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242 Attachment Wounds: A Follow Up Conversation

Unapologetically Sensitive

Release Date: 05/07/2024

245 Expansion and Contraction: Honoring Your Rhythms show art 245 Expansion and Contraction: Honoring Your Rhythms

Unapologetically Sensitive

Expansion and Contraction: Honoring Your Rhythms  In this conversation, Patricia and Jen discuss their personal experiences with stress, burnout, and the challenges of navigating relationships. They explore the importance of self-compassion, the need for rest and downtime, and the impact of attachment wounds on their interactions. They also touch on the concept of Internal Family Systems (IFS) and the role of the 'self' in healing and growth.   CO-HOST Jen Perry, MSEd, MA, LPC   HIGHLIGHTS Summary Jen and Patricia discuss stress, self-care, and finding joy in everyday...

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Unapologetically Sensitive

Managing Expectations: Showing Up for Yourself During Hard Times   Jen and Patricia discuss attachment wounds in their friendship. They explore the importance of self-awareness, setting boundaries, and managing expectations. They highlight the need for compassion & understanding when dealing with attachment issues & emphasize the ongoing work of healing & growth. In this conversation, Patricia shares her recent experiences with conflict & how she navigated this. She discusses the importance of leaning into difficult emotions and listening to others without...

243 Attachment Wounds: OCD, Projection, Managing Dysregulation show art 243 Attachment Wounds: OCD, Projection, Managing Dysregulation

Unapologetically Sensitive

Attachment Wounds: OCD, Projection, Managing Dysregulation   Patricia candidly discusses her experiences with attachment wounds, OCD tendencies, projection and trauma responses with Jen, and how this is showing up in their relationship. Patricia shares what her OCD thoughts tend to look like. Through introspection and vulnerability, Patricia reflects on the impact of past traumas on her emotional well-being. Their dialogue underscores the importance of self-awareness, self-care, and resilience in healing from attachment-related struggles.   CO-HOST Jen Perry, MSEd, MA, LPC ...

242 Attachment Wounds: A Follow Up Conversation show art 242 Attachment Wounds: A Follow Up Conversation

Unapologetically Sensitive

Attachment Wounds: A Follow Up Conversation   Jen and Patricia reflect on their recent challenge (see episode 241), and they discuss the importance of taking responsibility for their own needs and emotions. They explore the impact of attachment wounds and the challenges of navigating relationships. They talk about what trauma and reenactment looks like in a relationship. They also discuss the need for self-care and the importance of managing expectations. This is a very vulnerable and open conversation.   CO-HOST Jen Perry, MSEd, MA, LPC   HIGHLIGHTS Summary In this...

241 Attachment Wounds: When You Can't Work it out in the Moment show art 241 Attachment Wounds: When You Can't Work it out in the Moment

Unapologetically Sensitive

Attachment Wounds: When You Can’t Work It Out In The Moment   Patricia reflects on her attachment wounds & something that happened with Jen. She emphasizes that the issue was not a rupture in her relationship, but rather her own trauma and wounding. She reassures listeners that they are doing fine & have navigated the situation with honesty & grace. Patricia also touches on the importance of doing personal work & finding others who are also committed to growth. She encourages listeners to embrace their sensitivity & prioritize their own needs and boundaries. ...

240 Navigating Grief, Uncertainty & Travel Through the Lens of Attachment show art 240 Navigating Grief, Uncertainty & Travel Through the Lens of Attachment

Unapologetically Sensitive

Navigating Grief, Uncertainty & Travel Through the Lens of Attachment Patricia and Jen discuss navigating uncertainty and overwhelm, managing change and unexpected situations, balancing personal needs, the power of communication and validation, finding meaning and value in relationships, coping with anxiety and catastrophic thinking, choosing to assume the best, managing energy and boundaries, secure attachment and autonomy, dealing with uncertainty and seeking information, taking care of yourself in travel. They also reflect on their friendship   CO-HOST Jen Perry, MSEd, MA, LPC...

239 Being “Too Much” is a Narrative that needs to be Re-examined show art 239 Being “Too Much” is a Narrative that needs to be Re-examined

Unapologetically Sensitive

Being “Too Much” is a Narrative that needs to be Re-examined   Summary   Patricia discusses the wound of too much and how it can impact relationships. Too much is about BOTH people and the capacity of the other person. This is a narrative that needs to be reexamined, and the context of both people needs to be addressed. She explores the intersection of neurodivergence, trauma, and socialization. Patricia also explores the concept of rules, and how through an autistic lens, this can create some challenges.   HIGHLIGHTS   Takeaways The wound of feeling like...

