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The John Borland Podcast

John Borland, Master Coach and 2x Author, shares real life conversations with real people, tackling life’s real issues. Listen in to these unscripted, authentic and raw discussions between John and his guest, as they discuss their thoughts, feelings and experiences of life topics that affect each and every one of us. Full of insight, philosophies, mind-set, and life-changing thinking, this is a podcast for anyone interested in their own personal development, growing their awareness and discovering new ways of doing life better. This podcast will make you think differently.


Spotify Hip Hop Artist, #SKITZA (schizophrenia) Activist and OUT THERE CREATIVE HEALING C.E.O. Kellen De Vos breaks down everything... EVERYDAY.

If Money Were Easy

If Money Were Easy is a fun and honest podcast that explores how to expand what’s possible with your money. Expect to hear about money and values, growing your wealth, creating an impact, leadership, financial wins and (some losses), and more. Guided by your hosts, Mary Beth Storjohann and Neela Hummel, CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNERS™ and Co-CEOs of Abacus Wealth Partners, you’ll learn from leading authors, business owners, coaches, and financial professionals. Our goal is that you walk away from each episode with at least one takeaway that you can implement on your financial journey.

AARP Futurecasting

In collaboration with Institute for the Future AARP Futurecasting has crafted descriptions of four different possible external environments that AARP could face by 2030. The four scenarios are called Great Refocus, Creative Fusion, Vicious Cycles and Rule of Tech Titans. Each has different features brought about by changes in technology and society.

The Enriched Nurse

How nurses can enrich their personal finances, career, and life with Dan Richmond RN, BSN, CMSRN. Nurses work too much. Learn how to work less and live more, rediscover your dream career.

The Light of Insight with Nina Gamell

Welcome to the Light of Insight! I’m Nina, a Japanese and American curious person that works as a life purpose coach and PhD student in Tokyo :) This is a space where we dive into topics around personal growth, healing, and purpose blending different perspectives from Western science to Eastern philosophy & spirituality. I'm all about authentic self-expression, stepping into your higher purpose, and designing a life that sets your soul on fire 🔥

Voice of Literacy

Interviews with literacy researchers about why they conducted their study and implications for teachers, parents, principals, and policymakers

AZ's On the Fence

A nonpartisan show that is focused on issues that are important to Arizona and the diverse local communities. This special weekly program will run throughout the 2024 election from April to November. Host Drew Grunwald will be joined by Republicans, Democrats and Independents. Hear the answers to the questions that are important to the Arizona here on On the Fence - Arizona politics from the middle... You decide! #arizonadecides2024 #2024elections #elections #arizonapolitics

The Transformational Teacher Podcast

Does having a relationship with God really help me to flourish in every area of life. Will it make a difference if I Invite Him into my classroom? Will it help me experience peace and joy despite challenging situations that arise? Do I have time to connect with God before the school day starts? Teachers, if you are asking these questions and feel like teaching is not just a job but it is a ministry then this is the place for you. On this podcast I will talk about faith, mindset, and self-care. I believe God desires for us to flourish in our relationship with him it plays a vital role in transforming our lives, which will help us transform our classroom His way, When we teach with Jesus and see things from His viewpoint those anxieties and classroom challenges that try to trip us up will no longer do that because God will give strength, the peace, the wisdom that is needed for us to rise up and teach with joy and peace I’m D’Toya, a Pre-K Teacher and a certified life coach that went from experiencing chaos to having peace in life and the classroom with the help of cultivating my relationship with God and having a strong community by my side to help on this journey. Be sure to follow the show so you don’t miss any episodes as we allow God to transform our lives and classroom HIS way. With Love, D’Toya - The Transformational Teacher Visit my website at:Teachingwithjesus.com

