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Health & Fitness Category

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Impruv U

Christina Davies has an extensive thirty-year career in the cosmetic enhancement industry working with plastic surgeons, dermatologists and in private practice. As a licensed professional, she is a medical aesthetician, a laser technician, and a medical micropigmentation specialist whereby she gives back both beauty and dignity to the lives of breast cancer patients with her medical tattooing. Sought after for her level of expertise, she is both an educator and a published writer in the industry. She has performed advanced aesthetic procedures for thousands of people, including celebrities in New York and now in her fifth med spa in Boca Raton, Florida, appropriately named Impruv-U Health & Wellness Med Spa. Impruv-U with Christina Davies is an educational, informative platform for those seeking what’s safe, what’s trending and what’s involved in aesthetic treatments from Botox to Fat Freezing and so much more. And a little bit off the beaten path, Christina has been privileged to experience incredible journeys and struggles from some very brave people she has encountered along the way, not only to improve their appearances, but also to improve their lives and the lives of others. In this arena, she takes you (literally) outside the treatment room, and what she discovered on this interesting path is that beauty is not only skin deep. As Christina invites some very special guests to share their stories of improving their lives in a very big way, be prepared to be motivated, enlightened and in awe. And feel free to reach out with your own personal stories, as we would love to continue inviting more guests on our show who have their own incredible journeys to share and to inspire those who tune in weekly. You can contact us if you are interested in scheduling a free consultation, an appointment for cosmetic services, or for more information about the many services we provide including cosmetic fillers, IV drip therapy, red light therapy, fat loss, advanced aesthetics and more by Christina and her medical professionals at Impruv-U Health & Wellness Med Spa. Feel free to call us at 561-757-5814, or you can also check us out at www.Impruv-U.com We look forward to hearing from you and we can’t wait to have you in our audience!

Gesundheit Ganzheitlich

Gesundheit Ganzheitlich - Der Podcast für ein neues Gesundheitslevel In diesem Podcast bekommst du Profi-Wissen rund um das Thema Gesundheit leicht verständlich und praxisgerecht aufbereitet. Der ganzheitliche Gesundheitsexperte, Sportwissenschaftler und Autor Sören Schumann führt dich durch Interviews mit national und international führenden Ärzten, Heilpraktikern, Therapeuten und Wissenschaftlern. Dabei werden unter anderem Themen wie gesunde Ernährung, Vitalstoffe / Nahrungsergänzungsmittel, Entgiftung, Parasiten, Immunsystem, Traumaheilung, Gehirn- und Hautgesundheit, psychisches Wohlbefinden, gesunde Lebensführung generell u. v. m. umfassend und ganzheitlich beleuchtet. In die Gespräche lässt Sören Schumann seinen großen gesundheitlichen Wissens- und Erfahrungsschatz mit einfließen. Wenn dir deine Gesundheit wichtig ist, solltest du keine Folge verpassen!


CANCER BUZZ features fresh perspectives on hot topics in oncology care delivery. CANCER BUZZ is where stakeholders from the front lines of care to the C-suite, from research to the registry, from chairside to benchside, talk about top-of-mind questions and real-world impact.

The Laser Light Show

The laser light show will explore the cutting-edge technology, the clinical application and the practical use of all things lasers for helping providers and patients alike get better clinical outcomes.

Quit Smoking Today Podcast

Do you want to know how to quit smoking? You have found the right podcast! My name is Sebastian and I’m excited to share the best ways on how to stop smoking naturally with you. The tips I share with you are based on science, my experience as a coach, and my experience as a certified hypnotist. In my episodes, I proudly recommend supplements that can help you to experience less stress and to recover your lungs while you are learning how to quit smoking cold turkey. Every now and then I might also recommend a book that can help you to stop smoking cigarettes. I offer smoking cessation hypnosis sessions that can allow you to quit smoking fast and without painful tobacco and nicotine withdrawal symptoms. I believe in you and your ability to finally give up cigarettes and stop smoking. I feel honored to accompany you on your healing and recovery journey.

happy, holy & confident to go. Deine Inspiration fürs Herz und den Verstand.

