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BayramBayram - Från det dagliga livet

Om du bara vill lyssna och följa så har du kommit rätt. BayramBayram är ursprungligen en youtube-kanal som nu även tar plats inom podcastvärlden. Utan specifik område så pratar jag om mina tankar. Vad som är aktuellt. Laddar inte upp innehåll regelbundet men försöker göra det interaktivt med er! Vill du gästa eller välja ämne, tveka inte att höra av dig. Lite kort om mig, medelålders man som bor i Stockholm men ursprungligen från Turkiet. Jag tror på att det är genom respekt och ödmjukhet som vi kan skapa en värld vi alla kan leva tillsammans i. "Alla är olika men ändå lika". Vi hörs!

Statuspodden - vi tar tempen på KI!

Statuspodden - vi tar tempen på KI! Podden görs av läkarstudenterna Nora och Arash som läser på läkarprogrammet. Skicka dina frågor till [email protected]!

Under Development

What does it mean to grow? We know that students are on a journey of both professional and personal development during their time at college but the truth is, the growing never ends. Under Development is a storytelling podcast brought to you by the Office of Professional and Organizational Development (OPOD), dedicated to strengthening the connection between staff and faculty at PCC with the student population. We hope to accomplish this by creating a space with our student host Veronica Daniel, where faculty and staff can share their stories of missteps, perseverance, and both personal and professional experiences that led them to PCC. Hosted by Veronica Daniel, a Journalism & Communications student at PCC & Co-Hosted by Dr. Liesel Reinhart, a Mass Communications & TVR professor at PCC. This Podcast is made possible by a Pasadena City College Foundation Community Excellence Grant, thanks to a generous investment by philanthropist and author MacKenzie Scott. Music by Podington Bear, songs used: Wonder Happens, Two Boys & A Girl This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 3.0 Unported License. To view a copy of this license, visit http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/3.0/ or send a letter to Creative Commons, PO Box 1866, Mountain View, CA 94042, USA.

365 Leadership Summit Podcast

This is your chance to get to sit in on some of the best panels from the 365 Leadership Summits featuring some of Wisconsin's most influential leaders of color. It's an education with real strategies, solutions, and thought provoking discussions that you won't find anywhere else.

NEW Season 3, Waterways through Time with historian, Turtle Bunbury

In the NEW SEASON 3 of Waterways through Time, historian Turtle Bunbury further explores the rich history of Ireland’s waterways. With an instinct for quirky details, Turtle turns his attention to the creation of the Grand Canal and the Royal Canal, and how they affected the evolution of the Shannon and Barrow River systems. Full of fascinating and lesser-known facts, this Season includes interviews with Gwen Wilkinson, who named her homemade boat ‘Minnot’ before setting out on her 400 km journey; Patsy Cummins, retired lockkeeper of the Grand Canal’s 29th lock; Joe Gillespie on the rebuilding of the Shannon-Erne Waterway and County Fermanagh storyteller Seamas McAnnaidh, bringing insights to writers and their influences on the water.

FIRE Yourself First

Welcome to FIRE Yourself First! This podcast is all about saving money, spending with intention and creating new income streams to that you can be financially free! FIRE stands for Financial Independence Retire Early - learning about this movement was a total game changer for me and now I’m thrilled to bring my experience with it to YOU! Stay tuned for new episodes where we’ll explore strategies and mindset shifts that lead to financial freedom! Check out www.wendyverwey.com for more tools and resources between episodes!

With Love, Nyasha

The ’With Love, Nyasha’ podcast is a weekly conversation with Nyasha Marian to help you own your creative essence and embrace healing as you live life intentionally. Tune in to hear personal stories, personal experiences, and other interesting things.

Diamond Starlight Podcast mit Christina Mantradevi Kircher

Fühlst du dich oft "anders" oder fremd hier auf der Erde? Spürst du gleichzeitig, dass so viel mehr in dir steckt? Dass du deinen eigenen Weg gehen willst und musst, um glücklich zu werden? Dann lass alle Selbstzweifel hinter dir und erkenne klar, wer du bist, woher du kommst und welche Geschenke du mitgebracht hast! Die Welt braucht dich und deine leuchtende Kraft! Ja, jetzt! :) Christina Mantradevi Kircher ist Dipl.-Psych. & Musikerin und hilft beim Erwachen der inneren Welt.

Oracle Academy Tech Chat

Oracle Academy, Oracle's global philanthropic education program brings you Oracle Academy Tech Chat where we discuss how Oracle Academy helps prepare the next generation’s work force. In this podcast Tyra Crockett, Senior Manager Oracle Academy North America, interviews experts across the Oracle ecosystem about their experience and advice for educators and their students.

Home Plain and Simple

We help moms with how-to skills and bring peace to life at home. More faith = less fear. Make your best day even better!

The Warrior Parent Podcast

The Warrior Parent podcast is dedicated to informing and supporting families around parenting and mental wellness. We're here to talk about some of the many issues facing our kids today and how we can show up as warrior advocates for them. Being a kid is incredibly challenging right now and so is being a parent or caregiver. Everyday we hear about school shootings, rising rates of completed suicides, attempted suicides and folks just thinking that this might be the answer for them. We hear about how depressed and anxious our kids are and more than anything we want to help. The Warrior Parent podcast seeks to create a community where we can talk about these challenging issues, support each other, bring facts and experts to help us learn the most effective, kindest and most open-hearted way to show up for our kids and families. As moms of kids with many of these challenges, we have spent the last several years adapting proven mind-body tools that kids and families can use everyday to help them stay centered, peaceful and emotionally regulated. We've created a digital platform so we can share these tools with you wherever you are. Our vision is to empower kids and families to live their very best, most joyful and fulfilling lives. Parenting is the hardest job you'll ever do and it calls for an open-hearted warrior mentality to lift, support and help launch our kids into becoming the very best, fullest and most authentic version of themselves. Won't you join us as we show up and do our best for our kids?

Leadership Rediscovered

Another podcast on leadership—the way it was meant to be. Join Laura Seybold every week in her journey to rediscover the substance of a good leader. Presented by Shine Consulting.