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Changing Habits for 2025 Health Optimization

The Flipping 50 Show

Release Date: 01/03/2025

Metabolic Health During Menopause and Beyond show art Metabolic Health During Menopause and Beyond

The Flipping 50 Show

Of the many changes that occur midlife, metabolic health during menopause may be too low on your list. We think about the changes we experience: the brain fog, the change in our waking energy, the belly fat or lack of muscle tone. Know the importance of metabolic health and the need to understand what’s going on. The Flipping 50 STRONGER series is now or soon will be open. For a coach experienced in supporting your needs start to end, My Guest: Dr. Ritamarie Loscalzo, founder of the Institute of Nutritional Endocrinology, transforms the healthcare system by using the wisdom of nature...

Where Protein Recommendations for Women Come From? show art Where Protein Recommendations for Women Come From?

The Flipping 50 Show

In this episode we’re diving into all things protein recommendations for women, especially women over 40. The spoiler alert is this: RDAs are not in your best health’s interest. In case you’ve slept through this, check out the latest episode of Dr Gabrielle Lyons with Donald Layman. It’s a long hike or two walks to be sure. But in it you’ll hear how nutritional guidelines came about. It will make you laugh. We have put so much stock in something that was basically, like, this sounds good or a compromise. And… the recommendations as we well know originally came from the dairy, beef...

How to Find a Positive Body Mindset While Menopause Changed Everything show art How to Find a Positive Body Mindset While Menopause Changed Everything

The Flipping 50 Show

Body positivity is a term by now you’re familiar with, but do you have a positive body mindset? Menopause changes your body, energy, or relationship that can come at midlife. Of the up to 90,000 thoughts we think a day, how many of yours are about the body you have and don’t want vs gratitude for the one you’ve got? Tune in to have that positive body mindset! My Guest: Stephanie Roth-Goldberg, LCSW, CEDS-C is a psychotherapist and psychoanalyst specializing in treating eating disorders and athletes in NYC and NJ. Stephanie teaches about Eating Disorders, anti-diet athletes, healthy food...

Why HIIT May Be Failing You show art Why HIIT May Be Failing You

The Flipping 50 Show

HIIT may be failing you for two big reasons. Spoiler alert, here they are: You aren’t actually hormonally in a place you’ll benefit. You are doing them outside a sweet spot that is optimal for results So I’ll quickly address #1 and have a deeper discussion on #2 and what actually is happening during HIIT and why it has the potential to be so good, if you’re ready! Your Glucose Metabolism to Know Why HIIT May Be Failing You The classic form of “all out” HIIT is the Wingate test. After about 3 to 5 minutes of warm-up the subject cycles for 30 seconds at maximum effort against a...

How to Slow Aging and Feel Younger Fast with Epigenetics show art How to Slow Aging and Feel Younger Fast with Epigenetics

The Flipping 50 Show

Slow aging is no longer a mystery — it’s rooted in the science of epigenetics. This includes lifestyle, diet, and environment influence your biological age. Understanding biological versus chronological age reveals strategies to live longer and feel younger. Today’s episode covers tools and insights for changing biological age. If you're ready to slow aging and feel younger fast, this episode is for you. My Guest: Hannah Went, a Biology graduate from the University of Kentucky, is passionate about longevity and breakthrough technologies. After researching cell signaling and biology, she...

5 Exercises You May Be Getting Wrong After 40! show art 5 Exercises You May Be Getting Wrong After 40!

The Flipping 50 Show

With the best of intentions but armed only with the knowledge we got from decades ago, from yesterday on YouTube or AI, we could be doing it wrong. Exercises like these many women are getting wrong after 40, can change the trajectory of your aging and not only not be giving desired results but taking time and energy that could be placed somewhere with far better results. I shared this with our community members months ago because the reactions were significant. So I wanted to expand the reach and perhaps give you a little insight to why you may be not only not getting the results you want but...

Workplace Menopause Rights: What Women (and Employers) Need to Know show art Workplace Menopause Rights: What Women (and Employers) Need to Know

The Flipping 50 Show

Just what are your workplace menopause rights? As a woman in midlife, it’s important to know that menopause matters at work. It’s more than just a health issue; it’s a matter of rights, voice, and empowerment in the workplace. Know your rights, your voice and your power. Empower yourself with the knowledge of workplace menopause rights! My Guest: Jack Tuckner, Esq. Jack Tuckner, a Women’s Rights in the Workplace attorney and founding partner of Tuckner, Sipser, Weinstock & Sipser, LLP, champions workplace gender equality. With 20+ years of experience, he advocates for women facing...

Everything You Didn’t Know About Your Menopause Gut Health (and Need to) show art Everything You Didn’t Know About Your Menopause Gut Health (and Need to)

The Flipping 50 Show

Your menopause gut health is about to get a booster shot. This episode is ripe with information about probiotics, digestive enzymes, your immune system, food sensitivities and so much more. Stay till the end and I’ll share the digestive enzyme I’ve now been using for 3 months. If you are curious about all the fuss around dairy and gluten and your menopause gut health, this episode will answer some questions! It’s guaranteed to give you some too! My Guest: Steven Wright is a Health Engineer, Functional Medicine Expert, and founder of The Healthy Gut Company — which helps get...

