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Health & Fitness Category

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Bench to Bedside

The University of Kansas Cancer Center’s podcast Bench to Bedside provides a glimpse into the latest research discoveries that are transforming cancer care. Join Roy Jensen, MD, vice chancellor and director of the cancer center, weekly to hear from the top experts in the field as well as patients and caregivers.

Shokunin Journey Podcast

Welcome to Shokunin Journey Podcast! A show dedicated to the endless pursuit towards perfection, no matter what journey you may be on. The journey of a thousand miles starts with one step. Let us take the first step with you!

ParentMD Podcast

The official podcast of ParentMD. Listen to conversations with top pediatric experts sharing clear and trustworthy medical information so parents feel empowered to take the very best care of their kids. For more information about ParentMD visit us at our website (www.parentmd.com) or find us on social media @myParentMD.

The Stress-Free Dentist Show

Welcome to The Stress Free Dentists Podcast with your host Dr. Eric Block. Dentistry is a high-stress and often thankless profession. Over time this stress builds and can lead to mental and physical health problems, and ultimately burnout. But it doesn’t have to be this way. You can make the necessary changes to feel healthy and love going to work again.  We chat and typically learn how the guests got into dentistry, how they can help other dentists, and of course, have some fun. http://www.thestressfreedentist.com/ Join our community of like-minded dentists and gain access to exclusive course work that will help you understand your burnout and reignite your passion for dentistry. Dentists, you’re not alone anymore. Your health and happiness matter and Dr. Eric Block is here to help! Email me at [email protected] with any questions. -Dr. Eric Block, DMD

Caregiver Cast With Mary Elaine Petrucci

Our mission is to promote caregiving where the wants, needs, and desires of both our seniors and their caregivers are respected and addressed. We provide education, resources, and support to make the caregiving journey a rewarding experience. After all, our seniors deserve all the love and care we can give them; no matter who is caring for them, allowing them to live healthier and happier lives!

Life On Target Podcast

Nathan Spearing chose to leave U.S. Army Special Operations after nearly 14 years of meritorious service to spend more time with with wife and kids. Life on Target is a no-holds-barred discussion of failures and successes in military service, family, business, and life to give you practical advice and encouragement for hitting the mark each and every day of your life.

The Befit Movement

The health and fitness industry is being continually inundated with new information. Join the Befit Physios aiming to break down the myths and stigma surrounding health, fitness, mindset and nutrition.

Mein Pilates Podcast

Humorvolles Wohlfühl-Pilates mit einer Prise Lebensfreude. Der MeinPilates Podcast ist perfekt für dich, wenn du dich mit geschlossenen Augen entspannen und bewegen möchtest. Wir sitzen schließlich alle schon viel zu viel vor unseren Bildschirmen. Ich bin Carolin Meisel, Gründerin der MeinPilates Studios in Aachen. Ich leite ich dich in diesem Podcast an und du kannst dich dabei komplett entspannen. Zumindest deine Augen. Deinen restlichen Körper werden wir dehnen, kräftigen und lockern. Freu dich auf ein paar kurze Audio-Trainingseinheiten mit präziser Anleitung - Kleine Trainingseinheiten für zwischendurch und freu dich außerdem auf angenehmen Muskelkater am Tag danach. Ich bin Caro und komme als deine Trainerin in dein Wohnzimmer oder in dein Büro oder zur Not auch ins noch unaufgeräumte Kinderzimmer - wann immer du Pilates gerade brauchst. Einfach einschalten und ab auf die Matte. Ab und zu erzähle dir hier auch ein bisschen aus meinem wuseligen Alltag als MeinPilates Studio-Inhaberin und Online-Studio-Mitgründerin.

Heart-to-Heart Conversations

Sponsored by Boston Scientific and in a joint production between the Insight Health Equity Action Lab and the Minneapolis Heart Institute Foundation, the goal of this podcast is to inspire more conversation and action towards creating a culture of health. Hosts Batala McFarlane and Courtney Jordan Baechler, MD talk with people who are making wellness a priority for themselves, their families and their communities.

Atrévete a Vivir

TRADUCCIONES AL ESPAÑOL Este programa introductorio de Atrévete a vivir, está diseñado para mujeres Latinas para que encuentren su motivación. Lanzando el 8 de marzo para el Día International del la Mujer, presentado por la voluntaria de la American Heart Association y directora ejecutiva y cofundadora de CIEN+, Lili Gil Valletta, esta serie motiva a las mujeres a apoyarse en sus fortalezas y a priorizar su bienestar en general. Las poderosas mujeres en este programa se quitan el velo para compartir sus corazones y almas sobre lo que significa ser una mujer de color en estos tiempos sin precedentes. Dado que el COVID-19 ha tenido un impacto físico, mental y financiero, este programa se creó para ayudar a las mujeres de color a redescubrir su dirección, reapropiarse de su energía y reavivar su poder. Lo que es más importante, la intención es crear un espacio seguro para que las mujeres de color analicen sus desafíos y, al mismo tiempo, ofrezcan soluciones reales que pueden usar para recuperar, hacer crecer y encontrar su motivación. En este episodio, aprenderás: • Lo que significa ser feroz; • La importancia de defender tu verdad sin reparos; • Los matices y las señales culturales que permitirán a las mujeres vivir realmente de una manera feroz; • Cómo darte permiso para cambiar tus prioridades y crear un nuevo camino; • Cómo caminar con tu poder y crear una nueva normalidad.

Live Fierce

Feeling stressed, overwhelmed and needing a push forward in your life? Ready to reclaim your power and feel optimistic again? The LIVE FIERCE podcast is here, ready and able to help you vibrate higher from your head to your heart. It’s time to get back in the driver’s seat of your life and rediscover your happy place! We’re connecting the dots of proven scientific strategies and self-help methods to help you revitalize your life and improve your overall well-being. Hosted by American Heart Association’s EVP of Marketing & Communications Katrina McGhee, this series inspires women to lean into their strengths and prioritize their overall wellbeing.  Live Fierce also has a sister podcast Atrévete a Vivir targeting Latina Millennial women. Both show launch on March 8th.

Jaw Yoga by Kieferfreund

Kieferfreund (German for ’Jaw Friend’) are the creators of the popular jaw relaxation app ’Kieferfreund’ to tackle teeth grinding, clenching and jaw tension - naturally. They offer specialized products and solutions to address jaw disorders. Their goal is not only to eliminate the symptoms, but to fix the root-cause and to achieve a lasting solution. Kieferfreund promotes a holistic approach to health and well-BEING.