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Health & Fitness Category

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Physicians-in-Training Podcast

The SMA "Physicians-In-Training Podcast" is a podcast designed to empower medical students, residents, and fellows on their journey to becoming skilled healthcare professionals. Hosted by our Physicians-In-Training Committee, each episode touches on topics such as: getting through medical school, residency, and fellowship, opportunities to network with one another, and more information about "physician life." Join us as we equip listeners with practical knowledge and professional advice essential for excelling in their medical careers.

The Fit Dad Life

Are you a busy dad and husband trying to find peace and fulfillment In life? Me too! (Three baby girls ages 3, 2 and 10 months) The Fit Dad Life is all about my quest for growth physically, financially and relation-ally through interviews with fathers that are thriving in these areas and more!

The Meditation for Health Podcast

The Meditation for Health Podcast offers quick visits to the world of meditation with Dr. Robert Puff, Ph.D. Episodes alternate in topic to cover three different areas of interest: 1.) Guided Meditations by Dr. Puff help you relax. 2.) The latest research on meditation, showing the multitude of health and wellness benefits, including stress management, which are the reason so many health professionals recommend meditation. 3.) Tips on how to begin or deepen your own meditation practice. This podcast is designed for those new to mediation as well as those who already practice. All you need to bring is an open mind. To learn more, please visit www.TheHolisticSuccessShow.com

The Elephant: Hidden Truths in the Science of Health

Here's the story of two people who found themselves in a very scary place. Angie didn't want to die and Larry wouldn't let her!! He delved into study and research until he found what changed the entire course of their lives. It's what compelled them to do what they've done since 2004. This episode is their story on why they are the founders of a non-profit organization, Angie's Option GRM. They won't rest until EVERY. SINGLE. PERSON. also has the OPTION that saved Angie's life!

TerrorKids - der Erziehungsratgeber

In deinem Erziehungs - Podcast dreht sich alles um das Kind, sein Unterbewusstsein, die Erziehung, Mütter und Väter und all die Probleme, die dabei auf dich zukommen können. Vielleicht kennst auch du die Situation, in der du dich in deiner Erziehungsmethode sicher und angekommen fühlst und in einem Moment ist alles ganz anders. Dein Kind terrorisiert dich, fordert dich heraus, sprengt alle Regeln und nix läuft mehr. Es schläft die Nacht nicht durch, mag dein Essen nicht, weint sehr viel oder ist einfach nur mit sich selbst überfordert. Ich, Janine Walder, habe mich genau mit dieser Thematik befasst. Ich bin Mutter von einem Mädchen und einem Jungen und ich liebe meine Rolle als Mutter. Doch ich mag es gar nicht, wenn ich streng sein und mit meinen Kindern schimpfen muss. Die ewige Frage, ob ich eine gute und liebe Mutter bin, quält und verunsichert. Dank meinen Erfahrungen in der Hypnose und Quantenphysik und den Lehren von Vera F. Birkenbihl, Steve Biddulph und weiteren Psychologen und Pädagogen, konnte ich die Funktionsweise des kindlichen Unterbewusstseins erforschen und bin auf Erklärungen und Lösungen gestossen. In deinem Podcast bekommst du nicht nur die Erklärung, warum dein Kind gewisse Verhaltensmuster aufzeigt, welche dir ähnlich sehen oder dir komplett fremd sind, in der Schule eine Lernschwäche zeigen kann, ein Problemkind mit einem Aufmerksamkeitsdefizitsyndrom, kurz ADHS oder ADS ist oder einfach nur Erziehungsresistent scheint. Nein, du hörst auch einfach im Alltag umsetzbare Techniken, wie du positiv auf dein Kind einwirken kannst. Mit dem Ziel, dass dein Kind mit einem gestärkten Selbstbewusstsein, Vertrauen in seine Fähigkeiten und Talente und voller Zuversicht und Selbstliebe zu einem erfolgreichen Erwachsenen heranreifen kann. Dabei handelt es sich um Techniken aus dem NLP, der Quantenphysik, Hypnose und Meditation. Es sind Übungen zur Stärkung vom Selbstvertrauen und dem Entdecken der inneren Fähigkeiten. Kurze und kleine Veränderungen von Tagesstrukturen und der eigenen Routine, in der man oft gefangen ist, welche zu einem leichteren und erfüllten Alltag führen. Natürlich dürfen auch die Übungen für die Mutter und den Vater, Lehrer, Oma und Opa nicht fehlen, welche helfen, in schwierigen Situationen ruhig zu bleiben. Den Alltag mit Kind mit mehr Gelassenheit und Leichtigkeit zu geniessen und das ohne dass du deine Komfortzone verlassen musst und dein innerer Schweinehund Alarm schlägt. Lass dich inspirieren von der Funktionsweise des kindlichen Unterbewusstseins und der Leichtigkeit, die uns die Kinder lehren.

