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MYB037: The magic of measuring what is happening in your business + BYS Winner

Max Your Business

Release Date: 04/04/2024

MYB046: How to write subject lines for your marketing show art MYB046: How to write subject lines for your marketing

Max Your Business

This week’s key takeaway: How to write subject lines for your marketing - with Ben Fewtrell and David Carlin   Episode intro: If your marketing messaging doesn’t get people’s attention and gives them no desire to take action, it simply won’t work. A common mistake we see is companies boring people with their service offerings, but what they really should be doing is focusing on OUTCOME.   In this episode we give you the shortcuts to make sure your subject lines and headlines are on message. See this as an idiot’s guide to not wasting your marketing budget!   In this...

MYB045: So how do I let go and not be the central player in my business show art MYB045: So how do I let go and not be the central player in my business

Max Your Business

This week’s key takeaway: So how do I let go and not be the central player in my business? - with Ben Fewtrell and David Carlin   Episode intro: Detaching yourself from your business should be your holy grail - the moment that you really cracked it in business. And yet so many entrepreneurs just can’t let go. This is one of the most common things we talk about when we coach senior professionals, so we thought we’d dedicate an episode to this all-important aspect of business.   The headline news is that you need to stop being the solution… think of it as weaning your employees...

MYB044: What's the difference between a Sales Manager and an Account Manager show art MYB044: What's the difference between a Sales Manager and an Account Manager

Max Your Business

This week’s key takeaway: What’s the difference between a Sales Manager and an Account Manager? - with Ben Fewtrell and David Carlin   Episode intro: We get this question from a lot of clients, so we thought we’d dedicate an episode to explaining the all-important difference between making sales and managing clients.   Don’t make the mistake of promoting your salespeople to account management! We’ll tell you that one for free, plus a whole host of other insight on the matter.   In this week’s episode you will learn: The KPIs for a Sales Manager versus an Account...

MYB043: Designing your Core Values show art MYB043: Designing your Core Values

Max Your Business

This week’s key takeaway: Designing your core values - with Ben Fewtrell and David Carlin   Episode intro: Core values are much more than just management-speak. They define the ‘why’ of what your business is doing.   You might be thinking, “I’m just a small business, why do I need this?” Firstly, every business started as a small business! Secondly, you should listen to Ben and David… they’ll help you find your ‘why’.   In this week’s episode you will learn: How to keep your core values fresh How to avoid complacency The difference between beliefs and...

MYB042: Structure your business for results with the right team show art MYB042: Structure your business for results with the right team

Max Your Business

This week’s key takeaway: Structure your business for results with the right team - with Ben Fewtrell and David Carlin   Episode intro: Structuring a business can be very confusing. There are certain conventions that we’re all aware of, but are they right for YOUR business?   A business structure is about so much more than an organisational chart. To know who manages who is a decent starting point, but the key is in the accountability for the fundamental tasks and outcomes that drive your business. We’ll talk you through how to do it properly…   In this week’s episode...

MYB041: Generating Sales with Digital Marketing show art MYB041: Generating Sales with Digital Marketing

Max Your Business

This week’s key takeaway: Generating sales with digital marketing - with Ben Fewtrell and David Carlin   Episode intro: As human beings we’ve gone digital… when was the last time you read a newspaper? And yet so many businesses do not understand how to utilise digital marketing.   Guess what: we can help you with it. Not only do we have experience as digital marketeers; we’ve also been on the other side of the fence where unscrupulous 'agencies' and 'consultants' have taken us for a ride!   Sound familiar? Listen up and get wise to digital marketing. We can empower you...

MYB040: Ensure all your team have KPIs and are being kept accountable show art MYB040: Ensure all your team have KPIs and are being kept accountable

Max Your Business

This week’s key takeaway: Ensure all your team have KPIs and are being kept accountable - with Ben Fewtrell and David Carlin   Episode intro: We help a lot of clients restructure their business, and it’s amazing how many we find that aren’t clear about exactly what their colleagues need to deliver. They’re making judgments based on people rather than outcome… a classic mistake!   And if you think of it another way, how do you know your business is working correctly when you’re not there? Without the right KPIs and role clarity, you can never be confident that your...

MYB039: Working with Relationships and My Business show art MYB039: Working with Relationships and My Business

Max Your Business

This week’s key takeaway: Working with relationships and my business - with Ben Fewtrell and David Carlin   Episode intro: One of our clients inspired us to talk about business relationships in this episode. He was undermined by one of his employees and was very angry about it, but once we advised him to try and understand what was behind his employee’s behaviour, the problem was more easily solved. And what’s more, if he had taken the time to work on that relationship in the proper way, the problem would not have arisen in the first place.   As David says, ‘if your...

MYB038: When is it time to get moving again? show art MYB038: When is it time to get moving again?

Max Your Business

This week’s key takeaway: When is it time to get moving again? - with Ben Fewtrell and David Carlin   Episode intro: Spoiler alert: the time to get moving again is… RIGHT NOW!   The world was given a big shock by COVID, and now we face a global economic slowdown. This has reduced the enthusiasm of some business owners and has changed consumer habits… but now is the time to fight back. It’s time to think differently, stop looking at problems, and start looking for solutions. Listen to our advice on pivoting and reacting to a changing world… and relight that fire in your...

MYB037: The magic of measuring what is happening in your business + BYS Winner show art MYB037: The magic of measuring what is happening in your business + BYS Winner

Max Your Business

This week’s key takeaway: The magic of measuring what is happening in your business + BYS winner - with Ben Fewtrell and David Carlin   Episode intro: If you don’t properly measure what’s going on in your business, you don’t succeed. It’s as simple as that! We speak to a lot of business owners and senior managers who don’t have a proper grasp of what’s going on in the different departments in their business. We're going to do our best to make sure you're not one of them.   It was the legendary entrepreneur John Wanamaker who said, “Half the money I spend on...

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This week’s key takeaway:
The magic of measuring what is happening in your business + BYS winner - with Ben Fewtrell and David Carlin


Episode intro:
If you don’t properly measure what’s going on in your business, you don’t succeed. It’s as simple as that! We speak to a lot of business owners and senior managers who don’t have a proper grasp of what’s going on in the different departments in their business. We're going to do our best to make sure you're not one of them.


It was the legendary entrepreneur John Wanamaker who said, “Half the money I spend on advertising is wasted; the trouble is, I don’t know which half”… but that was in the 1800s. There’s absolutely no excuse to say such a thing these days. In this week’s show we’ll demonstrate how easy it is to stay on top of your key metrics.


In this week’s episode you will learn:
  • How to record your leads
  • What a ‘lead source’ really means
  • How to reduce your acquisition cost
  • The importance of A/B testing
  • How to segment your leads
  • How long it should take to implement a proper measurement policy
  • The numbers that a sales manager ought to know
  • How to manage multiple conversion rates
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