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Chasing Buyer “No” Replies

The Cutting Edge Japan Business Show By Dale Carnegie Training Tokyo Japan

Release Date: 11/13/2023

How To Defeat Imposter Syndrome As A Presenter show art How To Defeat Imposter Syndrome As A Presenter

The Cutting Edge Japan Business Show By Dale Carnegie Training Tokyo Japan

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Create Raving Fans When Presenting In Japan show art Create Raving Fans When Presenting In Japan

The Cutting Edge Japan Business Show By Dale Carnegie Training Tokyo Japan

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Real World Business Negotiating In Japan show art Real World Business Negotiating In Japan

The Cutting Edge Japan Business Show By Dale Carnegie Training Tokyo Japan

We have many images of negotiation thanks to the media.  It could be movie scenes of tough negotiators or reports on political negotiations with lunatic led rogue states.  Most of these representations however have very little relevance in the real world of business.  A lot of the work done on negotiations focuses on “tactics”.  This is completely understandable for any transactional based negotiations.  Those are usually one off deals, where there is no great likelihood of any on-going relationship continuing between buyer and seller. This is false flag.  The...

Be Careful of Client White Noise show art Be Careful of Client White Noise

The Cutting Edge Japan Business Show By Dale Carnegie Training Tokyo Japan

Sales people are always under pressure to meet their targets.  In high pressure situations, this creates certain behaviours that are not in tune with the client’s best interests.  We know we should listen carefully to what the client wants, before we attempt to suggest any solution for the buyer’s needs.  We know that by asking well designed questions, we can possibly come up with an insight that triggers a “we hadn’t thought of that” or “we haven’t planned for that” reaction at best.  At worst, at least they know whether we have a solution for them or...

Spellbinding Speech Endings show art Spellbinding Speech Endings

The Cutting Edge Japan Business Show By Dale Carnegie Training Tokyo Japan

It is rare to see a presentation completed well, be it inside the organization, to the client or to a larger audience.  The energy often quickly drops away, the voice just fades right out and there is no clear signal that this is the end.  The audience is unsure whether to applaud or if there is more coming.  Everyone is stuck in limbo wondering what to do next.  The narrative arc seems to go missing in action at the final stage and the subsequent silence becomes strained.  It sometimes reminds me of classical music performances, when I am not sure if this is the time...

Selling Into Each Region Is Different In Japan show art Selling Into Each Region Is Different In Japan

The Cutting Edge Japan Business Show By Dale Carnegie Training Tokyo Japan

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How To Present As A Team When Selling show art How To Present As A Team When Selling

The Cutting Edge Japan Business Show By Dale Carnegie Training Tokyo Japan

In business, we are asked to present as a team.  We may be pitching for new business and the presentation requires different specialist areas of expertise.  This is quite different to doing something on your own, where you are the star and have full control over what is going on.  One of the big mistakes with amateur presenters is they don’t rehearse.  They just turn up and fluff it.  They blow up their personal and organisational brands.  When in a team environment, you absolutely cannot neglect the rehearsal component.  There will be many sessions needed...

313 Taking Questions When Presenting In Japan show art 313 Taking Questions When Presenting In Japan

The Cutting Edge Japan Business Show By Dale Carnegie Training Tokyo Japan

 The Question and Answer component of talks are a fixture that we don’t normally analyse for structure possibilities. Having an audience interested enough in your topic to ask questions is a heartening occurrence.  When we are planning the talk though, we may just neglect to factor this Q&A element into our planning. We may have considered what some potential questions might be, so that we are prepared for them, but maybe that is the extent of the planning.  We need to go a bit broader though in our thinking about the full extent of the talk we are going to give. ...

312 Productivity Will  Determine Japan's Future show art 312 Productivity Will  Determine Japan's Future

The Cutting Edge Japan Business Show By Dale Carnegie Training Tokyo Japan

During the “bubble years” of surging economic growth, Japan could not keep up with the supply of workers for the 3K jobs – kitsui, kitanai, kiken or difficult, dirty, dangerous undertakings. The 1985 Plaza Accord released a genie out of the bottle in the form of a very strong yen, which made everything, everywhere seems dirt cheap. Japanese people traveled abroad as tourists in mass numbers for the first time. They often created havoc in international destinations, because they were so gauche – a bit like we have been experiencing with mass Chinese tourism. Companies bought up foreign...