A Woman’s Journey: Healthy Insights That Matter

Join physicians at Johns Hopkins Medicine for its women’s health podcast series, A Woman’s Journey: Healthy Insights That Matter, on the first of each month. Host Lillie Shockney, acclaimed humorist cancer survivor discusses the latest in women's health with Johns Hopkins experts. Learn about medical advances and stay informed. For access to more women’s health information or to learn more about A Woman’s Journey, please visit: hopkinsmedicine.org/awomansjourney or call 410-955-8660

It's The Remix

Hey hey! I'm Rae, the wild fire energy that will surely ignite the fire within you whether you hang with me for a few minutes or years to come. I'm a girl mom to a firecracker and a proud wife to my high school hubby. I live and breathe for deep conversations and personal growth. I believe we are all here with a purpose and lessons to learn, but also to live HAPPY. And that is the ultimate goal: to help you live and feel more JOY. I am here to walk with you as you decode your past experiences and understand yourself. When you do, you step into your power. Asserting and claiming your worth and desires with unshakable confidence. When you know yourself better than anyone, the world is at your finger tips. It becomes one of your greatest superpowers. I hope every time you leave my energy bubble you feel ELECTRIC, empowered and believing in your ability to take on the world. I hope you learn how to take on this deep and emotional journey of self awareness and discovery in a FUN and enjoyable way. I'm equal parts emotional : fun. And if you ever learn or take away anything at all, it's my hope that you share it with your world. My page, my work, my offers or simply what you learned. The more people to understand themselves on a level this powerful, the better this world can be and the more impact that can be made. I thank you with everything I have for this. Hang out, binge, dabble. Take it or leave it. Whatever feels right for you. My only rule: you must have some fun with it! With love, Rae

Life With Dementia

Life With Dementia is an interview-style podcast sharing relevant research, personal stories, and practical tips for living well with dementia. We talk to people all over the world: scientists, researchers, practitioners, family care partners, industry professionals, and people living with dementia to hear firsthand about solutions they’ve discovered and what we can do to improve resources and support for people affected by dementia.

Medicine With Passion

Podcast für Ärzte, die was bewegen wollen.

The BLK + GRN Show

The BLK + GRN Show features interviews with black women artisans by host Dr. Kristian E. a public health professor and a natural lifestyle enthusiast. Each week she will discuss the importance of happiness, love, and self-care. Dr. Kristian strives to provide each listener with encouragement and vital information for black women from black women in the wellness space. If you want to learn more about an artisan visit us at blkgrn.com and don't forget to buy black and live green.

As a Woman

Welcome to As a Woman. The podcast hosted by fertility physician Natalie Crawford, MD to educate and empower women. Each week learn about your health, your fertility, and how they relate to your true self. Become a part of the community fostering collaboration over competition while learning how to authentically find your voice and amplify others as a woman.

Compete Like a Champion

The best athletes are always looking to gain an edge on the competition. In Compete Like a Champion, Dr. Larry Lauer and Coach Johnny Parkes from USTA Player Development will explore all aspects of high performance tennis and what it takes to become a successful athlete. Our hosts will provide useful tips for tennis players, coaches, and parents. Visit www.playerdevelopment.usta.com for more resources.