Schön, dass du hier bist und herzlich willkommen zum Mini-Podcast happy, holy & confident to go – deiner Inspiration fürs Herz und den Verstand. Ich bin Laura Malina Seiler, Autorin, spiritueller Coach und Visionärin. Ich glaube daran, dass persönliche Weiterentwicklung für jeden Menschen wertvoll ist – egal welchen Lifestyle du lebst. Mit happy, holy & confident to go bekommst du alltagstaugliche Inspirationen und Mini-Meditationen aus meinem #1 Podcast happy, holy & confident und meinen Kursen. Sie werden dir im schnelllebigen Alltag Impulse und Tools für moderne Spiritualität mit auf deinen Weg geben. Du möchtest den Podcast happy, holy & confident in voller Länge? Hier, findest du alle kompletten Folgen: https://open.spotify.com/show/4j5GudABjEkHhAsQDyggbN?si=AJBSyWQgS9u2HpI2CSuk5g Du möchtest spirituelles und persönliches Wachstum unkompliziert in deinen Alltag integrieren? Dann hol dir jetzt kostenlos deinen Spiritual Buddy für die Hosentasche mit der kostenlosen Higher Self App in allen App Stores: https://higherselfapp.com/ Enjoy and keep on rocking! Deine Laura — Let's keep in touch https://lauraseiler.com/ Let's keep in touch! ✨Website -- https://lauraseiler.com/ ✨Instagram -- https://www.instagram.com/lauramalinaseiler/?igshid=14p5gm3rhrogu ✨Facebook -- https://www.facebook.com/lauraseilercoaching ✨LinkedIn -- https://www.linkedin.com/in/laura-malina-seiler-971919a9/ ✨Pinterest -- https://www.pinterest.de/lauramalinaseiler/_created/

Connect My Brain

Why is this happening to my kid and what can I do about it? If you're the parent of a developmentally delayed child, you've probably asked this question more than once. That's where I come in! I'm Dr. Laura Hanson and I specialize in identifying the "why" and telling you the "what." Join me every Thursday for a deeper look at how our brains are wired and how to get the most out of your mind. Are you looking to break negative patterns, overcome mood disorders, or optimize your potential? Maybe your child struggles with ADHD, OCD or other learning difficulties. Tune in to Connect My Brain, where I explain concepts like biofeedback and neurofeedback, brainwave frequencies, and much more. Let me help you change your life by changing your mind!

The Andrea Barkley Show

Are you someone who loves to live life feeling fit, healthy, and happy? I’m Andrea Barkley, and this is The Andrea Barkley Show. I’m a fitness trainer, private cook, nutrition coach, mother, author of the recipe book Moan Out Loud Protein Shakes, world-traveler, and business-lover, but most importantly, I’m a lot like you - constantly raising questions, seeking answers, and going deeper when it comes to living and feeling a happy and healthy lifestyle. Together we will “feel our fittest” in all areas of life - business, travel, relationships, parenting, nutrition and so much more. Join me on this journey, I'll bring along the most dynamic personalities, lifestyle specialists, innovative thinkers, and fitness gurus; as each week we strive to feel our fittest and happiest together. Follow us now on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, or wherever you enjoy your shows.

Celebrate Birth Podcast

Celebrate Birth is an independent midwifery practice specializing in natural childbirth. It is owned and operated by Melissa Conord-Morrow, LM, and is the only birth center in Polk County, FL. Our staff is honored to serve women in pregnancy, birth, and the postpartum period.


PsychSpeak is your all access pass into a psychoeducational clinical rotation. Hosted by Licensed Professional Counselor-Supervisor, EMDR therapist and entrepreneur, Shahidrah Cowgill. Join us as we look at breaking the stigmatized view of mental illness, analyze trending and relevant pop culture, and highlight preventative measures you can take to strengthen your resiliency. Whether you are a student, intern, mental health enthusiast or all around podcast fanatic, grab a seat and let’s unpack.

The Kona Edge - Ironman Triathlon

The home of Ironman triathletes that dream of qualifying for the Ironman World Championships on the big island of Hawaii. Whether you're a triathlon veteran or an out and out newbie, this is THE triathlon podcast for you.

The Woman's Doctor

Welcome to The Woman's Dr. podcast helping empower women to embrace their body and soul's full potential. I'm your host Dr. Trevor Cates and after 22 years of working with patients, I found the answers to our health struggles are much deeper than most people realize. To help explore this, I'm interviewing colleagues and other wellness experts to get to the root cause so women can realize their true beauty and be informed decision makers for themselves and their loved ones.