Health & Fitness Category
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CDA Oasis is an online space where Canadian dentists submit their clinical questions and receive rapid credible answers from expert colleagues. Oasis can help Canadian dentists make informed clinical decisions through the use of readily available materials, developed and reviewed by dentists.
International yoga leader and creator of the LYT Method, Lara Heimann, investigates the modern evolution of yoga from her background as a Physical Therapist and neurodevelopmental treatment specialist. She passionately explores the core values of her groundbreaking yoga method: smarter movement patterns, kindness to ourselves and others, compassion for all beings, finding the best way through inquiry, the courage to change, discipline to grow, and taking a stand for what we believe in.
Le podcast Infuse magazine est la continuité de la plateforme web, où Virginie et Sarah discutent de bien-être, de comment vivre mieux et simplement, mais aussi de leur cheminement en tant qu’entrepreneures ensemble et avec différents spécialistes du domaine du bien-être.
The Nutrition Blueprint podcast is a health, nutrition, and fitness show hosted by registered dietitian and sports nutrition coach Andres Ayesta. Formerly Vive Nutrition Radio, this podcast is focused on bringing the latest in nutrition and health education to help you design a better lifestyle starting with what you put on your plate. Through expert interviews and his popular chit chat series, Andres dissects common topics into digestible (pun intended) pieces that are applicable to everyone's goals. From weight loss and fat loss strategies to supplementation and life hacks, this podcast is everything you need to be the best version of you
"Frische Luft ist gesund und tut dir gut!" Wer hat dies nicht als Kind schon gehört? Doch, weshalb ist bewusstes Verweilen in der Natur so gesund für uns? Was hat Naturverbundenheit mit Persönlichkeitsentwicklung und gesunder Ernährung zu tun? Welche positiven Auswirkungen hat Waldbaden auf Körper, Geist und Seele? Welche Bedeutung haben Bäume und Heilpflanzen für uns Menschen? Was sind Kraftorte und was wirkt dort? Wie können wir umgeben von Waldluft unsere Achtsamkeit trainieren, Stress abbauen, unser Immunsystem stärken? In inspirierenden Erfahrungsberichten und persönlichen Geschichten nehmen uns Experten mit auf eine Reise zu den Bäumen, Wild- und Heilkräutern, Kraftplätzen, Naturritualen, Wildnispädagogik, Naturtherapie, meditativen Wanderungen usw. Mit grosser Begeisterung ermutigen sie uns achtsam in die Verbindung mit der Natur zu gehen und geben wertvolle, lebensnahe Tipps wie wir dabei unsere Gesundheit unterstützen können. Schon ein kurzer Aufenthalt in der Natur senkt den Stress, hebt das Selbstbewusstsein und stärkt sogar messbar das Immunsystem.
Join me every week for ideas, insights and inspiration to upgrade all areas of your life. My goal with the podcast is to share simple and practical ideas to help you develop more confidence, clarity and certainty. I share personal stories and ideas from NLP, CBT, coaching and other modalities with the hope to offer some inspiration, perspective and insight.
PSC Mami: Stories at the intersection of PSC and parenthood. You are diagnosed with a rare, incurable disease. You are young. You had a vision for your future. You wanted kids. But can you? As a parent you want the best for your kids, but then they are diagnosed with PSC, what does their future hold? People who have been there talk about how a diagnosis of Primary Sclerosing Cholangitis, a rare autoimmune disease, reshaped their vision of their lives and parenthood.
Dive into the science of your diet! Learn how a humble blueberry can fight cancer or what the longest living cultures in the world are eating. Every episode is packed with facts that will raise your health IQ and boost your nutrition knowledge. "The Weight Loss Champion" Chuck Carroll is joined by Dr. Neal Barnard, founder of The Physicians Committee, and other leading doctors and dietitians. Unlock the secrets to living longer and healthier life and how to fight diseases with every meal.