238 Learning to Trust Yourself and Finding Peace in Your Own Rhythm show art 238 Learning to Trust Yourself and Finding Peace in Your Own Rhythm

Unapologetically Sensitive

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237 Unmasking & Authentic Communication: Navigating Differences in Relationships show art 237 Unmasking & Authentic Communication: Navigating Differences in Relationships

Unapologetically Sensitive

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236 Exploring Neurodivergence in Relationships: Understanding Unique Perspectives show art 236 Exploring Neurodivergence in Relationships: Understanding Unique Perspectives

Unapologetically Sensitive

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More Episodes

Attachment Wounds: A Follow Up Conversation


Jen and Patricia reflect on their recent challenge (see episode 241), and they discuss the importance of taking responsibility for their own needs and emotions. They explore the impact of attachment wounds and the challenges of navigating relationships. They talk about what trauma and reenactment looks like in a relationship. They also discuss the need for self-care and the importance of managing expectations. This is a very vulnerable and open conversation.



Jen Perry, MSEd, MA, LPC




In this conversation, Patricia and Jen discuss their recent experiences and the impact it had on their relationship. They explore the challenges of change and disruption, the importance of naming and validating emotions, and the process of healing from past trauma. They also touch on the dynamics of their friendship and the need for autonomy and understanding. Throughout the conversation, they emphasize the importance of holding space for each other and navigating through difficult emotions with patience and curiosity. In this conversation.


·         Change and disruption can be challenging.

·         Naming and validating emotions is powerful and can help in moving forward.

·         Healing from past trauma requires self-awareness and taking responsibility for one's own healing process.

·         Navigating difficult emotions in relationships requires patience, understanding, and the ability to hold space for each other. Taking responsibility for our own needs and emotions is essential in relationships.

·         Attachment wounds can impact our expectations and behaviors in relationships.

·         Self-care and managing expectations are important for maintaining healthy relationships.

·         Open and honest communication can lead to growth and healing.

Sound Bites

·         "Change and disruption are difficult for me"

·         "Letting it be okay to say it's annoying"

·         "The power of naming things and how validating it is"

·         "It's the openheartedness really."

·         "Adulthood in many ways is a myth except for taxes and stuff."

Chapters (please adjust for the addition of the introduction)

00:00 Introduction and Frustrations

08:03 Reenactment and Taking Responsibility

25:49 Openheartedness and Taking Responsibility

34:00 Accepting Unmet Needs

40:39 Managing Expectations


Patricia was a Licensed Clinical Social Worker for over 17 years, but she is now exclusively providing coaching. She knows what it’s like to feel like an outcast, misfit, and truthteller.  Learning about the trait of being a Highly Sensitive Person (HSP), then learning she is AuDHD with a PDA profile and RSD, helped Patricia rewrite her history with a deeper understanding, appreciation, and a sense of self-compassion.  She created the podcast Unapologetically Sensitive to help other neurodivergent folks know that they aren’t alone, and that having a brain that is wired differently comes with amazing gifts, and some challenges.  Patricia works online globally working individually with people, and she teaches Online Courses for neurodivergent folks that focus on understanding what it means to be a sensitive neurodivergent. Topics covered include: self-care, self-compassion, boundaries, perfectionism, mindfulness, communication, and creating a lifestyle that honors you



Jen Perry, MSEd, MA, LPC has been a psychotherapist for 20 years. She specializes in helping Highly Sensitive People thrive in love, work, and parenting Highly Sensitive Children. Jen is passionate about using mindfulness and compassion-based approaches to ameliorate human suffering.




Jen’s Links


Email: [email protected]


Jen’s website: https://heartfulnessconsulting.com/


Patricia’s Links


Neurodivergent Online Course-- https://unapologeticallysensitive.com/neurodivergent-online-courses/


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Closed/Private Facebook group Unapologetically Sensitive-- https://www.facebook.com/groups/2099705880047619/

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Show hashtag--#unapologeticallysensitive

Music-- Gravel Dance by Andy Robinson www.andyrobinson.com