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Episode #6: Uncovering the Gut-Brain Connection: How Your Gut Health Impacts Your Mental Well-being

Functional Health Radio

Release Date: 02/26/2024

Episode #21: Addressing Brain Drain: The Impact of Grains on Mental Health show art Episode #21: Addressing Brain Drain: The Impact of Grains on Mental Health

Functional Health Radio

About the Guest(s): Dr. Kristin Hieshetter is recognized as a forward-thinking expert in the field of functional health. In her pursuit to better understand the intricacies of human health and wellness, she has become a notable figure in healthcare, empowering individuals to realize their full potential. Although specific details about her professional history and achievements are not provided in the transcript, Dr. Hieshetter's extensive knowledge is reflected in her informative discourse on functional health, particularly concerning brain health and the effects of diet on chronic diseases....

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Functional Health Radio

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Functional Health Radio

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Episode #18: The Benefits of Sauna for Detoxification and Health Enhancement show art Episode #18: The Benefits of Sauna for Detoxification and Health Enhancement

Functional Health Radio

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Episode #17: The Impact of the Pandemic on Child Brain Development show art Episode #17: The Impact of the Pandemic on Child Brain Development

Functional Health Radio

Episode Summary: In this powerful and thought-provoking episode of "Functional Health Radio," Dr. Kristin Hieshetter tackles pressing concerns about the decline in life expectancy and the rise of chronic diseases among children in the United States. Dr. Hieshetter unpacks the startling statistics and makes a poignant call to action for improving healthcare outcomes and nurturing the full potential of the human body. As she weaves through the complex landscape of healthcare spending, disease management, and preventive health strategies, listeners will be guided to consider the profound impact...

Episode #16 : The Dangers of Brain Injuries: How to Protect Yourself show art Episode #16 : The Dangers of Brain Injuries: How to Protect Yourself

Functional Health Radio

Episode Summary: In this riveting episode of Functional Health Radio, Dr. Kristin Hieshetter delves deeply into an issue that she fervently advocates for—the prevention and treatment of brain injuries. The episode begins with a worrying reflection on the declining life expectancy in the United States, linking it to both a rise in chronic diseases among children and the seemingly stagnant success in healing heart disease and cancer. Dr. Hieshetter challenges the status quo by questioning the effectiveness of the current healthcare system despite its high costs. Dr. Hieshetter subsequently...

Episode #15: Detoxification: A Holistic Approach to Cleansing and Rejuvenation show art Episode #15: Detoxification: A Holistic Approach to Cleansing and Rejuvenation

Functional Health Radio

Episode Summary: In this enlightening episode of Functional Health Radio, Dr. Kristin Hieshetter delves into the critical subject of detoxification, unraveling its complexities beyond the common misconceptions. She illuminates the interconnectedness of environmental toxins, dietary choices, and the importance of supporting the body’s natural excretory pathways. With clarity and fervor, Dr. Hieshetter advocates for a proactive approach to health and wellness, questioning conventional wisdom and urging listeners to reclaim vitality through intentional cleansing. Dr. Hieshetter’s narrative...

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Functional Health Radio

Episode Summary: In this thought-provoking episode of "Functional Health Radio," Dr. Kristin Hieshetter tackles the alarming trend of decreasing life expectancy in America, despite high healthcare spending. She opens up a discussion on how chronic diseases are affecting even the younger population and the apparent inadequacy of modern healthcare practices in dealing with these issues. Dr. Kristin seamlessly weaves data with narrative to offer a snapshot of a nation in health crisis and sets the stage for exploring solutions with urgency and optimism. Drawing from the revelations of the "Blue...

Episode# 13: Low Level Laser Therapy: A Game-Changer for Pain Management show art Episode# 13: Low Level Laser Therapy: A Game-Changer for Pain Management

Functional Health Radio

Episode Summary: In this illuminating episode of Functional Health Radio, host Dr. Kristin Hieshetter delves into the concerning trends of declining life expectancy and rising chronic disease rates in the United States. With a powerful narrative that highlights statistics from the CDC and the World Economic Forum, the episode serves as a wake-up call to the healthcare system's dire need for preventive strategies and well-being-oriented models. Dr. Hieshetter addresses the significant impact on the health of low-level laser therapy (LLLT), distinguishing it from traditional medical laser...

Episode #12: Intermittent Fasting: Unlocking the Potential of the Human Body show art Episode #12: Intermittent Fasting: Unlocking the Potential of the Human Body

Functional Health Radio

Episode Summary: Welcome to an invigorating installment of Functional Health Radio where we delve into the crux of America's declining life expectancy rates and the burgeoning prevalence of chronic diseases. Dr. Kristin Hieshetter leads us through a profound exploration of these critical health issues, laying out the perplexing paradox of the United States’ astronomical healthcare spending juxtaposed against worsening public health outcomes. From unraveling the flaws in our dietary habits to presenting the remarkable benefits of intermittent fasting, this episode is a treasure trove of...

More Episodes

Episode Summary:

In the latest thought-provoking episode of Functional Health Radio, Dr. Kristin Hieshetter delves into the critical topic of gut health and its overarching influence on the human body. The episode begins with a startling revelation of the declining life expectancy in the United States, highlighting the prevalence of chronic diseases among children and drawing attention to the significant healthcare spendings that fail to deliver results.

Dr. Hieshetter then transitions to the main subject at hand - the crucial role of the gut in our overall health. She breaks down the connection between our nervous system and gut health, providing listeners with a treasure trove of information about the enteric nervous system and the symbiotic relationship with our gut microbiome. From immunity to emotional well-being, the discussion covers an array of essential topics, positioned brilliantly to encourage proactive health management.

Key Takeaways:

  • Life expectancy in the U.S. is declining, with chronic diseases on the rise among children, despite high healthcare expenditures.
  • The gut plays a pivotal role in our overall health, affecting everything from brain function to the immune system.
  • The enteric nervous system, which interacts with gut microbiota, is critical in regulating various body functions and the gut-brain axis.
  • Gut microbiome and neurotransmitters have a profound, bidirectional relationship that can drastically influence mental health.
  • Maintaining a healthy gut through proper diet and probiotics can lead to significant improvements in physical and mental health.

Notable Quotes:

  • "For every nerve that goes from your brain to your gut, nine go back up... your gut is telling your brain about your environment."
  • "These bacteria... have no brains and no neurons, yet they're capable of learning, of goal-directed behavior, and memory."
  • "If your gut is leaking, your brain is leaking, and this puts you at risk for Alzheimer's, Parkinson's, and dementia."
  • "Having the right microbe colonization improves your outcome in neurological diseases, emotional disorders, and especially in brain function."


  • Dr. Tom Verney's book, The Embodied Mind.
  • Vibrant America Laboratory
  • Steve Gundry's Low Lectin Plant List

Continue exploring the intricacies of the human body with Dr. Kristin Hieshetter in the next installment of Functional Health Radio. With each episode, peel back another layer of the complex relationship between different body systems and how to harness your body's full potential. Make sure to join us again for another rich discussion that promises to enlighten and empower.