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341 Don't Get Sabotaged By Your Colleagues When Selling in Japan show art 341 Don't Get Sabotaged By Your Colleagues When Selling in Japan

The Cutting Edge Japan Business Show By Dale Carnegie Training Tokyo Japan

Sales is a nightmare. It is usually a solitary life.  You head off to meet customers all day.  Your occasional return to the office is to restock materials or complete some processes you can’t do on-line.  Japan is a bit different.  Here it is very common to see two salespeople going off to meet the client.  If you are selling to a buyer, it is also common to face more than one person.  This is a country of on-the-job training and consensus decision making, so the numbers involved automatically inflate. Even in Western style operations, there is more of a...

340 How Crazy Can We Go When Presenting In Japan show art 340 How Crazy Can We Go When Presenting In Japan

The Cutting Edge Japan Business Show By Dale Carnegie Training Tokyo Japan

Japan doesn’t love crazy. In our High Impact Presentations Course we have exercises where we ask the participants to really let go of all their inhibitions and let it all hang out – and “go crazy, go over the top”.  This is challenging in Japan. Normally, we are all usually very constrained when we speak in society.  Our voices are very moderate, our body language is quite muted and our gestures are rather restrained.  Unfortunately, this often carries over into our public presentations. Without realising it, we find ourselves speaking in this dreadful monotone, putting...

339 Building A Team In Stages In Japan show art 339 Building A Team In Stages In Japan

The Cutting Edge Japan Business Show By Dale Carnegie Training Tokyo Japan

Team building is fraught. Actually, when do we create teams? Usually we inherit teams from other people, stocked with their selections and built around their preferences, aspirations and prejudices, not ours. In rare cases, we might get to start something new and we get to choose who joins. Does that mean that “team building” only applies when we start a new team? If that were the case, then most of us would never experience building a team in our careers. This concept is too narrow. In reality, we are building our teams every day, regardless of whether we suddenly became their leader or...

338 Sales Storytelling That Wins In Japan show art 338 Sales Storytelling That Wins In Japan

The Cutting Edge Japan Business Show By Dale Carnegie Training Tokyo Japan

Salespeople often miss the point. They are brilliant on telling the client the detail of the product or service. When you think about how we train salespeople, that is a very natural outcome.  Product knowledge is drummed into the heads of salespeople when they first join the company.  The product or service lines are expanded or updated at some point, so again the product knowledge component of the training reigns supreme.  No wonder they default to waxing lyrical about the spec.  These discussions, however, tend to be technical, dry, unemotional and rather boring. ...

337 Don't Freak Out During The Q&A In Japan show art 337 Don't Freak Out During The Q&A In Japan

The Cutting Edge Japan Business Show By Dale Carnegie Training Tokyo Japan

Q&A can destroy your personal brand. Creating and delivering the presentation sees you in 100% total control.  You have designed it, you have been given the floor to talk about it, all is good.  However, the moment the time comes for questions, we are now in a street fight.  Why a street fight?  Because in a street fight there are no rules and the Q&A following a presentation is the same – no rules.  “Oh, that’s not right” you might be thinking.  “What about social norms, propriety, manners, decorum – surely all of these things are a filter on...

336 Team Glue Insights In Japan show art 336 Team Glue Insights In Japan

The Cutting Edge Japan Business Show By Dale Carnegie Training Tokyo Japan

Staff can be a nightmare. Teams are composed of the most difficult material ever created - people. That requires many capabilities, but two in particular from leaders: communication and people skills. Ironically, leaders are often seriously deficient in one or both. One type of personality who gets to become the leader are the hard driving, take no prisoners, climb over the rival’s bodies to grasp the brass ring crowd. Other types are the functional stars: category experts; best salesperson, long serving staff members; older “grey hairs” or the last man standing at the end of the...

335 Servicing Your Buyers In Japan show art 335 Servicing Your Buyers In Japan

The Cutting Edge Japan Business Show By Dale Carnegie Training Tokyo Japan

Enterprise killers can include Customer Service. We know that all interfaces with the customer are designed by people.  It can be on-line conversations with AI robots or in-store interactions, but the driving force behind all of these activities are the people in our employ.  The way people think and act is a product of the culture of the organisation.  That culture is the accountability of senior management.  The common success point of organisations is to have the right culture in place, that best serves the customer.  The success of senior management in making all...

334 Those Vital Few Seconds When You Start Your Talk In Japan show art 334 Those Vital Few Seconds When You Start Your Talk In Japan

The Cutting Edge Japan Business Show By Dale Carnegie Training Tokyo Japan

Don’t let your speaker introduction be a disaster. Usually when we are speaking we are introduced twice.  Once at the very start by the MC when they kick off proceedings and then later just before our segment of the talk.  The MC’s role is quite simple.  It is to set the stage for the speaker, to bring something of their history, their achievements and various details that make them a credible presenter for this audience.  This can often be a problem though, depending on a few key factors. How big a risk taker are you? Are you relying on the MC to do the necessary...

Dealing With Ambush Speaking Requests show art Dealing With Ambush Speaking Requests

The Cutting Edge Japan Business Show By Dale Carnegie Training Tokyo Japan

Suddenly you hear your name being called upon and you are being requested to make a few remarks.  Uh oh.  No preparation, no warning and no escape.  What do you do?  Extemporaneous speaking is one of the most difficult tasks for a presenter.  It could be during an internal meeting, a session with the big bosses in attendance or at a public venue.  One moment you are nice and comfy, sitting there in your chair, taking a mild interest in the proceedings going on around you and next you are the main event. Usually the time between your name being called and you...

