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Health & Fitness Category

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Outlaw Table Talk Podcast

Outlaw Table Talk podcast is here to bring you success stories from people with different backgrounds who have stepped outside the norm of society to follow their dreams and at the same time inspire, educate, and motivate others to chase after their dreams. Success isn't just about what you accomplish in your life but also what you inspire others to do.

Joy Harmonics's podcast

Welcome to the Joy Harmonics Podcast! Looking to feel more authentic, confident and free? This podcast helps you tune to your true nature, to master your life personally, professionally and holistically. Join host Dr Libby McGugan, and listen beyond the noise of conditioned thinking to align with your best self, feel truly alive and live the life that's right for you.

Prevention Perk

Prevention Perk is a podcast from Mid-America Prevention Technology Transfer Center (Mid-America PTTC). Our mission is to serve as a prevention catalyst, empowering individuals and fostering partnerships to promote safe, healthy, and drug-free communities across Missouri, Iowa, Nebraska and Kansas. Our services are evidence-based, culturally competent, and locally focused. We provide intensive technical assistance to support organizations' and systems' efforts to implement evidence-based prevention strategies. The Mid-America PTTC also forms partnerships with local and regional stakeholders to ensure that the training needs of the region are identified and met.

Calming the Chaos

Calming the Chaos is a podcast by Licensed Mental Health Counselor Tracy Kenela, who interviews a variety of professionals around the world in an effort to find different ways to help people (and herself!) find peace in a chaotic world. Each episode contains Information, tips, tools, and resources that come from different schools of thought, and are presented as a fun and entertaining way to help you move toward a more peaceful and enjoyable life.

OE Patients Podcast

OE Patients Podcast provides people with vision loss the practical tips and encouraging advice that is often not available in the ophthalmologist's office. We bring together voices of experience, personal and professional, to enlighten, inspire and empower productive, independent lives.

The Wabi-Sabi Well Podcast

Welcome to Wabi-Sabi Well, a podcast that nourishes your mind, body and spirit. Here you’ll find movement, meditation and a little metaphysical magic. Think of this space as your spiritual gym. Check in each week, to work those mindset muscles, energise you’re body and elevate your lens on all-that-is. Your host (and holistic personal trainer) Brieann, is here beside you, every step of the way. Listen in on inspiring stories, gain insights and learn practical tools from the most provocative paradigm shifters, rogue researchers and Wabi-Sabi Well Warriors - brave souls who’ve made their way out of the labyrinth. Who’ve experienced post traumatic growth, turned pain into power, broken into beautiful and imperfections into assets. Wabi-Sabi is the Japanese art of finding beauty in imperfection. It invites us to shift our focus from doing to being, from perfecting to embracing, from conflict to connection. With our dogged desires for more and chronic angst about not being or having enough, it’s the kind of life-lens that offers true relief. So, wisdom and wellness seekers, whatever mysterious starlight guided you here, trust it was for a reason. Get ready for some big magic. Because the right kind of encouragement makes all the difference.

Plastic Surgery Untold

Welcome to Plastic Surgery Untold, Beyond Botox and Butt. I am Dr. Johnny Franco also known as Austin Plastic Surgeon. I have the honor of being joined by Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetist and Celebrity Husband Travis Osborne and the talented blogger Megan Parken. Our mission is to take you on the roller coaster ride that is our lives and hopefully teach you about plastic surgery along the way! We will cover a variety of topics from Botox to Breast implants to the infamous Brazilian Butt Lift. Whether you are considering plastic surgery or just want to listen to the most entertaining podcast in the world, this is for you!

Sacred Spoke

The Sacred Spoke Podcast supports you with getting reacquainted with the most peaceful aspects of your inner self through poetic meditations, personally penned and produced by founder and guide Linda Youssouf, to help you cut through the habitual conditioned patterns that are responsible for holding you back. They support you in tapping into the holistic, intuitive, imaginistic capacities of your powerful mind, to deeply access your emotional landscape and ignite transformations that serve you. To learn more or join the email community visit: www.lwara.com

Pressing The Limits Podcast

Pressing The Limits Podcast with Jon Bruney. Growing the whole person through their mind, body, and spirit. ABOUT JON BRUNEY The exploits of Guinness World Record-holding strongman Jon Bruney have been immortalized in Ripley's Believe it or Not, The Guinness Book of World Records, shown nationwide on NBC's America's got Talent, The Today Show, ABC's To Tell the Truth, and TruTv’s Guinness World Records Unleashed. Thousands of people have personally experienced Jon's jaw-dropping Pressing the Limits motivational strength program. A true renaissance man in the realm of strength-development, Jon Bruney is a best-selling author, world-class trainer, coach, motivational speaker, strongman, and pastor. Jon's work with competitive athletes includes Olympians and NFL players. He is the author of the best-seller, Neuro-Mass: The Ultimate System for Spectacular Strength and The Neuro-Grip Challenge: A Radical Program For Building Strength and Power in Your Upper Body. He also writes a training series called Foundations, featured in MILO, widely considered the world's most prestigious strength training journal. Jon has been responsible for the design of numerous pieces of cutting-edge training equipment now in use around the world. Jon is a veteran of multiple trainer certification courses and was the first to achieve the grueling Battling Ropes Level II Certified status. He is also the co-owner of Submit Strength equipment.

El podcast de Bea Magro

Hola, soy Bea Magro. Hace unos años di la vuelta al mundo. Un viaje que me llevó a fundar una empresa de éxito y llevar a cabo proyectos personales que hoy por hoy dan sentido a mi vida. Hablaremos de emprendimiento, liderazgo, bienestar y maternidad. Acompáñame en esta aventura.

WHYlennial Podcast

Nick Rose takes a look at the WHYs of life from the perspective of an older millennial.

Cargo Bike Life with Bike Shop Girl

A podcast from Bike Shop Girl on the cargo bike life. A mix of interviews and opinions to help you on your cargo bike journey. Watch the video version of these episodes on YouTube under Bike Shop Girl.