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Health & Fitness Category

of 242

Chasing Excellence

Exploring how we can live a life of better health and increased fulfillment. We answer listener questions about the five factors of health, dive deep into what it takes to live a life of excellence, and explore the strategies and frameworks to help us chase what truly matters.

Don't Quit on Me

Welcome to Don’t Quit on Me - the podcast series where we consider alternative ways to manage the inevitability of stress and pain. Through speaking with a wide range of people who share their stories, strategies, and perspectives we aim to inspire hope, confidence, and belief in the fact that things can get better, no matter where you are.

Single Mom Survival Guide

The label #singlemom and #brokenfamily put me into paralysis when I went through my divorce. I exited a toxic marriage with an equally broken belief system. What did I need? To see myself as a #self-supporting-mom capable of overcoming, rethinking and rebuilding the life I crave.

Designed for Greatness with Candice Noss

Welcome to the Designed for Greatness podcast, conversations with Candice to help you elevate your mind, body, and spirit and own your divine greatness.

Empowered Life - Mindset Coaching mit Heike Dittmers

Dieser Podcast ist für alle, die genau wissen, da ist noch soviel mehr, was ausgedrückt und gelebt werden will und das machtvoll und kraftvoll in die Umsetzung bringen wollen. Hier erwarten dich kraftvolle Coaching Tipps und ermutigende Geschichten, um aus Träumen Realität zu machen und Ziele selbstermächtigt, selbstbestimmt und mit Leidenschaft und Freude umzusetzen, selbstwirksam das eigene Potenzial zu entfalten und die eigene Bestimmung zu leben. Hier findest du Themen rund um Mindset, das Unterbewusstsein, Persönlichkeitsentwicklung und Potenzialentfaltung. Interviews mit Experten und Menschen, die mutig und frei ihren Träumen gefolgt sind, um ihr Schaffen in die Welt zu bringen. Ich bin Heike Dittmers, Mindset und Success Coach. Ich kombiniere die Kraft von Mindset Coaching mit Rapid Resolution Therapy und habe mich im Laufe meiner Arbeit als Coach auf Mindset, das Unterbewusstsein und die Kommunikation mit dem Unterbewusstsein spezialisiert, weil es die Quelle unseres Verhaltens, unserer Emotionen und die Festplatte für unsere Wahrnehmung und unserer Lebensqualität ist. Es ist die wichtigste Stellschraube für Persönlichkeitsveränderung. Es erwarten dich Impulse zum Thema Mindset, Potenzialenfaltung, Neurowissenschaft, Manifestation und persönliches Glück, Self Leadership und Selbstverwirklichung, die dich inspirieren mutig und klar ins Handeln zu kommen, die Komfortzone zu verlassen und deiner inneren Stimme mutig zu folgen, um deinen wahren Weg zu gehen. * Mehr Infos findest du hier: https://www.heikedittmers.com * Nimm hier Kontakt zu mir auf: [email protected] * Hol dir deine kostenlose True You Meditation https://heikedittmers.podia.com/true-you-meditation * Verbinde dich mit mir auf Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/heikedittmers.coaching/ Buch-Tipps: https://www.heikedittmers.com/buchtipps Coverfoto: @Yvonneschmedemann

The Built By JH-Fitness Podcast

A platform that I will utilize to provide value, education & knowledge so you can progress along on your own health & fitness journey


Come relax and fall asleep listening to the deep, soothing voice of Ray Brown. His unique stories help calm the mind and relax the body. Press play, it’s time to fall asleep. Become a subscriber for access to bonus episodes and ad-free listening. Subscribe and follow the show for regular updates. Listen to Ad-free episodes that are 8 hours long on Apple Podcasts, or subscribe to Premium below and listen on your favourite app. Apple Podcasts: https://apple.co/3Qcg1kI  Spotify: https://spoti.fi/3zu65gs Amazon: https://amzn.to/3nKsbEx  Google: https://bit.ly/3AuM5L6  Outcast: https://bit.ly/3yGZH4O  iHeartRadio: https://ihr.fm/3yJef3H  Subscribe to Premium: https://bit.ly/3HrHLxS ––

Ray Brown

Ray of Sunshine is a podcast that covers almost everything under the sun. Our human energy and frequency that we create, and how that impacts everything and everyone around us, and within. We explore current events and the mindset of humanity. How we got here, and where we are heading. We touch on relationships, quantum entanglement, consciousness, healing, meditation, breathwork, and much more. Stick out for some refreshing Ray of Sunshine.

Vitality Matters

A show about the lives, relationships, and vitality of those who live and work at Montereau. Please join us as we share authentic discussions centered around our five pillars of Vitality: Physical, Emotional, Intellectual, Spiritual & Social. Throughout these episodes, you’ll gain a glimpse into our world & learn why we believe Vitality Matters: because Vitality will enrich every facet of your life!

Nancy AF

Nancy Anderson (M.S. Kinesiology) is a certified fitness trainer, nutrition specialist, pre and postnatal expert, and the Founder and CEO of Nancy Anderson Fit, Move Your Bump, and Treadthrill. She is fired up and passionately motivated about helping moms and moms-to-be live their best and healthiest lives, and is literally living her dream job helping women all over the world do just that.


Join me each week as we discuss the power that comes from small, simple steps. I'll offer you different thoughts that will help you create foundations of physical and emotional health that will last forever. And did you know that you are exactly where you are supposed to be? That’s the best news, right? Because, wherever you are…START THERE.

Self & Purpose

Imagine your life without any attachments, titles, or labels, that are constantly pre-defining the way you should be, or what you should be... instead of encouraging you to explore yourself, and not judge you and shame you. Self-help, self-improvement, and self-resetting yourself are all things that you can learn how to do on this podcast show. If you're not on the Wisdom App, I encourage you to download the App and then follow me Talks here, because you'll be able to Ask me Questions... whether I am on a live talk, or not. You can follow me, click on "Ask Now" and send me a question about anything to do with Self & Purpose and I will answer them in my upcoming talks, which I will publish as podcasts. Wisdom Profile: https://bit.ly/3vs441s Are you ready to transform your life and future? Say "YES" by subscribing now to this show.