333 Real World Leadership show art 333 Real World Leadership

The Cutting Edge Japan Business Show By Dale Carnegie Training Tokyo Japan

Change is hard to create anywhere in the world. Getting things to change in Japan also has its own set of challenges. The typical expat leader, sent to Japan, notices some things that need changing. Usually the Japan part of the organisation is not really part of the organisation. It is sitting off to the side, like a distant moon orbiting the HQ back home. There are major differences around what is viewed as professional work. The things that are valued in Japan, like working loyally (i.e. long hours) even with low productivity, keeping quiet, not upsetting the applecart, not contributing in...

More Episodes

Last week we talked about when presenting, you need to transfer your energy to the audience.   However don’t have your energy levels at the maximum volume all the time.  That just wears an audience out and wears you out too.  Instead, you need to have some variation.  Very strong and then sometimes very soft.  And I mean drop it right down.  Remember to have that in the voice range.  Sometimes say your point in an audible whisper.  

I remember when I gave a presentation in Kobe.  It was at a university summer school for students who had graduated and were going back to their home countries. I was giving this uplifting talk about how they could use the experience they had in Japan back in their home country.  It was powerful, a very powerful presentation.  It was an urging my comrades to “man the barricades” type of speech. The speaker after me was a Korean professor. Maybe because of the way I presented, I don’t know, but he spoke very quietly. He spoke in a very soft voice throughout the whole presentation.  It really forced you to lean in and listen to him, because you had to work a little bit harder to listen to him.  So he got peoples’ attention by having a softer voice. At the time, I thought, “wow look at that”.  That was very effective and I realized, ah, just operating at one power level all the time is not going to work.  I need to have variety in my voice, so I should have times when I am very powerful and other times when I am very soft.  So just watch yourself that you are not getting into too much soft or too much strong mode.  Variety is the key.

I said before gestures are very important.  Be careful about getting your hands tied up with things.  If you are saying one thing is important, hold up one finger.  If it is the second thing, hold up two fingers. This is important.  When you hold up your fingers like that, hold them up around head height.  Don’t hold gestures around waist height.  It is too low and people struggle to see it.  Get your gestures up high in a band from chest height up to around head height.  That zone is the key height you want for showing gestures. 

When you want to show a big point, open your hands right out.  Don’t be afraid of big gestures.  Use gestures that are congruent.  Be careful about waving your fist at your audience though.  It looks aggressive. It looks unfriendly and combative.  Use the open hand rather than a closed fist. And don’t hit your hands together, slap them together or slap them on your thigh.  That activity creating noise becomes distracting.  Just use the gestures by themselves.  As I said before, 15 seconds is probably at the maximum you want.  You can walk around on the stage, but be careful about walking around too much, especially pacing up and down.  That makes you look nervous and either lacking in confidence about your message or lacking control over what you are doing.  Try and hold the main center point of the stage and move because you have got a good reason to move.

Using the names of people in your audience is a great thing to do.  If you get there early, meet some of your audience.  Have a conversation with someone.  It is a nice connector with the audience to refer to that person and say, “I was just chatting with Jim Jones over there before and he made a very interesting point about current consumer trends.  In fact, Mary Smith made an addition to that point, when she said “blah, blah, blah…”  Suddenly you have both people very much proud of being recognized and involved in your talk.  They have been recognized by the speaker and they like it.  The audience now feels that you have a stronger connection with those listening.  Refer to people by name.  It is very, very effective.  Don’t leave it to chance, try and look for those opportunities to engage with your audience.  

Let’s concentrate on the basics.  What is the point of your presentation?  Who is your audience?  What is the point?  Be conversational and customize the delivery to your listeners.  Have exhibits or have demonstrations or whatever that are custom-made to match that audience or match the point that you are making.  Don’t just bring out a set off the shelf points you recycle for every presentation. 

You might have an existing basis for a presentation, but think about who are you talking to?  What is the key point and then take it and re-work it, re-package it up, customize it.  I have given 530 presentations in the last 20 years here in Japan.  I have never given the same presentation twice, ever.  Even with the slides, I will always have some small variation.  Certainly the way I present it will be different every time. This keeps it fresh for me, as a speaker.  And it also keeps it fresh for an audience. 

If I feel stimulated and interested in what I am talking about, then the chances are that is how the audience will feel about it too.  They will feel stimulated and interested as well.  Be wary of receiving the presentation pack. You often see the CEO had some munchkins out the back preparing the presentation for him or her.  Often, it will be the first time that they have even seen the presentation.  Sadly, it is obvious that it is the first time they have seen the presentation.  They don’t know what’s coming next and they struggle through it.  This is really killing the brand.  It is killing the brand and the organization.  It is killing the presenter’s personal brand.  You don’t want that.  Get it, customize it, make it yours, then present it.  

So there we have some ideas on how to present your visuals when you are giving your presentations which are based on our training called High Impact Presentations, where we teach people over two days how to become a high impact presenter and how to learn a number of different structures.  It’s really the Rolls-Royce of the presentation skills.  This is where Dale Carnegie started in 1912,teaching people how to be persuasive.  If ever you have a chance, after listening to this, to do that particular course if you haven’t done it before, grab that opportunity because it is a powerhouse course.  It’s a game changer of a training course.   I have taken it myself and I strongly recommend it.

So best of luck and remember, rehearse, rehearse, rehearse.  Do not be consumed by the construction of the materials.  They are secondary to you.  But when you do construct your materials use these ideas, these hints and you will give a much, much better presentation.