Episode 24: What are 4 Damaging Ways the Unfaithful Seek Attention?
Episode 24: What are 4 Damaging Ways the Unfaithful Seek Attention?
If you're an unfaithful, have you ever considered that perhaps your affair was about seeking attention, affirmation and/or escape? Maybe you're a betrayed and you can see how your unfaithful was seeking out nonstop validation and affirmation, not to mention looking for escape from pain filled or pressure filled reality? Unfortunately, we unfaithful are masters of seeking out attention from everyone around us. It's like we seem to constantly need reassurance from everyone but our partner or spouse and we appear to be massive ego-maniacs looking to have our ego stroked. Regrettably, we seek out attention but simultaneously damage not only our betrayed partner but our entire family and loved ones. Today we discuss four primary ways we not only look for validation and attention, but also wound our partners in our quest for what appears to be nonstop approval, validation and acceptance. Having said that, we unfaithful can heal and begin to meet our legitimate needs in legitimate ways, if we'll have an honest, no nonsense conversation with ourselves and an objective, expert third party. If you're an unfaithful, today is your day to ask yourself a few hard hitting, life changing, character changing questions that can actually save your life, your marriage and your own integrity and character. If you're a betrayed, you'll find today's discussion to not only be informative, but revealing of what may be going on in the heart and mind of your unfaithful partner. As always, we make every effort to be kind and compassionate while also being direct and to the point regarding the content of today's podcast. Join us as we discuss Four Damaging Ways the Unfaithful Seek Attention.