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The Coaching Leader Podcast is about coaching, leadership and leading through coaching. We interview coaches, leaders and thought leaders and present material that will help leaders make a difference for their organizations in order to live into their preferred future.
Fashion and apparel. It touches nearly everyone. When its at its best, fashion and apparel is not only functional, but also fun, expressive, sexy, and for some businesses, very profitable. But when it is at its worst, fashion and apparel is superficial, exploitative, polluting and extremely wasteful - in other words the essence of unsustainable consumption. And while it is argued that the industry's rapid growth has created employment opportunities for more than 300 million people worldwide, especially for women in poorer countries and those in extreme poverty, many garment workers still struggle to earn enough to pay to meet even their most basic needs. More alarming is the fact that as the industry grows - by 2030 more than 8 billion people will live on the planet, and nearly 5 billion of these will be part of the global middle class - its negative environmental impacts may become unmanageable, potentially undermining its social benefits and contributing to ecosystem degradation on local, regional and global scales. Who would have thought garments could be so destructive? The fashion industry must change now, but will we manage in time? Join Mike Schragger, founder of the Sustainable Fashion Academy, as he explores the challenges, incentives and disincentives and emerging solutions needed to rapidly transform the industry. Listen in as he talks with the business leaders, activists, researchers, innovators and entrepreneurs, investors, legislators, consumers and citizens - who are racing against the clock to find solutions that will transform the industry, thus ensuring it truly operates for the benefit of people and the planet.
Fitness Business Authority Podcast is an opportunity for business owners whether as a personal fitness trainer or gym owners to get insights, ask questions about social media and marketing and find out what makes Fitness Business Influencers successful. Fitness Business Authority Podcast will give you access to leading fitness industry experts, helping you reach and influence people.
Dieser Berufspodcast richtet sich vor allem an Fach- und Führungskräfte, aber nicht nur, wenn sie auf Jobsuche sind. Wenn du an Karrierechancen interessiert bist, dann erhältst du für deine Stellensuche viele wertvolle, weiterführende Tipps von erfahrenen Experten. In Interviews kommen erfolgreiche Menschen mit Topjobs zu Wort. Was begeistert sie besonders bei ihrer Aufgabe? Wie haben sie ihre Führungsposition gefunden? Welche Aus- und Weiterbildungen waren für sie relevant? Erfahrene HR Profis informieren dich hier über die sich verändernden Anforderungen im Arbeitsmarkt. Damit bist du immer einen Schritt voraus und dadurch der Gestalter deiner erfolgreichen Karriere. CEOs und geschäftsführende Personen schildern ihren Weg an die Spitze, damit du von den Besten lernen kannst. Sie geben dir viele wertvolle Tipps für deine berufliche Karriere. Zusätzlich sind immer wieder interessante und auch bekannte Redner/innen, Coaches und Trainer/innen dabei. Lass dich auch von ihnen inspirieren und gestalte deine Karriere möglichst erfolgreich. Mein Name ist Christoph Stelzhammer, Inhaber der C. Stelzhammer GmbH und des Mein Motto lautet 'Veredelt vermitteln'. Mitarbeitende zu Höchstleistungen zu motivieren und sie in die richtigen Teams zu integrieren gehört zu meinen Leidenschaften. Menschen erfolgreich zu machen und sie dabei zu unterstützen, auf ihrem beruflichen Lebensweg sich selbst sein zu können. Nimm dein Leben in die eigene Hand, folge deiner Bestimmung und lebe deine Talente. Trete als Fach- und Führungskraft stets authentisch auf und mache dich selbst und andere erfolgreich. Dafür brenne ich und dieser Podcast ist auch Ausdruck meines persönlichen Lebenszwecks.
Join digital marketing expert Kevin M. Ryan as he tackles the most complex issues of the day. He'll get to the bottom of it with help from other marketing digital experts, celebrity guests, and the voices in his own head. You loved reading his stuff in AdAge, iMedia, Marketing Land, Media Post and the odd placement in places like Forbes and for some reason Popular Mechanics. You remembered him from that time he spoke at that conference and thought, “Did he just say that?” Now, embrace him in his own forum, TMI with Kevin Ryan.
Absolute Trust Talk is your navigational compass that brings together the business of trusts, estate planning, and aging – your home base to find the knowledge you’re seeking on what lies ahead. With over 27 years of experience, Kirsten has seen her fair share of clients confused and overwhelmed with the complexity of estate planning and the challenges and obstacles that life can throw your way. On a mission to take her vast expertise and experience to a new level, Absolute Trust Talk host Kirsten Howe brings a thought-provoking, approachable, friendly voice to a wide variety of life and legacy planning topics. Through this series of podcasts, the Absolute Trust Talk team will connect with like-minded business professionals, industry leaders, and luminaries to spotlight how listeners can make educated and informed lifestyle and planning decisions. Living your best, quality life while preparing for the future doesn’t have to be stressful or hard, but it does have to be smart.
The Reboot podcast showcases the heart and soul, the wins and losses, the ups and downs of startup leadership. On the show, Entrepreneurs, CEOs, and Startup Leaders discuss with Jerry Colonna the emotional and psychological challenges they face daily as leaders. Learn more at :
Let's Get It Started! is a show for small business owners and those thinking about starting a small business. We'll deal with start-up issues, funding, marketing & advertising, growth and more. This is a podcast of a live, weekly radio show with local experts from business membership organizations, business & commercial law, banking & accounting, marketing and other related areas. Let’s Get It Started! will provide advice and insights into what it takes to effectively launch and run a small business in today’s competitive environment. This show's host is Jim Ray of Jim Ray Consulting Services and the Grow For It! podcast.
I'm Andy Proudman, PGA Golf Coach, Entrepreneur and Co-Founder of Me and My Golf, one of the worlds leaders in online golf coaching. The goal of Live Like A Legend is to share my journey, failures, experiences and lessons along with special guests to provide tools, habits and strategies to help you live a legendary life. My aim is to help you optimise your Mindset, Body and Business and to create new beliefs so you can achieve things that you never thought possible.
Markedsføringspodden er podcasten for deg som vil lære mer om markedsføring og salg. Podcasten ledes av Even Ødegård i INEVO og Eivind Bodding. Det tar deg gjennom temaer som sosiale medier, søkemotoroptimalisering, søkemotormarkedsføring, e-postmarkedsføring og mye mer.