customers while they’re running away. What if you...
info_outline99Kitab | ٩٩كتاب
الأفكار الكبيرة من " يسألون ، أنت تجيب. " بقلم ماركوس شيريدان هذا الكتاب موجود في قائمة أفضل 10 لدينا لأن المفاهيم والأفكار لديها القدرة على مساعدة شخص ما على تنمية أعماله بشكل كبير. هذه ليست مبالغة أو ادعاء نستخف به. يوضح لنا الكتاب أيضا كيف يمكن أن يكون تأثير التسويق في توليد العملاء المحتملين أكثر فعالية من توظيف مندوب...
info_outline99Kitab | ٩٩كتاب
Are You Chasing the Sunset? On our Top 10 list of books for entrepreneurs is . In this podcast and this blog, Daoud Kakish shares how this book was transformative for him and really helped change his thinking. If you have experienced a deep sense of frustration as a business owner, this podcast, and this book are for you. Below are the book highlights that we talk about in this podcast. But we encourage you to add this book to your must-read list so it can help transform your thinking too. Daoud Kakish’s Story: A frustrated entrepreneur when everything was going great...
info_outline99Kitab | ٩٩كتاب
على قائمة أفضل 10 كتب لرواد الأعمال . في هذا البودكاست وهذه المدونة ، يشارك داود قاقيش كيف كان هذا الكتاب تحويليا بالنسبة له وساعد حقا في تغيير تفكيره. إذا كنت قد عانيت من شعور عميق بالإحباط كصاحب عمل ، فهذا البودكاست وهذا الكتاب يناسبك. فيما يلي الأفكار الكبيرة للكتاب التي نتحدث عنها في هذا البودكاست. لكننا نشجعك...
info_outlineNo B.S. Direct Marketing is written by Dan Kennedy. Not only is this book on Daoud Kakish’s top 10 list, but he also sees Dan Kennedy as the “godfather of direct response marketing”. This isn’t to be confused with direct marketing – which is something different.
A lot of small and midsized businesses waste their marketing budget. They spend money on marketing consultants and agencies or marketing tactics that might not be the best fit or the best investment for a business of their size.
Here are the big takeaways from this book we want to share with you.
The Money Pyramid
Kennedy challenges us to look at a group of 100 people. Of this group, 5% are the ones you want to look to for wisdom, strategies, advice, and support. He defines this in a money pyramid (shown below) which tells us that 5% of people are doing really well and those are the ones who we can lean on as examples and sources of inspiration. By contrast, 95% are people you probably shouldn’t be listening to or taking advice from.
Ask yourself these questions:
· Which group of business owners should you pay closest attention to and emulate?
· Which group’s thinking, best practices, and behaviors should you avoid like the plague?
Most Small Business Advertising and Marketing Stinks
A lot of marketing dollars go to agencies and tactics that work for a large business with multi-million-dollar marketing budgets. The same holds true for academic theories about marketing. Most of it is based on case studies or strategies of large businesses. It’s not relevant for the marketing you do every day for your business. It’s a completely different scenario.
At the end of the day, the marketing money you spend should be generating sales for your business. You can’t take “likes” or “impressions” or “followers” to the bank. Your marketing budget should be spent on activities that help you reach your business goals. If your goal is to have 10 sales calls per month, make sure that the marketing activities you pay for are focused on making that happen. If clicks to your website don’t result in a sales call, those clicks aren’t helpful.
A Big Company’s Marketing Agenda is Not the Same as Yours
This is a quick summary from Kennedy’s book that demonstrates the difference between those big budget marketing agendas and yours. They are fundamentally different, so you shouldn’t be doing the same things those big companies do.
Big Company’s Agenda for Advertising and Marketing
1. Please/ appease its board of directors (most of whom know zip about advertising and marketing but have lots of opinions)
2. Please/ appease its stockholders
3. Look good, look appropriate to Wall Street
4. Look good, look appropriate to the media
5. Build brand identity
6. Win awards for advertising
7. Sell something
Your Agenda for Advertising and Marketing
1. Sell something now
The One-Page Marketing Plan
The One-Page Marketing Plan is not from Dan Kennedy’s book. It’s written by Allan Dib at Successwise and is another great book that talks about direct response marketing concepts. This One-Page Marketing Plan takes your entire marketing plan and simplifies it to one page. It’s very applicable to solo business owner or a business with 100 employees.
The framework fits on one page and includes a focus on the Before, During, and After of your marketing plan. Those stages represent the prospect, the lead, and the customer - three distinct stages that we often forget to break out when we approach marketing. In the One-Page Marketing Plan, Dib simplifies things so that each of these three stages has only three things to focus on, including a focus on direct response marketing initiatives. A quick summary of the One-Page Marketing Plan is included below.
In the Before phase
1. Identify your target market being as specific as possible
2. What is my specific message to the target market
3. What is the medium you will use to reach this market to deliver your message
In the During phase
1. What is your lead capture system
2. What is my lead nurturing system
3. What is your sales conversion strategy
In the After phase
1. How do you deliver a world-class experience and Wow your customer
2. How do you increase a customer’s lifetime value
3. How do I get referrals from my current customers