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Health & Fitness Category

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At CommonHealth, the Virginia Community Healthcare Association brings you stories and conversations from the frontlines of community health. Our podcast amplifies the voices of community health – both those who give care – and those who need it.

Chief Rich Bitch Show

Chief Rich Bitch was founded by Nineveh Madsen, a former Edward R. Murrow award winning journalist who spent 10+ years working as a television news anchor and reporter for FOX & NBC affiliates. Her next decade of employment was spent leading growth in a network security company, helping them 4X revenue to multiple 8-figures. She now serves as the company’s board of advisor. Nineveh is the co-owner and COO of Supra Human, leading RevOps, the executive suite, client experience, and brand marketing. Over the span of 18 months, she played a pivotal role in helping the company reach 7-figures in MRR, resulting in an 8-figure run rate. CRB knows a thing or two about building a prosperous career and booming businesses, while juggling motherhood and all the things that come with being a woman. That’s why she’s on a mission to enable more women to win in business with The CRB show. Enjoy! Follow Nineveh on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/iamninevehmadsen/ Also visit our website at: chiefrichbitch.com 

Shredology Podcast

Welcome to the Shredology podcast. If you want actionable information, tips, and tactics on how to establish, run and refine your mindset and physique, you have come to the right place. Your host, Jerwin Parker, shares the knowledge and experience he has acquired across his academic, fitness & professional experience and brings in interesting special guests to share their stories.

Village Church Counselling

Join us as we engage with life from a Biblical and psychological perspective. The Village Church Counselling Podcast will build your understanding of relatable topics, as well as give practical help in these areas for your everyday life. Topics include: Relationships, depression, anxiety, grief, pornography, managing stress, pain and suffering, and more. Dr. Josh Kruse (Pastor of Counselling) along with Hilary Evans (Clinical Counsellor) will speak into these areas and respond to your feedback for questions and topics going forward.

Vinterbad i Vånevik

Ett lyckopiller helt utan biverkningar! Vi är två badtokiga kvinnor på ostkusten som inte kan få nog av att doppa oss i kallt vatten. Vi vill gärna dela med oss av våra aha-upplevelser kring kallbad och vad det har gjort för vårt mående. Tillsammans med Barometern-OT har vi nu startat podden Vinterbad i Vånevik. Här tar vi upp olika aspekter av kallbad, bjuder in spännande gäster och genomför även olika test på temat. Det här är podden för dig som är nyfiken på den senaste heta trenden att bada kallt! Programledare är Angelica Vinskär och Åsa A Cederbom. Vill du komma i kontakt med oss så kan du mejla på [email protected] eller [email protected]. Antal avsnitt: 10 En podcast av: Barometern-OT

With All Due Respect! by Amanda Thebe

The power of conversation is lost. There’s nothing better than sitting down for a natter with your mate and putting the world to rights. Well in this podcast, that’s exactly what Amanda Thebe will be doing. She really gets to know her guests, warts and all! She is a force of nature for women in midlife who want real-life honest conversations about the challenges, the thrills and the opportunities that await us in midlife and beyond. In each episode Amanda leaves no stone unturned, getting deep down and dirty with her guests to deliver you one of the most thrilling podcast rides of your life. Conversations including menopause, health and fitness, debunking wellness wankery, make-up, mental health and so much more. Funny, frank and somewhat irreverent, Amanda will help share informative advice, while keeping the entertainment value high. Sit down and buckle-up! Amanda is a personal trainer and nutrition coach, and the author of the Amazon best-selling author of Menopocalypse: How I Learned To Thrive During Menopause and How You Can Too!

RAD Parenting Podcast

Licensed Clinical Mental Health Counselor (Supervisor) Tracey N. Turner, BC-TMH, BC-DMT shares over 35 years of experience, insights, tips and strategies for families. Tracey specializes in working with patients diagnosed with Reactive Attachment Disorder, (also known as RAD) and complex trauma along with PTSD.


JET is a podcast that explores a holistic approach to regenerating a healthy mind, body, and planet. Health writer Jules Annen and culinary chef Evan Swenson travel to rural and urban areas worldwide to research, experience and promote a clean and sustainable lifestyle.

Live Fierce

Feeling stressed, overwhelmed and needing a push forward in your life? Ready to reclaim your power and feel optimistic again? The LIVE FIERCE podcast is here, ready and able to help you vibrate higher from your head to your heart. It’s time to get back in the driver’s seat of your life and rediscover your happy place! We’re connecting the dots of proven scientific strategies and self-help methods to help you revitalize your life and improve your overall well-being. Hosted by American Heart Association’s EVP of Marketing & Communications Katrina McGhee, this series inspires women to lean into their strengths and prioritize their overall wellbeing.  Live Fierce also has a sister podcast Atrévete a Vivir targeting Latina Millennial women. Both show launch on March 8th.

Atrévete a Vivir

TRADUCCIONES AL ESPAÑOL Este programa introductorio de Atrévete a vivir, está diseñado para mujeres Latinas para que encuentren su motivación. Lanzando el 8 de marzo para el Día International del la Mujer, presentado por la voluntaria de la American Heart Association y directora ejecutiva y cofundadora de CIEN+, Lili Gil Valletta, esta serie motiva a las mujeres a apoyarse en sus fortalezas y a priorizar su bienestar en general. Las poderosas mujeres en este programa se quitan el velo para compartir sus corazones y almas sobre lo que significa ser una mujer de color en estos tiempos sin precedentes. Dado que el COVID-19 ha tenido un impacto físico, mental y financiero, este programa se creó para ayudar a las mujeres de color a redescubrir su dirección, reapropiarse de su energía y reavivar su poder. Lo que es más importante, la intención es crear un espacio seguro para que las mujeres de color analicen sus desafíos y, al mismo tiempo, ofrezcan soluciones reales que pueden usar para recuperar, hacer crecer y encontrar su motivación. En este episodio, aprenderás: • Lo que significa ser feroz; • La importancia de defender tu verdad sin reparos; • Los matices y las señales culturales que permitirán a las mujeres vivir realmente de una manera feroz; • Cómo darte permiso para cambiar tus prioridades y crear un nuevo camino; • Cómo caminar con tu poder y crear una nueva normalidad.

The Befit Movement

The health and fitness industry is being continually inundated with new information. Join the Befit Physios aiming to break down the myths and stigma surrounding health, fitness, mindset and nutrition.

Heart-to-Heart Conversations

Sponsored by Boston Scientific and in a joint production between the Insight Health Equity Action Lab and the Minneapolis Heart Institute Foundation, the goal of this podcast is to inspire more conversation and action towards creating a culture of health. Hosts Batala McFarlane and Courtney Jordan Baechler, MD talk with people who are making wellness a priority for themselves, their families and their communities.