Health & Fitness Category
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In meinem Podcast findest du die Antworten auf all deine Fragen rund um die Themen Fressanfälle, Körperwahn, Diätwahn, Fitnesswahn und Essstörungen und zeige dir einen völlig neuen Ansatz als üblich. Ich habe selber 13 Jahre lang mit meinem Körper und dem Essen gekämpft. Ich litt unter anderem an Bulimie, Magersucht und bin anschließend in die Fitnesssucht gerutscht. Bis ich verstand, wieso ich eigentlich ständig gegen mich selber kämpfe. Du leidest unter Fressanfällen oder Heisshungerattacken und stehst im ständigen Kampf mit dir und deinem Körper? Du wünschst Dir den perfekten Körper und erhoffst Dir damit, dass dadurch all deine Probleme verschwinden, wenn Du ihn erreicht hast? Du isst ohne hungrig zu sein und möchtest endlich verstehen wieso? In meinem Podcast erfährst Du, wieso dein innerer Kampf überhaupt entstanden ist und wie du diesen inneren Kampf endlich langfristig beendest, indem du dich deiner Seele wieder zuwendest und wieder Frieden mit deinem Körper und dem Essen schließt.
In Getting the Best Care, The Insider's Healthcare Podcast, Margaret Fitzpatrick, MS, RN, CRNA, author of Getting the Best Care: Rescue Your Loved One from the Healthcare Conveyor Belt reveals all of her strategies to help you to get the best possible healthcare depending on where you are in your life. Margaret draws on her more than 20 years as a critical care nurse and nurse anesthetist to help you to see healthcare from an insider’s view. With that perspective, you are able to decide what is right for you and for your loved ones as you make healthcare choices. The best healthcare is the appropriate care that is driven by your goals and values. Asking “What is the Goal?” anytime a test, procedure or medication is suggested is vital to getting the best care. Learn what questions to ask to get the answers that you need. Discover the more than 20 healthcare procedures and tests that have been shown to be of little value to people over the age of 65. Learn how to reduce your stress, make better decisions and prevent suffering for yourself and your loved ones.
Dr Hammerstedt & her guests lightheartedly dig into health evidence and education to empower you into real sustainable lifestyle and mindset changes to curate your health future. Heather Hammerstedt MD is a double board certified physician, in emergency medicine and lifestyle medicine, an integrative nutrition coach, CEO of Wholist Lifestyle Medicine Coaching and Consults... and momma... who can't get enough of interviewing colleagues all over the map of medicine and health in the fields of food, leadership, exercise, weight management, mindset, mindfulness, and women's health just to get YOU the real information you can trust about YOU, your body, your and your family's health future. Real talk, real tips, real professionals, and real FUN with no BS info. Join us today! And remember, Who you choose to be Matters. You are valuable, You are worth this, You are your WholeYou.
Join Dave Readyhough, of Healthy Terrain Nutrition as he shares his perspective on how & why we should incorporate an ancestral approach to living in modern times. No subject is off the table. He'll give you unique views on what it means to live an active healthy life, many times in contrast with conventional wisdom.
The Make Believe Show is our way of leaving the internet a little bit better than we found it. Founded by the creators of King Falls AM, The Make Believe Show celebrates the common ties we share as humans; through conversations about our pasts, our dreams, our setbacks and the lessons we've learned along the way.
Mark Lumia of MedicareMark shares his years of experience as a Licensed Medicare Insurance agent. With Mark as your advisor, you'l get all of the inside info that will enable you to get the most out of your Medicare. The Medicare Minute was created for YOU, preparing for Medicare and looking for information to make the right decisions and get the most from your benefits. If you're wanting to be informed of what Medicare options are available for you and your needs, this is the show to guide you along the way.
We have a passion for helping develop better goalkeepers and better people. On this podcast we expand on topics and events that influence coaches, parents, and players alike. Tori Corsaro and Kaylan Marckese, technical goalkeeper coaches at The Keeper Institute, share their insight and talk with guest in the sports industry. If you have a passion to develop as an athlete, coach, parent, and person, we are here to help you in your process. We'll be discussing various topics including soccer, coaching, character development, and all things goalkeeping.
Welcome to the Close the Chapter podcast! I am Kristen Boice, a licensed marriage and family therapist with a private counseling practice, Pathways to Healing Counseling in Noblesville, Indiana. The mission for Close the Chapter Podcast is to help you through life’s transitions, navigate the hard and lonely times along the journey, learn helpful and powerful ways to cope with emotions and transitions, and empower you to discover the REAL you. The goal is to help you feel more calm, content, compassionate and connected. We will close the chapter on what doesn’t serve you any more and open the door to new possibilities. I will be hosting solo some weeks and sharing about a variety of topics that will help you find healing in your journey. Other weeks, I will have conversations with guests who will share information, stories and helpful strategies. I want to make this practical to every day life. My hope is you will have actionable steps every episode and motivation, inspiration and HOPE for making sustainable change. We want to reduce stress, anxiety, depression, shame and fear. You are not in this alone!
This podcast is about implementing behavior change for long term wellness and happiness. The show is centered around Fitness, Wellness and Healthcare but no topic is off limits for self improvement. Hosted by Registered Nurses Matt and Jenna Lane. Matt is a Personal Trainer and Behavior Change Specialist. Together they run the company Matt Lane Fitness.
The Personal Edge Fitness Podcast with Garrett Williamson, MSS, HFI and Team USA multisport champion! Health, wellness, exercise, nutrition...and a whole lot more! New episodes every Tuesday morning! Got questions? Call and leave us a message at 251-278-EDGE or message us at Personal Edge Fitness on Facebook and Instagram, @TeamPE on Twitter or! #stayhydrated