Love Relationships and The Health & Hormone Connection show art Love Relationships and The Health & Hormone Connection

The Flipping 50 Show

After 50, love relationships take a turn. For women who become more educated and mature their relationship may no longer solve a problem they can’t solve on their own. My respected guest and Flipping 50 returning favorite on love relationships, Dr. John Gray. My Guest: John Gray, author of Men Are from Mars, Women Are from Venus, wrote the iconic relationship book, a global bestseller translated into 45 languages. With 20+ books, including Beyond Mars and Venus, he transforms how men and women view relationships, blending communication skills and nutrition for lasting health and romance....

12 Strength Training Mistakes in Menopause Robbing Your Results show art 12 Strength Training Mistakes in Menopause Robbing Your Results

The Flipping 50 Show

Most commonly the challenge is gaining lean muscle. Doing all the things but can’t seem to gain muscle? Then tune in and go through this like a check list of 12 strength training mistakes in menopause that could be the reason. It just takes one. But if there are multiple, it’s compounded and in this case, not interest but penalty! Join us at to support your journey avoiding the 12 strength training mistakes in menopause. Overworking Small Muscle Groups [00:02:20] You need fewer of these small muscle group-focused exercises in your routine if you prioritize the major muscles like chest...

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It’s the New Year and many of us are interested in changing habits. Or we think we are… Changing habits can be hard. The question might be, should we be interested in creating habits?

We have 60-70,000 thoughts a day. Unfortunately, 90% of them are the same as yesterday.

We seek habits, Atomic Habits the book by James Clear, has been at the top of the charts for over five years.

Yet, Dr Ellen Langer, author of CounterClockwise and Mother of Mindfulness, a professor at Harvard, says habits might be the worst thing we do. We’re no longer aware of our surroundings.

She isn’t talking about yoga and meditation. She was talking about being aware. By consciously focusing on noticing. What did you notice today if you drove to work? What did you notice on your walk?

We’re not mindful at all.

I’m guilty. I used to preach to university students, no ipods during class. I’d send them out on a walk or run or have them do their mile fitness test without it. Most thought that was awful. Now I often catch up on a podcast or training. When I received an ipod as a gift downloaded with hundreds of my favorite artists and began using it, I was hooked. Shortly after I realized that I was in the middle of a 6 mile run and the battery died. I stopped dead in my tracks and wondered how I’d make it home. Twenty-five years of running with nothing but my thoughts and then I can’t move without it.

Questions We Answer in this Episode:

  • How changing habits is hard- [00:21:05]
  • What your personality really is - [00:21:40]
  • What is association vs dissociation - [00:11:40]
  • Who do you need to become to have the results you want - [00:38:41]

Changing Habits is Hard Thanks to Personality

Actions start with thoughts. Our thoughts produce feelings. If we think that exercise has to be hard, then exercise becomes torture, eating differently is deprivation, or going to bed earlier is missing out.

It’s those thoughts that create feelings, feelings motivate actions.

Keep saying “that’s just me” then you’ll keep being the way you are now. That gets you the results you’ve been getting.


Adapt to the things that will get you what you want. You won’t be able to keep doing and thinking the same thing.

Take a woman who wants to lose belly fat, sleep better, and build stronger bones. If she’s accustomed to nightly cocktails, those drinks may feel like a part of her personality. Even knowing the health benefits of cutting back, she may struggle to stop because her environment and habits reinforce her behavior.

The same goes for habits like avoiding exercise, attending muscle-wasting bootcamps, or clinging to diets that give short-term wins but long-term setbacks. These habits feel safe because they’re familiar, even when they don’t work.

But you might not be motivated about changing habits because they’ve become your personality.

If it feels safe, It’s what you know.

Changing feels unsafe because it disrupts comfort zones. Internal resistance arises when automatic habits take over, like reaching for coffee without thinking or defaulting to social norms. External resistance shows up when family or friends resist your changes, making it easier to stick to old patterns.

Thoughts create feelings. Feelings drive actions. And familiar—even if it’s struggle—feels safe. Recognizing internal and external triggers is the first step to breaking free and creating the habits that align with your goals. Change starts in your mind.

The Path to Changing Habits May Not Be the One You Think

I want to leave you with two thoughts.

First, maybe changing habits isn’t the goal.

Reaching goals means not repeating what’s gotten the same results. Who do you need to be to have what you want? What messages are you telling yourself? What would someone where you want to be say?

Second, maybe it’s time to upgrade your system, like a phone or laptop.

What if you’re operating on comments from years ago—told you’re not smart, must work harder, or it’s safer to stay quiet?

What if you still believe things must be hard to earn what you want? Decades later, you say, “I’ll just work harder” instead of considering “different.” Asking, “What if it were easy?” changes everything.

What if you spoke up for what you need, skipped what doesn’t serve you, and said no unapologetically?

Just consider what you likely already know to be true about yourself. There’s a juggling act between changing habits and having a true awareness, a mindfulness in every day. What haven’t you even dreamed that could be true of this coming year for you?

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