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How Childhood Gut Health Can Prevent Disease Later, with Dr. Elisa Song

Feel Freaking Amazing™

Release Date: 04/08/2024

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Ever thought your child's gut could impact their immune system and future health? The surprising truth about our childhood gut microbiome and autoimmune disease risk will change how you approach well-being. Dive into this eye-opening insight and learn how nurturing a diverse gut microbiome can shape your and your children's immunity. 

In this episode, Dr. Elisa Song dives deep into the crucial connection between gut health and autoimmune diseases. Dr. Song emphasizes how the immune system is profoundly influenced by the gut microbiome, which houses a staggering 70% of the immune system. And it all starts as soon as we're born.

Listen now to prioritize gut health for a healthier future!

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Show Notes

The early years, especially from birth to three years old, play a pivotal role in shaping a healthy gut microbiome, ultimately impacting long-term health outcomes. Early disruptions in the gut microbiome, such as antibiotic or antacid use, can heighten the risk of autoimmune diseases in children. Dr. Song stresses the significance of understanding and nurturing a child's gut health from infancy to reduce this risk. Additionally, the discussion touches on practices like vaginal seeding for C-section babies and the impact of breastfeeding on gut health. This episode offers invaluable insights for individuals, as well as parents aiming to prioritize their children's gut health and immunity, making it a must-listen for anyone looking to foster long-term well-being and reduce the risk of autoimmune conditions in kids.

The long-term effects of our early microbiome

Nurturing a diverse gut microbiome is central to sustaining a healthy immune system, especially during the early years of a child's life. With 70% of the immune system residing in the gut, a balanced microbiome forged in the first few years of life can have enduring impacts on long-term health outcomes. Thus, it is essential for parents to understand the intrinsic role of gut health in shaping their child's immunological resilience.

Gut health and autoimmunity

Beyond nurturing an abundant gut microbiome, this vital facet of health plays a substantial role in boosting immune response, specifically in combating autoimmune diseases. As Dr. Elisa Song emphasizes, disrupting the balance of the gut microbes early in a child's life through medical interventions like antibiotics and antacids can increase the risk of autoimmune complications. Hence, it becomes paramount to protect and cultivate a child's gut microbiome to ensure robust immune capability and mitigate the threat of autoimmune diseases.

Risks of antibiotics in childhood

Dr. Elisa's revelation on the potential autoimmune risks associated with antibiotics in children underscores the importance of careful medication usage during infancy. Given that antibiotics and antacids within the first six months of life can significantly heighten the probability of developing allergic and autoimmune conditions, parents should ponder on the long-term implications of their child's gut health before agreeing to these treatments. These insights inspire a shift in guardianship philosophy towards promoting gut health from the earliest stages of life to reduce future autoimmune disease risks.

Guest Bio

Dr. Elisa Song is a Stanford-, NYU-, UCSF-trained holistic pediatrician. I founded Whole Family Wellness (formerly Whole Child Wellness), an integrative pediatric practice in Belmont, CA – one of the first and most highly regarded holistic pediatric practices in the country. I created Healthy Kids Happy Kids – dedicated to empowering parents to take charge of their kids’ health … naturally! I’m a holistic pediatrician, integrating conventional pediatrics with functional medicine, holistic nutrition, homeopathy, acupuncture, herbal medicine, and essential oils. I’m also a lecturer for the Center for Education and Development in Clinical Homeopathy (CEDH), Academy for Pain Research, Institute for Functional Medicine, and Holistic Pediatric Association, among others.


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