How To Reach Your Potential - Dr Hank Seitz
Super Agents Live- Selling Real Estate
Release Date: 10/22/2021
Super Agents Live- Selling Real Estate
Persuasion is one of my favorite topics because everyday in multiple ways we play persuasion games. According to game theory everything we do is an act of persuasion---we do this at work, at home, with our kids and with our partners. For most of us---trying to get another to see the world as we see it is the most important thing and that is never truer than in business.
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Today on the show we bring on Tyler Whitman of the hit show Million Dollar Listing. We discuss why you need to be a hyper local expert in your market. We dig into the type of expertise you must develop to differentiate yourself and why differentiation is the difference between winning and going hungry.
info_outlineSuper Agents Live- Selling Real Estate
Getting rich is rarely about being the smartest person in the room nor, is it always about taking gigantic risks and betting it all on black. More often than not, its about being in the right place at the right time and recognizing that the world is shifting beneath your feet. That's why the "luckiest" entrepreneurs often have a very diverse group of friends and interests. Today's guest recognized there was gold laying in plain sight.
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Whether its from government intervention or tech innovation the way realtors have typically made a living are about to change. Some of the changes that have been proposed are small and relatively unimportant. A rule that was enacted across the board was that buyers agents could no longer advertise that there services were "free" and that agents could no longer "not" show a property due to the low co-op fee. Those seem pretty reasonable and were enacted by most MLS's across the nation however.....
info_outlineSuper Agents Live- Selling Real Estate
When you are stuck how do you breakout? What separates the average performer from the super successful? Dr. Hank Seitz and I discuss these issues along with various other topics including mental mapping and how we all may be cut from the same cloth but, just haven't yet realized it.
info_outlineSuper Agents Live- Selling Real Estate
Matthew Ferry coach to Fortune 100 CEO's and ultra high performers comes on the show to share how he helps his clients breakthrough barriers that are stopping them from reaching their full potential.
info_outlineSuper Agents Live- Selling Real Estate
In this episode we talk about using predictive models and analytics to find more sellers. We talk about the state of the technology and how it might impact agents. We talk about threats to the status quo and how agents might interact and utilize new technology to get better .
info_outlineSuper Agents Live- Selling Real Estate
Krista has been a top agent for a very long time. I ask her what she has learned from coaching top agents as well as, what agents are getting wrong. I hope you enjoy this as much as I did.
info_outlineSuper Agents Live- Selling Real Estate
Gregg is a mindset coach. We discuss how to identify your unique competitive advantage. Where people get stuck in their businesses and lives and how to break out of those barriers. WE discuss why you should develop your own personal board of directors. And we talk about the things that hold people back from achieving the life of their dreams and why sometimes we are our own worst enemy.
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Most realtors are drowning in a sea of sameness and they dont know how to breakout. They dont know how to position themselves and they struggle. Today we discuss how to find your unique place in a community.
info_outlineWhen you are stuck how do you breakout? What separates the average performer from the super successful? Dr. Hank Seitz and I discuss these issues along with various other topics including mental mapping and how we all may be cut from the same cloth but, just haven't yet realized it.
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