311 Value Triumphs All In Sales In Japan show art 311 Value Triumphs All In Sales In Japan

The Cutting Edge Japan Business Show By Dale Carnegie Training Tokyo Japan

We believe in our product and we are very knowledgeable about the facts, details, specs, etc.  We launch straight into our presentation of the details with the buyer.  Next, they want to negotiate the price.  Do we see the connection here, between our sales approach and the result, the entire catastrophe?  The reality is often salespeople are slogging it out, lowering the price, hurting their positioning of the brand, lowering their own commission. Unfortunately, in Japan, once we have established a discounted price for the product or service, it is very difficult to move...

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Everyone hates to be rejected, but not many people have this as a fundamental aspect of their work.  We ask colleagues for help and they assist, we ask our bosses for advice and they provide it.  Buyers though are a different case.  They can easily find a million reasons not to buy and unashamedly tell us “no”.  The rejection itself is not so much the problem, as is how we respond, how we deal with the rejection.

In Japan, the two areas our clients flag with us for special attention in sales training for their team are around understanding the client’s needs and asking for the order or closing, as it is commonly referred to in sales parlance.                                                      

The poor questioning skills are a result of salespeople wanting to tell the buyer a lot of stuff about the features, but not bothering to ask some well designed questions to uncover what their clients need.  This in itself will explain a lot about why buyers say “no”.  If we don’t properly understand what they need, then how do we suggest solutions that make sense and motivate the buyer to action?   

The two problems are closely linked.  Even assuming that the questions are well thought through and that the solution selected is professionally conveyed to the buyer, they may still say no.  This is because the buyer’s hesitations have not been properly addressed.  There was something unclear or unsatisfactory in what they just heard from the salesperson and they are not convinced this is the right solution to their problem. 

This is why a “no” will certainly be forthcoming, especially from Japanese buyers.  Risk aversion is a fundamental part of the fabric of Japan and buyers more than most, observe this in distinct detail.  They would rather give up on something better, if they thought there was a possibility their decision might bring some stain on their record. 

Failure is hard to recover from in Japan.  There are no second chances here. People have learnt the best way to avoid failing is to take as few decisions as possible.  Especially any decisions which can be traced back to you.  Best to have a group decision, so the blame can be spread around and no one loses their job.  Actually that works like a charm here, so no one wants to buck the system

Having given the sales presentation, many salespeople in Japan simply don’t ask for the order.  They get to the end of their spiel and they just leave it there.  The buyer is not asked for a decision, it is left vague on purpose, so that if it is a “no” then that will not have to be dealt with directly.  The Japanese language is genius for having circles within circles of subtle obfuscation.

The end result is a “no” but nobody ever has to say it or hear it.  To get a sale happening, the buyer has to do all the work here in Japan, because the salespeople don’t want commit, to take the plunge and ask for the order.  If they get a “no”, their feelings of self worth are impacted, they feel depressed, that they are failing.  Not doing fully competent work or being highly productive, yet keeping you job is a pretty safe bet in most Japanese companies.  The level of productivity amongst white collar workers is dismally low. Collective responsibility helps because it lessens the impact of personal inability to reach targets or make deadlines.

Sales though is totally crystal clear about success and failure.  It is very hard to argue with numbers – you either made the target or you didn’t.  Sales is also a numbers game.  You are not going to hit a homerun every time, so the number of times becomes important.  

You will have certain ratios of success that apply right through the sales value chain and the only way to increase your sales, is to improve these ratios.  You have to up the ante, regarding the volume of activity.  This sounds easy, but it isn’t when you are feeling depressed, insecure and plummeting in confidence. 

The key is to see sales in a different way.  The increased volume of activity will even out the rejections.  The way you think about rejection has to change.  Rejection isn’t about you personally.  Buyers don’t care that much about salespeople as people.  They are rejecting your offer.  As it is made today.  In this part of the budget process.  At this point in the economic cycle.  In this current construction.  At this price, with these terms.  We haven’t shown enough value yet, to get a “yes’.

As these aspects change, the answer can go from a “yes” to a “no” and from a “no” to a “yes”.  That decision is irrelevant of the salesperson and how the buyer feels about them.   These are macro and micro factors which can impact the decision one way or another.  The answer is to see more people.  In that way you can have a better chance of meeting a buyer for whom all the stars align and they can say “yes”. 

At the same time, you need to keep working on getting better, at showing more value.  You need to harden up and become tougher.  Whatever you are selling, you always need to remember your AFTOS mantra: “ask for the order stupid”.  Never say no for the buyer and understand that “no” is never “no” or forever.