SOULTRIP - Dein Leben ist das Abenteuer Deiner Seele | mit Miriam Donaubauer

Du willst MEHR?! Mehr Lebendigkeit. Mehr Abenteuer. Mehr Wahrhaftigkeit. Mehr DU SELBST. Mehr Raum für Seele. Mehr Wertschätzung. Mehr Tiefe. Mehr Leichtigkeit. Mehr Erfüllung. Mehr Frieden in Dir und um Dich herum. Mehr Glaube. Mehr Vertrauen. Mehr Liebe. .... => einfach von ALLEM SCHÖNEN SO VIEL MEHR X Doch bist du dafür gut genug? Hast du das überhaupt verdient? Ist das nicht überheblich, egoistisch und überhaupt einfach unverschämt? Dieser Podcast ist eine Einladung an Dich, Dich zu hinterfragen, in Dich hineinzuspüren, Dich zu öffnen, tief zu tauchen, zu fühlen, zu entdecken, zu erkennen - HELLER ZU STRAHLEN ALS JEMALS ZUVOR!!!! Hier nehme ich Dich mit in meine Welt und freue mich, wenn wir ein Stück gemeinsam reisen, denn das Leben ist ein Trip, eine Reise. Du bist längst gestartet und schon vollgas unterwegs, doch warst Du schon an den schönsten Orten Deiner Selbst? Oder bist Du an vielem einfach vorbeigerauscht, hast Dich angepasst, oder bist einfach nur anderen gefolgt, anstatt Deiner Intuition zu folgen, das zu tun, was DU in Wahrheit wolltest? Egal wie, mit Dir ist gar nichts falsch! Nimm Dir einfach einen Moment für Dich und tauche mit mir ein in die bunte Tiefe meiner Welt und hole für Dich raus, was Dein Herz, Deine Seele weit und friedlich werden lässt. Du wirst feststellen, dieser Podcast ist irgendwie perfekt unperfekt - so wie ich und so wie Du, so wie das Leben eben! Ich freue mich immer über DEIN Feedback, Deine Fragen, Deine Anregungen! Hey Lady Queen - SO SCHÖN, DASS DU DA BIST! Lass uns doch einfach endlich loslegen! Viel SPASS beim Reinhören, Dranbleiben und Mitnehmen 💗 Deine Miriam 🌺

Masser af succes

Hvornår er man succesfuld? Når man opnår sit drømmejob? Når man tjener mange penge? Når man har mentalt overskud eller en lykkelig familie? Kathrine Wismann taler med en række meget forskellige succesfulde mennesker om, hvordan de har fundet succeserne. Hvad er succes for dem? Og hvad er deres hemmelige ingrediens til at opnå succes? Vi samler alle de bedste opskrifter på succes og deler dem med dig, der lytter med i håb om, at du får inspiration til at opnå dine drømme.  Podcasten er produceret for Djøf af Rakkerpak Productions Hvis du vil vide mere om succes i arbejdslivet, så gå ind på Djøf.dk eller Djøfbladet.dk, hvor der er meget inspiration at hente. Djøf er en faglig organisation for 108.000 samfundsvidenskabelige akademikere.

Secrets for an Awesome Life

Have you ever seen someone completely enjoying life? Living to their fullest, not brought down by anyone or anything, totally having their stuff together? It's almost like they know secrets you don't. This show is about those secrets. Don't worry. Not very many people know these secrets. Or if they do, they don't apply them. These secrets are skills and mindsets not taught in any college or high school course. We may have heard of them, but no one taught us how to actually apply them to our lives. Which is a shame, because when you apply them, your life becomes more awesome. That's why I created this podcast, for teens who are looking to up the awesome level in their lives. I am Joey Mascio and I’m a Teen & Young Adult Life Coach. I was certified at the Life Coach School where I was trained by Master Life Coach Brooke Castillo. I've also gone through Jody Moore's Advanced Certification. I take the strategies and tools I’ve learned from these two powerful women, and lots of my own, and adapt them for teenagers and young adults. I am also a middle school teacher and counselor, a proud father of three, and a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.