Welcome to Undeclared, where we will be exploring all the challenges currently facing Higher Education. Everything from changes in how higher education is perceived, to how institutions are handling lower enrollment rates, to what makes institutions stand out in the mind of students and faculty. Higher Ed has a long and illustrious history here in the United States, and it has faced many challenges and changes along the way. Unfortunately, history doesn't always help us solve modern problems and the world of Higher Education is facing many of the same issues other industries are facing. How to handle and use modern communication tools, dealing with faster and less in-depth news cycles, and the ever-present hurdle of differentiating yourself from all the background noise to grab someone's attention long enough to have an impact. We will bring you conversations and interviews with the leaders of higher ed institutions, case studies on what works and doesn't, research on trends and habits, and ultimately help our listeners get a better feel for what THEY can do at their own institution to excel and grow. So who is this podcast for? It is for anyone in the higher education space that wants to understand where their institution sits in the marketplace right now, and what they can do to move it forward. It is for listeners who lead universities and education programs that need to cultivate a vision for their institution. And it for those who know their institution could be so much more, with just a little TLC in the right places. Join us to learn and share here on Undeclared.