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Welcome to 'What's Next In,' the new Mastercard podcast that covers trends and topics that affect our lives professionally, personally and globally. "What's Next In" informally explores big ideas and trends from different parts of the business and explains how Mastercard is leading the industry into the future. Hosted by Vicki Hyman, managing editor of the Mastercard Newsroom. She'll discuss with our resident thought-leaders, experts and employees how Mastercard is helping shape the future and set the standard by harnessing these emerging trends and leading conversations on these topics. Subscribe now and let Mastercard show you… What’s Next In…
En intervjupodcast med Carl-Johan Hamilton, med grundare av Ants AB i spetsen. Tillsammans med 200+ gäster från framstående techbolag utforskar han kärnan i digital transformation inom techbranschen. Denna podcast belyser strategier inom talent acquisition och employer branding, och ger insikter i hur dessa element är avgörande för framgång. Vi diskuterar ledarskapets roll i att navigera och forma framtida trender, och hur det kan påverka och förbättra arbetsplatskulturen. Bli inspirerad och upplyst genom samtal som avslöjar kraften i innovativt tänkande och strategisk planering inom IT-sektorn.
As a Podcast Launch Consultant, I know how powerful podcasts are as a lead generation tool for a coaching or consulting business. That's why I'm giving you my top tips and tactics for starting a podcast that will help you build a bond of trust with your ideal clients, so they'll want to hire you immediately. Whether you've just launched your business, or you’re already established and looking for new ways to increase your leads, you've come to the right place!
Sometimes, to know where a company is headed, you need to first look inward at the core of who they are. In this podcast, we will explore teams around the world who are innovators and forward thinkers, bringing NOV into the next phase of the energy industry right alongside them. The first episode will be available everywhere on September 12th.
¡Hola! Bienvenido/a al “Yo Emprendo Al Máximo” podcast, el único podcast en español para emprendedores, que te motiva y te empodera a empezar, hacer crecer y correr tu negocio a través del Internet. Con tu host, Richard Santos, emprendedor y coach con más de 16 años en la industria de tecnología y marketing. Descubre cómo usar marketing digital y las redes sociales para conseguir más clientes, y a cómo generar más ingresos en la era digital. ¡Por qué ya es hora de capitalizar al máximo y llevar tu negocio o marca personal al próximo nivel!
No Fluff! Just all the STUFF! My commitment to you is to deliver practical, usable, actionable information that you can implement in your business immediately! As a business and social media strategist, through my podcasts, I will deliver tools and techniques to help you grow your business through social media marketing, traditional marketing, and digital marketing. But wait, there's more! You will also discover how I stay on top of my several businesses through time management, productivity hacks, organization tips and so much more! Let's jump right in!
You're a dentist. You've got a practice. Now all you need are your patients. The My Dental Agency Podcast explores an aspect of running a dental practice that is often overlooked: marketing. Join Jackie and Shawn as they explore the surprisingly intricate world of dental marketing, with a heavy emphasis on taking advantage of the digital realm to bring a 21st century approach to building both your brand and a loyal patient base. Ranging from tips and tricks, to success stories, to interviews with experts in the field, get ready to take your practice's marketing strategy to the next level!