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Interesting Ideas To Help Us Live Better Right Now - with Stan Hustad - What it Takes Radio

Do You want to be great? Do you want to master the arts, strategies, skills ,and ways of thinking and performing to be world-class in how well you live your life and how you build your career and your business. ... And are you ready to seek the true Spirit Force vital to being a successful life and business innovator, enterprise builder, and entrepreneur? Here is how to be one, here is how to sell like the master creator, how to build a world-class company, and how to be strong, even in your broken places and spaces. And one of the better ways to do that is to continually seek out and expose yourself to and create powerful interesting ideas. And that's what this program is all about. Because great ideas lead to greater influence, impact, and true income and in addition they help you become more interested and interesting. Stan Hustad, teacher, storyteller, broadcaster, and business performance coach is your host, guide, and sometimes healer on our road to being fully alive and building a life and business that matters and makes a difference. Your contribution and participation are welcome.

info_outline How getting your fingernails and toenails painted can help change the world? 07/26/2024
info_outline The 7 M's You Need to no to Be a Master Entrepreneur, .. A blast from the past 2020. 07/24/2024
info_outline Tell me Donald who you got, who is on the team?,,, that's what we need to know now! 07/23/2024
info_outline Can Donald Trump change? Could there be a New Don! And can you change! That's the deal! 07/19/2024
info_outline I may have been one of the very first Podcasters. Let me tell you the story and how that might be helpful to you today! 07/17/2024
info_outline There is probably nothing more exhilarating than to be shot at, and missed! .... And Donald Trump will probably win in the end! 07/16/2024
info_outline BBS... Breaking Biden Stuff ... Remember that lying kills everything ... And are you SOS Sitting On Stupid 07/10/2024
info_outline Don't you know God made me fast Eric Liddell and the 1924 Olympics 07/08/2024
info_outline 100 years ago today a non-event began to change the world 07/06/2024
info_outline I can fly! A story of personal transformation with Sande Golgart 07/04/2024
info_outline Breathe slowly! Donald Trump is not going to the Big House & Real Men don't type or text they talk 07/02/2024
info_outline A media lesson from the Biden Trump debate and five words to help you be a transformed person doing remarkable things 06/28/2024
info_outline Naming Your Posse... And let me tell you about The Curiosity Crew 06/26/2024
info_outline The Garden & Gun .. And may your next journey around the sun be the best ever! 06/24/2024
info_outline And you might be just a little bit dangerous. And that could be a good thing. Let me tell you the story 06/20/2024
info_outline Today is a holiday for many people, and one where we might remember that we should not be killing children anymore! 06/17/2024
info_outline What was the little old church lady doing with a Zippo cigarette lighter. It's a very important story just for you! 06/12/2024
info_outline It is Happy Birthday to a movement that has transformed and saved millions of lives. Maybe yours and probably somebody you know. May I tell you the story. 06/10/2024
info_outline Walking the beach, smelling the battlefield, and the will of the warrior 06/06/2024
info_outline If given a tough ssentence Donald Trump should probably learn something from the life of Rev Martin Luther King JR 06/04/2024
info_outline What should you do. What should Trump do? The rest of the year many of us will have to cross some big bold lines in our life in business. Let me take just 10 minutes to set that up for you! 06/03/2024
info_outline Harriet the Moses A story of transformation! 05/31/2024
info_outline It's time for you to stand up even when you're on the radio. Learning to stand up is vital to your life and business success. Let me take a stand on that idea and tell you the story. Donald Trump please take note. 05/28/2024
info_outline Our transformation story takes us to the west side of New York City 05/25/2024
info_outline Did you know that I might have been the inventor of the first podcast? It could be! Let me tell you the story! 05/23/2024
info_outline Have you ever heard of a CDO. Well let me tell you what they are because they are very important. Maybe you should try and be one. And good for you if you wear Boots. 05/20/2024
info_outline Does God want you to be an entrepreneur, to take big risks and go where you've never gone beforenever gone before and 05/17/2024
info_outline Who wants to be a great leader? Stop telling people what to do. Do something very different. My friend Bob will tell you the story and ask a few questions! 05/15/2024
info_outline Let me tell you about The Cowboy Spirit Radio Network because you can have your own radio station. And the great coaching question that helps me make money by helping people, but this time it cost me 05/13/2024
info_outline Would you like to change your name because you are really a changed person. And could a coach help you be good maybe even great! 05/10/2024